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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 7, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 7, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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City of Shelton Animal Shelter Adoptions cost $75, which includes vaccine, worm- er, spay/neuter plus $10 city license. New dogs are brought in all the time. Call 427-7503 or visit the shelter at 902 West Pine Street. Dogs may be viewed at The hours are Monday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The shelter is closed Saturday and Sunday. Current listings: Yellow Labrador, male, five years old. Labrador Retriever mix, one year old. Pit Bull, female, five months old. Pit Bull mix, female, two years old. Labrador Retriever, female, two years old. Kitten Rescue June Bug is telling everyone that she is ready for a forever home of her own. She is hoping to find a special family that will share love and affection that this little lady deserves. June Bug wants to share a lifetime of kitty cuddling, napping and lap warming. June Bug will bring enjoyment, companionship and kitty talk to the right home. For information on June Bug and other indoor-only kitties, call 584-0594 or leave a message at 426-2455. Adopt-A-Pet Dog of the Week Amber is a beautiful yellow Lab mix, approximate- ly one year old. She is great with other dogs, loves peo- ple and would do great in a family with children. She loves to run and play, is very affectionate and who can resist those gorgeous green eyes. If you would like to meet Amber, call 432-3091 or visit Than [1714 Olympic Highway Monday-Friday 8:30-5 Page B-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 7, 2011 Do you live with heart created by the Stanford well; use medications effec- 3:45 p.m. Tuesday after- disease, arthritis, diabetz/s, School of Medicine to help tively; solve problems and noons from beginning July asthma, or other chronicthose with chronic health meet personal goals; talk 19 and ending August 23. health conditions? Learn donditions, to your doctor about your It is held in the McArthur proven methods to ira- Learn how to: control health; make choices about Room at the Mason County prove your quality of life. your pain, deal with fa-your treatment; and stay a Senior Activities Center, Physicians of Southwesttigue, frustration and iso- healthy caregiver. 826 W. Railroad Avenue, Washington, an indepen-lation; start an exercise This free program is in downtown Shelton. Reg- dent physician association, program and increase your for all ages and includes istration is required and are presenting a six-week energy level; handle stress a handbook and a CD. It there is limited space. Call groundbreaking program and relax; eat well and live meets on from 1:15 p.m. to 426-7374 to register. State awarded Mason County $1,736,495 The Washington State Recreation Mason County received more than Coulter Creek Estuary; $400,000 to and Conservation Funding Board $1.75 million dollars to upgrade fields, expand Latimer's Landing; $61,250 for awarded more than $67.5 million in improve fishing and recreation fa- planning the renovation of the Union grants to 234 recreation and conser- cilities, and to conserve large' swaths Boat Launch; $275,500 to renovate the ration projects in 35 of the state's of wildlife habitat. Mason County's infields at MCRA; $90,000 improving 39 counties. The grants will be used grants include: $450,000 to buy and water quality in the Tahuya State For- to build parks and trails and protect develop Coulter Creek Park; $450,000 est; and $9,745 to provide an education farmland and wildlife habitat, for conservation of the North Bay and specialist in the Tahuya State Forest. Voter Registration deadlines for the primary election is July 18 The August 16, 2011 Fire Protection No. 9, Port ered to the Mason Countyrice, 411 N 5th St, Shelton, Primary Election in Mason of Allyn, Port of Shelton Auditor's Office no later Monday thru Friday, 8:30 County includes candidates and Belfair Water District. than 4:30 .p.m., Monday,a.m. - 4:30 p.m. The Audi- and measures. Thejurisdic- All voter registration ap- July 18, 2011 to be eligible tor's Office is closed from tions that will appear on plications, transfers from for the August 