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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 7, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 7, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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2011 Ford F250 62 Ltr V8, 6 spd AUTO, Lariat pkg, Tube steps, more! 1FT7W2A62BEC30494 MSRP 44,290 * Gillts D~count 2,500 * Sale Price: 41290 • Rebate 500 * FMCC Bonus Cash 1 0OO • Promo Cash 10OO • Mlhtary 500 * Final Price $38.790 * Save $5.500 • NO second stickers nol q~lllif7 for III i,'< e n'~i'~.s See dealer for dl, lails Shelton WA (360) 426-5585 www.g il 37Ltr V6, Auto, st p~ equip group, more 3D7881[K2BG58t 643 MSRP 23,695 • Gill~ D~count: 1,000 * Sale Pnce 22,695 ° rebate 1,750 ° ~J~/Finance ~nus Cash 1 000 ° Fb~al Price $19,94S ° Supe* Sav,ogsl M~y not qualify for /dl incentives $ee dealer for d elall$ Shelton WA (360) 426.5585 ml lm 5 7 Ltr Auto, Sit pkg, robe steps, more 1DTRU1GTTBS56703V MSRP 39.955 * Gdhs D~ount 3.OO0 ° ~le Price 36,955 * Rebate 2.75O ° Ally F~n bonu~ cash 1.000 * SET bonus cash 000 * final Pqce $32r245 * ~ve $7.75O may .or qu•.fy fo, a, ,n~enti~ See dealer for d~t=il~ Shelton WA (360) 426-5585 0.2." "Dad sits at home all day while m at work. I'm afraid that he's just wasting away. He can't do the things he used to do and his friends are gone, but he'd never go to a nursing home. What can I do?" For less than the cost of the nursing home, your dad can live with friends his age at Alpine Way. Activities will keep him busy and happy. He can go for van rides, enjoy events like Music in the Park and Lion's Club'Iheatre, go fishing, or stay in to play cards and shoot the breeze about the good old days. All activities are optional, so if he'd like some quiet time, he has his own private apartment for relaxation. If someone you know is stuck at home, come and tour Alpine Way. We'd love to treat you to lunch, show you our lovely apartments, and answer all your questions. Call Kathy Burbidge at (360) 426-2600 for a free lunch and tour 900 West Alpine Way Shelton, WA 98584 ,¢ 7- RETIREMENT APARTMENTS, ASSISTED LIVING AND ALZHEIMER'S SPECIAL CARE i Also Featuring: • Windows • Decks • Siding Serving Western Washington for 37 years Superior quality workmanship at an affordable pricel ** Our Roofs Are Hand Nailed ** 30 Year Workmanship Warranty SUMMER TRUCK LOAD SALE 20%-40% OFF All Roof Installations with PABCO PREMIER 30-yr Laminate Shingles Call now to schedule a FREE Estimate and reserve your color while materials last. ROOF NOW -- PAY LATER FREE Estimates • Saturday & Evening Appointments Available Call today to schedule your appointment • Local • 24-hour emergency .~. Z service ,0% Financing OAC ~"::::~ Lie.# AIROOI*111PR ~ * Senior discount w* ,.~v.l~ lsz36 20 M =1 I'd like a one year subscription mailed to the following address: Name: Address: City: . State: O $37 in County Mail with check to: 0 $51 Elma or Bremerton address Journal Zip:m ") $51 in Washington State PO Box 430 Shelton, WA 98584 O $61 out of state I 3_60.4_26--_441_2 Your Parents Call Pa( e A-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, July 7, 2011 e e e e By JOURNAL STAFF :, ,, i~, After nearly 15 years of planning, the city will finally consider creating, the Simpson- Reed Historic District this month, proposed by the Shelton Historic Prsserva "~ The board originally pmpom~ the creation of the Simpson-Reed Historic B~trict in 1997 :: ::; with tittle success. In 2010, the beard tried ........... again, including 12 existing homes and build- ings on the city's historic register and several new ones as well. The historic board s _u~e~ building in the district and asked ea~~ owner to vote on whether or not to ~'the district. Twenty-three out of 31 o~i~i to create the district. The city owns ~ ~ in the proposed district and ~~yet to cast its three votes. The district would include the Edward Hilli- er House on 514 N. 3rd St., the Colonial House, the Arthur B. Govey House at 321 N. 2nd St., St. David's Episcopal Churclh the George Gris- dale House at 309 N. 2nd St., the Old Masonic Lodge at 218 N. 3rd St., the old Shelton City Hall, now the Public Safety Building, the ca- boose and "Tollie" locomotive on Railroad Av- enue, the Fredson House at 204 W. Pine St., the Robert H. Allan House at !30 W. Pine St., and the L.D. Hack House ath 223N. 2nd St. The city will hold a public hearing on the proposed historic district on July 18. Journal photo by Natalie Johnson Railroad Avenue's train, "Tollie" is part of the proposed Simpson- Reed Historic District. County reviews redistricting options By NATALIE JOHNSON of Commissioners reviewed~ three options for. zation of the county's voting districts during a brieflng~ on Tuesday. Karen Herr, Mason County Auditor, the three options along with ~ i Amber Cervantes and Ni,: cole Burgess from the au: ditor's office, and the redis,:! ~ tricting advisor~mmittee; : "I cquldn't --be more! ,- pleased with the results 0~.'