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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 8, 1943     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 8, 1943
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Sis ‘ Relatives from Kelso Mrs. Ada Boggs and Mr. and Mrs. Steel of Kelso visited from Friday to Wednesday with their daughter and granddaughter re- spectively, Mrs. C. L. Walton and her husband. Say It WITH FLOWERS They Bring Comfort and Happiness FUNERAL DESIGNS AND HOSPITAL BOUQUETS‘ Delivered anywhere, anytime Travis Floral Shop Shelton Hardware Bldg. Phone 232 270-W ). ll as". «is i :74; We Keep Precious Woolens Dust-Free and Color Bright! Smart spring suits will look newer . . . longer, if you have them' frequently dry cleaned. Our expert cleaning process puts the forces of dust and deteriorating perspiration to rout without harming the wear- ing-life of precious fabrics. Col« ors too, retain their own true brightness . . . so important now that you are wearing dye- conserving pastels! MASON COUNTY | STEAM LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS ' Phone WW I \Vhittle Club Hold Tuesday Meeting The Whittle Club composed of Mrs. Victoria Attwood, Mrs. Au- drey Crabill, Mrs. Irene Blan- chard, Mrs. June Bell, Mrs. Haz— el Cheney, Mrs. Magdeline Ditt— man, Mrs. Pearl Noblett and Mrs. Kay SCott, held their weekly meeting at the Dittman home on Tuesday. Mrs. Cheney’s charming exeuc— tion of a minnow won her first prize of a large bean pot and second prize of some potholders was awarded Mrs. Dittman for her miniature house filled with a royal party. ‘ Cover refreshments were serv- ed after which work was resumed on the artist contributions of the members. Safeway Store Employees Enjoy Store Party Twenty-seven members of the -Safeway Store enjoyed a day of boating, swimming, ball games, music, etc., Sunday when they gathered at the Murphy home on the bay for a store picnic. Shelton Garden Club Donates Picnic Table Members of_ the Shelton Gar- den Club and their husbands en- joyed a picnic supper in Kneeland Park Thursday evening after which the husbands built a picnic table with lumber bought by the Garden Club. The table was do- nated to the Park in hopes of attracting more families to the park for a pleasant afternoon and evening. From Victoria, B. C. Mrs. Sarah Walton of Victoria, BC, returned to her home the first of the week after spending two weeks with her son, Mr. and iMrs. L. A. Walton. Mr. and Mrs. H. Knott of Port Townsend were the houseguests of the Waltons over the week end. Here For Week Miss Carol Calkins of Chehalis is the houseguest of Miss Janet Swanson this week. Visits Sons R. G. Wood of Mountain View has just returned from a trip north, visiting his sons, one in Vancouver, B. C., and the other at Prince Rupert. He was gone about a month. Juvenile Benefit DANCE Sponsored by . Shelton Aerie of Eagles SATURDAY, JULY 10 $100 DOOR PRIZE All proceeds of this Dance to be Donated to Juvenile Program OLD GYMNASIUM Dancing 9:30 to 1:00 Admission 75¢, tax incl. RAU’S ORCHESTRA light? Sanfori‘zed‘f Canons? M E N ' S S I. A C K 5 Cool, light-weight slacks in stripes and durable solid tones! PANTS FOR BOYS .......... .. 1.59 Comfortable For Summerlr MEN'S POLO SHIRTS Knitted cotton that .49¢ is cool and absor- bent. Gay colors. BOYS’ POLO SHIRTS ...... .. 39¢ and feel better this summer! florals, in attractive summer \Casual Frocks That Are ton front or classic types, or Bright, cheerful colors. Sizes shirting stripes, carefree prints and smart Your Choice of smart shirtwaist styles, but- dirndl models! Soft, cool spun rayon in a grand selection of Horals, dots and stripes! LILLIAN WARREN, Society Editor Miss Ruie Ashbaugh Lovely Bride Tuesday l Huge bouquets of mixed sum- mer flowers in the glow of burn- ing tapers decorated the Mt. Olive Lutheran Church Tuesday evening when Miss Rule Aashbaugh piighted her troth to Pfc. Edward Johnson. Reverend R. C. Muhly solemnized the wedding ceremony at 8 o’clock in the evening. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Ashbaugh and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lytle Johnson, all of Shelton. Miss Amelia Ordal lighted 'the tapers and Mrs. B. F. Hueston and Phil Johnson, accompanied by Mrs. Bernhard VViniecki sang “The Lord’s Prayer and “I Love You Truly.” The bride wore a smartly styl- ed brown suit with white acces- sories and a corsage of red roses. Miss Virginia Nelson, her only attendant, wore a blue suit with white accessories and pink aster corsage. Both mothers wore blue suits and rose corsages. ReCeption was held in the home of the bride’s parents. After the bride and groom traditionally cut the first piece, Miss Jeanne Ash- baugh assisted by Mrs. Maybelle Daniels served the cake. Mrs. H. G. Angle and Mrs. Herbert Dick- enson poured. Mae Ashbaugh was in charge of the guest book. Mrs. Johnson graduated from Shelton high school 'in 1942 and has been employed at the Lum- berman’s Mercantile Store. Mr. Johnson is in the Coast Artillery stationed at Ft. Worden. For the wedding trip on the canal the bride wore a. gold colored after- noon dress. Out of town guests were Mr. land Mrs. Herbert Dickinson, Mr. aners. Weiss and Mrs. Albright, grandmother of the groom. Miss Sandborn is Honored at Party Miss Jacqueline Sandborn of Coulee Dam, who is spending her summer vacation with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence vard Ave., 'was guest at a birth- day party given in honor of her twelve birthday, June 30. and dainty refreshments were served. Mrs. Carl Emsley Hostess at Party A Mrs. Walter; Emsley was hon- ored with a pink and blue show- er recently-at the home of her sister-in—law, Mrs. Carl Emsley. Guests present were Mrs. Ma- ,Huntington, Mrs. Ida Downie, Mrs. Cora Drake, Mrs. Charlotte ’Gardner, Mrs. ‘Oscar Oakley, Mrs. Chalmer Saeger, Mrs. K. J. Arch- !er, Mrs. Opal Asche, Mrs. Arnold ‘Saeger, Mrs. Auseth, Mrs. Bina, ,Mrs., Ray Killmer, Mrs. Chas. Sheppard, Mrs. Emsley, the hon- ored guest, and the hostess. Mrs. Emsley received many lovely gifts from those present ,and those unable to attend. Cake, (coffee and jello were served by the hostess. Visiting Parents Harbor is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William_ B'uckmann 'this week. corroNs RAYONS FOR C-O-O-l-N-E-S-S Bright Prints For Sm'uri- Wear This Summer! Crisp lighthearted designs to make you look Neat-as-a-pin 2.9a Gay And Comfortable! colors! Tai- lored or casual styles! Sizes 12 to 4-4. easy-to-wear 12-20. McBratney at their home on Har- ' Games and,music were enjoyed‘ ‘goon, Mrs. Elsie Collins, Mrs. C., Mrs. Walter Lanphere of Gig: ’thner at Ewe Cove. Mrs. Keley SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL} Degree of Honor Schedules Meeting The Degree of Honor will meet next Tuesday, July 13 for a pot— ‘luck supper at 6:30 in the Odd PHONE 100 Sheppard-Andersen Rites Held Saturday Evening The Southside Community Hall, decked with mixed summer flow- ers and greenery, was the scene of the wedding Saturday of Miss Aileen M. Andersen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Andersen of Tacoma and Alvin L. Sheppard, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Shep- pard. The Rev. R. C. Muhly of the Mt. Olive Lutheran church read the ceremony at 8:30 in the evening before about 80 relatives and friends. The bride was given in mar- riage by her father and wore a copen blue afternoon dress with sage was of gardenias. Miss Mar- tha Sheppard, sister of the groom, was bridesmaid. She wore a navy blue afternoon dress and a cor- sage of white rose buds. Leonard Andersen, brother of the bride, was best man. Miss Hertha Thorson played the the ceremony Mrs. Darell Matson sang “Blessed Be the Tide That Binds." A reception was held