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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 6, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 6, 1978
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00aving spurned surgery, Dick Morgan Is, victim of !! STEVE PATCH :=L .Even before cancer caught up ith him, Dick Morgan took a It of ribbing for being a "food :gldist." Because of it, though, he's )w convinced he'll have the last ugh. Two and a half months ago Le 65-year-old Mason County an was diagnosed as having ncer of the colon. His i|'.Ysician s advice: Have it [moved surgically within the leek or be resigned to almost zlrtain death within the month. .LMorgan, after consulting his ily, said no. "I didn't want the medical ofession using me for its :Periments," he says now, nest three months later and Ything but dead. "I decided if :tvas,going to die I'd die in one ]But  Dick Morgan was hardly gned to death. In fact, |nough the weakness brought it by the loss of nearly 60 Unds in four short months and [e increasingly excruciating pain / his malignancy had all but troyed his will to live, he still every reason to believe a e Was possible even without - ileed, only without - the ipPing and searing alPtom-oriented methods of ,d, em medicine 'For years "I'd been fully Winced of the body's natural ding powers," says Morgan. "I d to convince my relatives 1 friends that nutrition was ., only way to go, but they [)t d taughedfaddist and called me a ,€ ] M They are all dead." ;| Organ, too, had the iltantage of being able to draw [.m a couple of noteworthy ling examples very close at the  examples of the body's [ ability to cure itself ir[e. n the right set of natural Umstances. his wife ii[Twenty years ago ons .!garet, spurning surge /Vice, treated, arrested and ..lmately cured cancer of her -'Stinal tract using strictly and nutritional means. wo years ago son Geary similar natural methods to out all evidence of what tors had diagnosed as in the fifth month of a advancing carcinoma he Convinced started perhaps n Years before the first Ptoms appeared, Dick embarked on a natural program designed to down the slow and n painful road tO complete treatment, based largely controversial theories of cancer therapist Dr. Kelley, the man whose was instrumental in son t's recovery, is one of complexity involving Only prescribed enzymes, megavitamins but also timetable whose daily trance is critical in its ;st detail. r instance, Dick's tightly protein consumption the curative period is strictly to raw almonds, even those must be ingested than 1 p.m. so digestive "There are no incurable diseases--only incurable patients..." tries enzymes will be free to help in the process of breaking down the protein sheaths protecting the cancer cells. Because of the cancerous body's need for regular and metered intake of certain essential vitamins - among them B-17, or Laetrile - Dick must interrupt his sleep to take them at regular intervals starting at 2 in the morning. What's more, the entire process must be monitored closely throughout lest the very functions working ,to rid the body of cancer's lethal toxins be allowed to overload the system's poison-eliminating processes and hence cause more harm than Iood. "Discipline is the key," says 'Morgan, who traces his own willpower to his stint as an officer in the U.S. Navy. "Discipline is where a lot of cancer patients fall by the wayside. They follow the regimen only so faithfully and then, when they see it isn't working, they figure it wasn't fight to begin with. "The real problem, of course, is they didn't follow it completely and to the letter. When you're fighting cancer it's got to be a 24-hour-a-day battle." Results hardly have come overnight for Morgan, though, despite his dogmatic adherence to regimen. As the cancer's toxins first began to accumulate in his liver and pancreas awaiting natural removal from the body, Dick's discomfort grew proportionately. But, curiousl3? enough, positive changes were occurnng as well. Dick's wife describes them in graphic terms. "Before he started the diet, Dick's color was just terrible," she relates. "He was kind of this ashen grey and yellow. And his lips were a sickly white. "But after, well, I'd say about two weeks, his color began to return and he started to get his appetite back, too." "l-was having some reaction to the toxin buildup, all right," interrupts Dick, "but I also began feeling as thougli life was coming back into my body. "I remember getting up one day and saying to Marge, 'I'm going the other way! I can feel n it!' " But, alas, just where is Dick Morgan ultimately going? Of what possible use is a strictly dietary regimen in the battle against a killer of such proportions as cancer? For the answer, Morgan refers to the remarkably similar though unrelated theories of a number of so-called nutritional therapists - therapists who for generations have met with all manner of inflammatory abuse from the largely threatened (and perhaps justifiably so) community of orthodox medical practitioners whose methods have been deviating steadily away from the biblically endorsed natural methods since their advent. "...drinking and