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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 8, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 8, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 4 BITELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAId--Publiah&l in U.S.A." Shelton, Sunny Weekend Brings USE JOURNAL I Casoade Purchases Many Out To 0=hal Skokomish ea ed sceond pl ospree, coming behind a wal • and ended the game, and had bm Ab Gotfl( bounced Queets. 8-3, July 4 be-)(:u.'~' .1. J. ~c hind Miller's flossy flinging. M.cCloud 2,~,~S .... - .... ) . Miller helped his own cause in ares 3, TO~r:' this one, too. with a triple hislet. Pulsi--.. third in two games as he allowedR. PetersOnl/~ no ealTled runs. Skokomish stash- Peterson. ~u~, ed the decision away with 3-rim Blaeketer _5,~~ spurts ill the second and fOtlrthleter 5. liD'~ I innings, each £ime bunching two |.___~ hits with walks and errors, r--'--"- TOM[ GOULE¥, Bob Miller, Jim]] ~|dllr| • • • wen m .................. Tobin and Albert Gouley each I II II U~vJ-' success while Tobin and Dick Ad- ] | I~111~ ,. for Skokomish in the champion- I '":" I/ Cascade will spent $6 million Ronnie Peterson was the win-[I /GAT~JW~~ uFn[~heE[. ~o~- . . ]| . ning pitcher in relief of Adams in I the Muckleshoot game wilile Pete I 211d $ 4' Peterson suffered the loss in the I ~II{l ¢1~ title contest. I P) The box scores: I Icurtis Mucklesht.ah r h[Skok ah r h]| ..... ,.. I~$ Nornmn lb 2 0 0: T. Gouley 3h 4 2 2 ! I VISlIiliW '1 VISlIiliW "-' Charles lb 2 I 0] G M Ih!r ('f :| 2 0 I~ White cf 3 1 0[ R. Miller ss 5 2 2 Kenny ss-c 2 1 0[G. Petersn rf 3 0 1 ] I ' Martin c-ss 3 1 I] :robin 2b ,t 0 2 l ' [lraXT~ ~I~s [. , ...__ ~..._ IFOnSAL ORTRADE--Sft. yaro- Mel,,*.. ~ 00..a,.~se ,00 I ............... t will trade, for good two-wheel utility ---------~- , , [ Cascade Natural Gas Corpora-}trailer. Across from Agate stor,~. |~ U~Ji~ns~m| AsA~ [in the annual Oakville 4th of JulY lGuy Miller and Gary Petersons • • .his, ]:)aie Julian. 7/8 tfnill ||uuu~pulI MIU [Indian baseball tournament bY[a,.,:h~ .... n ..h..d of Albert ~..,a ........ I [ tmn, which operates a franc . e { ......... '. .......... . .... _ ~e~ I;!1(3 /~ll D~ew [J serviw- Shelton has acnuired the~ 13OOKKEEPE~t needed immcdmtely. By Jocly Crumb ]scalping' Muckleshoot and Queets], " ....................... ........ - " n Plefel Sheltcn woman with book- SUPER-2 1[Garfield Gas Gathering Con}pa y[ keeping machine experience, or will " " " he ey's single Aoams also uoumed m HOODSPORT Spectacular before los.rag to Nmqually m t• .. . . . ....... "-- I .~...~.,~,~,':.~,;~, ~a,~e I the tnira to positron ~ov Miner, • J i of Denver, it was announce(/ mis I train qualified bookkeeper. Write summer weather brought hordes l'".~::'P'."',~:['~,~.