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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 6, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 6, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Eva Godwin selects Eva Eva Godwin has been Coted to participate in the 4-H Citizenship Short and Tour which will visits to New York, Washington, D.C., (Virgin Islands), and She will leave July One of 37 4-H members Washington, Oregon and Eva will spend the first of the two-week course in D.C. at the National The main focus of the six in the nation's capital city be on citizenship at the local level, additional emphasis on jobs and careers. will discuss their views opinions with 4-H members across the country. in Washington, D.C., 4-H members will visit the Memorial, Kennedy Arlington Cemetery, the ational Cathedral, federal and organizations, and judicial branches gOVernment, the Library of ress, the White House, Is Theatre, and other attractions. New York, 4.H'ers will an opportunity to shop on Avenue, visit Central Park, an off-Broadway production, the harbor by boat. brief stop in Philadelphia Godwin will take them to Independence Square On Saint Croix, the group will divide up and stay with 4-H families and leaders for three days. The itinera[y there.includes island tours, picnics and swimming and the sharing of ideas and experiences with host families. The delegation's last two days will be spent in New Orleans where they will tour and dine in the French Quarter before returning home. Eva Godwin, 17, has completed eight years of 4-H club work in Mason County and Is vice-president of the Hot Tamales 4-H Club of Skokomish Valley. Currently, her projects include photography, sewing and tailoring, leadership and the 4-I-I ambassador program. She has represented her county three times at the Washington State 4-H Conference in Pullman, and in State and National Dress Revue competition at Puyallup. Eva also serves as a member of the vestry at Saint David's Episcopal Church and is president of the Episcopal Young Churchmen. She is employed by the Journal. Her school activities include Annual Staff, Wrestling Club and wrestling team statistician's duties, and Drill Team. She will be a senior at Shelton High School this fall. i EUREKA Eureka went all-out to create this high performance, high quality cleaner to sell for so little, it's packed with - m..AVE featuresl Wide furniture guard, steel motor hood protects a powerful 1120 motor, large disposable dust bag and many more features. $ 9s S-Way DIal-A-Nip6 adjusts ceer tO different S, even shags, Power-d riven BlEATER-BAR-BRUSH loosens deep-down dirt, fluffs nip, AbOve.the.floor Cleans• ¢lOQnlnli toolt *-*,.b,..® Shags! Tony Fonzo celebrates 90th Over a hundred guests Hosted by his daugbter, Toni Tony Fonzo was born June gathered June 4 to celebrate the Lynn, and her sisters, the 7, 1888 in Naples, Italy. He 90th birthday of Tony Fonzo at gathering was a surprise for the stowed away on a German ship his Laurel Street home. spry nonagenarian, to New York when he was 14, Historical Society schedules picnic A potluck picnic at Belfair State Park will be the July 13 meeting of the Mason County Historical Society. Dinner to begin at 6:30 p.m. will be followed by the meeting. Beverages will be provided by the society. The principal activity of the society at present is preparation for the Mason County Fair in August. MS committee Slates meeting The Mason County Multiple Sclerosis Committee will meet July 12 at 1 p.m. at the Robert Tembreull residence at 2242 King Street to formulate plans for the group's booth at the Mason County Fair in August. Marci Catanzaro, MS patient coordinator from the Seattle Chapter, will report on a recent seminar in San Francisco. Interested persons are invited to attend the session. Winieckis will host program On Sunday at 3:30 p.m. Mark Duxbury and Martin Buff, both of Olympia, will play a violin and piano program in the Winiecki home on Sylvan Heights. Mark will attend Washington