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Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 7, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 7, 2011
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District 6 levy on ballots By ARLA SHEPHARD After narrowly falling in the November election and disqualifying for entry on the April ballot, Mason County Fire District 6 will run its EMS levy again this summer. The August 16 primary ballot will include a vote on the District 6 Emergency Medical Services (EMS) levy, which would tax hom- eowners 35 cents per $1,000 of the assessed value of their home. "It was disqualified from the ballot in April [because] we did not meet the dead- line," said District 6 Chief Clint Volk. "Our EMS levy provides 24/7 ambulance re- sponse, and it currently al- lows us to keep our response times in the six to eight minute range. We predict that will go up to about 12 minutes if we lose the levy." The district has been run- ning on EMS reserves after its six-year EMS levy ex- Journal photo by Aria Shephard Mason County Fire District 6 is running a 10- year EMS levy on the August 16 primary ballot. pired in 2010 and does not meowners] see savings in 10 have enough reserves to last years." through 2012. Mason County Fire Dis- The measure attained trict 6 covers an 11-square- 56.7 percent voter approval mile radius and is head- in November, short the 60 quartered in Union. The dis- percent needed to pass the trict has more than doubled levy. Which would run for the amount of volunteer 10 years instead of six. firefighters on staff since "We don't want to have January, from 11 to 26. to come back to the voters "We're pretty proud of in six more years, when that," Volk said. "Our re- property values have been cruitment and retention has assessed high again," Volk done very, very well in the said. "We'd like to lock that last calendar year." price in now and have [ho- Knight, Huff pull out of Mason .Fire District 5 race By ARLA SHEPHARD public interest. I felt it was a good opportu- nity for me to step aside." The race for Mason County Fire District Knight said he re-thought his decision to 5 Commissioner Position 1 slimmed siguifi- run in the week following the filing dates. cantly when two candidates withdrew their "After I signed up, I knew I had time to bids for office last month, think it over," he said. "I went around and Fire district Commissioner Chuck Huff talked to people and just changed my mind." decided not to seek re-election for his post- Knight, who has disagreed with Huff tion, and Fire Chief Richard Knight, who over the board's policies in the past, served serves his last day as chief today, elected his last day as fire chief June 30, retiring not to run for personal reasons, after 55 years. Grapeview's Tom Nevers is now the sole "He has watched a start-up volunteer fire candidate on the ballot, district become a highly effective and pro- "Six years is a long commitment for pub- fessional fire department," said Chief Tim lic office," Huff said. "After I saw that we McKern in a press release. "The district un- had viable candidates, one specifcally who der Chief Knight's leadership has for years is now the only one left, I saw this as an provided, and continues to provide, strong opportunity to have another candidate step highly regarded Fire and Emergency Medi- up who is concerned and looking out for the cal Services." Mason 5 considers M & O levy By ARIA SHEPHARD Mason County Fire District 5 is seek- ing public input for a proposed levy that could cost taxpayers more than $4 mil- lion over the next two years. The district -- which covers 150 square miles and serves a population of 14,000 from Allyn to John's Prairie -- is looking to replace several of its vehicles, includ- ing fire engines and command cars, and is hosting a series of meetings to present the topic to the public. "Truly, our number one need is equip- ment and what we're doing right now is going out and simply getting input from folks," said Fire Chief Tim McKern. Fire Chief Tim McKern The two-year Maintenance and Oper- ations levy, assessed at $1 per $1,000 as- include $375,000 for a new rescue vehicle, sessed value of a home, would cover the $300,000 for two brush trucks to combat costs to .replace seven fire engines, five wild land fires at the Mason Benson and command cars, two water tenders, two Lake