~ "... ,,._ Utle[safe on an error, to score on Bill Starmaster I lweek by Cascade's Chairman C. [ ~,ox, 10¢e~.t~tin~ qualificatio~8 ~t~d of fishing and boating enthusiasts ~.~squ~,y .aw~y .... ..~ [~,-~,,h,~ ~fe ran Another error .... d nt O " '"~"' "' ...... " ....t.~ ,-.--_] ..... #^~ .he Fo,,..~. Iwith a 7-1 n rain in ulo s~venEn ~" ........... r" l[Spencer Clar~ ann ~-res~ e • I ........... :-:== .................................. and I| Marshall Jones I BUD'S BUDDIES car wash. Long'sw ....,~a,,,, ~.ce,~ ~,r ~- ~*-, .................... )helped bring in two unearned runs ,~f ~ul,, w,~-t,,-~d O-r man" no,,,, I ~,yD.en ~KOKOnlIsn zlemlng le/l ap~rl. I " II . " I Richfield Station from 9 a.m: to 2 .-- - a ........... a r v-- . • 11 " fi to finish it off. ,-, ~, ~, , ~ [[ A Seattle-nased utility, Caseadel p.m. Saturday, July 10., B 7/8 la~ ....... rcsmts and outdoor zeereation at erihcal, moments fo~ an -6 - " m uurv-~rar tterreaa I/serves 63 comnmnities ir~ Washing- [ ~)R---~E-N;r-:-~'Two-b~d-r~-tm~ al facilities were filled literall; Ihal verdmt, Until then Skokomish Prior to the t,tl~ga ~e¢~ ~l July America's finest tires |~ ton and Oregon with five more I unfurnished (optional)'. phone 426-' to overflowing, Tourists and cit,, I had been~ defending a 6-4 lead 5 Skokomish had "PP ckle- with a Nation Wide I/scheduled for addition this year. [ 3096. C 7/8 tfn¢,,~,..... n,, ~,~ ..... ;.,*-~ *he nv~,~- ]gained on 3-run probes in the first I shoot, 7-5, in the tom~ament op- - l/Garfield Gas is a natural gas corn-|F--OR--~~o~urnisl~-: .... ~-~¢,,~.~' ,~t,p=,~,-=..... ,, "=~-'"" ].~d ¢hi,.d fvarnes l ener July 3 when Bob Miller's 2- plc t-enmsma, wmen ,s es- , • " " venth had two hits in the Muckleshoot II c.¢l Guarantee I/oany with valuable holdings in l. ed waterfront home 5 minutes from .,.^,~. :,~. .......... "~ and-i~-~-] DICK ADAMS double was in-]ram triple m the se (his m= ~ •" mr |[~ormwestern" ~" : ..... Uolora~o an.(lv lm-]" I baths.t°wn• Fourfireplace,bedroomS,w/w carpeting.2 ceramic Av-tile sites maintained by the Forest J~mental In the first mnmg [ second) broke up a o- dlock ares were the only 2-hit sluggers II u,~ 1~4b BIIABm~I~ul~ i[portant gas purchase ann sales[ ailable Sept• to July. References Service and State and National| 1 I lil_gr.fl [ • I|contracts ' I required, shown by appointment on- HI~ II•~MiI~,,..I/, ~1 [ IV. 44:26 8277.~:_~._BT..8~__tfn Parks. |/: I ship loss. [I Shelf The Bill Goodpasters, Rudy ti' From The I ~=====..--~ I/ develop tl~.e prop~'ty, ] c.rn~apartment downtown. Wat~.~r and Schwabs, and Jim O'Neils were _ -... -- • I /~;~]iir~'~7~ll~U~ IlPrincipany for compmtion ol a| heat furnished, adults, Inquire 119 among families celebrating the|| r.=...m~., r;¢.. DA...~.4e I ,||115-mile interstate pipeline and[ E. Cedar. 426-4895 or 426-4481. " . " * [I t, UUlI|V Ibl|y II~LIJILI,) I ) I]35 miles of gathering lines. Corn- | O 7/8 t fn hohday with beach and poolside J I/pletion b~y October 15 is scheduled. | ....... ~ .... parties. [I ~ I ~¢,~..a=~.