immedi- ately following the wedding with Mrs. Leonard Andersen cutting the beautiful tiered wedding cake. Red roses circled the base of the cake. Mrs. Ray Killmer, Mrs. An- dersen and Mrs. Sheppard assist- ed with the serving, the guest book and the gifts. For her daughter’s marriage Mrs. Andersen wore printed jer- sey gown and Mrs. Sheppard chose a grey and white printed * sweetpeas. The young couple plan to make their home in Shelton. Arcadia Economic Club Will Meet This Friday The Arcadia Economic Club will meet at Kneeland Park for a pic- ,‘nic this Friday, July 9. In case {of adverse weather conditions the gmeeting will be held at the Hunt- ington home. The last meeting of the club 'was held with Mrs. Pauline Ens- ley with ten members and three guests present. Mrs. Elsie Collins . and Mrs. Emma McGee both out- ‘of—town members were present. W.S.C.S. Plan Picnic In Runacres’ Gardens The Women’s Society for Chris- tian.Service will meet on Wéd- I ,of Mrs. C. E. Runacres for a 1 !.o‘clock pot luck luncheon. Mrs. C. C. Troy will be the assisting yhostess. A business meeting will follow ‘the luncheon with Mrs. Walter .Elliott in charge of the devotions. 'Old Timer Visits Here Mrs. Harvey E. Long of Los ,Angeles paid her first visit here 1rin .35 years last Thursday. She spent the day visiting many old time friends. W.C.T.U. Holds Monthly Meeting The Women’s Christian Temper- ance Union held their regular monthly meeting on Friday, July 2 at the home of Mrs. L. D. Hack. A potluck dinner was served at ,6330. The dinner table was beau- ‘tiful with a centerpiece of flow- ers in the national colors. Many lovely flowers were used about the rooms. Mrs. Alfred Killmer lead the devotions with the business meet— ing following. Mrs. W. F. Roberts, state corresponding secretary of the Women's Christian Temper- ance Union, gave a talk on mem- bership and Mrs. W. M. Elliott told of her recent trip East. A very pleasant evening was ‘ enjoyed by all. Several new mem- bers were added to the roll. i I From Seattle Mrs. Betty Owen and Mrs. Muir, both of Seattle, visited Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wells over the week end. Visiting in California I Miss Dorothy Elson and Miss lBonnie Smith have been visiting ‘ in California the past three weeks , with Miss Elson’s uncle, Col. Law— son (Woody) Sanderson at Santa Barbara. They also visited Jim Hillier and Ken Fredson at San lDiego. Visitors from Seattle Several Seattle families spent the week end of the Fourth with Shelton friends. Mr. and Mrs. Masteller and children visited the Glen Edgely’s. Mr. and Mrs. Luke Keley and J. Archambault were the houseguests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy 0. is Mrs. Ritner's sister and Mr. Archambault her uncle. Visit Troutdale Mr. and Mrs. William Pierce spent the Fourth in Troutdale, Oregon, visiting Mrs. Pierce's sis— ter and husband, Mr: and Mrs. in Bert Rowley. Rainbow Girls Celebrate Founder’s Day In celebration of Founder‘s Day, the Rainbow Girls had 6:30 pot- luck supper at the Masonic Tem- ple Thursday evening, followed b a. theatre party. y Bingo Party Will Be Held by Moose The Women of the Moose will hold another of their bingo - par- ties at the Moose Hall, Friday, July 9, with the proceeds raised going to their nurses’ fund. The play will start at 8 o'clock and refreshments will be served. Brother and Sister ‘ Enjoy Weekend Visit Much time was spent visiting when Mrs. C. D. Parker and four children visited her brother and his wife, Mr. ,and Mrs. Elroy Nel- son over the week end of the Fourth. It Wes the first time Mr. Nelson and Mrs. Parker had seen each other in 20 years. The Parkers recently moved to Poulsbo from Minnesota. matching hat and veil. Her cor-I wedding marches and preceding dress. Each wore a corsage of nesday, July 14, in the gardens| Fellows hall for members and their families. A short meeting will follow