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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 6, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 6, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Community Calendar Thursday, July 6 8 p.m., Trails End Lake Water District, Star Route I, Box 869, Trails End Lake Road. 7:30 p.m., Sam Theler Recreational Advisory Committee, Room 2, North Mason High School. Monday, July 10 7:30 p.m., Grapeview Fire District commissioners' meeting, Grapeview FirehaU. Tuesday, July 1 ! 7:30 p.m., Grapeview School _Bo.ard meeting, Grapeview School. Wednesday, July 12 7:30 p.m., North Mason Pee  ...... Wees Adult Association, North Mason Junior High, Room 2. 7 p.m., Port of Tahuya ..... commissioners' meeting, Tahuya "' Firehall. i Thursday, July 13 8 p.m., North Mason School Board meeting, North Mason High School library. !1 a.m., Twanoh Falls Women's Club meeting. Call Hannah Dehler, 275-3512. D & G TREE SERVICE TOPPED, TRIMMED OR REMOVED FULLY INSURED Wes Grifley CR 5-2117 Lou Dobbs TR 6-4783 BONDED LICENSED INSURED JESFIELD CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTING • BUILDING CONCRETE WORK P.O. Box 377 Belfair, Wash. 275-6684 Jim Jesfield Decaying Lewts Funeral Chapel Serving families in ths community since 1909. (:all us collect _I anywhe '377-3836 5303 Kiap Way Brenwon Belfair Telephone Answering Service • 24-hour answering • Wake-up service • Use your phone or mine 275-3372 Senior citizens, 5¢ off each gallon of gas. DAVE'S BELFAIR ARC0 STATION Clip Coupon & Bring In. Good Thru July • Belfair Auto Parts • North Mason Towing, 2 Trucks Reasonable Rates 275.3211 Bremerton Yamaha SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER THE CONCORD MOPEDS Are Here At Bremerton Yamaha, Inc. AUTHORIZED YAMAHA PARTS, SALES AND SERVICE KITSAP PENINSULA CYCLE HEADQUARTERS 1550 Navy Yard Hwy. 479.1323 Iu Huckleberry Herald Post Office Box 587, Belfair, Washington 98528 Telephone 275-6680 Belfair office open 9 a.m. to I p.m., Man. & Tues.; Wed. thru Fri. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. News and advertising copy deadline 5 p.m. Fridays. For your convenience there is a mail slot in the door for copy. Office located across from Belfair Texaco in Belfair. MARK LEE ................................. Editor CAROL WENTLANDT ............. Advertising Manager Office Telepbone 275-6680 stump stands guard over the Tahuya River . Army permit requested lk00r bulkhead work Application has been received by the Army Corps of Engineers from John L. Swanson, of Seattle, for proposed work on South Shore of Hood Canal, near Belfair, to construct a concrete bulkhead, stairs and boat ramp, and place fill. Purpose of the project is to prevent failure of existing log bulkhead, and provide beach access and private boat launching. Adjacent property owners are James K. Short, Route 2, Box 647, Belfair, Washington 98528, and Richard T. Laine, 719 North 150th, Seattle, Washington 98133. Preliminary  review by the Seattle district indicates that' this work will not significantly affect the quality of the human environment. The preparation of a Federal Environmental Impact Statement is not anticipated at this time. Any person may request, in writing, within the comment period specified in this notice, that a public hearing be held to consider this application. Requests for public hearings shall state, with particularity, the reasons for holding a public hearing. The decision whether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impact of the proposed activity on the public interest. That decision will reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization of important resources. Comments on these factors will be accepted and made part of the record and will be considered in determining whether it would be in the best public interest to grant a permit. Comments should refer to the re ference number (071-OYB-2-004944) and reach this office (Department of ftie Army, Seattle .District, Corps of Engineers, P.O. Box C-3755, Seattle, Washington 98124) not later than July 27, 1978 to insure consideration. Any person desiring to present views on the request in relation to water pollution considerations pertaining to the project may do so by providing the same in writing to the Department of Ecology, Olympia, Washington 98504, within 20 days of publication of this notice. By MARK LEE Welcome to "'Movies till madness." I'm your host Bogus Hilton and I'd like to welcome you to tonight's presentation. For all you insomniacs out there, we have a rare treat for you tonight. One I know you'll appreciate. That seldom-seen classic of post-war paranoia, the 1963 version of "A irstream A liens." We have gone to great trouble to secure this movie - it was once thought that all prints of this Eric Yon Stroheim, Jr., masterpiece were destroyed in an unfortunate fire. But we managed to locate a copy which had been mistakenly traded in at the local Elmo's Book Store. So without further ado.., but let me leave you with one last thought. "Close Encounters" may have tom you we are not alone and they're basically good guys, but "Airstream Aliens" tells you the truth. Sand Devils whip across the hard-packed desert floor. Muted voices and sporadic music filters across the wind. In the twilight the travel trailers are all drawn in a protective circle and still throw off silver gleams from their metallic skins. These carefree Americans have journeyed to an isolated outcropping of rock located outside Barstow, California, to celebrate their nation's birthday. But unbeknownst to them, other unwelcome travelers are about to join their throng. Lured by radio signals radiating from a nearby missile testing range, the desperate craft screams through the heavy atmosphere, spots the shiny hulks, and in a microsecond the cybernetics on board evaluate the situation. Dropping to Mach V, the glowing needle of a ship swerves to make a pass over the innocent cluster. On their own planet these exiles once commanded great power, but that was cons ago, before the commune was deposed and then hurled into space. Now, in this uncharted sector of the galaxy, their