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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 8, 1943     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 8, 1943
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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v. July_§ ant Ads are i your frien 3% NEWS OF OUR mth areat 15.3 MENMWOMEN IN UNIFOR ntinued from page 1) SECOnd voyage since being wers a unive 1‘ to this type of duty. He- >00mpleted a trip to New .ge- In ia in the Southwest Pa— of a wo ,' - me address is 805 North Vlth blt. eet, Shelton. 1d r1 . ~— S. t ‘ EVANS IN :ontinue CORPS in all Ian gélt of Miss Gladys Ev- . Cedar, Shelton, has messages ounced by the U. s. 0n and C I‘DS Procurement Office, no a private, Miss Evans is ,3 her call to active duty II take her to a Marine ' ' aining School in the rs and Gifts hone 432 Evans will, be given a ,ek indoctrination course 1 Corps history and tra- c1l‘ISe order drill, and Mar- : 1 subjects. 9 completion of this he will be stationed at .- post or base to release eck for combat duty. ans is a graduate of unction high school, Colo., 'been employed by the Stores Company. ' \5 . EDSON GRADUATE Paul Keelty s when that of 204 Pine Street, is a as just a poli " of. the seventh largest ,. Now it’s ‘ Liberator B-24 bomber , nation m ,' to graduate from the 3501-“, And 9‘ School at Fort Worth e hampered r Fleld’ Texas, JUIY 1- lems edson's class lists men The'se are th states and the District P ,r 13. including one colonel, “lemwt' ,‘ ant colonels, nine ma- P Y‘th a P ,‘ ‘17 captains. In a brief D0“ “6819?. Col. 0. I. Ferris, field er. distributed certifi- t)‘ilach man signifying the , of the concentrated LRMAC IES’ schooling sh iberator operation. ' elilon man, 26 years of O T his wings at Ellington "93%, after undergoing flight training at .laTexas and Randolph s. stationed at the local Dllot training base Lt. .thfllid his fellow students . 611' time between ground l’mjtruction in navigation, ldentification, meteorol- ‘ f Communication and me- .Tl addition, they flew the “13 sky giant on long CE " try flights under ever LTON ligather condition and still ', e f . _ . . . n, Ferry D exercpsrespilot constioning lwaukee D ~Liberator first pilots e B-24 instructors, or ‘ ed to a tactical flight I. S: final trainin g before re- . p. m. for .pcombat orders. day 0M SYIETON Ientv' " ' 'AGUI.‘ av‘g their. training Idal Training Station, Far- . fiho, are men from Shel- "‘ n'e'xt few weeks these .~Iearn military discipline, ases of seamanship and -;.°0mp1etion of their re- : ing, theyrwill be given affinity to qualify for ad- I‘aining in one of the Early service schools. .rlhelton recruits are Jo- , Waldrip, son of Mr. J. s. Waldrip, Rt. 1; , H3011 Griggs, son of Mr. '0 for 2 " H. Heinold, Rt. 1 Box x 100 2, i TABLETS ' SMITH N LEAVE hard Smith, 'son of Mr. IQ for Fred Smith of Arcadia mil a 15-day leave from . I w 1', Oregon. 0er l . 4, ‘1' SON AT I0 for COLLEGE 1 left last week for , '. .o lege to start V—12 IO for 'nlng. He will have a 16- “roe followed by mid- 0 for I. ccIurse. He will be com- > an Ensign on comple- I I. ’0 for - A VISITOR s’l‘ WEEK ________ .| Petty Officer Edward iron. 72 caPS' . the Coast Guard, Was a. V'figorous physical hard- y, July 8, 1943. I I I I I I I I I I i at the . ‘ VES on March 29 of this week end guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Carr. Mura was enroute to Bellingham to spend the remainder of his leave with his wife, who is visiting her parents for the summer. BUD QUINN HOME FOR SHORT LEAVE Lawrence (Bud) Quinn, U. S. Navy, is home on leave visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Quinn. KATHLEEN BURK AT NOTRE DAME (Reading under picture in South Bend, Indiana, paper of Sunday, June 27) Training as Dental Assistant is put to use by Kathleen Burk, Shelton, Wash., WAVE hospital apprentice first class, as she as- sists Lieut. Commander H. W. Rinesmith at the naval midship- men’s school as he works on the teeth of H. R. Keifer, Topeka, Kan, apprentice seaman. Num- erous duties have been assigned to the five new WAVES in the medical department. The five men they replace in the department already have been transferred to other assignments of active duty. Miss Burk had her primary training at Hunters College, New York, and then was transferred to San Diego for another six weeks of school, and is now at- tending special school at Notrc Dame. Miss Burk entered the WA year. She was one of five girls chosen from a class of 50 to take this GLEN GETTY IS NOW IN SANTA ANA Aviation Student Glen Getty was graduated from the 314th College Training Detachment (Air Crew) at Ellensburg, Wash., on July and has reported to Santa Ana Army Air Base, Santa Ana, Calif., for further training as an Air Crew