State University on a musical scholarship and Martin will attend the University of Washington. The program will include Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, Rose, Tony Fonzo Felix set as club, speaker Martin Felix of Homewood reservations for this facility must Nursery will speak on gardening " also be made by Monday. at the Wednesday luncheon of Christian Women's Club is a Christian Women's Club. The no-dues and no-membership group will meet at I 1:45 a.m. in organization. All women are the Masonic Hall. welcome to attend the luncheon. Also scheduled as a speaker is Dody Nerheim of Bothell. Karyl Groenveld will sing. Reservations are a must and may be obtained by calling 426-1728, 426-6079 or 426-6526 no later than Monday. Nursery services will be available bu! Card party slated A card party is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Saturday in Harstine Community Hall. .Tortini and a group of songs of the 30's and 40's. Those wishing J (00ive a hoot! to attend may call 426-3104, I ii i iiii I i Fresh Steamer Clams 80"Lb BRANDT or RYAN 426-8625 EVENINGS Just right for parties and picnics. EUREKA Nk)del 1261 A Total New Cleaning System--P0werTeam with R0to Matic ® Powerhead, EdD KleeneP A MOTOR HERE 1.6 peak HP .71 VCMA rating ANOTHER MOTOR HERE SAVE '40 °° Model 1261. Reg. $179.95 $139" • Powerful suction of 2 motors provide total on- and above-the-floor top-to- bottom cleaning action. • Roto-Matlc ® powerhead adjusts automatically to any pile height. • Motor-driven beater bar brush deep-cleans, grooms carpets. • Dual-action Edge Kleener ' cleans up to baseboards. • Large disposablecanister dust ba¢l • 9-pc. set of attachments detachable TooI-Pak ®. hangs up for compact storage. bir hday and shoveled coal on board for 18 long days after his presence was discovered. An uncle met him in New York, and Tony worked there for three years shining shoes and selling papers. Work on the Northern Pacific Railroad brought him west to Kansas City, and from there Tony worked as logger, brickmason, realtor and businessman in Boise, Idaho; Allyn, Washington; Phoenix, Arizona; and Shetton. Fonzo recalls being involved in construction of the funeral home on Railroad Avenue and being the first to begin work on the Bailey Building as well as the last to leave the project. In 1928 he opened a four-chair shoeshine stand here. He then owned a variety of businesses including taverns, a restaurant and a plumbing establishment prior to his retirement in 1952. In 1953 Tony Fonzo married the former Sylvia McCoy. Both had children by former marriages, and in 1958 a daughter, Toni Lynn, was born. He has three daughters and a son living, and 10 grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Among Tony Fonzo's continuing interests is his garden at the home he moved into 8½ years ago. He has raised some record-breaking plants, including m] 18½-pound cabbage in 1954 and an eight-foot chrysanthemum in 1961 which bore more than 300 simultaneous blooms. "1 guess I just have a green thumb," Tony smiles. BEAUTIFUL, BLOOMING FUCHSIA BASKETS $7.50 Brown's Nursery 9 V tulles left on Arcadia Road 426.3773 \\; \\; It's time to 1 PAINT Make sure you /"  save money -- \\; .RENT what you need: )  / *Completespraypaint iiii equipment. / * High Pressure Washers !"!11 ] for removing old paint. * Ladders and Scaffolding. t * Sanders with power -, wire brushes. \\; BARDEN'$ RENTALS Shelton's only complete Tool Renta/Servlce. 12011 Olympic Hwy. S. - / Open 8 to 5, 7 days a week. 426-1091 / / ForMembersOnly: i:..!:i. :i:!:! :!::i:i:i:i:i:i:!:!:i!i:i:i:!:i:!:i:i: i:i:i: i:i:i:! :!:i:i:i :i:i:i:i :i :i:i:!: i:!:i::: i:i:!:i:i:i:i :i:!:i:!:!: i: i: !: i:i:i:i  :!:::!:i:i:!: i: i:i:i:i:i:!:i:i:!:!:!:i:i:i:i :i:!:i:i :!:i :::i:i: i:i:!: !:i:i:!:i:i:i:i:i:!:i:i:i:i r Ken Fredson, Manager Post Office Box 639 Fifth b Ced¢ Shelton, Washington 98584 Te00phone 0006)4006-9701 Simpson Employees' Federal Credit Union , Thursday, July 6, 1978 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 2