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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 7, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 7, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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• ~ BI'JlHUL Journal photos by Aria Shephard Dd)ove, Process Rose of the party company Real Princess Parties deco- rates tee face of five-ye ur-ola Jael db Coley from lamdn Island at the Celebrate Hoodsport festival on Sunday. This year's Celebrate Hood- sport event included kid-friendly activities like face painting from the princesses of the party company Real Princess Parties. Below, Hood- sport's Rob Reed, dressed as a town crier, creates octopus balloons for children at the Celebrate Hoodsport festival. Bottom, two-year-old Adel- la Chambers from Seattle has her face painted by Pearl the Mermaid, as her grandmother Corinna Wilkins looks on. Port Continued from page A-1 that if Miles again violates the statute, "the Board will consider the penalties provided for under RCW 42.23.050." RCW 42.23.050 states that the "officer violating the provisions of this chap- ter is liable to the munici- pality of which he or she is an officer for a penalty in the amount of five hun- dred dollars, in addition to such other civil or crimi- nal liability or penalty as may otl~erwise be imposed upon the officer by law.~ Miles' blog post con- cerns a conversation dur- ing the executive session about the port's firing of employee Theresa Rebo, who recently filed com- plaints against port Ex- ecutive Director John Dobson with both the port commission and the Ma- son County Prosecutor's Office accusing the execu- tive director of attempt- ing to gift public funds to Northwest Event Organiz- ers, the event-planning company respensibie for running the Mason Area Fair. The pert commissioned an investigation by Seat- tle consultant the Seahold Group to determine the validity of Rebo's accusa- tions. The investigation showed no wrongdoing by Journal photo by Natalie Johnson Commissioner Jay Hupp wrote a letter of censure directed at Commissioner Jack Miles for posting confidential information on a local blog website. Dobson. At a meeting last month, Miles' vowed to continue the investigation by sending the investiga- tion and the complaint to the State Attorney Gen- eral's office. Miles' blog post, one of several on the website, also states that the port is • in the middle of litigation resulting from two other firings in the office. =Additionally, your comments were erroneous concerning comments by others during that meet- ing and thus misleading to the public," the letter states. Minutes from executive sessions are not available to the general public. Miles expressed con- cern that port attorney Charles "Skip" Houser reviewed the letter before it was brought before the commission. He also ques- tioned whether Commis- sioner Tom Wallitner had seen the letter before it was made public as well. "Did you get authori- zation from this board ... to speak to the attorney? How did you know that commissioner Wallitner would be in agreement," Miles said. Hupp said that he did not need the board's permission to discuss a matter with attorney Houser. 2011 Dodge 1500 Quad Cab4x4 5 7 Lh', Auto, Sit pkg, tube steps, mote 1D7RU1GTTBSS6703V MSRP 39.955 • Gilles D~scount 3,0(]0 • Sale Pnce 36,955 • Rebate 2,750 • Ally Fm bonus cash 1,000 • SLT bonus cash 1.000 • Final Pnce $32,245 ° Save $7.75O M~ hoe qua~W for a, L.~:e,~,vm. Set ~ml~ e,~ e, eu,ih Shelton,WA (360) 4a@.SSS5 2011 Dodge 1500 Quad Cab 4x4 4 7 ~ V8 Auto. St. [qt~ Group. Chrome pl(g 107RUI $PB5~$5~73 M$RP 31.240 • Gilts De~uot 2.060 • Sale ~ 29.240 P,e,~te 2.758 • Ally ,~an(e b~t.