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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 6, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 6, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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North Mason ra deputy sought North Mason business owners md residents who complain a lack of law enl'orcenwnt the local area, may soon get relief - with a little help Uncle Fed. Len Wyrick, community evelopment coordinator for County from the Kitsap :aunty Trident Office, has nformed the county ers that he is working a federal grant for funds to rovide an additional sheriff's for the Belfair area. Although Wyrick told the final details on the grant tPplication still have to be Vorked out with the sheriff's ffice, he said approximately 1,000 in Trident impact relief will be requested. If received, these funds pay for a deputy to be to the North Mason area one-half year. Wyrick said between $7,000 and $8,000 the grant would go towards deputy's salary with the remainder for administrative costs and fringe benefits. Wyrick also told the commissioners that another grant application for $22,000 to provide a new aid vehicle for the Belfair fire district has been submitted. The federal funds are available to cover the impact on local social and emergency services from construction and implementation of the Trident CONDO CONVERSION HEARING SET On Monday, July 17, 1:30 p.m., at the Mason County Courthouse, the county commissioners will conduct a public hearing on a proposal to turn the six-unit Siskan Motel located on South Shore into a condominium plat. McKAY REENLISTS Staff Sgt. David F. McKay, son of David R. McKay, Belfair, O NORTH SHORE GARAO| m GENERAL AUTO REPAIR m 275-2128 I/1 mile w. of Belfair State Park TOWING 426-1731 Sheiton 275-2861 Allyn & Belfair BODY SHOP LIGHT & HEAVY TOWING 24 HOUR SERVICE 7 e : .... :; * Immediate Service * Serving all of Mason County * Locally Owned & Operated * License&, Bonded .... 275-3040 ANDERSON WELL DRILLING Box 813, Allyn Kathy's Hair imited Formerly The' Hare Hut Specializing in HIS and HER Blower Cuts • Tinting • Frosting • Perms • Hair Design Opeh: Monday thru Saturday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Evenings by appointment. LOCATED AT THE NEff/BELFAIR CENTER Submarine Base at Bangor. Wyrick says he is optimistic about the eventual approval of the grants. He expects they will be approved before the end of the current year. In the next few months Wyrick says he will be working with the Belfair Water District on a grant application for $150,000. recently reenlisted for three" years in the Army, while serving as a medical section platoon sergeant with the llth Armored Cavalry Regiment in Fulda, Germany. McKay entered the Army in September 1968. He attended Olympic College, Monterey College, and Kansas State University. His wife, Joan, is with him in Germany. WELCOME BACK Ralph Victor reports on June 18 that his Grapeview residence was burglarized while he was away on vacation. BOTTLE BASH AT THE ,y, Gertrude Buffon reports on June 16 that someone threw a bottle through the rear window of her car while passing the intersection of State Highway 3 and South Shore Road. ii $SSSS SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT Ray's Barber Shop Ielfalr Wildflowers of North Mason h 0 e) 0 d) (b ft 4 Foxglove (Digitalis purp, urea) blooms from June to August. Seeds are sewn m the spring or late summer and usually bloom the next year. Foxglove leaves are poisonous and are the source of a common medicine for people with heart disease. Needing little soil, it is often found in the crevices of granite walls, as well as in dry, hilly pastures, rocky places and by b roadsides. Other common names for the plant include: Witches' Gloves, Dead Men's Bells, Fairy's Gloves, Gloves of Our Lady, Bloody Fingers, Virgin Gloves and Fairy's Thimbles. I I III Masonry *Fireplaces Golf News * Block foundations • * Anything with masonry JOHN KIMMEL Licensed, bonded and Insured. Rt. 2, Box 947 426-1512 Shelton • :'l| Haul Rock Ed Okonek, Stan Sarver, Bill Harstad and Doug Jones) followed by a. clam and shrimp feed. On Sunday, June 25, 24 LakeLand members played a Bulldoze LakeLand Village Golf and Country Club It doesn't, rain bt[t it pours: and lighting "doe strike,:twjce qn the same place! This is not a weather report - just letting Association tournaments held at Longview on June 19 and Ocean Sores on June 23. Last year Michele came in second for the state in the playoffs. LakeLand is rooting for our little gall BELFAIR PLUMBING • New construction • Repair • Quality work • Guaranteed • Free estimates 275-3841 ............ Licensed Bonded MAC'S STUMP REMOVAL Stumps removed by chipping, no holes to fill. No stump to get rid of. In fenced yard, next to building or walks. Contact Mac's Stump Service. Phone 426-8662 .... or 275-5256. Call morning or evening.' i made holes-in-one at the LakeLand men's member-guest Limerick men on their course. LakeLand course in one week. team invitational two-man best The local club lost the match And Don LePere did it again! ball tournament, but two LakeLand men took "low The first ace was made by The men s club had an active Fill Dirt B D Contractors, Inc. CR5-2195 CR5-2113 HELP WANTED Part-time help wanted for concession stand at Twanoh State Park. See Mrs. Edwards at concession stand or call 275-3338 before 9:30 a.m. FOR SALE Antique overstuffed couch & chair, 3 antique double Maude Holmberg on ladies' day, week. On Wednesday, June 21, gross and low net honors for the June 22. She's the third woman they had a shotgun start at 5 field. Bill Kraszeski had 79 gross to sink her tee shot on the par pro., played nine holes in and George Williams 54 net. The 3, 140-yard hole, in the seventh competition (won by the men were entertained after the summer season of the local club. five'man team of Ken Baldwin, tournament with a hearty meal. Maude used her No. 5 wood to HEALTHMOBILE SCHEDULE The Rural Healthmobile schedule for July was announced this week by the Thurston-Mason Health Department. Scheduled visits in Mason County are: July 3, Belfair Firehall. July 18, Hoodsport Fire Station. July 25, Agate Grange Hall. July 26, Grapeview Firehall. accomplish the feat. LePe re had his second in less than six weeks when he drove his bll off the No. 2 tee with his three-iron, to have it roll into the cup 188 yards away. Dan's was only the second ace made on this hole. He was playing with Doug Jones and the club professional, Ernie Taylor, on June 24, when it happened. Michele Taylor placed first in her age group (11 and under) at the Washington State Junior Golf Enjoy SHRIMP FISHING CLOSES END OF JULY Commercial and sport shrimp fishing in Hood Canal will close at midnight July 30, the State Department of Fisheries said this week. Hood Canal only is being closed. Other areas will remain open. • Relax with coffee • Ample free parking bed sets. After 9 a.m. Kathy's Hair Unlimited Saturday & Sunday.' Your Vacation 275 2797 Owner Kathy Carslin Century 21 -- Larkin Realty, Inc. $11 Fourth Street . Bromorton, WA 98310 Drive artfully (206) 373-2557 or 275 3938 I WAYNEESSLEYisyour Local Soles Associate for Allyn and Belfair Communities. Belfo|r Branch FI Call today or: U Free Market Analysis: 275-2816 II  Selling: . ' e Jl Investing or Trad,ng: PROPERTY FOR SALE WaterfrontStretch IslandHome --'"Allyn: ........................... 1551'5000 '$._,. . Cl189  Puget Sound National Bank Waterfront Home -- Case Inlet: . ....................... v/,o00. C1'.'] The hometown bank Three 2 acre lots Olympic and Case Inlet View ........... $6,950 each CATHOLIC MASS Saturday, 5:30 p.m. at Belfair Community Baptist Church FOR SALE 3-piece white Morris corner bed unit, with yellow, white & green covers. Matching bolsters, also matching Morris green 3-drawer chest & ,,.,,, ,, Sunday Services HOURS: Worship Service ....... 8:30 a.m Worship Service ...... 10:00 a.m. Sunday School .......... I0 a.m.. BELFAIR COMMUNITY BAPTIST Saint Nicholas' Episcopal Church TAHUYA coME AS YOU ARE Family Service 11:15 a.m. i i u CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH AND RETREAT CENTER OF BELFAIR 10 a.m... Worship Service Come as you oro Nursery provided V, mile W. of Belfair State Park P O BOX 407 bookcase top  just like . • n:';.,u2..e'7:n° " hn" . . ,,,.=,.o-,,. ...... =.._ ,-,= , JO benn, t'astor tls se Name 275-6852 Church phone- 275-603 Oomdd G.,F--um,. for i i i i ° t  I • .. •., 4th t I I k Annual 'X lqlmm#1t 'i 1U0000rl00, M I r., Saturday, July 15th lltoir khool I|I Covered Play Shad  11 " 0 t | , ....... -_- ............. -_ 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. .' O.I ) I ,,,l .oom,o,,,ow : -.__.# I Booths. Contact / -.'*" N'e. --- I I Gloria Lincoln, 275-6382 ( "',t" :'. [ DianeBerger, 275-6250 %€'O.I"O 2:" " Sponsored by Saint Margaret's Guild ii i ii ig iiiiiii I i i i i I I July 6, 1978 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3