vessel is running out of fuel and they are out of acetone. But desperation turned to greedy anticipation when the last of their remote probes connected with the potentially inhabitable third stone from the sun. Hundreds of thousands of years ago they discarded their cumbersome bodies. But after a millenium of boredom in space, they were looking forward to getting out and stretching their legs, once they've co-opted a few bodies. Tommy Taylor carefully picks up his last cherry bomb while his pet dog Tote covers his ears. But before he can strike the kitchen match against his shoe, he feels a sharp rise in the surrounding heat. From out of the West screeches a blue-white fireball. The fuse lights spontaneously. Tommy hurls the firecracker at the light. Then his ears collapsed and he sees the Joshua HORSE CLUB TO SPONSOR FUN SHOW North Masonts Green Acres 4-H horse club has announced it will sponsor a "Fun Show" on Sunday, July 23, starting at noon, in the Theler Hayfield across from the Belfair Elementary School. Riders and horses from the local club and those from surrounding areas will participate in a variety of events for the show. Public is invited to attend. Admission will be charged with I I I trees sway as the red needle comes bouncing desert floor. When he awoke, Tommy felt different. Inside his voices buzz louder and louder until his own thou pushed under. The air becomes sickly sweet. He back to his family's new Airstream. Inside his huddles close together. Breathing is easier, now; his has already overturned the bottle of acetone. Adaptation is automatic for Tommy, his family rest of the fellow travelers. They rarely journey except maybe to check the toilet connection or, time came, pile into the car and head for campground. Most of their days are spent in a heavy acetone watching soap opera on television, which them to no end. After all, they had spent the bulk of existence cramped inside a three-by-seven- interplanetary dart. But in time they even grew tired of Bob Barke their thoughts turned to reproduction and ex their kind. In just a matter of years, they have made great Campgrounds, of course, are their principal center continual infection of other, former humans. Undetected, their expansion spreads first up and the West Coast, then into the Rockies and over the Whenever exposure threatens, they strike strategic They manage to reach a state governor on her way to Rose Bowl, and a congressman on his mobile junket. In time their numbers grow enough to factions. Of course the pure visitors stick to individt registered Airstreams, but other lesser races are formed - the Tiogas and Winnebagos - to mention few. Although they take over people's bodies and clo the roads every holiday, the extraterrestrial horde gave anybody much trouble as long as they have gas and acetone. Generally they keep to themselves and rarely forth from their trailers. But one day a park ranger named Steven Ford to puncture one of the more flimsy outfits with his stick. The ensuing outpour of acetone tips suspicions... Blackout. Well this is an unforeseen accident. Ahem, the final reel of this movie is still missing. What a shouM really preview these special movies from now on, Well our time's just abot up anyway. See tomorrow night. But remember, for your recreation vehicle needs be to drop by Hilton Motors. Drive a little, save a Featuring all makes, all models. You CAN have a say in government. Attend your local meetings...$ee where your tax money goes....... MEETING North Mason School Dist. Grapeview School Dist. Belfair Fire District Allyn Fire District Tahuya Fire District Port of Allyn Port of Grapeview Port of Dewatto Port of Tahuya Belfair Cemetery District Belfair Water District Grapeview Fire District Mason Co. Fire Dist. 15 Mason County Water Dist. 2 TIME 8 p.m., 2nd Thursday 7:30 p.m., 2nd Tuesday 7 p.m., 4th Tuesday 7 p.m., 3rd & 4th Wednesday 8 p.m., 4th Thursday 7:30 p.m., 1st Wednesday 7:30 p.m., 1st Monday No information available 7 p.m., 2nd Wednesday 7:30 p.m., 3rd Wednesday 7:30 p.m., 3rd Tuesday 7:30 p.m., 2nd Monday 7 p.m., 1st Monday 8 p.m., 1st Thursday This notice paid for as a community service PLACE NM High School Library Grapevlew School Belfair Firehall Allyn Firehall Tahuya Firehall Allyn Firehall Grapeview Firehall Tahuya Fireball Ray's Barber Shop Old P.U.D. Building, in Belfalr Grapeview Flrehall Call Faye Paolino, 275-3458 Star Rt. 1, Box 869, Belfair A section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal serving as the voice of Belfair, Allyn, Grapeview0 Tahuya, Mason Lake, South Shore and North Shore.  Page 2 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - July 6, 1978 proceeds gogto the North Miller Addition plat approved Mason Senior Center program. For further information call the club's leader, June Wilkerson, at 275-2271. FAHRENBRUCH PROMOTED Marine Lance Corporal Bart L. Fahrenbruch, son of Mr. and Mrs. George R. Fahrenbruch of Allyn, has been promoted to his present rank while serving with Marine Corps Development and Education Command, Quantico, Va. At their meeting last week the county commissioners conducted a public hearing on the preliminary plat of Miller's Addition located at the intersection of Haven Lake Road and the Tahuya River Road. The proposal calls for the dividing of the 17.5-acre parcel into four lots. Unanimous approval was • Appgoval of on-site seg system and individual wells the Thurston-Mason Cot Health District; Redesigning of the right-of-way to run the length of the property Haven Lake Road; • Designing of limited aO approaches in the final plat; • Retention of surface € He joined the Marine Corps given the project subject to the on site. 12p4977 ..... following provisions: Ir Caj00l r ..................... and goom 275-6226 WEEKEND SPECIAL Teriyaki Chicken COMPLETE DINNER Vegetable, potato, dessert, Entertainment Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday Dance To WHITE GINGER Monday, Tuesday and Thursday Mike Mendoza Folk and Country Blues PLENTY OF FREE PARKING Bar Open 10 a.m. to 2 a.m. Weekdays 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. Sundays ALL DAY MONDAY Rum Highballs 60'