overeating and overindulging --when you're retired you're almost encouraged to do these things.And they're accurn ulative. . . " "The first thing to keep in mind is that cancer is a deficiency disease," says Morgan. "Basically, you're suffering from a disorder of the pancreas resu.lting in an. enzyme deficiency." According to the theory shared by Kelley and a number of others in the nutritional field, this key enzyme, tripsin, is the same one that normally stops the growth of what are known as trophoblast cells - s ex-hormone.activated cells responsible for the rapid development of the human embryo during pregnancy and of protective cells in the event of bodily injury. Now, when the effects Of our overprocessed and chemically synthetic, modern-day living combine to gradually throttle the production of pancreatic enzymes, these same trophoblast cells - or so the theory goes - begin an unchecked rampage resulting eventually in clinically observable malignancies, or cancerous tumors. The most obvious malignant clump in Morgan's case was at the lower end of his large intestine, where it effectively blocked off all but a pencil-thin passageway from Dick's essentially motionless bowels. Now, a little over two months since the start of his THIN BUT REVITALIZED almost three months after doctors had consigned him to almost certain death, cancer-fighter Dick M'organ poses in his Lake Limerick home with 'wife Marge, herself a success story in natural medicine. Twenty years ago she cured her own intestinal cancer. the dietary route r fight natural therapy, Morgan is happy to say he is once again making productive visitations to the bathroom, thank you. Quite regularly, in fact. "The tumor is definitely shrinking," he says. Incidentally, Morgan's physician, the one with whom Dick parted company in May, left his patient with the stem admonishmenf that what he was about to do was utter folly - that in fact to his knowledge there has not been a single cure invoked by such means. "But if I come out of this - and I really believe now that I will," promises Morgan, "I intend to pay him a little visit." Morgan laments this generally intolerant attitude on the part of most orthodox practitioners, but it hardly surprises him. "The evidence is all around them, but these people more often, than not simply don't want to recognize the truth," says Morgan. "It's like Winston Churchill once said: 'A lot of men stumble over the truth, but most of them merely pick themselves up and rush off as though nothing had happened.' "The whole thing is that these doctors are like my poor son when he came home from college," continues Morgan. "They are merely brainwashed, educated idiots. These doctors also belong to the strongest union in the world, the A/VIA. "The Bible refers to invoking the help of the spirit and mentions herbs and fasting many times, but nowhere does it mention the treatment of disease using drugs or potions designed by man for healing/" day." Morgan rises suddenly and scurries off to the kitchen at a remarkably nonconvalescent clip. When he returns he displays a tiny plastic bottle. "Bitters!" he guffaws. "Here they are, your Laetrile tablets. And lookee here on the label: All it says is to take one 'when a more bitter taste is desired.'" At this, Morgan cuts loose with one of his customary horse laughs, a bald.faced, windy affair for which its grinning creator throws back his head in obvious enjoyment, gathering wind for a raucous assault on the airwaves. Long before its umpteenth repeat performance, the laugh impresses you as being quite decidedly unlike the sort you'd expect from a failing cancer victim. Morgan's are not the ravings of a madman, however. Greymatter has not addlepated with the advance of some as-yet-unforeseen cancerous outcropping. In fact, the retired safety engineer feels he is sufficiently lucid to recognize that the battle is far from won. For one thing, while his currently strict dietary regimen eventually will give way to increasingly palatable and varied foods, Dick will undoubtedly have to accept the fact that bad eating habits were what got him in the fix he's now in. What's this?! Bad eating habits by a long-time advocate of nutritional integrity? Health-mindful lapses by a man whose wife has not once, in 35 years of marriage, seen him take medications - even aspirin? Dick Morgan have a vice? "Oh, yes!" speaks up wife Marge. "His weakness is beer and steak." "You gotta remember I'm a former Navy man," defends Dick, grinning. "Sure, it's hard giving those things up. In fact, if I follow my regimen, it'll probably be two years before I can have them again. "And, even then, I'll probably practice temperance more." They know that if they were to deviate even the slightest bit they could lose their licenses to practice, their nice homes - even their friends." As for those cancer patients who rush headlong into surgery, chemotherapy, radiation treatment and the like - despite the fact that their doctors seldom if ever suggest such methods will do more than arrest the clinically observable symptoms of cancer, and even then probably only temporarily - Morgan feels a real empathy. "1 weigh 109 pounds "I can understand