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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 6, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 6, 1978
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It looks simple, but as with kind of fishing, little tricks help put more fish in the One of these has to do the fact that your fishing is carried nearly straight by the weight and when a hits, pulling your line loose, slack bow can develop in line. This lack of tension let a fish come unhooked. One way to combat this in is to use a limber rod and enough tension on it so the bent quite sharply as you Then when a fish pulls line loose, the rod snaps sharply, taking up a lot of that slack. Constant vigilance is also the price of fish in the boat. As soon as you get a strike, you should have the rod in your hand, reeling in whatever slack is left. Sometimes the fish hooks itself so firmly you have to take the hook out with a pair of pliers. At other times, it's lightly hooked at first and only your setting the hook really gets the fish firmly on your line. If you rely on those times when the fish hooks itself, you can cut in half the number of fish you bring home. yellowjackets, grasshoppers, crickets, beetles, worms and are all land-based critters that drop into our streams in and offer a clue of how to fish those waters. You can catch your own supply of these insects and drift them the fish-holding water with spinning gear. In a way this is a way to fish. You don't have to "match the hatch" as in fly If the bug is in the vicinity, doubtless some of them have into the water and trout are used to them. ttting the insect where the trout hang out is more vital. The fish an overhanging bank or the hole behind a log or boulder. also be in the shallow fifties, where the white water breaks up and thus gives them cover. key is a flow of water close to their hiding place, which the insects close to them. A rise to these land bugs looks like rise of fish to aquatic insects, but is different. The rise to is a regular thing during a hatch. There's a steady repetition insects come from the bottom. the case of land insects, there's a variety and an irregularity. A can see these insects coming and will sometimes move out more to hit them than it will move out to hit a fly earlier in the during a hatch. Times Department: Only a few years ago, the idea that would ever be on a limited.entry basis was unthinkable for this great western part of the continent. restrictions of one kind or another grow with each year in Washington, Idaho and British Columbia. One of the basic for this is the increase in the number of hunters along with a shrinking game habitat because of population growth and our ading civilization. come in several forms, such as shutting off areas to ling but foot traffic; limiting the number of hunters through a draw; or limiting hunters to a license or tag for only one for a specific species. For those who remember the old days of longer seasons, few and larger bag limits, this is a bitter pill. But if you've hunted where you met several dozen other hunters in a morning, agree that some method of cutting down the traffic is You finally come to the decision that it's better to take your lees with something like a draw, knowing that when you finally it will be a hunt and not like a convention of gun owners in travel trailer that isn't loaded properly handles something like a bronco. It's also dangerous. This can be true even with a eveling hitch. get the easiest and safest handling, the ball on the car should Lt such a height that the car and trailer are level when neither is You try to compensate for a trailer that's low at the back by cargo forward, you're asking for trouble. This adds to the weight, which is hard on the springs and suspension of your or truck. It also makes the trailer harder to control. the other hand, if you move cargo back because the rig is low front, you lighten the tongue weight but this makes the trailer Whip or fishtail. you've ever hit the brakes and felt a trailer start to fishtail, you what a scary thing it is. It also can be fatal. Your rig should be and after loading. Chinook salmon are known as fish that like deep water, but just will they go? trollers have found that during midday they often go as deep as 40 fathoms and beyond. That's 240 feet or more. applies especially to the larger fish. It's also more true during SUmmer than in the short, dim-light days of winter, when the big "an be at almost any depth. have found also that chinooks are most susceptible to and line at daybreak and dusk, when they tend to move closer surface to feed. If a shoreline is near, they also will be closer Low, slack tides often tend to produce another feeding l'hus, if you have the right tide at either dusk or dawn, you have things going for you in catching big chinooks. If you're fishing in Ocean along the continental shelf, these depths are less, for you don't have that much water under you until you get some from shore. the ocean, both chinooks and cohos can be found feeding in 50 feet of water. Accident Prone? Don't worry, we can fix that windshield in a hurry