~-- I/ The new ~nuisition will be] NOTICE OF;IUBLIC l lF~R.IN0.._ ~ Mr. and Mrs. JamesdTl~rman[¢ .... , "a " Notice is hereby g~ven tout the C)ty 22~) Olymp,c Hwy. No. ~Imerged into Cascade and operated [Planning Comml~sion of the City of en!.ertained George a "'f velyn ] MASON COUNTY JUSTICE Cars driven by Colvella King =as a division. [Shelton, Washington, will hold a pub- l:lenren oi ~iuncrest, L;all • __~__ ............... |lic hearing at 7:80 p.m. Tuesday. July . The Tom[ ,¥m, ldngt~:tS~t:te P~trol ~I~dhwG:;?;1 aCJ'~e?:l~d~d'e~t _. ~9~s at the City Hall on the ap- u.u'nea II~om a.wlp t ....... "/ ]Richard Rowzer, speeding, $12] A sign was down at Woldens ~nss ~nsml~ u~r~ns~ I/Pneat]on lot zoning varhmce for Lots ClSCO xvfl()e mey VIBILeQ their ( I~ JLVU ~aa~uau ~v¢ , , • I/1 & 4 Blk. 19, A.ngleside Addition No. ';' ' '~' ". " • /f0r/eit"Ronnie Gann defective l Servme Station on Hillcrest. Son Roger, who is going to Ha-' ' .' • . | .......... ~~ = • • --==- ||2 t~) the City of Shelton, in accord- ",aN" w ..... i "'~ M rines trait [equipment, $12 forfeit; Wdlimn ------~-- [~~:~~ I:Lilll WILIUUll I/.ne,' wii.l) tiw provisions of zoning ,,cz ,cnnsu.~. a • • [Looeman, defective equipment, $17I SHERIFF'S OFFICE Duanep-2b 40]IAbGoulylf-c .I02I ~ .... I• II~~'...,~mm*~~~~!~.-~!~ w .H .m- Ill lord nanCepuRLNO.JEMiSON,682. Chairman THE RI~SSELL VIGER family [for:felt; Vernon Shields, improper ] A 1963 Impala belonging to Frankln rf 2 0 0] Adams p 3 0 0 I , . .., .. | ~',~::~ .... ....... |[' Plhnning Commission 7/8 it has retummd to the Canal from |~,assifl~, ~$2¢..forfeit; Wayne War-[Richard Valley was reported stol- Cu~sterlf I 0 0]Johnslf 0 0ff) I IVI~'~',~V ~ / I ~P~~"~)~'~ Life insurance Is the only plan | | __~ a trip to Utah, where they visited ]s~on, no' driver's license, on person, en in the Benson Lake area. Miller 3h 2 0 01R. Peterson p 1 0 0 I "-'' !' ever devised which will provide for O AKO ANS TO PICNIC' " " I/N--RTHThe47thD anmlalT picnic of t ~' Rosemary Crumb is living in/fective steering, giving false in-[ken by vaudals at his l~ome at Totals 25 5 3Ix Pulsifer 0 1 0 II I~~ your family, if you d e, the th,ngs [| , he relatives near Salt J~aKe. /$24 forfeit; Leonard Williams, de-| Jem.T Hill reported a pump bro- Dennls2b-p 3] llAxGouloylb 30ill I y, ou hoped to give them if yOU live. I/N°rtlt Dakota Association will be Seattle, where she is employed at/formation, $250 fine. IMason" Lake. Totals 31 7 10 I I ~~~~ , I/held at the main picnic grounds the Boeing Flight Center. / Sheriff's Office [ Ken Jannison, Tea Lake, report- x--ran f¢,r Alex Gouley in 7th. I I [ ~'~:i:~ 116 North 2nd St. [ |in Point Defiance Park, at. TacomaOur congratulations to Mr. and / Wa- ne Kin~'em minor c'onsum I ed two motors stolen. |/July 11. who we~:e recently ma.r~'ied in the |,f" ..... ~ ..... ' ~:'-'-~e minor ~[a Samoyed (log. Muckleshoot .............. I 0 0 0 3 0 ~--5 II ~l ~~ Mrs. Wayne Scott (Jenny Knautz), /in~ i~toxican~'s ~,50 fine 10 'day; [ Jane Derick reported slle found SCORE BY INNINGS II~~ ~~,. ~=/~IJA,~UAe,|~/WW s~,~s s~=~P~=- • I|l/enjoyt~ring a full basket of food anda great day of fel]owshiI), First Baptist church in Shelton. ["~.J~a~'j~.,~#o,~,~'~,.'