how a lot 'now. I gained a pound. of people would panic and run I'm getting heavyl" and have immediate surgery or radiation treatment," he says. "After all, cancer can be a very Although Dick admits it's scary thing. And, if you want to tough to make an abrtpt change know what pain is really all to an essentially vegetarian diet about, talk to somebody who after years of enjoying the likes has cancer, of red meats, processed foods "Even with what I knew, and plenty of nice, greasy fried that first week when I was trying eggs, his new diet isn't altogether to get my feet on the ground so restrictive as to be boring. and was having a lot of pain I As long as they're fresh, raw got to thinking maybe I should a/d more or less of a "living" just go and have them cut it out. nature (Post Toasties, says "But then I thought, 'Hey! Morgan, is not living; try Those people have a lot of planting some in your garden suffering, too. They go into and you'll see), most all fruits surgery thinking they're going to and vegetables are okay. get a lot of relief, but generally "This is typical of what Dick it's just not so." will eat for dinner," says Marge, Although Morgan contends presenting you a heaping bowl of most of the effects 'of his fresh fruits topped with what therapy have been physical, it looks a little like whipped cream. .has afforded him some comic Ever take a taste of relief, as well. One of the biggest something expecting one flavor jokes, he says, is the marketing only to find it just enough of the controversial "drug" different to send your poor Laetrile (it's actually a purely epiglottis into panicked natural derivative of the pits of convulsions? certain fruits such as apricots). "Dick can't have milk "Under Washington State law products, of course," Marge you can't buy Laetrile in a form hastens to add, "but he just prescribed in any way as a cure loves whipped topping. So 1 for anything," says Morgan. "But make this stuff out of raw you can get it through the mail casheWS, soaked overnight in under the name 'Bitters.' It's water and whipped in a expensive, though - $1 apiece blender." for 50e-milligram tablets, and Also quite good, once you you've gotta take four of them a give it a fair Iry, is a milk-like k n turally Cancer Fighter Dick Morgan "Win, lose or draw, I sall suffer no regrets, because I halve played the game honestly and according to the Greatest rules..." beverage concocted from raw almonds, sesame seeds and sunflower seeds - again all ground up to a fine powder and blended with water. Dick gets that, too - also thanks to his wife's ingenuity. More ithan merely culinary, Marge's support, as well as that of sons 'Geary and Richey has been instrumental in Dick's progress. In fact, Morgan contens the element of believing in what you're doing is perhaps as important as any - though he hardly calls what he is doing "faith healing." "Although you must have faith in your spirit and mind," he says?. "you still have to heal the bo0y with proper nutrition and heibal treatment." MOrgan is not one to downplay the spiritual, however - nor its leading advocate. "The Bible is full of references to the impor!ance of nutrition and the medicinal value of natural herbs,", he says. "It's really in many ways a book of rules - of man's greatest rules. "And you can't break the laws of nature without paying the penalty." Morgan maintains tha! hi reality, wen a physician tales to insist that manmade medicines are superior to those of nature, "his argument is with God. "There are no miraculous cures with drugs," he says. "Doctors don't heal. They like to think so sometimes, but I liken those who do to little tin gods. Actually, the best doctors only assist the body's natural healing powers." To those still convinced of the infallibility of the large body of physicians skeptical of natural healing, Morgan has this reminder: "Because the established medical profession of his time thought bloodletting to be beneficial for a variety of ills," he says, "George Washington bled to death" Even still, Dick Morgan is not one to fbrce his opinion on others. He contends he has no interest in fighting the powers that be. "But if people are interested in natural healing," he says, "we'll be more than happy to lell them about it." The vehicle of information dispersal the Morgans recommend locally is the Mason County Chapter of the International Association of Cancer Victims and Friends (898-2411), of which both Dick and Marge now are officers. Dick's duties as the local chapter's new president won't get underway in earnest for awhile, inasmuch as his curative regimen still takes precedence. But he does both expect and intend to recover completely. "i'd better," he says. "I've been telling my boys since they were little that the natural way is the best. Now I've got to prove to them it works!" , i:  !/ THE MORGAN KITCHEN has become a storehouse of living grains and herbs. Here, Marge whips up one of her special concoctions in a seed grinder. She makes a milk-like drink from raw almonds, sesame seeds and sunflower seeds; a nondairy whipped topping from raw cashews. Thursday, July 6, 1978 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 23