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July 7, 2011 |
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"1 am certainly not perUnemp]°ymentemp]oyee toal]°cati°nSas much
getARerbattletheofdrawn2011,°ut bUd'Mason contemplating any raises thatas $300perlayoffsinYear'2010contrib-Herr'said
C°untYthe 2012isbudgetl°°kingPr°cesst° beginas in 2012," ty,sUtedunemploymenttO a spike in thecosts.C°un-
early as possible. Revenue for 2012 is ex- f
On Tuesday, Mason sented employees, the cam- didn't expect current cuts pected to be the same as in|0" FUCHSIA IV" ANNUAl.
County Auditor Karen Herrmissioners expressed a de- and staff consolidations to 2011 - about $24.5 million ~Kllrs ~KElr$
asked the county commis- sire to increase salaries for provide enough money in dollars. The fund balance
sioners to review a set of non-union workers, but anthe budget for staff raises, should increase to $6 mil- The oil-time favorite ' ]0" spring mix
guidelines for county de-unwillingness to actually"I think we're going to see lion dollars, gi~. Gorgeous hongin9 boskek
partment heads to follow increase their salaries in some efficienciesbuthaven't The commission decided blooming ~ ' Beautifully
when drafting their 2012 the current economy, gotten to the sharp point of to direct county staff to 10" plastic baskets. ~ ~ blooming
budgets. "I would like to see the that pencil," he said. keep their preliminary bud-
"It would behoove the de-non-represented employ- Next, Herr brought up gets within those numbers.
partments if a lot of the de- ees get a step-increase this salary increases for elected "We're going to live with-
cisi°nShand," Herr said.can be made before- Ringyear,'EricksonCOmmissionersaid" Lyndai am °fficials"I submitted that last anticipate,"in the amount of money WeSheldon said. four Choice 12" Iki~ ....... 2t.~l
The commissioners pri- certainly not contemplating year and got trounced," Ring Herr said that some de-
marily discussed salary in- any raises in 2012." Erickson said. All staff and partments would have no
creases for union and non- Commissioner Tim Shel- elected officials alike agreed choice but to cut more staff
union employees and elect- don said that any salary to not discuss raises for elect- in the coming year.
ed officials not including the increases are dependent on ed officials without raises for "I would hate to lose
commissioners, the county's financial post- non-represented staff, more staffing when we're
The commissioners tion in the future. The commissioners sitting on an ending fund
agreed to wait until the"I guess it depends on our agreed to discuss salary in- balance of $6 million," She
county can reach agree- reserves - we still have an creases at a later date if the said.
ments with the unions toeconomy that's very fiat," he County's financial situation The commission will re-
discuss any salary increas- said. "I'd have trouble cam- changed, view the county's prelimi-
eS'However for non-repre- mittingsheldont° ansaidincrease"that he would also haveHerr said that the countYto increase 6.nary budget on September 20.BOXI.ASKOFAN Pal"rING Bi.OOM$oit
2 cu. ft.
pu " Sheriffs office
"icy dedication slated
ByKEVAN MOORE 6171862 . 003456
By NATALIE JOHNSON "We've been The Mason County Sheriff's Office will
of Shelton'sAfter c°ncernScomplianceab°utwiththe P°rtthe in compliance tersh°Idjulya dedicati°nl6 in honorCerem°nYof a deputy°f its headquar-that was 'BULLS EYE 1 2 3" f BLACK ,JACK TM
Public Records Act, the pOrtmission adopted a resolutionC°m'set- with the killed inThe building,the line of duty inlocated at1985.322 North Pine PRIMER-SEALER DRIVimfAYsEAKANT
ting official public records policy Street in downtown Shelton, will be dedi- '::'~'~!~
on Tuesday. statute a nd we cated as "The Deputy Rick.Glass Public Safe-
"We've been in compliance ty Building" in honor of Deputy Richard D.
with the statute and we will con- WiJ] continue Glass who was killed in the line of duty on
tinUerectorJohnDobsonThetOresolutionbe," Port ExecutiVesaid.outline theDi- to be." inghicleMarChapursuitleft9' the1985"ofar°adwayGlasSfleeingdiedwhenandvehicleStruckhispatr°Ive'inthea treeElfen-dUr" |435452 5 gal.
