July 8, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 8, 1965 |
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}:' ?
GRAPEVIEW ..... Thirty persons
from Grapeview attended a public
hearing in the North Mason High
School cafeteria last Wednesday
evcntng at which the Mason Coun-
ty Committee on School District
()rganization adopted a proposal
|o assess Grapevtew and Tahuya
school districts for the construe-
ties of a new high school at Bel-
fair. Grapeview's sitars would be
The proposal goes to the State
Board of Education for its mid-
July meeting and if it is approved
will come back t.o Grapeview and
Talnlya to be voted on by the
people, lraihlre to pass the pro-
posal will necessitate another elec-
tion within 60 days and a faihtre
to pas's at that time will give the
North Mason District the right
to refuse admittance to high school i
students from these areas, and;
would give the County Committee;
authority to propose annexing us i
to tim Nortrt Mason District. ]
Grapeview ,residents voicing'
their disapproval of the proposal
includo.d "Bud" Welcll, Bill Staudt,
Wait Chlyton, Jr., Mrs. Walt
Clayton, Jr. and Howard Seiners.
Ho~,ard Seiners reminded the com-
mittee that Grapeview had w)ted
100 perec*nt p'u'ticipation with a
, gyard Trac
with I0 Big Features
that take the work out
Sail9 Outdoor Jobs
, Husky S HP engine
PoWer Disc Transmissioo'
Impulse Starter
' :lDuaI-Trac Drive * Bucket Seatj
Big Wheel Traction
0ilite Steering Bushings j
' Free.Wheel parking
Two Safety Brakes
oo Hiller st
Phone 426-4602
We Service What
We Sell
school building program in Shel-
ton in 1961 and therefore should
not be expected to contribute
again at this time, especially with
the small number of students in
attendance at North Mason and
with adequate high-school facili-
ties available to us in Shelton.
During the school years 1961-62,
1962-63 and 1963-64 10 students
from Grapeview attended North
Mason High School for various
seventh graders are registered to
enter Shelton Junior High School
this fall.
It was brought out that, al-
though Nortl~ Mason has art ac-
credited,~ htgl~ school at the pres-
ent time, t~his proposed building
project is a way of meeting the
need for elementary school apace.
The district cannot ask for partic-
ipation to build a new grade
Well---the handwriting was on
the wall! From the moment Coun-
ty Committee Chairman Ed Tay-
lor called the meeting to order it
was plain to see that the com-
mittee had already made its de-:
clsion and the protests from
Grapevie.w and Tahuya were mere-
ly a matter of form. Voting yes
to our assessment were Ray
Kronquist, North Mason school
director, Laurence Bedelt of ~outtl-
side, Barrio Strotld of , Pioneer
District and Robert Smith of
Hoodsport. Jack Jeffery of Shel-
ton was the only member voting
na y.
The State was represented by
Vern Leldle and the County
schools Schools by Superintendent
J. W. Goodpastor.
On the basis of public opinion
voiced a few years ago, wc be-
lieve the majority of the Grape-
view residents are against being
forced to participate in a project
we do not need, but we must let
our lawmakers know how we feel
or it will happen! ,
WtlAT A BANG-UP Independ-
ence Day weekend we had here
at Grapeview! The glorious rain-
shine and eighty-degree tempera-
tures brought weekend dwellers
out by the hundreds making a
verLitible Coney Island of our ba-
nana belt.
The Don Johnston summer cot-
tage was bulging at the seams all
weekend, with friends and rela-
tives adding to the usual family
four. A little excitement was ad-
ded also when it was discovered
Monday morning that their 18-foot
Skagit runabout was missing from
its moorings. Fortunately, it was
retrieved by a good san~aritan at'
Rocky Bay and brought home
a~ail~ by 'Don alld helper Chhff
)~nother busy household over
the h.oliday was the Eke Eacretts'
on Stretci~ Island. Enjoying the
lovely beach and a good x isit with
,~e-and Ann while camping in
tt~ii, trailer and three tents neat•-
])y, have been Mr. and Mrs. Ro-
land (Red) Smith and their four
children. They entertained Mrs.