member. Aviation Student Glen Getty is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Getty, 521 Laurel, Shelton. JESSE DANIELS in every I HOME FOR. VISIT Jesse Daniels, son of Mr. and . Mrs. W. E. Daniels, spent the week end in Shelton with his parents. He has just returned from Kentucky where he studied engineering with the Army En- gineers. He is now stationed at . Fort Lewis. If three-fourths of a sample of from 12 to 15 seeds from those left over from last year are not sprouted in ten days after being placed between moist paper tow- els, they are not worth planting. IThe towels must be kept moist, of course. Bureau of Public Relations Released by U. S. War Department YOUNGEST GENERAL Brig. Gen. Laurence S. \Kuter, deputy commander, Northwest African Tactical Air Force, is the youngest genera-l ofiicer in: American armed forces. He was born in Rockford, Illinois, May 28, 1905. Two years after his graduation from the United States Military Academy at West Point in 1927 he was assigned to the Air Forces and has a record for distinguished service. Ies at (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) 2 . eport of Fmanc1al Condition ------- -- , OF THE 1 ,. ASON COUNTY SAVINGS & LOAN -- ,t , ASSOCIATION 1 Shelton, State of Washington, at the close of business on on JUNE 30, 1943 RESOURCES """" " first mortgage loans, including advances for >, a'Ill‘ance, etc‘ ........................................................ .. ...$125,719.81 16-0z. BPass books of this association 265.73 ederal Home Loan Bank .......................................... .. 2,000.00 gate and municipal bonds .......................................... .. 152,125.00 finest receivable on bonds and warrants .. 148.59 ------- -- I. . d and in banks 109,971.28 I atnd fixtures ................................................ .., ............. .. 443.71 ...................................................................... ..$390,674.12 : LIABILITIES investments) ........................................ ..$363,482.59 Fund, Federal insurance reserve, DYOfits ........................................................................ .. 21,574.08 garVes for depreciation of assets ............................ .. 5,617.45 cm L) 'VI‘I . edge and belief. Notary Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of July, 1943. PHIL .C. . BAYLEY, public in and for the State of Washington, resid- _. ing at Shelton. (SEAL) Correct Attest: , r ’\ F. H. DIEHL, '- VINCENT T. CONNOLLY, Directors , I EN C. BAYLEY, Secretary of the above named association, ‘ y sWear that the foregoing statement is true to the best ALDEN C. BAYLEY, Secretary i I I I $390,674.12 I 1 cent of the family budget remain- ,crease of 0.8 per cent compares I IEGAI. PUBLICATIONS I ’ service, LIVING COSTS RISE A rise of 1.7 per cent in food prices increased the total cost of living for non-rural workers by 0.8 per cent in the month ended May 15, nevertheless, the cost of items making up nearly 60 per; ed practically unchanged. This in- with a rise of 1.5 per cent in the month ending March 15 and 1.1 per cent in the month ending April 15. ORDINANCE NO. 360 AN ORDINANCE DECLARING AN EMERGENCY, INCREASING THE PAY OF CITY EMPLOYEES AND PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF EMERGENCY WARRANTS IF AND WHEN NECESSARY . Whereas an emergency exists which could not reasonably have been forc— seen at the itnie of the adoption of the 1943 degct for the~City oi. Shelton. in that salaries, wages and costs of living have risen from 10 to 100 per cent throughout the City. County. and State; and whereas the demand for employees and laborers has hocome so great that it is neces— sary in order to retain present cm- ployces of the City of Shelton and securc others to perform the neces-1 sary duties in furnishing the City of Shelton with water, sanitation. police protection and to perform the other functions of the City of Shelton to increase wages over and above the amount heretofore paid and provided for in the 1943 Budget of the City of Shelton. NOW, THEREFORE. THE COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF SHELTON do ordain as follows: SECTION I That an emergency exists requir- ing the expenditure of approximately $1700.00 in order that the City Shelton continue to function and prop— erly carry on its activities and utili- ties and to provide proper sanitation, water. police protection and the other necessary and proper functions. SECTION II That the salaries of the following named City employees be and they are hereby increased in the sum of $20.00 a month beginning with the Ist day of July, 1943, to-wit: E. E. Brewer, Dean Carmen, Jor- dan Clapper, Andy Hanson, Roy Roes- sel, Ralph Pigg. Paul Hughey and L. L. Van Cleave. SECTION III That the pay of all City employees working and paid by the hour both now and hereafter employed be and their pay hereby is increased in the sum of 10 cents per hour. SECTION IV I That if and when it becomes neces- sary to issue emergency warrants. such emergency warrants shall be is- sued as provided by law. SECTION V This ordinance shall be in full force and effect 5 days days from and after its publication. . Introduced in regular Council meet—I ing this 17th day of June, 1943. Passed in regular Meeting this lst day of July, 1943. Approved J. L. CATTO, I Mayor of the City of Shelton‘ of‘ (SEAL) Attest GLENN W. City Clerk. Approved as to form CHAS. R. LEWIS, City Attorney LANDERS, I 7-8—1t. N0. 