documents available to the pub- dahl Pass area of Mason County.
lic through information requests ments you provided general The building dedication will include a cer-
and the requirements of the port council," Hupp said. "[The reso- emony conducted by the newly formed Mason 1689o ACe EZ Stir
underward theStateexecutivelaW. It alSOassistant,Sets fOr-or we've had for years."luti°n] improves the system with Glass'sC°unty SheriffSwife andOffiCeson.H°n0r Guard along 5 gal. 17894 1
WendySmith, as the port's Pub- Mi]es asked that the port hire "My staff and I thought dedicating our I ROC PAIN-Ir' ( It pll!Cll "~1
lic Records Officer and establish- a part-time employee to handle building to the memory of Deputy Glass i
es a 15-cent per copy price,public records requests, would serve as a small token to Rick and his |1 ~ Ill [ |PA~N1r| DIG x|Ir [|
The resolution also says that Dobson said that the port family for the ultimate sacrifice he made for [I RO ra~~ [/ ~ "ll
state law requires the port to didn't have the money for anoth-the citizens of Mason County," said Sheriff .... .......... ~: ~.::~i~
keep an index of its public re- er staff person and doesn't usu- Casey Salisbury.
cords "unless it would be unduly ally get the volume of requests to The Sheriffs Office moved into its current
burdensome." Dobson said that justify anotherstaffmember, facility in 2009, after spending nearly 70 J[ NT RI // [1
the port would not maintain Miles has raised concerns years in the Mason County courthouse. Fin- Royall 0RPAINT I.[| |[
such an index because it would about the port's compliance with ishing touches on the new facility are still be- II Flat1 , 23.99 gal. [l
be burdensome to the port's public disclosure laws on sever- ing completed. II Eggshell, ,,=24.99ga ....
small staff, a] occasions in the past several "We are very proud of this facility," Salts- J J Sem g,oss, .2s z7.99 gal. / :.0,*MetaIPain=ii:i; |1
Commissioner Jack Miles months. According to Dobson, bury said. "Although the building is not new, : •TwoRollerC ..... :
raised several concerns about Miles submitted 36 separate it's clean, modern and will meet our needs for II __ l! .... .
the document and suggested public information requests in the foreseeable future." IJ Royal • Tray L' .... 3" Rol ........
• 3" Trim Roller • Foam Trim Brush~l
that the commission table the two days in May. Following the dedication, an open house 24.99ga .~.,~.~,o°,o,~.,,~.,,~,,o
II satin, I.[| 1197292 [I
resolution until it could schedule After some arguing, Hupp will feature hamburgers, hot dogs and drinks 28.99ga A ~
a public hearing and gather pub- stopped the conversation to to thosewhoattend. The food and drinks that J~~]
lic testimony, make a motion on the resolution are being provided have been donated for the
"I believe the public has a "This argument has nothing occasion.
• right to inspect this document," to do with this resolution," he Deputies will be conducting K-9 demon-
he said. said. strations. Additionally, static displays will
Commissioners JayHupp and Hupp and Wallitner voted include patrol vehicles, light armored ve-
Tom Wallitner disagreed, saying for the resolution, Miles voted hicle, patrol boats, and search and rescue
that there is no requirement to against. Port Attorney Charles equipment.
hold a public hearing on such a "Skip" Houser said that the cam- Regular tours of the building will also be Monday-Saturday 8:00-6:30
res°luti°n'We've been working on this the resolutionmissi°n can revieWat any time inand amendthe c°nducted'The open house is set to run from 10 a.m. Sunday 9-5
for a month. I've seen the cam- future, to3p.m.
$15 OFF FOR 3 MONTHS' @1 If your organization,
club, political party,
church, or other group
lgll isn't listed in this publication.
!:!lp for Phone & please call (360) 426-4412 and ask for
otber Service fo the Dave, Harvey, or Mat to make sure you're
ry included in the 2012 Directory.
.... • e name of your organization & phone
• : number will be listed at no charge.
Hood Sheltofl-Mason Coun~
Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 7, 2011 - Page A-5