Smith's atmt, Mrs. Dale Church
with children Merna and Gene
from Rentrm and their guest Dave
Other guests inchlded Mr. and
'62 Rambler Ambassador 400
4 Door Sedan -Buoket Seats
Radio - Heater- Automatic
Power Steering - One Owner
'59 Chevrolet Impala V-8
4 Door Hardtop . Radio - Heater
Automatic - Power Steering
A Real Sharp One
'59 Rambler Custom 4 Door
Heater- Automatic
'59 Plymouth Fury 2 Door Hardtop
Radio - Heater - Automatic
'59 Ford Custom 4 Door Sedan
Radio- Heater - Automatic
'57 Chrysler Windsor Hardtop
Radio- Heater - Automatic
Power Steering - Clean
i, J ,i i i II ,I Illl , i ~ ........
1.964 International 1964
Scout 80 4 Wheel Drive
Long Top - Heater- Dual Fuel Tanks
Warn Hubs - Lo~king Rear Axle
H.D. Rear Bumper - Traction Tires
i Ill ~ I~1 II I ,I I Illll ~ I U,I II
'60 International ½ Ton Pickup
Heater - 3 Speed - Rebuilt Engine
'60 GMC 9 Passenger Carryall
V-6 - 3 Speed , Radio - Heater
'59 Dodge ½ Ton Pickup
Heater 3 Speed - Canopy
'53 Ford Pickup '51 Ford Pickup
'51 Ford ½ Ton
'50 GMC ¾ Ton
'54 IH 1 Ton C & C
'46 IH Pickup
70780.Fi~lt 426-3433
M n II
Mrs. Darrell Long and four child.
fen from Morton who spent from
Saturday until Monday with the
Eacrett~. Dinner On Monday must
have been quite a production with
the entire group hosted by Ann
and Eke.
A happy hirthday stU.l)rise for
Mrs. Don Pogreba came last Sun-
day n(oYning with the 0rrival of
Den's folks, Mr. and Mrs. AI Pog-
reba from Butte, Moat. This was
their first visit to Grapcview in
Panl Clayton flew home Tues-
day morning after a wonderful
three-day holiday at Priest Lake,
Ida., whore she was the guest of
Miss Margie Pope and her parents
at their smnmer home.
Shirley Pogreha returned to
work Tuesday after two weeks
of vacation arid daughter Susie
returned home last weekend
a wonderful week's encaml)ment
near Ellensb(u'g.
Liz Somers enjoyed a wtried hol-
ida y weclcend; the wed(ling of a
two years. A fislling trip for A1 f~'iend took her to Seattle Friday
with son Don and John Anderson
(visiting here from Portlaud for (.venlng, followed the next day by
the weekend holiday) took up a a trip to l:he ocean beaches at
part of Monday molazing and a Point Grenville. with Sheiton
bii'thday dinner for Shirley with friends Ron Orr, Rich Watson and
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orvillh Ann Brighanl. Sunday she ~*ts
I, Sagel• completed the pleasant flay. the guest of Ann Feek ,and her
The Pogrebas left Tuesday mm~- parents at tim Hood Canal horse
ning Feeks' Oyster Bay home in Brem..
Bl~'thday girl Mrs Julie Stock, erton for more water-skiing and
celebrated: in fine s{yle over the picnicking. !
weekend tool with two family din- That lovely organ concert ca-
ners; the first with Ju]ie's family joyed by so many beach, owellers
Saturday evening at the summer in the North Bay area last ~lm-
home on Treasure Island of Lec flay evening originated, we've been
~,,n ~,~,,~ ~rh~ ~nd )h- seeona told from the AI Lindeman nome
the following flay, with Doris's on Treasure Island, Dehghtfld, .
family held at the Panorama City A reminoer t(, Fn'emez~: r~ex~
home" of Mr. and Mrs Clay Jones meeting-Tuesday, July 0, An-
near Olynlpia. " " nual picnic Satu~'day, July 24.
Ed Okonek celebrated his hold Firemens' Auxili[~ry meeting--
day birthday by taking' off on a Wednesday, July 21.
trip SOilth for a few days with hi,~ A conlmittee meeting at the
wife Lonise and her brother and home of Louise Okolmk last Thurs-
wife, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Burger iday eveuing brought ~ut scmc
of Shelton, with Reno, Nev as wonderful ideas for the oig t~ame
their destination ' ~Night scheduled for July 31. Keep
The marriage of Miss Julte that date open, please!
Stcphens of Seattle to Robert Pe ................ = ................
lan formerly of Graptview was ..... , .,__ _:----~ ........