1588 NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO PRESENT AND FILE CLAIMS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate Arabella May Lincoln, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un- derSIgned, Irene Lincoln Poppleton. has been appointed and has qualified as Executrix of the Last Will and Testament and of the Estate of Ara- bella May Lincoln, Deceased, and that the undersigned has appointed War- ren Lincoln, Assessor‘s office, Court- house, Shelton, Washington, as her agent upon who service of all papers may be made. ‘ Notice is further given that all per— sons having claims against the said Estate or the said Deceased are hereby reqtured to serve the same, duly veri- fied with the necessary vouchers at- tached, upon her _agent hereinabove named, or upon the said Executrix Gruher attorney of record at the law OfIICe of Chas. R. Lewis, Suite 1, Lumbermen‘s Building, Shelton, Wash— ington, the same being designated as the.placc for the transaction of the busmess of the said Estate, and file such claimstogether with proof ofI with the clerk of the above entitled Court, within six months af— ter the .date of first publication of this notice, to-wit: July 8, 1943, or said claims shall be forever barred. Date,of_ first publication, July 8, 1943. IRENE LINCOLN POPPLETON, Exegultlrixbff the Esltate of ra e a a, Linco n, Dece CHAS. R. LEWIS? aged Attorney for said Executrix Suite 1, Lumber-men’s Building, I Shelton. Mason County. WEShington I 7-8-15-22-29—4t. Th f 11 NOTICEd e o owing describe areas hereby declared are REGIONS 0F EXTRA FIRE HAZARD POPE & TALBoT AREAS: Mason County Township 21 North. Range 2 West: All of Sections 3. 9. 17 and 19: Nl/z and SW14 of Section 30- Township 21 North, Range 3 West: All of Section 25. Eio‘llvvligglp lNoliCIt‘Iji‘; lRafigfiaI/z West: 4: 1 SE14 of section“ 34. X" SWA’ Tgl/WnShlp 23 North. Range '3 West: NE ,1 and 81,42 of Section 1'; SE14 NEIA and SE14 of Section 11;. all of Sections 12, 13, 23, 26 and 27. TOWnShID 23 North, Range 2 West: Nl/z. of Section 1; NWVI NWI/q. 0f Section 7; NWJA of Section 9. For protection of the above described areas‘against fire the following rule Will be enforced: .Entry into these areas is prohi- bited except as provided by law with reference to permanent resi— dents and industrial operations. Violators of the foregoing rule are subject to .fine of $10.00 to $100.00 or 90 days in jail, or both. Effective from July 12, 1943 to ,ED DAVIS, October 15. 1943. Director Department of Con- servation and Development, State of Washington. 7-8—1t. , N State of Washington OFFICE OF SUPERVISOR 0F HYDRAULICS Olympia NOTICE OF AMENDED WATER RIGHT APPLICATION NO. 5806 TO .WIIOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice Is hereby given that Frank Lusm of Shelton, State of Washing- ton, under date of March 22. 1943. filed with the State Supervisor of Hydraulics, Olympia, Washington. an application for a permit to divert the. public _waters of an unnamed stream tributary of Hammersley‘s In- let. .1n the amount of 0.12 second-feet. subject to ex1sting rights, from April 15 to Octob'er'l of each year for the purpose ofiirrigation and continuously for domestic use: that the approximate pomt of diversmn is located within Lot 3 of Section 22, Township 20 N» Range 3 W.W.M., in Mason CountY- A map showmg the location and plan of said diverswn and the place of the proposed use is on file in the 0ff10€_ of the State Supervisor of Hy- draulics. 'Olympia, Washington. gether With such other information as Is reqmred by law. Any person, .firm or corporation whose right .wdl be injuriously af- fected by said application may file with the State Supervisor of Hydrau- 1.105,. at Olympia, Washington, such ob- jections or‘ representations, in writing. desu-e to make, within thirty (30) days after date of last pgu‘iléucation. which date is July 15. Witness my hand and official seal this Ist da. of J (SEAL) uly, A. D. 1943. CHAS. J. BARTHOLE’I‘. State Supervisor of Hydraulics 7-8v15—2t. of I administrator, SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL P_._____...._ ._._.._.___...