16, Primary 12:30 p.m. -- l:30 p.m. daily. the Primary ballot include: another county and chang- Election. If you have any questions, City of Shelten, Fire Pro- es of address within Mason Persons not already reg-or would like any assistance tection District No. 3, Fire County, submitted by mail istered in Washington State to register to vote, you may Protection District No. 4, or online, must be post-may register in-person no contact the elections depart- Fire Protection No. 6, Fire marked by Monday, July later than August 8, at the ment at 427-9670 ext. 470. Protection District No. 8, 18, 2011 or may be deliv- Mason County Auditor's Of- Retreat for women at Hypatia-in-the-Woods Hypatia-in-the-Woods, a retreat and resource center for women in the arts and academia, is hosting a celebration featuring the dedication and opening of their new Vera Wagner Memorial Labyrinth and the Jeanne Lehmann Poetry Trail from 2 to 5 p.m. on Satur- day, July 23. The event will be held on the grounds at Hypatia-in-the-Woods, which is located on Hammersley Inlet, at 160 Lagoon Lane, just past milepost 5 on Arcadia Road. It is rain or shine. The grounds, trails and labyrinth will be open for walking, and social- izing. The Holly House, which is the retreat house run by Hypatia-in-the- Woods, will also be open and party go- ers will be able to see and read about some of the work done by former resi- dents. The building of a labyrinth on the property was originally funded by a generous donation from Me]issa Har- die of Cornwall in honor of her mother, Vera Wagner. The funds that enabled the completion of the project came from Don Freas of the Freas Family Foundation. It is located in a meadow and orchard (Jim Holly's orchard) on the property. There are throe walking (and con- templating) trails being built on the property as well. The Jeanne Lohm- ann Poetry Trail will incorporate po- etry installations along a beautiful trail through cedar forest and will also include benches to allow for the con- woodsmen and women and volunteers has been designed for women seeking have all been hard at work since last to pursuretheir muse undistracted by summer on these trails. The poetry everyday demands. Our workshops installations are sponsored by individ- and community programs are open to uals or groups. Two of the six instal- everyone. lations still need sponsors. For more In 1998, retired professor in library information about this event, contact and information science, Elspeth 427-0760. Pope, established a trust to hold her About Hypatia-in-the-Woeds: "Cre- property on Hammersley Inlet as a ative endeavor requires physical and home for the non-profit organization mental space; without privacy, so]i- (a 501-c3), Hypatia-in-the-Woods, and tude, and time it suffocates. It is ira- formed a beard of directors to oversee possible to pursue original thought in its operation. Hypatia-in-the-Woods the scattered remnants of a day or a is the ~merican cousin to The Hypatia lifetime," said Judith. Groch Hypatia- Trust in Cornwall, England. For more in-the-Woods was created to provide information visit the group's Facebook templation of both the scenery and that physical and mental space. Our page, and website at www.hypatiain- the poems. A crew of foresters, local residential retreat and study center Male only cat neuter clinic l Demre aoomg a tax: [ Shelton Veterinary Hos- Veterinary Hospital 104 E. ~~ ~ pital is doing an all-male J. Street, Shelton. The con- fly What prevents them from only cat neuter clinic on tact number is 280-9016. RussDenney borrowing from it again? July 17. The cost is $20 The person of contact can cash. The address is Shelton answer any questions. Your Choice! Up To SlO00 Instant Rebate or 36 Months No Interm Rnmd~ or S.~ Aim April 1 .Nn, 30, 2011 Purchase a qualifying Trane Xl.i System and Trane Comfort Control and receive a $1000 Instant Rebate OR Purchase a Qualifying High Efficiency Trane Variable Speed Indoor Unit OR XLi A/C or H/P with a Trane Comfort Control and 36 months no interest OR 5.9% rMqrt sw ~ ~ot~-t i#Aetl tlw r~ ~ R~mm.m ~ ~w~mum m~km~ ~, f.~meN ~~t~m~ am v~mr aml ~o~ R In dm mmmw Serving Shelton and Mason County for 84 ~rs Monday-Friday 6:30 o.m.-6:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 o.m.-2:00 p.m. 2t S South Second 426-3371