"' ..... ' '- , en' in I'lO/~il~l,,l( I'ICNI(, lJAI'I~,
SOlemmzeo last v l'lCla} ev lng .,-, .,.T~;..l~t ~l"t.',lI~rP 1
Brighton Presbyterian clmrch. The "~Ea',l"'~[~ y 'L~a:~o;1t 'C.ol;,t ,esi
bride is the daughter of Mr. and/ 'y" Y • . ." Y ""
Mrs Paul Stenhens and the bride dents and their fanuhes and des-
' " -~ " " "" - M" ~ cendants sllould save the date of
groom is me son oz 2ar. ano ~ ix'.'. .." . ' .' _ ". ........
Robert Pelau. A reception was st!nf:aY'.,~Ug'n~tln~v~a~;n~o~¢~e
set [or tne a ~ .'
held, followin~ the ceremony, at " ... .......
the Rainier Beach home ot~ the Pioneers ~qcnic in ~nelton's ~nee-
bride's oarents The vounff counle land Park, chairman Herb Angle
". • "' ~ ° ~ reminds all those interested
will remde m Seattle upon (hell ....
return from a honeymoon trip to ...............................
Ocean Shores. Attending the love- USE JOURNAL
~ywedding from Grapeview were
r. and Mrs. Julie Stock. WANT ADS
bIRS. ROBERT (Dorothy) Pc-
lan is also residing in Seattle at Ally
Bow Lake, while Mr. Pelan is n Resident
once agsin at his Job in Alaska.
Mrs. Polly Baxter enjoyed a vls- Dies AtAge 64
it saturday from former Grape- Mrs. Blanche Sharer, of Allyn,
viewites. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Zel- died last Monday at the age of 64.
enak, who brought with them She was born Oct. 20, 1900 in
daughters Carol and Lonise with Minneapolis, Kans.
Polly's son Lyle from Fife--also
Pat Zelenak with husband, Jerry, She was a member of the WOW
from Tacoma. We are happy to Auxiliary, the Jay Hawkers and
report Mike is well and win:king the WOW lodge. "
every day. They drove west from Her survivors are her husband,
their home in Martin, S.D. While Guy Sharer; her son, Richard
here, the Zelenaks also enjoyed Sharer; both of Allyn, her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Jack E. Kolene Liska of
a visit with Julie and Doris Stock. Tucson, Ariz.; and six
Services will bc held for her at
the Lewis Fulmral 'Chapel in Bre-
I mertou.
t Leona M. Duncan
S n S'h
rov 'St., S e to,;: flied las Sun-
lay in the Shelton General Hospi-
• .al at the age of 53.
She was born Nov. 11, 1911, in
SALESMAN~Phll Adams, 21,
Wenatehee VMley College grad-
sate In business administration,
Im, s joined his father, Charh~
Adams, as a salesma~t at tim
Western Auto Associated Store
in Shelton. Ills father Is par¢-
ner-maxmger of the bushtess.
PItH lurid his wife reside at 118
BiI~II St.
After a long weeknd . . . Tues-
/day is Monday, ~Wednesday is
Tuesday, but whatever dayit was
people were out buying .. , the
stores looked like Saturday, es-
peclally the grocery stores . . .
people were lined up like'the as-
trormuts waiting to go to the
moon . . . All in all it has been
a very messed up week
But not the business climate
which appears to be climbing
along with the outlook of people
• . which a long weekend helps.
You lind better take a long last
look at the BLUE OX THEATRE
. . :It is ah'eady starting to look
like the last legs of a horse who
has not had anything to eat and
is starving to death showing its
B & R SALES made their move
over the weekend and their corner
of Raih'oad looks a lot better
with somebody in the old NEIL'S
PHARMACY building.. •
Quite a few sales going on this
Legal Publications
Csuse No. 8922
O!" REAl, I,]S'rA'rE
tTader General F.xecul h)n
(libEl)IT SEI~VICI,L Plaintiff. vs.
MAI(I IC JAMES, htlsb:(nd and wife,
Ulllh'r anll by virltn, of a gen(,l'a]
oxo(.ll|ion is.qll(,d Olll of and nndpl' thp
soal ()|' 1]le Stll)~q'[or Colll'[ ()1" the
Stale ()J' Wltsllillgl(,ll, ill 17nd tot' saJ(l
, County, oa llw l,lth day of J1mo, 1965.