___‘ N O T I (Y F. Effective immediately, closure ro— strictions are hereby lifted on the fol» lowing: LILLIWAUP CREEK~from mouth to Price’s Lake. Mason County, SIMP- SON LOGGING COMPANY AREA. WEST FORK of SATSOP RIVERVS from mouth to foot bridge in Section 28. Township 19 North. Rangc 7 West. Grays Harbor County, SIMPSON LOG- GING COMPANY AREA. WYNOCHEE RIVER—from mouth to Fry ranch in Section 35. Town— ship 20 North. Range 8 West, Jrays County, POLSON—QUINAULT HUMPTULIPS RIVER—from mouth to the former Walker bridge site in Section 35, Township 20 North, Range\ 11 Wcst. Grays Harbor County, I"()L« SON-QUINAULT AREA. T. S. GOODYEAR, Asst. Director Department of Conservation and Develop» ment, State of Washin’gtgon.1t Franchise Application No. 1549 NOTICE OF HEARING In the Matter of the Application of THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY, a corpora- tion, for a franchise to construct, op- crate and maintain a telephone and I I I I CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING I I RATES | 20 words or less (minimum I charge) 3 weeks $1.00, 1 week 50c. ‘ Lower rates for larger ads and more insertions. Reader notices 3c per Word. 750 minimum charge on each notice. Card of Thanks, 75c; original poetry 500 per inch; classified display rates on request. Advertisements accepted 0 v e r the telephone from phone subscrib- ers. Cash should accompany all other orders or payment made be- fore the first Of the month to save expense of billing. An extra charge of 10c will be made when , billing is necessary. PHONE 100 telegraph line along and upon a por-I tion of Secondary State Highway N0. 14-A, in Mason County, Washington. WHEREAS, THE PACIFIC TELE- PHONE AND TELEGRAPH COM- PANY. a corporation, has. under the provisions of Chapter 53, Laws of 1937, filed with the Director of High- ways of the State of Washington an application for a franchise to con- struct, operate and maintain a. tele- phone and telegraph line upon and along a portion of Secondary State Highway No. 14-A in Mason County, Washington, for a period of-twenty- five (25) years, at the followmg des- ignated points. to-Wit: Beginning at a point on the south- easterly side of Secondary State Highway No. 14-A, as now located and of record in the office of the Director of Highways at Olympia. Washington, said point being on the northerly corporate limits of ’the City of Shelton in the Southeast 1,4 of Section 17, Township 20 North, Range 3 West, W.M.; thence in a northeasterly direction along the southeasterly side of said highway to a point opposite approximately Highway Engineer’s Station 625+ 00 in the Southeast IA- of Section 20, Township 22 North, Range 1 West, W.M.; , NOW. THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That a hearing will be held on said application by the Director of Highways of the State of Washing- ton at his office in the Transporta- tion Building, Olympia, Washlngton, on the 3rd day of August, 1943, at 10 o’clock A. M., or as soon thereafter as hearing may be held. , Dated at Olympia, Washington, this 8th day of June, 1943. BURWELL BANTZ. Director of ‘I-Iighways 6-24—7—1-8~3t. No. 1478 NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL ACCOUNT AND REPORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON In the Matter of the Estate of Raleigh W. Blankenship, also kHOWn as R. W. Blankenship, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: , That Albert Blankenship, the Admin— istrator of the above entitled estate, has rendered and presented for set« tlement to and filed with the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county and state his final account and report and petition for distribution as such and that Saturday, July 17, 1943, at the hour of 11:00 o’clock A. M., at the Court Room of our Superior Court at Shelton in said county has been duly appointed by our Superior Court for the settle- ment of the final account at which time the court is asked to settle such report, distribute the property to the heirs or persons entitled to the same, and discharge the administrator and his bondsmen. WITNESS the Honorable WRIGHT, Judge of the said Superior Court and the” Seal of the said court affixed this 19th day of .June, 1943. ESTHER ROLES, Acting County Clerk and Clerk of the Superior Court. R. W. MILLER, _ Bremerton Trust & Savings Building Bremerton. Washington Attorney for the Administrator. 