and the Carnation Club will hold a short meeting also. Juveniles of the Degree of Hon- tor will meet at the hall at 12:30 on Tuesday to go to the park for a picnic. I V.F.W. Auxiliary Changes Meeting Plans At the last meeting of the V. F.W. Auxiliary it was voted to discontinue the sewing meetings until September and during the months of July and August the auxiliary will hold just one meet- ing each month. The meeting of August 6 will be a joint meeting of the Lodge and Auxiliary with a potluck supper and party planned to take the place of the annual picnic. Visitor from Salem Mrs. Laurel Savage of Salem, IOre., spent the week end of the Fourth visiting her daughter, Miss Donna Savage and'Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Eddy. ‘ At Mt. Rainier Enjoying a week end of hiking and scenic beauty were Miss Ei- leen Runacres, Miss Myrtle Hop- land, Miss Mildred Ross and Miss Vera. Rowe, who spent from Sat- urday to Monday at Mt. Rainier. Visiting on Canal Miss Marilyn Anderson is vis— iting Miss Jane Aldrish at Union for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Anderson and son Gordon vis- ited in Seattle Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kessell of Morton visited Mrs. C. F. Wilson over the week end. Katherine Set- to spend the summer in Morton. l I terly returned with her mother| Visit in Tacoma Mr. and Mrs. Mel Dobson spent three days this week Visiting in {Visitors from Morton ’Tacoma with relatives. Attend Meeting Held in Tacoma The final meeting of the sea- son for Pierce‘ County Salon No. 220, was held June 23 at the Edward B. Rhodes Legion Hall in Tacoma. A 6:30 potluck lunch— ieon was served following which 'a program of entertainment was put on for the state officers, Mrs. Clarence Berg of Bremerton, De- partment President, Mrs. Homer Jones of Bremerton, State Secre- tary-treasurer and Mrs. Peg Downs cf Seattle, first vice-presi- ‘dent. The election of officers brought the evening to a close. There was a large number in attendance from Shelton, Puyal- lup, Tacoma and Eatonville. Those going from here were Mrs. E. F. Martin, Mrs. M. C. Melcum and Mrs. W. A.'Witsiers. BAPTIST CHURCH Regular services at the Baptist Church Sunday. Bible School at 9:45 with class- es for all ages. Morning Worship at 11. Young Peoples meeting at 6:30. Evening service at 7:45. The pastor will bring the third mes- sage in a series on the Bible, “Proofs of Inspiration.” Everyone welcome. Word was received last Week of the arrival of a baby son, June 27, to Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Lord of Vancouver, Wash. The new ar- rival was named Dennis Jay. Mr. Lord was a former resident and thesson of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lord. z BABY SON * Harstine Island ( Enjoys 4th Dance Harstine Island, July 6—Har- stlne Island celebrated the 4th of July. with a dance at the com- munity hall Saturday night with a good crowd, good music and good eats and a swell time was had by all. Visitors on the island over the 4th of July week end were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith and daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Christen- son and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mathews and son, all of Seattle, and all calling at the Harry G. Sinclair home. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Hendrick- son and daughter and husband of i Seattle. were at the Irvie Wingert home for the holiday and attend- ed the dance. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wickman 0f HOQUiam were on the island Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Russo and Mrs. Russo’s brother and wife, all of Seattle, and Mr. and Mrs. Vin- cent Glaser and family of Ta— coma, were visitors at the Hugo A. Glaser home for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Housen and children and Miss Edna Wil- son were with the home folks, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wilson for the holi- day. Mr. and Mrs. Deward Hutch- son and daughtersof Willapa were at the home of Mr. Hutch,- ] inson’s sister and family the Aria Wingerts on Sunday and Monda y. Mr. and Mrs. Chapin Foster and children of Chehalis, were. at the 1W.elf.eII-(Iiltch§}olck home over the we wi M . A. Hitchco r and Mrs. W. hem for several days ‘mons, Mr. and Mrs- A1 Brossean of P . alelc City and the Luckies girls are spending some tim r of MI‘. Allen Mccagifit the home ck returning to Cheha—‘ l i l l l A NUMBER OF WEST COAST FOREST OWNERS HAVE PLANNED AND MAPPED Tl-IE AREAS TO BE CUT FOR As MANy As 50 OR 60 YEARS . '- BY SCHEDULING THEIR LOGGING OPERATIONS. I TO RETURN TO escono enowm TREES WHEN THEY ARE MATURE, TH E’Y ARE GUARANTEEING A PERPETUAL TIMBER CROP 2000 FREIGHT _‘ I CARE? ARE NEEDED TO KEEP IN OPERATION ONE U.S.ARMY ORDNANCE ‘ PLANT LOCATED ONE DAYS RAILROAD HAUL FROM THE PEANUT I6 U‘SED lN NEARLY 300 DIFFERENT PRODUCTS.... SUCH AS SOAP. PRINTERS INK, QALAD OIL. FACE POWDER. AX LE GREASE....AND THROUGH A RECENT INVENTION, TO MAKE ARTIFICIAL WOOL . Dewatto Enjoys A Quiet Fourth Dewatto, July 6—The Fourth of July holidays were very quiet here. We had beautiful weather, which brought a number of tour- ists, berry pickers and trout anglers out. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cunning- ham and his brother-in-law and sister-in-law spent the holidays with Gordon‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Cunningham. I un- derstand Gordon’s crowd got a fine catch of fish from the Dewat- to creek. Howard Betz and Philip Cas- sidy are busy with their hay har— vesting. Mrs. Louis Pfundt of Union City spent part of last week with her mother, Mrs. Nora Betz: Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Nance spent the Fourth with friends at Holly Beach, owned and operated by Albert Pfundt and has be- come one of Hood Canals most popular resorts. Sunday every available cabin or picnic spot was occupied. Mrs. M. Ferrell and daughter Ruth, of Seattle, were guests for the week end of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Trial of Little Dewatto. Most people think Dewatto so small there couldn’t be any ham- let smaller, but we have a place called Little Dewatto, named ov- er 40 years ago and it is a very attractive cove. Only two or three families live in that vicin- ity usually, unless some campers park for a short time. It can be reached only by boat or walking a path along the beach from De~ watto. Besides Mr. and Mrs. Ed Trial, Mr. Trial’s mother has a cottage there and Mrs. Theresa Reidell owns a very attractive home there. ITS SUPPLIEQ..." 4000 FREIGHT CARS . .' ARE NEEDED TO KEEP ‘7 A PLANT SUPPLIED. 3 "'~» PAYS REMOVED FROM ITS MATERIALS Logan Picking Gets Under Way Growers indicate that logan- berry picking will start the lat- ter part of this week, states County Agent Okerstrom. If weather conditions remdin as it has the fore part of the week the berries will be ripe in large quantities right from the start. Pickers have been signing up very well during the past week, reports Okerstrom, but transpor- tation is the particular problem at present. If there is anyone around Shel- ton who has a 'truck in which he could haul a load of pickers, or anyone having cars who could haul additional pickers we would be glad to have you contact the extension service office. Journal Want—Ads—pnone 100 ‘ un JOURNAL Want Ads are i” “Thursday, J uly 8' if” scores of your frien El neighbors “Ii th great M E ,,,L____.__ ' V ‘ Minded: 1" 'lowers speak a univer :0 this Ompleté language. In ia in th midst of 3. WO torn with blt ness and s t r 1 s EVANS they contlnue =' CORPS carry, in all lan swim Cogd their messages, ome addr eet, She Ounced affection and c rps Pm solatlon. a. pfivat, ‘2 her cal FORREST’ take ‘ ‘ Training Flowers and Gift5 Phone 432 EVans v Fk ind0( " Corps “lose OI'CI( r31 subje e com; the will ' post 01 “a ' eck fOl , ans 15 I“lotion h 1 ._ been 6 Stores i . Enso GRAD ?????? 