II|)Oll II jlltl~lllOlll ron(lol'O(l ill .~a ill
(hnn.t on Ihe 141hdqy of Juno, 1965,
in favor of A, I. Alpxandm' d/b/a
Coast (?rodl| Service and aga[ast Tho-
IIIll.q it, Jal(l['.q all(l .l[llhl ~t[alqo •[llllle,q,
hllsball{] all(I wil", i (.]gl(l('llt debh,rs
for I]1(! Stllll of ()11(' hlllt(ll'ed Sixly nix
dollars and 36/100 d.llars, h)g(,ih(,r
with {Ltlol'aoy's foes, ]ntel'Osl, ('(,~tS alld
incl'efiso¢l (!og[s, and to IIIO dJr1,(!ted
and deliverp(l, I (lid on tim 151h day
of ,Imu., 1965, I!,vy upon all tim righl,
till(' ~llld int,,r('sl of said Jallgllwnl
d(q)lol'S ill alld IO |hp following de-
scribed l):'[)l)erly to salisl'y said ,itz(Ig-
Illent. to-wil :
Seetl,m 16, Townsl)ip 23, Rar)g~ 3,
(~OVOl'lnll~llt Lol 2 ox(',e])l rigllt fl[' way
Tax 1110 Tax 1154
S(:cth:,la 17. SW !.i NE ~/~ and S~
SE)) NE';~ pxl'ol)t Tvac| 1 and right
of way t
Trav~ 1 uf SEki NE)I.
HEREBY GIVEN, That i,n Friday
lhe ',lilt]) day (,f' J'alv. 1965, al 10:0(I
o'elt)ck Jn the for,ql~;Oll of u~ti(I day,
] will sell the above (Iosvril)vd prop-
nt'Iv r S~) 1 II ch th('1'('l)f as may be
no(¥ssary to satisfy said ,iudgl~mnt,
h,ge|l)ec wLlh atLorney's lot,s, interesl,
costf~ and il|(.reasPd Co~ts, ill all al11-
minting to the sum t)t' Oil(' hundred
Six|y Sovt,n and 8(;/100 Dollars. plus
SherLff'.~ Costs and Costs of Publica-
t ion.
Said sale will take place at ill(, east
door of lhp C~)url lh)llt~C a| S]leltoll.
Wlnh[ngtOll in said CotUl|y sad State,
and will bp at public auv|ion, for rash
in hnnd to thl, highe,~t and best I)idder.
Dated at SImlton, Wash,, this 291h
day of Jutle, 1965,
• I). S. CLARK
Sheriff of said County.
I',y Mildred Conklin, DelTuty.
7/1-g-15o22 41
SOURCES, Del)artmcnt of Cons,w-
ration, Olympia.
Tim( William Ander.~on of Breme)'-
ton, Wash. on June 23, 1965, filed aPl)li
(,atir)n for l)erlni( to divert the public
waters of 1111 ilnnllnlod slrearn tributary
of Ph'kering Pa::sage. In the atnoant
of 0.05 se(,ond-fool, Sl.l])j(!('t to ('xivtlillg'
Marilyn Sneddon
Dies At Age 45
Mrs. Marilyn M. Sneddon, 50?
East "IC' St., flied last Sunday
at the age of 45 in the Simlton
Generat Hospital.
Born Jan. 31, 1920, in Porter-
1 r
rills, CaAf., during her life she
was a member of the ShelLon
Methodist church, the American
Legion Auxiliary, the ShelLon Bus-
iness and Professional Women's
Club and the Order of Eastern
Star, Chapter 155, in Springfield,
Old'tie is survived by her hnsband,
James Sneddon 6f ,~helton; ()~tt!
s,m, James R. Sneddon of Fair-
banks, Alaska; and one sister, Mrs.
GladVs Vossler, of Portervllle, CaN
The funeral Services were held
I in the Batstone Funeral Parlor
last Tuesday at 3 p.m. witli the
~ev. Hora~e Mounts 0fficiating.
]?he burial will take place today,
1 p.m., at the Willamette Nation-
al Cemetery, Portland, Ore.
Legal Publications
rh~hts, col)tinuonsly each year for the
purpose of domestic SllI)ply and dur'-
lag lrl'igut[on sosson eael! yeal" fOP
ir)'i~atioll; that tile al)proxtmate poinl
of direr'alert s located w~tl~ln Govt, t,ot
2 of Section 18, Town~hlp ..l N., Rango
I W..~,T,, in Masoll county.
