July 8, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 8, 1965 |
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........ -- It's ,ii Date - ......
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Rotary Clul) hlncheon noon I.ocmt~n, 8 p,ni., Mere( rlal I1a I..i, .?,
0smetics Ming Ti'ee Cat'e, Lions Chll) Board of Director's ".i** Society Editor * Marj Jacobsen * Phone 426-4412 :~:
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I mlbm,~ Reslaurant. l~l. I
You % Zyh2f- pit, >obl..'s Oa, den O,,,b., ...
fee hem', .) a.m. to 12 , le ]meeting an(! l)othw.k dinner, meet] ~ U I
of Mrs. UD ,=ildi g. l )
ri I'll,' ,hdy 9 I .., ' . , v ~ ,
• ''' ")' 8 ) I ~mmie XL'Um ueaguc ba.'eball,|
Rnby l:h~beknh LeaS'e, ~ I..m., (~::I0 p.m. to< p Fiel(, Shellon vs i :': i:'
,)and answer series IOOV Hall, ' 10 Vashon. '
l, brought to you ~all~r(lay, ,hdym.dncl 10 W(,din, s(l:|y ,hd.Y 14
D ' V 's'I '( l~se cx,' ' ', ' ' ' '
NeWs Pharmacy " Drix ors li( ense ('.xanllncr, :10 )
a.m. to 5 p.m., police station.
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EVA FAYE SAMPLES . . . The expression "easy as pie" takes on
true meaning when applied to her recipe for Easy As Pie Lemon
Pie. It dispels the old belief that it is necessary to spend hours in
the kitchen in order to bring forth a satisfactory lemon pie.
(: =I: :l~ ~Ir
Easy As Pie Lemon Pie is Just and the Methodist church.
that... easy as pie! When you Stm has no trouble filling her
consider how ttme-c0nsuming time. She not only sew.~: fo)" her-
making a lemon pie has ~always, self and her daughter, but for her
been you'll be surprised at Eva!friends ,and her daughter's friends.
Faye Samples' recipe for this all-she also knits and spends much
time favorite of many. time antiquing furniture, a hobby
Eva Faye is the wife of PUD she and Jerry enjoy together. "
No. 3 manager, Jerry Samples• Easy As Pie I~:nmn Pie
Their daughter Christie was a
1961 graduate of Shelton High In a small bowl blend with re-
school and now works in Seattle• tary beater until smooth:
Roger, their son, will enter his sen- 1,./., cup sugar
ior year at SHS thi.~ fall. 1/3 cup cornstarch
D'uring the years her children 1/8 tsp. salt
were gro~ing up Eva Faye was 2 egg yolks, unbeaten
bnsy with Cub Scouts, Sunday 1.~ cup lemon juice
school classes and numerous other 1 tsp. grated lemon rind
activities. Now she confines her In a medium size saucepan brink
activities mainly to Welcome to a boil:
Chapter, Order of Eastern Star 1V_, cups water
3/4 cup sugar
TltE DIRT DOBBERS CLUB 3 Tbsp. butter
PLANS MEETING, DINNER Slowly stir egg yolk mixture into
The Dirt Dobbers Garden Club the boiling liquid. Bring' again to
a boil and cook two or three rain-
plans on having .a short meetingutes longer, stiring constantly, un-
and potluck dinner at the home
of Mrs. Fred Ferris on Island til mixture is thickened and
Lake next Tuesday. Visitors fromsmooth. Pour into baked pie crust
Bremerton are expected. They and top with meringue made of:
will meet "it thc PUD Building at 2 egg whites
I,'()Fl t;Ir(I i)iil't')', ~ p.in., ahlmrt ,q,m. to 5 p,nl., police slniion,
Sanday, Jaly II
Sheil~)n chur(,iies invite you to
allend the Ch|ll'Cll Of yoIll' choice.
Monday, July 12
PUD No. 3 C(,mmissim~ meet-
inK, 1 l).nl., PUD conll~issioner'i:
County con]missioner's moot-
ing, 10 a.m., com.tilonse.
Shellon Bridge Club, 7:30 p.m.,
PU D bldg.
Coin Club. 7:30 p.m., CUD bldg.
Tae,~ilay, July 13
Kiwanis Club lunche(m, noon,
Memorial Hail.
City commission's meeting, 2
p.ni., city hall.
Scilo()l bolird meeting, 8 p.m..
Evergreen school,
4-H Leader's Council meeting,
8 p.m., Extension office.
'rhnrsday, Jnly 15
l-h)ta ry' Cluh illllctIeon, noon,
Ming Tree Cafe,
Toastmasters' C, hib, 6:45 a,m,
Timbcis Motel. '
Port Connnissions meeting,