~:~Amber Cervantes, Journal photo by Natalie Johnson the committee," Herr sald~::from Mason County's "Their decisions were made~¢~i~ =~tion department, based on state law and what~ briefed the Mason is best for our community." ~i 4[~olmty eo)mmissioners The auditors office al~.~! on three options decreased the number of~ 'for redistricting on voting precincts in the coun-, Tuesday. ty from 57 to 37. Cervantes, from thecoun- District 2, I think it's very ty's election department difficult to have a "U" briefed the commissioners shaped district around the on the options. Hood Canal," Sheldon said. • "We tried to do our best to %Vhen you think about the compromise,~ she said. , size of the district, that Option 1 reorganized doesn't matter so much to the districts to make them :.~ me." relatively equal in size,• and . In the current district option 3 placed two commis-~, map, Sheldon has the north sioners in one district. Op- ;~ld of the county, with the tion 2 included a huge dis- : er/tire Hood Canal from the trict for Sheldon, all of Shel- Skokomish valley to Belfair ton for Jerry Lingle, and the and south to Dayton. Lingle east end. of the county for has half of the city of Shel- Lynda Ring Erickson. ton and Matlock, and Ring Sheldon said that he Erickson has the other half didn't mind having the larg- of Shelton, Harstine Island, est district as long as the Lake Limerick and Allyn. population was equal with :~- Advisory committee the others, niembers said they had a "As representative fo~.fdifficult time creating dis- tricts that were in some way equal. Committee member Andrew Graham said that in some cases, the districts just looked "goofy." "No offense but they're kind of goofy anyway," Ring Erickson said. The. commissioners also debated about whether or not it would be a good idea to split up Shelton among the districts. "My personal belief is if you have a concentrated area, there's always con- --fusion as to what district you're in," Lingle said. Sheldon said that because Shelton is not currently di- vided into voting districts, because the Shelton City Commissioners are elected at large, it makes sense to not split up the city. "I think for the city of Shelton it would be better to have one commissioner rep- resent them," he said. Because of all these points, the commissioners overwhelmingly preferred option 2, which gave Shel- don the entire west side of the county and some land north of Shelton, gave Lin- gle all of Shelton, and gave Ring Erickson Harstine Is- land north to Allyn and Bel- fair. The County Commission will hold a public hearing on the reorganization of com- missioner districts on July 26, but can't vote on any of the options until a week af- ter that date. Six positions still open after filing period By NATALIE JOHNSON After a special three-day filing period organized the Mason County Auditor's office, six positions will re- main unfilled through the general election. The auditor's office had the special filing period to attract candidates for seven county positions up for election, including po- 'sitions one, two and three ~for Cemetery District 1, Jo.,.~,i~ position two for Hospital Mason Colmty Auditol~'District number 2, position Karen Herr said that 4 at the Southside School six positions are still ~ District, position 2 at the unfilled after the ~Maggie Lake Water Dis- county had a special trict, and position 3 at the three-day filing period Tahuya River Valley Wa- for the upcoming ter District. election. Mason County Audi- tor Karen Herr said that only one person filed dur- ing that period - Tommy Thombs will run unap- posed for the Hospital Dis- trict 2 position. "That will not be in the primary election, it will go straight to the November general election," Herr said. There are two options to fill the six remaining posi- tions, Herr said. "For those positions the incumbents can remain in office for another term or they can chose to resign and the other commission- ers can appoint someone," she said. Appointed commission- ers remain in their posi- tions until the next general election, !