All)' ol)je(,tions ItttlSi be aeeotapanl~d
by a, iwo dr)lhtr ($2.00) ree0rdi~; fc~
md f le(1 w th ltm State .'SulTer'Vnsor o]
Water Re.~()Ul'(.o.~ w thin th rty (30)
(lu.vs l'l'on~ Ju y 15 1965.
ltViln(.~s Iny hand and official ~eal
thb~ 2.11h day of .ltllW, 1965.
State gtll)orvisor I)1" Water Re-
s.ur,',,s. 7/8q5 21
The fo]i,.willg (:h•¢cribe(l areas Wlln-
il; and adia('o ~t to the OlYmlHe Na-
ti(')nal F'o)'~'ist ar.:~ }l(,reby dr,tiered: A
roi%ion of extra fir'(' hazard.
.... CLo.~ED TO ENTRY--
ex('ep{ as l)r(,vided I)y RCW 76,0-1,1,10
Area No. I Big Q~ileene
That liar( of Section 24 lying north
(,f the Big Quih (,no River, T. 27N.,
R :lW Tbal .art o|
lying wrmt of Towil.qendcrt'eR 0all-,',, ii
those l al'tS )' Soetiolls 19 and 30
lyixlg bptw' .n t ~r. Big QtlLleerle
Ri~,q' and Towa~pnd Creek, T, 27N.
R. 2W. The B g QUi!cene Road
(No, P-72 and 272D) and Big QUli.
cone Trail connecting w!th lhe
Itoad are open to thcoagh t|'avel,
Area No, 2 Little Qul!een~e
Those pacts of SE~4 S~ Sectl{~n
27, SWtk Section 26, NW.,4,, ~e,,~
an(l SI~]1~ of []¢.(.tion 35, which are
Orlcircled by Road No. 28)3.1. Th?
north ~,~ of Section 116 lytng ~OUtll
of Road No. 2813,1. The SE.~ of
SIC, Se('th)n 25, T. 28N, R. ~W,
R,)ad N(). 2813.1 is ol)cn to tllrol.lgll
For' protection of the aboye'd,eserlbqd
areas against, Ore, tho
following rt|lo
will be enforced:
Entry into Otis area is pj'ohibited
e×cept as provided by laW. with
r)forenee to i)erlllanent r,esl¢10n|,~
slid lll(tustrial oparat.ions.
Auyone vlr,latlng say such rules and
regulations or, order closing anp rarest
region shall I)e guilty of a misdemetm,
°r~i't'e(,.tive froln midnight 3ulY e, 1965
to Octobm" 4, 1965, Clo~Brc reqUeMtd
by United States Freest Set'vice.
"~I~T~qCT, OOLE Commissi¢)ner
l");,l)t"u':trn-~nt" of l~atural Resou|'cea
State of Washlngton
By /s/ BERT L. coLE
June 9, 1965 7/8 It
Napavine, and had resided in Ma-
son County for the past 15 ycars. -.---o ual°lng,
She is mn'vived by her htlsband,
ian R ,,ncan of Sholton; one Taken By Death
"laughter, Mrs. Myers of Seattle;
;hree hrothers, Marvin Phillips of Carl Fredrick Spalding, 1220
Santa Moniea, Calif.; Melvin Phil- Birch St., died June 30 in Grays
lips and Jess P~illips both of Harbor Couuty. Born in Grays
Shelton; four sisters, Mrs. Cora Harbor County Jan. 15, 1896, he
Woodard and Mrs. Grace Quinn had lived the majority of his life
both of Shelton; Mrs. Hazel Wenz in Mason County with his last
of Gaberville, Calif.; Mrs. Marjor- years spent as a retired logger.
ie Fuller of Chehalis; two nncles, The funeral services were held
5ohn and Jess Goodsell of Shelton; last F~jday, 2 p.m,, at the Bat-
and three grandchildren, sLone I~ tlneral Holne with the bur-
The funeral services will take ial taking place at the Shelton
place today in the B atstone Funer- Memorial Park. Rev. Elmer Smith
al Parlor at 1 p•m. with the Rev- officiated the funeral services.
erend Wtgton officiating. The bur- Those surviving are his wife,
ial will be held at Shelton Memof Mrs. Margaret Spalding of Shel-
ial Park following the funeral, ton; one sister, Mrs. Evers of
................................. Shelton; three stepsons, Allan W.