with a NO LEAK t;".ranteed Windshield tes & McNeU 3rd & Grove "Where your windshield is guaranteed not to leak." HOOP CLINICIANS observe a defensive drill last week at the high school. Demonstrating are Dave Danielson (passing) and Jim O'Dell. Fourth from the left is coordinator Terry Gregg. Hoop clinic success The recent seventh-through ninth-grade basketball clinic at the high school drew some 35 youngsters, and several went home with special awards. Divisional awardwinnem are as follows: Rookie D One-on-one champ: Jan Hurlbert. Mister Hustle: Rich Lester. Most Improved: Stormy Hawk. Three-on-three champs: Jan Hudbert, David Bnitenveld and Todd Hanson. Minor Division One.on-one champ: Cameron Anderson. Mister Hustle: Curtis Likes.' Most Improved: Andy Oberbillig. Major Dividon Duane Baker. Mister Hustle: Erik Sorensen. Most Improved: Rick Brown. Three.on-three champs: Duane Baker, Curtis Likes and Erik Sorensen. --Oolf Newt--- Alderbrook Ladies Golf competition on June 27 was Selective Nine, less half ARBOR KNOT SURF. Tt4K I£IT /&Y 'tO "t'tg Ng"3# /%ONOFtI..IgNT kink "TO A REEl. tPOO. IS WiTH THt: 'r's ONUY  I)AtR OF StPd)L.K ovgRI4,glD KNO'T$. 11lEEk 3Peek AROUND t%ktt kink ..11,,. |HtS KNQ IONT SkiP, HOp. 'WILt. IT €OhE, UN'UtD It" m FtSt4 TAK[S ALL your Lmz IN A kOH¢, IUH. Lakefair fun run Sunday The second annual Capital Lakefair Run gets underway this Sunday at 11 at The Evergreen State College in Olympia. Fun-runners can choose between a 2.5-mile or a 7.5-mile course. Promoters expect in the neighborhood of 600 participants, as compared to around 300 last' year. Runners may preregister or do so at race time at a slightly higher fee. All finishers will receive awards - ribbons and certificates. In addition, first-, second- and third-place awards will be given in six different age divisions. Summer basketball on Shelton Summer Basketball League play is in its second week of five and already a couple of favorites are emerging. Team One, captained by Climber senior-to-be Todd young, and Team Six, captained by former Climber Marty Rae, currently stand atop the six-team heap with identical 2-0 records. At 1-1 currently are the number four and five teams, captained respectively by Tad Smith and Mike Baze. Bringing Shelton roundball squad victorious in Oly tournament Shelton's i 5-and-under age-group basketball team came away with top honors last week in the Olympia City Parks and Recreation Basketball Tournament. The local contingent beat Curtis by 15 points on Saturday mid then came back Sunday to beat Oly 69-61 and Tumwater 43-41. Team members include Jeff Smith, Scott Eichhorn, Tracy Young, Mark Morgan, Duane Baker, Jerry King, Scott Lingfen and Kent Knight. The time has come... Once upon a time things Starting this week we'll be were pretty quiet around open every Saturday from Shelton on Saturdays. We'd open 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. That's up from nine to a little after right, 8 to 4. noon then head for home. For 15 That doubles our Saturday years that gave us plenty of time hours. We hope it's more to take care of customers. convenient for you and our crack Times change. We're doing Saturday crew is getting used to ten times the. business and the brand new shift. Shelton just isn't the same on Now that means when Saturdays anymore. Mickey's glove is on the 12 and The time has come for us to the other hand is on... expand our Saturday hours. 6ettk00 &6am First & Coto Shehon 426-8104 I I up the rear, at 0-2, are the number two and three teams, captained by Tom Brigham and Mark Baker, respectively. Coordinator Terry Gregg says the City. Parks and Rec league counts some 55 participants ranging in age from 15 to about 35. They will be engaged in their current league battle through July 25, after which there will be a tournament to wrap up the season. Games are every Tuesday and Thursday at 7 and 8 p.m. in the Minid0me. This week, in deference to the Fourth's festivities, Tuesday night's games were postponed till Wednesday. WESTERN PARTS handicap. Winners in the first division were Jean Andersen, 28½; Mildred Boyd, 31½, second; and Ruth Jenkins, 32½, third. Second division: Joyce Pentony, 26½; Nancy Reid, 28, second; and Jeanne O'Leary, 29, third. Third division: Nancy Brice, 30½; Marcella Crandall and Khaki Waymack tied with a 32 for second. Fourth division: Fran Darby, 32½; Louise Kimzey tied with Jean Atwood, 33, for second. As we with Is freedom anything else than the tight'to live as we wish? Nothing else. Epictetus II lllll GET UP TO '3 °° IN REBATESI From Dupont when you buy Rally Liquid Car Wax and these other Dupont Car Care Products. LIQUID CAR WAX 18 oz. Can Reg. $4.83 *PLUS YOU GET 75¢ rebate from Dupontl 16 Car Washes Per Can Removes soil, won't harm wax. Non-streaking. Plus 75¢ Rebate Protects, Beautifies Cleans Vinyl Tops Fast and Easy  Rally Vinyl Top Cleaner cleans quick... cleans deep. Reg. $3.07 Plus 75¢ Rebate Vinyl Tops High quality Rally Vinyl Top Wax shines and protects. Plus 75€ Rebate (next to Lumbermen's) Shelton 426-4481 IIII Illl I I I J J JJJJH IIII I I Thursday, July 6, 1978 -Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 17