0° Lt. Me and Ml TIME was when that ' of 204 I have been just a poll the terrogation. Now it’s ‘ g, ferat matter. The nation mot sohgt energyandefi'orts. And 'j u. Fe. lodc afford to be hampered ’edsoifis sorted ailments. “Get V”- states Keep Well!” These are th ,ibia inch toes of the moment. Put % . ant a self “in step” with 2. pl! ' 47 cap- check-up. Don’t negle y, C01. C der, dis McCONKEY .oglach m. of t PHARMACY sci . . i erati hElton n .0000 0 his W1 E _,. :2. exas, PRESCRTIOIIS ‘_= mg ’ Texas ' as. Statione l“Structio . identifl. 1" comml ,ln additi FAST FREIGHT SERVICE WITH DOOR DELIVERY IN SH ELTON Seattle Freight should be routed via Str. Indian, Ferry I' e Taillan Average month's supply for active Women. 31¢ Pro-Phy-Lac-Tic Tooth Brush 7 With Prolon Bristles 4‘7¢ 50¢ Tek Tooth Brush 29¢ Tonpllplss Coty’s Air Spun Colonial Dames Colonial Dames Colonial Dames Candlelight EXCLUSIVE AGENTS IN SHELTON FOR Lentheric—Lucien LeLong Face Powder __________ __ 1.00 Face Powder 50¢-1.00 Campus Makeup 50¢—1.00 Cologne .................. .. 1.00 Navitol-Malt Compound ...... .. values at Supplies necessary vitamins! 5 Vitamin Vigran __________________________________ .. Squibb's bottle of 50 vitamins A. B. C, D, G Abbott ABDG Capsules ........................ .. 100 capsules 50 cc. of Navitol ,. ___________________________________ _. Ideal for growing children‘s deficiencies High potency of vitamins. Fine Toiletries ., 12,6). .kaogp. :s .1 :RE "1g sky ntry fli; Weather ( me for x . Tacoma Freight via Str. Skookum Chief, Milwaukee ’s No. 2 time B_2 . . ‘ ~ ed t Time Schedule as follows: final 9,, Leaves Tacoma daily, except Sunday at 5 p. m. for Combat ( Olympia and Shelton ‘ __ Arrives Shelton daily, except Sunday I?!“ SH , CLARENCEfiABLANDER, President " ‘ . . {Val Trair PUGET SOUND FREIGHT LINES “so, ~- .. . ;- .- .J. - “,3‘ next ‘ V fl *7 ' '_‘ v" -’ H‘"— _-—N—' w” n ases oi . . . I rlg'orou‘ _\ : gyms}; .. . . , g, {fifty t . x ‘ r . . =6VI‘I‘A‘IV'IINS» -r a‘mng 'v’ . ‘v' " Ysl'any sel fig/M? :;-1-3_M,IN,ERAI.S 54 ’shplton -—1 fl militant idsl'yjialaie‘ll 1,1. TABLETS 1‘1 Wa1d . ,i . a,’ i, 1,; '. p, . J. S. 180n Gl‘l Squibb’s ABDG ........................ __ 100 for 2 H- He Hi potency vitamins 'D Parke Davis ABDOL ______________ .. box 100 2, 01., $133 Improved ichard S Abbott ABDG .............. ._ box of 100 for 'oFred 5 Improved _ ' . rill. aolf ' I I I‘ " re Squibb s complex .................. .. 100 for . . 801E Hallver Oll .................................. __ 500 for 1 COL] Capsules J 1301111 Ie ._ 0 8g Abdol . ___________________ ____________________ __ 250 for axing. 1—: With Vitamin c , chrse fl ‘ E. 0u . Abbott’s Vltakaps .................. .. 250 for -' $9,], Improved g Sqmbb’s ABDG .......................... .. 250 for , '= VI—I, Hi Potency .. ST Vitamins Plus ____________ 4..., _______________________ _. Petty Vitamins A, B, C, D, G, with liver concentrate, iron. 72 0395' the C05 , I i. at S- Squlbb Zygon Capsules ...... ...... _. only 1' helm New wheat germ oil . . . 100 capsules ’ a Squibb Vitamin B Complex __________________ .- . f. Has necessary Vitamin B . .. . 25 capsules Super D Codllver 011 ............ .... ._ 16-oz. - , EPQSS bo , r ' e 60¢ Bromo $33231 Seltzer .................. .. ’1 ‘ and fi: Yardleys BALM ARGENTA “TOWN 49¢ & 98¢ 311...... taFund STATIONERY ,‘eseiié’i‘ SHEAFFER’S VOYAGER ............ .. 1' ,, ‘L-~--- Complete writing kit for V-Mail use. i, Wash“ MARQUISE RIPPLE ............... ..‘ ....... -- N (If 72 sheets, 50 envelopes A Maso MONTAG RIPPLE ............................. .. Chan 0 60 sheets (25 matching envelopes 25¢) thug; SWe. EATON’S KIDSKIN ________________ _: ______ .. «wage ICrushed, 60 sheets (25 matching enVelopes 30¢) ‘ H‘E.LTONI,WA I