Einarsson, James E. Einarsson,
both of Shelton and Stewart R.
Ruth White Dies
Cameron of Baudon, Ore.; and
At Home In Allyn two stepdaughters, Mrs. ~arry
Abel of Coos Bay, Ore. and Ml'S.
RuthP~atricia %Vllite, t:'.O. Box Albert Smith of Eugelie, Ore.
794, Allyn, died Jime 29, at her
home. She was bran Jnly 29, 1924
in Seattle and had been a resi-
dent of Mason County for the past
Jane Burchill, 83,
Dies In Bremerton
Mrs. Jane Bm'chLll, 83, died
June 24, at Harrison Memorial
Hospital in Bremerton.
She was born March 2, 1882,
in lreland. She lived in Shelton
from 1946 until last year when
she moved to Bremerton.
Among her survivors are two
daughters, Mrs. Ed (Mar) Tats,
Hunter, N.D., and Mrs. C. W.
(Isabellel Denny, Bremerton; four
Sons, Henry, Shelton, John, Col-
gate, N.D., James, Everett, and
Victor, Beulah, N.D.; a brother,
Joseph Pyhuru |n Massachusetts,
and two brothers arid a sister in
Ireland; 10 grandchildren; and six
Services were at 1 p.m., June 28,
at Lewis Funeral Home in Brem-
erton with the Rev. Father D.M.S.
Hevenor officiating. Burial was
at Forest Lawn Cemetery.
War Veteran -84,
Succumbs Here
Mr. Walter D. Schwieterlng of
Olympic Highway North, Shelton,
died last Sunday at |Its home.
Bo|'n April 6, 1882, in Umatilla
County, Ore., he had been a resi-
dent of Mason County for the past
18 years. He was a Spanish Amer-
ican War veteran and belonged to
the John R. Thompson United Spa-
nish American War Veterans As-
He is survived by his wife, Net-
tie E. Scliwietering of Bhelton;
one son, Raymond V. Schwieter-
ing of Shelton; one daughter-in.
law, Mrs. Pauline S. Schwietering
of Shelton; two daughters, Miss
Doroth:~ Schwietering of Shelton;
Mrs. Thelma Zielinski of Tacoma;
one graBdson; one brother, James
Schwietering of Bozeman, Mont.;
and tw6 sisters, Mrs. Cole of Big
Timber, Mont.; Mrs. Georgia Ad-
ams of Bozemen, Mont.
He will have .a private grave-
side service held today, 11 a.m.,
at tl~e Shelton Memorial Park•
two years. 1
Her fnnm~al was held last Fri-
day at 11 a.m. from the Bats(one
Funeral Home with the Rev. Eu- Managed and Operated by
gene Knau~ officiating. The bur- Christensen's for Shoes
ial took place in Shelton Memor- Bremerto~
ial Park.
She is stuwived by her husband, ~/
Lawrence E. White, Allyn; one
son, Gil Postma of Vashon; one
daughter, Anne Postma of Vash-
on; and her mother, Mrs. Harold
Helen Potts Dies
In Nursing Home
Helen A. Pelts of Union died
last Monday in the Shelton Manor
Nursing Home.
She had made h'er home in Ma-
week with the continuation of the
Half-Price sale in the SHOE
DEPT. of MILLER'S. Manager
Barry Caskin has some real good
buys which you should look into
. Another sale has OLSEN
FURNITURE in the spolight with
rugs. Owner Rod Olsen has scour-
ed the country and has found some
top line scatter rugs which he is
selling three sizes at one whack
Board Of Equalization
. . . and whack he did on that
son County for the past 61 years.
Her survivors are one sister, Mrs.
Beatrice Havord, Anchorage, Alas-
ka; one brother, Arthur Wood-
worth of Union; and two nieces,
Mrs. Eleanor Brightnenstein and
Mrs. Dorothy Hewitt.
Services will be held for her
tomorrow in the Bats(one Funeral
Home at 2:00 p.m. with Rev. ChaS.
Wig(on offict~ating. Cremation
wilt follow in Tacoma.
p.ce ! July 13
has a big sale going in which they The Ma on Cotmty Board
Equahzahon will meet at 1.,,o
are giving something away free. " .....