Limerick stations, and $195,000 to brush trucks and an ambulance within replace five command cars -- three new the district. Ford Escapes for the fire chief and two The average age of a Mason 5 fire en- battalion chiefs and two Ford Expedition gine is 26 years old, with the oldest en- vehicles for the assistant chiefs. gine to be replaced at the Mason-Benson For a home assessed at $250,000, the station (a 1975 Pierce International). two-year levy would cost $2.50 per year. Stations at Allyn, Lake Limerick,The district has until August 16 to de- Pickering, Mason-Benson, Agate and cide whether to run the levy on the No- John's Prairie would see older engines vember ballot. replaced by newer ones, while stations at "We're just getting input, and if the Victor and North Harstine Island would input says this is not good timing, then see their engines replaced by older ones we'll move on," McKern said. "The nice from Pickering and Lake Limerick, re- thing about this M and O levy is it sounds spectively, like a lot, but you get a lot out of it." The district does not plan to replace Engine 56 at Deer Creek and is consid- The following public meetings are ten- ering consolidating that station with the tatively scheduled: Agate station. 7 p.m. on Thursday, July 14, at Sta- The total cost to replace all seven en- tion 1 in Allyn, 18411 E. State Route 3, gines would be little more than $2.9 mil- Allyn. lion; the district is also hoping to replace 7 p.m. on Thursday, July 21, at Sta- a water tender at both Allyn and Picker- tion 9 on Harstine Islane, 3190 E. North ing ($250,000 each), which aids the dis- Island Drive, Shelton. trict in providing water to areas without 7 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 13 at the fire hydrants. Mason Benson Club, 5971 Mason Lake Other costs in the $4 million package Drive W, Grapeview. Sheriff - Casey Salisbury SEX OFFENDER INFORMATION ALERT BULLETIN LEVEL 3 NOTIFICATION OF WANTED/ABSCONDED SEX OFFENDER Date: June 30, 2011 Prepared by: Detective Wlllism Adam Bulletin#: 11-32 The Mason Counly SheriWs Office is releasing the fl~lJo'.ving infonnati(m put~.aml I~ RCW 4.7.4.$~ and the Washington State Supixw.¢ Court ~isi~ in i~/aM..x..~ which authonT~,S law ¢nforcemcllt agencies to inform the public of a sex offenders release when; in the discrctlon of the a~t~'y, the release of inloremeion will enhance public: safety arid protection. The indivld~l who appua~ on this notificatkm has bee~ txmvicted of a SeX offense that reqinre~ registration with the Sheriff's Offi¢¢ in the count', of their residence. Furthan theit pmviom erlminad history pl~ them in a cla~ifmatinn level which reflects tbu potential to te.offt'nd. I~is sex offender ha~ ~'r vt'd the :~ntence impu~d oe him by t~ com~ lind has ed'.'isod the Mase~ Comity Sh~rifl"s ~Tice that he wi~ he ~ivin~ in th¢ ~cat~ heinw~ T~H$ gEx ~PFENDER ~g WANT~B B¥ THE MAs~N C~UN-rY $HEH~FF-$ ~FF|CE~ IPYOU NEE HIM, DO NOT APPROACH, BUT CALL 91 I. THIS NOTIFICATION 15 NOT INTENDED TO INCREASE FEAR, RATHER, IT IS OUR BELIEF THAT AN INFORMED PUBLIC IS A ,SAFER PUBLIC. The Mason County Sheriff's Office hag no legal acthoeit), Io dJ~ct v.hele a sex oflL'nder may or may no( li'~. Lldiess court ord¢~J r~lfictioi~ exist, this offender is co~titmionally Ih~ to live whatever he "choos~. S~ offenders have always lived in our communities, but it wasn't until passage of the Commzmi~ Prolectioq Act of 1990 ewhich retardates s~x q~nder reg£~tratiom that law cnfnlr.omentevenknev, wheve they were living, inmanyc& enforcement is now abie to share that iaformatinn with you. Citizcnaheseofthis information to threater~ intimidate or harass registered sex offendeu, will not he tolerated. Further. such abese could potentially end law en~nt's abilhy to do community nolificatitms. We believe the only person who wins if community notifw, atiott ends is the sex offender, since sea offeede~ derive their power through secrecy. if vnu hswe any in fnrmatina reua rdln~ cutout edmt=al aetlvilv oftkk or any oiler ~feider. nle~ esail 011. For other sex offender information, • • . RONALD SCOTT NICHOLSON ALSO KNOWNAS: RONALD ROUFS WHITE MALE-DOB: 09/26/1964 - 6'00" - 260 LBS. RED HAIR - BLUE EYES Ronald NICIIOLSON is wanted by the Mason County Sheriff's Office fbr moving from his registered ~s and failing to notify Law Euforcernerlt of his whereabouts. He is required tO register as a sex offender due to a conviction on 04/30/1991 of Child Molestation I~t Dngrea. Class A Felony. Thurston County Superior Court cause #90-1-00727-1. This conviction stems from NICHOLSON at age 26, sexually assaulting a 7 }.ear old little girl that was known to him. NICHOLSON has also becn convicted of Failure to Register as a Sex Offender. Due to these factors. NICHOLSON is considered a HIGH RISK. NOTE: If van see Ronskl NICHOL~N. Do Not Annrmzeh. but call 91 I[ ~F the Mastem Cnnntv .