6-24~7—1-8—‘3t. (SEAL) 49—; No. .1582 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of Ole G. Haarberg, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, the and_has qualified as Administratrix of the Estate of Ole G. Haarberg, de- ceased. All persons having claims against said decedent or his Estate‘ are hereby required to serve the same, duly verified, upon the under- signed Administratrix or her attorney of record, Anthony M. Arntson, at the address hereinafter stated, and -file the same with the Clerk of said Court. together with proof of such service, within six months after the date of the first publication of this notice, to-wit: within SIX months after the 17th day of June. 1943, or they shall be forever barred. INGA WALLE, Administratrix ANTHONY M. ARNTSON. Atty. for Administratrix, Office and P. 0. Address. 1520 Puget Sound Bank Building, Tacoma, Pierce County. Wash. 6—17—24—7-1-8—4t. National Forest Timber For Sale Sealed bids will be received by the Forest Supervisor, Box 187, Olympia, Washington, up to and not later than 10:00 A. M., July 26, 1948, for all the live timber marked or designated for cutting, and all merc‘hantable dead timber located on an area embracing about 60 acres within the SW2; Sec. 16, T. 21 N., R. 8 W., W. M., Humptulips Working Circle, East Humptulips Block, Wishkah wa- tershed, Olympic National Forest, Washington, estimated to be 300,- 000 feet B.M., more or less of Douglas-fir, 1,000,000 feet B.M., more or less \of Sitka spruce, 200,— 000 feet B.M., more or less of western redcedar and an unesti— mated amount of Western hem- Ilock and other species. No bid of less than $8.85 per M feet for Douglas-fir, $9.80 per M feet for Sitka spruce, $5.85 per M feet for western redcedar and $2.50 per M feet for Western hemlock and other species will be considered. In addition to the prices bid for I stumpage a cooperative deposit of $.30 per M feet B.M., to cover cost of tree planting, seed sowing and timber stand improvement work and $.30 per M feet B.M., to: cover cost of brush disposal, on thearea cut over, for the total cut of tim- ber under the terms of the agree— ment, will be required. $13,000.00 must acoompany each bid to be applied on the purchase price, re* funded, or retained in part as liquidated damages, according to conditions of sale. The right to re- ject any and all bids reserved. Before bids are submitted full in- formation concerning the timber, the conditions of sale, and the submission of bids should .be ob- tained from the Forest Supervisor, Post Office Building, Olympia Washington. 6-24—7-8—2t. D. F.. that undersigned has been appointed. Wanted “AAA “M‘M‘AAA WANTED: boys’ bicycle. Inquire Mrs. Careta Nutt, Rt. 1 Box 205. WANTED: rink roller skates, two pairs mens and womens. Write I Mrs. Joers, Hoodsport. 7—8--1t. IWANTED: good home for cute black curly-haired male pup. Very friendly. Inquire Journal. JOURNAL 7-8—1t. I I I I "mva LAA‘A‘A‘MAAAAAAAAALLMA. SADDLE HORSES FOR HIRE: Classified Service ' Schedule your riding parties for afternoons or Sundays. Clar- . ence Wivell, 11/3 miles from town, Shelton Valley. Old Lor-; raine Dairy Farm. 6-22--7-154~4t. FOR RENT: FOR RENT: sleeping rooms—.— Mrs. ‘ FLOOR SANDER AND EDGER By Day or Hour J. L. CATTO HARDWARE “To field 9 mm modern 5 room .house partly furnished. Inquire Mabel Priszner, Summit DriVe. 7—8—1t. C. F. Wilson. Phone 17R._ 7-8-22—3t. W7'8tf- FOR RENT: sleeping rooms. Mrs.‘ WANTED: to rent 11/2 ton stake or panel truck for hauling berry pickers. Write J. J. Johnson, Shelton, Route 2 or call 360. 7-1-8—2t. l l WANTED kitchen sink 16 x 24. Will sell or exchange sink 20 x 30. L. A. Todd. Mile out Mat- lock 'Road. Inquire Maple Auto 7-1-15H3t. WANTED, TIE LOGS: fir and J. W. Churchill, Mat- 6-24-—7-8~—3t_ WANTED: housekeeper and com- panion for 13 year old girl. Write Route 4, Box 335A, Olym- pia, Wash. 06-24--7-8~3t_ WANTED: enamel? wood range. Will pay cash. Cleave Robinson, Court. cedar. lock Route. I I I I I FOR RENT: W. A. Brodt, 121 East Cedar. Phone 582J. 7-1tfn. FOR RENT: furnished house 3 bedrooms. Inquire last house on Ellinor Street, Hillcrest. D7-8—1t. 4 room modern house on Mt. View, latter part of month. Phone 244. C7-8——1t. FOR RENT: two room furnished cabin on lake. Lights and water. ' Mrs. Loris Johnson, Maple Beach, Lake Isabella. 7-1-15—3t TWO BEDROOM HOUSE for rent. Partly furnished, hot wa- ter and shower, $20 month. Lo- cated on Camp 3 road in Upper Skokomish Valley. Transporta- tion to Bremerton available. Phone 217R4. D6-24tfn. 1119 Cota St. 6-24—-7-8 3t. WANTED: men to work in vital defense industry. Certificate of availability is necessary. Shelton Concrete Products. Seventh St. Bridge. 4-15tfn. IWANTED: tors in the Skokomish Valley. Highest wages paid. Address: Washington Excelsior and Mfg. Co., 871 Othello St., Seattle. 4—1—tfn. NOTICE OF MEETING OF BOARD OF EQUALIZATION The Board of Equalization of Ma- : son County, Washington. will~ meet in ‘open session on Tuesday, July 6, 1943. at the hour of ten o’clock-A. M., .at the office of County Assessor, in the Court House, Shelton, Wash., for the purpose of equalizing the assess— !ments of the property in the county. .and will continue in session from I time to time for a period not to ex- laced two weeks. , WARREN LINCOLN. ‘ Assessor Mason County, Wash. 7 -1- 8—2t. N0. 