' • SOI'S of
What that something is, you lllp.m. July 13 in the A•~ses, " ""
have to find out for yore'self. , rice.
Walking back to MILLER S, This will be the second meeting
Pete Melin in the Appliance Dept. of the board, the first held July 6.
is having a big clearance sale . . . The meetings are required by
ALL of these sales are waiting ]state law. The county commiS-
just for you so hurry up. ]sloners axe the members of the
--D,L. board of equalization.
Regularly $10.99 to $14.99
NOW $8.90
O LV $12.90
Now's 1he dine to )eve on Amr-
ica's f|vorit foo.tWaarl D .se/,
casunl, tdlored styles, tvery asn-
ionable heel height. AU colors. All
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Legal Publications
lie aL l)ul)lic
I1o 1he ])iz]~r~!
l)atod nt
(]:15" ,4 ,T1LBe,
Cause No. 8873
PANY, Plaiatiff vs. WIL[AAM M.
],]1~., his w i f ,, ; and COMMEPA?IAt,
CREI)IT CORI'ORATION. tt (~o]'i)ora-
tion L)pfontlan|,
ITnd(,r and by virtllo of a genera| ox-
ecution isstlod old of alnl tlll(tor the
S(','tl of llle Stl|)(!ri()r Court of Ill(, Stilt("
of WSstlfnglon. in ~m(I f(.r said (~Ollll|y.
on tilt, 151h (In.'," of .hm(,. 19/15, hi)on a
jlldgf)l(~llt r(,ndere(I ill ,~Idd C()nl'[ ()11
|l)o 15th day of Juao, 1965. in fav(,r of
and against WILLIAM M. SWISItER
AND JANICE A. SWISHER, his wll'(,;
PORATION, a (~orl)oralh)n. jtldgmon|
do|)tor.s for tlIO suIn of TWO Thousan(l
Soven Hundred Fifly Six and 3,t/I(X~
Dollqrs, logo(her with atlornoy's f(.,s,
Jn(('['('st, COSTS and inere:L~ed costs, and
I() lno directed and (leliv,,r(,d. I di(t
i)11 the 16th day ,,f June, 19~,5, h,vy ~Lt. q'fi~T
lit)on all tim rlghl, litlo and inter,,st DO FOI2,
of saiA] judgment debtor:~ in ~lnd to the
following described l)ropprlv h) satisfy DI~KE ~EI~
A traci of land ill tim nortlwast qllftr-
ter (NE ~i) of the Southeast quarter
(SE !,~) of Section n[netec:n (19),
Townslfip twenty (20) Nortl~ Range
three (3) West W.M., particularly
des(,rll)ed as follows: BEGINNING i t~ ~
at a poillt on the NorLh side of tim .~.
County Road 172 feet in the South*
westerly direction fr(,nl tbp West
~ide of the OlYmlde Highway as lo-
r,ated M,,y 16. 1919. at the inl(,,'so,,- ~'' ~,~--
lion' of the C(nlnty Road in ti~e
No~'thea~t qaarter tNE !',) (7(" the
South¢,ast quarter (SE a.~) of Section
19, Townshlp 20 North, Range 3 '{
West. W.M.; run ihence at righ| all-Z
gles ill a. Northwesterly dh'eetion 50 ~1~,,
I!e(,t ; Ir,(,nce Southw~sterly, parallel
with said County Road, 115 feel ; (.~
thence Eh)atheasterly, paranel witil
said 1,Jast line ahd at right angles to
said County Road, 50 frmt io the
right-of-way of said County Road; The
tlwneo Nort ht~ast(q'ly, along said
r'iKht-of-Way of flaid County Road:
thence Northeasterly. al o n g said
t'igIR-of-~a_v, 115 feot, more or' les. to
l)otnt of beginning.
HEREBY ~lVEN, That on Friday the
23rd day of July, 1965, at 10 o'clock in
the fordno~n of said day, i will sell tim
above described property, or so much:
that,eel as |nay b~ n(,eessary to satisfy j
~a'd judgment together with at(of i
ney'S fees, Interest. costs and increased
costs, in nll amounting to tim st.1111 of
Tinter Thousand Two Hundred Sixty
and 76/103 Ddllars, Plus Sheriff's Costs
and Cost of Publication.
Said sale will take place at the East
door' of the Court House at 4th and
Pine In said County and State. and will
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