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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 7, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 7, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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TO EDITOR ON STREET Must vote now for EMS Editor, the Journal On August 16 we in Union will be voting again on the Emergency Medical • Services (EMS) levy, which will replace the expired 2010 levy. It is important that we pass this levy now or there will be no funding for emergency medical services. There are two firefighters and one administrative assistant at our fire station on salary. We are most fortunate to have 26 volunteer firefighters who are highly trained. It is our responsibility to make sure our seven vehicles have as much equipment as the state allows. This is our only chance to get funding and keep the equipment to top standards. I think this is a bargain at twice the price. Please vote yes on the EMS levy. reservations, dispatch and drivers alike. They all seem well suited for their respective jobs. The drivers are kind, courteous, helpful and patient (we aren't all so quick on our feet) and in our hurry up world full of impatience and over- worked, sometimes under appreciated employees - its nice to find such understanding kindness. I recognize true gold when I see it and believe me Mason County you've got it. Please take a moment to say thank you to those who serve you. It goes a long way in encouragement. Thank you Mason County for such a valuable bus system. Judy McNeal Shelton Yes on the How do you think the county should save bring in revenue for the 2012 budget? Bob Haynes Jeremy Kempton Linda Simms money/ Libby Avery "I think they have to cut "I think they should spend "I really don't believe they "I think they are looking at somewhere, but they'll have their money on fixing the should cut funding as far all of their priorities and to be careful where they cut roads downtown but I don't as fire, police or schools. I think we need to look because somebody's going know what they should There's a lot of waste at ways to bring in more to complain. It's a hard cut because I don't knowgoing on and I think therevenue because we're thing to do." what they're spending their county should look there, already pretty skeletomzed. money on." They really need to lookI think they should do more at priorities and see what touristy things to bring the consumers, which thepeople iu and make them taxpayers are, need." want to come back." Editor, the Journal I am writing to encourage voters in Mason HelenRobel, Fire District No. 6ofUnion Journal Letter Policy Union to approve the Emergency Medical Services levy in the August 16 election. To me it is simply a no- The Journal welcomes and encourages your letters brainer. This is a levy to replace an existing levy. Without its passage, we in District No. 6 have no regular funding for the medical emergency responses that we have be under 350 words and provide contact and ad: come to rely on and need in a community with a large dress-information for the Journal. We need Editor, the Journal I support the 2012 replacement Emergency Medical Serwces levy for Fire District 6. As a senior citizen living in a mostly senior community, I am reassured knowing that there is 24 hour emergency medical help available to me and my wife and to all of my neighbors. It is just , a pone call and minutes away. I have seen our aid car in my neighborhood within the past few days. It is not adequate to wait for help from Shelten or Belfair when possible life threatening situations occur in our community. Please join me in voting for Fire District 6 EMS replacement levy on August 16. Gary Gozat Union County drivers are the best number of retirees. Without it the Fire Commission would have to take funds from fire protection or else our EMS service would go away altogether. This levy also provides for staffing at our fire station on a 24/7 basis, meaning that theresponse " time to our emergencies will take an average of six minutes. Time is critical after heart attack, stroke, or other life-threatening event. The ability of our EMS crews to get to us quickly is a key factor in saving lives, as well as maintaining our quality of life aRer a trauma such as these. What does this levy cost? It would only cost $7.29 per month for a home with a valuation of $250,000, which is only 40 cents per day. That is the cheapest insurance I can have in a medial emergency. The real question is "What would it cost us ff this measure were not to be approved?" To me the answer is simply a no-brainer. I encourage you to vote yes on the EMS. Terry R. Oliver Union Editor, the Journal Due to my emergency surgery and inability to drive until healed, I have had the opportunity to use the Mason County Dial-A-Ride system. And I just can't resist giving a shout out to the drivers. Fellow residents, you are surrounded by gold treasure in the form of your bus system, particularly the drivers. I've been treated kindly by everyone it the transit system, Shelton-Mason County IS 492-800 She~ton-Mason County Journal is a member of Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association. RMASTER: Send address changes to Shelton-Mason (ty Journal, RO. Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584. F, hed weekly by Shelton-Mason County Journal, Inc. a West Cota Street, Shelton, Washington address: RO. Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584 lone (360) 426-4412 • Rcals postage paid at Shelton, Washington SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $37 per year for Mason County addresses, $51 per year in state of Washington but outside Mason County, $61 per year out of state, Owned and publ hed by • She~ton-Mason County Joumal, Inc I~-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 7, 2011 Rick Kennedy, publisher Jesse Mullen, general mgr, Newsroom: Kevan Moore, managing editor Aria Shepherd, North Mason, environment, reporter ~le Johnson.., reporter • HansOn, Spots Advertising: Dave Pierik, advertising manager Harvey Morris, ad representative Mat Taylor, ad representative Front office: Donna Kinnaird, bookkeeper Margot Brand, circulation Cricket Carter, mailroom supervisor Composing room: William Adams, graphics Koleen Wood, classifieds/legals Becky Corr, typing Pressroom: Kelly Riordan, production manager Travis Miller press operator