1589 . NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of l Christopher P. Grindrod, Deceased. I, Notice is hereby given that the un- ‘derSIgned, ,Alice M. Grindrod has been appointed and has qualified as ithe Executrix of the Last Will and l Testament of Christopher P. Grindrod, [Deceased and that all persons having claims against the said Estate or the ,said Deceased are hereby required to . serve the same duly verified in dupli- cate with the necessary vouchers at- tached upon the undersigned Execu— trix or her Attorney of record, Chas. R..Lewis at Suite 1, Lumbermen’s Building, Shelton, Mason County, Washington, the same being desig- nated as the place for the transaction of business of the Estate, and file lsuch claims together with proof of service with the clerk of the above entitled Court, within six months after the date of the first publication of this notice, to~wit: June 17. 1943, or said claims shall be forever barred. Date of first publciation, June 17, 1943. ALICE M. GRINDROD, Executrix of the Estate of Christopher P. Grindrod, Deceased. .CHAS. R. LEWIS. Attorney for said Estate, Suite 1, Lumbermen’s Building, Shelton, Mason County, Washington 6-17—24—7-1—8—4t No. 1249 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR 'MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of John_R. Brydon, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un- dersfgned Harold R. Hall, Adminis— trator with the Will Annexed of the Estate of John R. Brydon. Deceased, Will on or after the 20th day of Jilly, 1943, offer for sale, at private sale, all of the right, title, claim, equity and interest of the said De- ceased, in and to the folloWing de- scribed real property situated: in Ma- son County, Washington, to-wit: South. East quarter of South East quarter of Section 17, Township 20 North, Range 4 West, W. M., except- ing therefrom lands heretofore con- veyed to Lester Dell Adams by deed recorded in Vol. 41 of Deeds. Page 273. described as follows: All that piece or parcel of land in the North East corner of the South East quar- ter of the South East quarter of Sec- tion 17, lying North and East of the rlght of way of the Peninsular Rail- road Company containing 5 acres. more or less, and further excepting therefrom the right of way of the Peninsular Railroad Company, now Slmpson Logging Company, and pub- lic roads. _ All bids or offers must be in writ— lngumay be left at Suite 1, Lumber- mens Building, Shelton, Washington, delivered to the undersigned person- ally. or may be filed in the office of the clerk of the Superior Court Of the State of Washington for Ma- Spn County, at any time after the first publication of this notice and before the making of the sale. , The above described premises will be sold for cash or for cash and credit, subject to the ratification, ap~ entitled Court and at least 10 per cent of the amount of the bid must accompany said bid in cash or cer— . tified check. The undersigned hereby reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated this 28th day of June, 1943. HAROLD R. HALL. Administrator with the Will Annexed of the Estate of John , R. Brydon, Deceased 1555 Rail ad Avenue, . Shelton, ason County, Washington. 7-1-8-15—3t. , fight. I. proval, and confirmation of the above. I l I I I I I I I I i I i ‘ LOST: TWO and FOUR ROOM houses for rent. $30 and $35 per mo. Bert Davis, Lilliwaup. 5-6tf. mvvvvvvvvvv’vvvvvvvvvv Lost and Found cottonwood bolt cut- I AAAMMAAAAMMW BOST: pair shears on Arcadia road just off Wolf Road. Find- er please return to Mrs. Joe Hill, Arcadia. Road, and collect reward. 7-1—15—3t. light green zipper bag ration cards and to Journal Of- W6-24--7-8—3t. LOST: brown billfold between Ralph’s Grocery and plywood plant. Valuable cards. Reward. Sid Tindall, 527 Fairmont. I containing glasses. Return fice. 7-8—-1t. LOST: large Jersey milk bow and two year old heifer, July 4. Anyone knowing of whereabouts I notify H. B. Eagle, Route 3, I Box 200. 7-8—22—3t. i WOULD PERSON finding Rus- sell family set 4 ration books return the books to Journal. Finder may keep currency as reward. 7—8—1t. FOUND: set of keys and pocket knife on key ring. Owner may have same by identifying and paying for adv. Journal office. 7-8—1t. No. 1594 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY - IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of David , Bowen Davies, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that .the undersigned, Maud June- Davies has been appointed and has qualified as the Executrix of the Last Will and Testament and of the Estate of Dawn! Bowen Davies, Deceased, and that a)! persons having claims against the said Estate or the said Deceased, are here- by required to serve the same. duly .verified with the necessary vouchers attached. upon the undersigned Exe- cutrix or her attorney of record at the law Office of Chas. R. Lewis. above entitled Court, within Six months after the date of the first publication of this notice. to-wit: July 1. 