~herlff's Office. Rounld N1CHOLSON is assessed by Mason County Sheriff's Office as a ~. This is the highest Itwel given to a Sex Offender, meaning that the subject is at a HIGH RISK to re-offend. This Sex Offender has NOT notified the Mason County SheriflPa Office of his whereabouts: His Whereabouts are Unknown. He is WANTED by the Mason County Sheriff's Office. Sheriff - C.asey Salisbury CLOTHING " FOOTWEAR ° CAMPING ° FISHING & MORE! Exit 111 (I,5) LACEY, WA (360) 252-3500 Lacey, Wash,e Store Hours: Monday-Friday 8a.m.- 9p.m. Saturday 8a.m.- 9p.m. Exit III (I-5) N SEX OFFENDER INFORMATION ALERT BULLETIN LEVEL 3 NOTIFICATION OF WANTED/ABSCONDED SEX OFFENDER Date: June 30, 2011 prepared by: Detective William Adam Bulletin#: 11-33 The M&,am County Sheriff's Office is releasing the following inflmualion pu~uant to RCW 4.24.$~ and the Wa~hi~ State Supreme Court decisi~ in which audmriz~ law enforconent a~¢~cics to iafoem the p~blic of a sex offenders r¢lea.~ when; in the discredon of the agency, the release of information will eninur~e pebllc safety and Isotectinn. The indivlduaJ who appears c~ this notification has been convicted ofa ~x offem¢ that n~ldires registration with the Sheriffs Office in the coomy of their residence. F urther, th¢it ixevinm criminal history places them in • classification level which ~flects the potential to re-offend. This sex offender has served the sentence imposed on him by the c.ouns and has advised ~e Mason CormW Sheriff's Office that he wiH he living in the location beinw. THIS SEX OFFENDER 1S WAN'FED BY THE MASON COUNTY SllERIFF'$ OFTICE. 1F YOU SEE H ER, DO NOT APPROACH, BUT CALL 911. THIS NOTIFICATION IS NOT INTENDED TO INCHEASI~ FEAR, RATHER. IT IS OUR BEI,IEF ~IIAT AN INFORMED PUBLIC IS A SAFER PUBLIC. The Mason Count)" Shmiff's Ofl~a~ no legal authority to direct where a offender may or may not live. linless court ordered resections exisL this offender is co~timtionally I~e u) lis'~ wherever he ~. Sex offenders have always Jived in our commtmitles, hat it wasn't until pus~,g¢ or the Community Protection Act of 1990/which mandm*es s¢x offender registrmlo.~) that law enforcement e~en knew where they were living. In many ca~s., law enfot'cemem is now able to shine that information with you. Chiz~n aho~ of this information t~, threaten, intimldat© or ha r&~,~ mgistered sex offe~ers wig not be tolerated. Further. such abuse could potentially end law en forcement's ability to do community notilicaticns. We believe the only person who wins if community notificatioo ends is the sex often&r, since sex offimders derive their power through secrecy. If vnu have amy ta form~tlon remzrdin~ current erlminat ~etlvliv nf thil or any oeher nffemd~r, edmu~ ~ 91J. For other sex offender infbrmation, "~ • . MARGARET YVONNE PETERSON WHITE FEMALE-DOB: 02/08/1958 - 5'07" - 150 LBS. BROWN HAIR - HAZEL EYES Margaret PETERSON is wanted by the Mason County Sheriff's Office for moving fsom her registered address and i~iling to notify Law Enfo~cment of her whereabouts. She is required to register as a sex l offender due to a conviction on 03/17/1995 of Child Molestation yd Degree, Class C Felony, Kitsap County Superior Court cause #94-I-06105-I. This mnvictien stems from PETERSON at age 36. sexunlly assaulting a 15 year old girl. PETERSON has also been convicted of Failure to Register as a Sex ~r. Due to thea¢ factors, PETERSON is considered a HIGH RISK. NOTE: If ymm ~ Mmrgar~ PETEI~N. Eta Not Anom~h. but earl 911 or the Ma~on County Rherlff*~ Offlee. Margaret PETERSON is assessed by Mason County Sheriff's Office as a ~. This is the highest level given to a Sex Offender, meaning that the subject is at a HIGH RISK to re-offend. This Sex Offender has NOT notified the Mason County Sheriff's ~like of her wboreabouts: Her Whereabouts are Unknown. She is WANTF : by the Mason Cout / Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, July 7, 2011 - A-3