$ rash 1.000 a Final Pr,(e $25,49O • NO second ~ker not qullify for all If~cG~nt h,¢~ Stilt dnl~,r for d~l~s Shelton WA (3SO) 426-5585 www.gllllumto¢ 2011 Dodge 1500 Quad Cab 4x4 5 7 Err, Auto. SLT107RUIGT3BSS~(~BBlPkg, Tube ste s Tow pkg & rnore~ MSRP 40,805 • Gdhs D~scount 2,500 • Sale Pnce 38,305 Bebate 2,750 • Sale Price 38,305 • Al~y Finance Bonus Cash 1,C00 • SLT Bonus Cash 1.000 • Final Price $33.555 • SAVE BPGI May not qualify for .II ir~entives See dealer for details Shelton WA (360) 426-5585 www.gill Hoodsport Continued from page A-1 "It's always been a tradition for years, and it's always a pleasant time," Holly Reed said. "This year, we're putting in more hours and more work, but it's more fun ... The kids are just having such a great time." While there seemed to be less people at- tending the fair than in previous year, Ma- cLeod said, the event's association hopes to continue the more successful aspects of the fair. "I think it's been a real good event," she said. "We plan on continuing to make the kid-friendliness part of the event. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY MOVING/GARAGE sale, 2004 19' T23 camp trailer, Phillips Lake Road, July 9-10, Pioneer Fleetwood. $8,000 10 a.m.- Turn on Phillips Lake OBO. 360-229-0495. W7/7 Road, follow signs. P7/7 COLLECTOR'S PARADISE LARGE MULTI-FAMILY sale. yard sale, 2 families. Satur- Saturday the 9th, 9 a.m.-? 1323 day, July 9, 8 a.m.-3 p.m. 391 S. 2nd St. Baby clothes, ma- SE Hudson Rd., off Lynch Rd. ternity clothes, much more to C7/7 see. A7/7 MIKE'S FIRST sale of the WATERFRONT: ORCHARD year. It's going to be big. Cor- Beach. Split level, spacious, 3 ner of Seventh and Grant. bedrooms, 2 baths, rec. room, Thursday-Saturday, 9 a.m.-? woodstove in living room. See you there. M7/7 Good condition. Shop area. Large deck partially covered AVAILABLE NOW. 2 bed- and patio. 2-car carport with room, 1 bath doublewide me- storage shed. Fenced back- bile. Located on the Olympia yard. $1,225 per month plus side of Shelton. 2-car carport. deposit. Shirley, RE/MAX Top Very quiet area. $700 month, Executives, 360-427-4488. $700 deposit. No smoking A7/7 or pets. Water included. 360- 426-0132, cell 360-870-4559. YARD SALE, 81 E. Woke- B7/7-14 jance Lane, Saturday, July 9, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, July 10, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Follow the twitty bird signs from Old Farm Road. L7/7 LOST: 9 ft. Livingston dinghy 7-2-11, Tahuya area. Has sentimental value. Please call 360-275-2720 or 206-683- 1622. K7/7-14 KITTEN RESCUE is having a large summer sale. Outdoor furniture, camping equip- ment, bikes, everything to en- joy the summer weather can be found here. Tools, small dining table, lovely house- wares, adorable baby and toddler clothing, all in won- derful condition. Sale starts at 8 a.m., Saturday, July 16, and ends at 5 p.m. Come shop with us and know that the sale proceeds help us control the feline population of Ma- son County. 420 SE State Route 3, located on the south side of Shelton. 360-584- 0594. K7/7-14 TOOLS, FISHING gear, clothes and mucn more. 227 West Cota, downtown Shel- ton, behind The Journal, 9 $500 CASH reward for info a.m. to 4 p.m. R7/7 leading to return of a stain- SAVE THE Day Mailing Ser- less steel Vermont Casting vice. We stuff it, we seal it, rotisserie stolen from our res- we take it to the post office. idence on Northshore Road Call now if you have a wed- between 6/20-7/2. Call 360- ding, family reunion, party, or 790-5017. W7/7-14 monthly billing or more. 360- 463-1131, savethedaymail@ W7f'7 Peninsula Credit Union continues to grow our auto financing business and relationships. We have been successful due to good rates and convenient access to financing right at the dealership through CUDL (Credit Union Direct Lending). • Visit any participating CUDL dealer and identify yourself as a Peninsula Credit Union member. • Request your Peninsula Credit Union financing through the CUDL system. • The CUDL system is available anytime during the dealership's business hours. Look for the CUDL logo Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, July 7, 2011 - Page A-7 $1 i