1943, or said- claims shall be forever barred. 191133ate of first publication, July 1. MAUD JUNE DAVIES. Executrix of the Last Will and Testament and of the Estate of David Bowen Dav- Ies, Deceased. CHAS. R. LEWIS, Attorney for said Executrix. Suite 1. Lumbermen’s Building. Shelton, Mason County, Washington. 7-1-8-15-22—41 ORDER PBOHIBITING RUNNING AT LARGE OF LIVESTOCK the office of the Commissioners of Mason County, in the Court House at Shelton, Washington, upon the petition of Charles Wilkenson. et a}. for an order prohibiting livestock to run at large in a certain area: AND IT APPEARING to the Board of _County Commissioners that due notice of the hearin tion has been given in th on t '5 De“- ime and and or the e manner provided by law. ,the said Board having examined the petition, and said hearing having been held and the Board being fully ad- VISed in the premises; NOW. THEREFORE, IT IS HERE- BY ORDERED that no ivestock of any kind, breed, or charac er be per- mitted. to run at large within the followmg described area, to-wit: , Sections 10, 11, 12 and 13, Town— ship 21 North, in Range 5 West of Willamette Meridian. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this order shall be published once each week for four consecutive weeks, as prowded by law. UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED this let day of June, 1943. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MASON U . WASHINGTON CO NTY VINCENT H. R. DICKINSON R. TRENCKMANN Attest: HARRY DEYETTE, Clerk of the Board. I Suite 1, Lumbermen’s Building. Shel-I ton, Washington. the same being s- ignated as the place for the transac- tion of the business of the said Estate, and file such claims together with proof of service, with the clerk of the THIS MATTER coming on to be heard on this 21st day of' June. 1943. at the hour of two o'clock p. m., at E. PAUL, 7-1-8-15-22—4t. Let’s get tough with Tojo. Do your part. Buy war bonds, do War Throw your SCRAP into the work, and prevent forest fires. ItI all helps to lick him. ‘ , . eal Estate AA “AAA FOR SALE: 7 room house (apart- ment upstairs) two 3—room fur- nished cabins, 3 lots, downtown. Inquire 347 So. Second St. S7-8-2243t. FOR SALE: 9 room house on Third Street. Good buy. Down- town. Suitable for business or apartment. $1800 cash. C. E. Runacres. 7-8tf. FOR SALE: 80 acres or trade for small home in Shelton as part payment. Good buildings, gar- den soil, 3 miles out on John- son Creek Road, Rt. 2, Box 314. Mrs. A. Alleman. 7-8-22—3t. FOR SALE: 4 room house on Hillcrest, partly furnished, needs some work. Carl Morgan. Phone 344R. FOR SALE: between 9 and 10 acres, mostly cleared, some wood timber, 5 room modern house, fireplace, enclosed sun room is bath and wash room. City water, double garage, wood sheds, fruit room. Winter wood in. Orchard. Creek runs thru back of place. All fenced. Stove and some furniture, 11/4 miles from old P. 0. Mrs. S. W. Cross, Matlock Route. Phone 14F13, Shelton. 7-8-22—3t. FOR SALE : 7 room modern ' house, 10 lots. Seven blocks from city limits. Phone 244. ‘ C7-8--8-5—1M FOR SALE: 5 acre tract, level, lights, good well, chicken house, assorted fruit trees, berries. East off Cascade on Dickinson street, Hillcrest. Faces two streets, Arcadia and Dickinson. Could build either end. Close to industries. Fine berry and garden soil. Nice location. Sac- rifice for quick sale. Terms or cash. Write Mrs. Ann Fredson, 8051 N. E. Sandy Blvd., Port- land, Oregon. 7-1-15—3t. FOR SALE: small 5 room house with bath, 11/2 acres. Garage with room adjoining. Chicken FOR SALE, house. 14 miles behind Pines Auto Camp. $1400. W. E. Aiken, Raymond, Wash. Phone 633W. 7-1-22—4t. FOR SALE: 17 acres, 8 under cultivation, 5 room house, lights, water, orchard, barn, chicken house. Stock and machinery in- cluded. $2500 cash. Donald Hall, six miles down Arcadia Road. Rte. 3, Box 220. 7-1-29 1M Page Seven, I WANT ADS vamvvvvvm M7'8‘22—3t- IFOR SALE: cow fresh in two I I I I For Sale l.‘ ALWM‘. AAAAA ’WILL TRADE gas. washing ma- chine for electric one. Will sell gas iron. Will pay cash for electric refrigerator. tanley VVaylett, Star Route 1, Box 97, Shelton (Middle Skokomish Val- ley). 7-8-22731‘” FOR SALE: 1 brood sow, light and dark. F. G. buckrabbits, 5-10-20 acre tracts on highway 5 miles south Shelton. House trailer with good tires and brakes. J. H. Camper, Route 1, Box 31, Shelton. 7-8—224—3t. FOR SALE: New Hampshir; breeding pen also small chicks. Anna Huss, Bayshore Road. West side of the dock. , 7-8-22~3t. weeks. One wood ivory enameled cook stove. _Norman Norsby, Route 3, Box 142 7-8-22—3t., FOR SALE: large square oak dinning room table, two extra leaves $35. V. W. Nelson, Un— ion, Wash. Across Robin Hood Tavern. 7-8—1t. FOR SALE: large white breeding does. Also one rabbit hutch. Dick Weirauch, Route 2, Box 103. 7 -8—1t. FOR. SALE: second hand lumber, sash and plumbing. Phone 216R4. R7-8—22—3t. FOR SALE: bed with Simmons spring $25, dining table $10, Hotpoint electric range $25, gas‘ water heater $10, steel cot, mat-" tress $12.50. Manager Kaydee Apts. 7-8—1t. FOR SALE: six weeks old rab-‘ vbits 75c. Mrs. F. F. Warren, Lake Isabella or inquire Jour-' nal. 7—8—15—2t. FOR SALE: 30 foot cruiser, 10 foot beam. Very roomy, 40 h.p. motor. Toilet, sink, running wa- ter. May see at Bedell’s land- ing or phone 216J2. E7—8——1t. ’ old growth woOd. 339 East Harvard. B7—8-22~3t. FOR SALE: house trailer, sleeps two, well equipped, good tires. E. R. Krona, four miles out Dayton Road, Matlock Route, Box 32A. 7—8—1t. FOR SALE: thriving taxi busi- ness. Inquire phone 392.]. P7-8-22—3t. FOR SALE: 6 room house and three lots. Inside city limits, close to mills. water. Write P. O. Box 342, Shelton. Price reas- onable. M7-1-15—3t. FOR SALE: good income prop- erty pglose to town consisting of 3 modern cottages. Price $2500, terms. Inquire Box R, Journal. 56—24--7-8~——3t. FOR SALE: cabin,' priced reas- able. May be moved on skids. Call. 216J5X evenings. J6-24-—7-8—3t. FOR SALE: 3 room modern house near Bordeaux school. a. Call 184W for further informa- tion. CG-l7tfn. FOR SALE 2-room home With fireplace and wired for electric range, elec- tric hot water heater. Garage attached. Excellent g. a r d e‘ n l I I I I FOR SALE: two blooded sa—ddle horses. A. L. Barnes, Deer Creek. B7—1-8—2t. FOR SALE: Jersey—Durham cow, 5 cars old. Giving 5 gallons milk per day. $150. Inquire Marion Speece, Rt. 2, Box 110. 7-1-15—3t. FOR SALE: one dump bed, fits anylpickup model. Can be load- ed and unloaded by one man. $120. Inquire Journal. F6-24tf. SAILBOA-T FOR SALE: 18-foot Sea Gull class, V-bottom, Mar- coni rigged, Genoa jib, good condition. Now near Union. $235. Write P.O. Box 61. A6-24--7-8—3t. FOR SALE: young Jersey and Guernsey cows. Just fresh and coming fresh. Dewey Bennett, Box 234, Route 1, Shelton Val- ley- 5—27tfn H tract paved on two sides_ Ahoy FOR SALE: Skokomish soil. Oliv- 1/_; block of fine building sites, creek runs through property, paved on two sides. This prop- erty will make excellent invest- ment for building of home and is well located in the center of Shelton. All must be sold to- gether. A good investment at $3150.00. all * 5-room modern home on Hood Canal. Two bedrooms, wired for electric range, artesian well, electric pump. Oysters on beach, waterfront property. $3750.00. * * it 65 acres, about 41,4 miles from Shelton, osme timber, lots of wood, also 4 room house, good pole barn. Some cleared. $1575. Terms, wood for years. See Herb Angle today. price. It a f 131/4 acres of land and water- front on Spencer Lake. Excel- lent property for summer homes or year around homes. Excellent buy at $2250 terms, or $2,000 cash. : I t * acre of good land with two room house, electric lights and city water. Excellent view prop- erty. $1,000, terms $200 down. IF * HERBERT G. ANGLE Used Cars FOR SALE: '34 V-8 Coupe. Good motor. $110. James Dailey, Sko- komish Valley. 7-1-8—2t. FOR SALE: 1935 light Cadillac sedan. Good rubber, low mile- age. Call evenings after 5:30. Harry E. Watters, mile out Matlock Road. 7-1-15—3t. FOR SALE: ’33 Oldsmobile, $200 cash. Good tires and running condition. Call 12 Alleghany St., near P'qu Mill. B7-1—15—3t. FOR SALE: used car, ’36 Ford Coupe, tires and motor in good condition. Recent maroon paint job. Has radio. Write Les John— ' son, Route 2, Box 152, Shelton. 7-8-15—2t. FOR SALE: 1935 Chevrolet sedan. Alfred Lee, Star Route 1, Box 155, Nalley’s Ranch, Lower Skokomish Valley. 7-8—1t. FOR SALE: 1933 pickup, tires and motor. $135. Berna Evans, Route 3, Box 160. 7-8-22——3t. l I I $375 down. Plenty of, I I I good , er E. Johnson, Star Rt. 1, Box 50. 4-29—7-29—3M WM "qv'rmw' PROFESSIONAL CARDS wvvvvv ' Charles T. Wright LAWYER Phone 337 Angle Bldg. Shelton, Washington ALDEN C. BAYLEY ATTORN EY AT LAW Title Insurance Building Opposite First National Bank Phone 23 Shelton M N INSURANCE I , HERBERT G. ANGLE Office at Angle Building -. ELLIOT B. SPRING Accounting Tax Services Bookkeeping Systems 123 4th St. Phone 565 WITSIERS FUNERAL HOME Licensed Embalmers ' W. A. Witsiers, Prop. Phone 180 - Shelton, Wash. CHARLES R. LEWIS ATTORNEY AT LAW Suite 1 L. M. Bldg. Shelton, Washington I RICHARD F. EDDY ’ Licensed Public Accountant Notary Public 325 Railroad Ave. Phone 115 ~ \