~,~,s,,nin~ Dn-[ Bob Reed reported .someone hits .................. OlO 000 z-- 311 | Ph. 426-8139 ' L][e Insurance for ~]v~_n_~ I}with former acq.uaintanccs ant1 We will enjoy their company in ],~.,~o~,, fYne.~,.~t,~sseii~.Ro~er~ ]broke into the Lake Cushman re- Skokomish ................ 1 0 I 3 0 0 2-- 7[[ |_ I make some new frmnt~s. Hoodsport. for the remainder of/~":'.'zauure~ ro ~ ymm" ''J .mgnL''--'~"~'~fu wa"y ~o 'a I sort and took some recoros. ])its ................. 2 0 o 4 o 1 3--10 I the summer. [ ............. ubFc~ ]V[rs. Johnson at Haven Lake SUM~A~£: 3b-R. Miller 2. 2b-G. ][ ~~ ' ..... motor verucle, orunK ]a p I , , • , ' !~,~'~fl,,~,~.~i~,~!~!~,~j~~~.~t~~ ~ %t ~ ........ ': Rik Fredrickson was taken by [544 fin.e; Francis Thornton, failure [ re_p2 ted acabm bl o_ken, lnto-..__ Pete,•son. RBI-R. Miller 4, G. Peterson. II • ' - te.err ,'e o,', ....... Tol,]n, 4+. Zuane II REPORT T0 THE PEOPLE I to a Shelton hospltal[todimheadlir~hts.~lg, for/eit;-vVil.[ g.H.., y P ..... Monday as the result of an acci- ilium Casev ~l~ee~li~n~" $34 forfeit; ]al itemsta.Ken n'on\ a_.v..vau. ~ 31/3. Winncr-R. Peters,,n. Loser-Du-II . . . . . _ _ o . Mrs ~en reporrea -m's~-s a~ an(,. SO-Adams 6, R. Pot,wsm~ 7. Du-II _ , , dent whde hel In to lore er a boat /)- " --A ' P g r /R°bez't Simm°ns, defecUve equ~p" ]- ,'*', - ~':~-;r ane 4. Dennis 3. BB-Adan)s 7, R. l'(;t- | ~ at the marina operated by his/ment $12 forfeit John Dcarth Iner mmn~(~ss a.c ~e~,t,~, • ,:.~ .... c,.son 1. Duane 3. Dennis 4. HB-Ken- I " ~. "" " • ", e •' ' • ' - : Glen .,vlilter reporLcQ a. t.~rv mtu We ,., gl d to h that I defect,ve e u,pn, en , ,1 fo o,t. . fan bolt and a ra io ,,y I I lipstick or : hlS lnjtlllCS are not Se11OUS ] lno os wit • "' ' "" "' "'" ". I Micmel Westlund, m" r in p -I..e,~ ..... . l session of and consuming liquor, [tmcen. i ........ clothes. • , , $50 fine, 10 days in jail suspcnd- I]ffIRE DEPARTMENT queers $I) r lh|Skok, ah r h I Color can alSO I OLICE COURT ~ ........... ) a ~'-'ass fire was extinguished on Ross .,s 3 0 11Adams ss 3 1 1 I tize or to Ann,orin~,in She|to- po~;,.~ lea; ~.oum ~mm, minor m posse-~- I "~ ~ .... Paul 31) 3 1 01G. Miller cf 3 2 1 I furn-~shingS.$! ._=.=.~.. ~, . ......c~ ,~;^~ ^~ ..-n ....... ;-~- li,,uor .¢50 I H Street. The call was recmvea ac R. Hicks lh-p 4 I 0 Tohin lb 3 0 1 | u strikingly Court before Judge Rolla Halbert |~:" v~.=:.~ ~,, ........ ~. "~. ' ~ I 2:28 '~ m July 5 • ~,),,, ,~,l,~ ,-er~ Welling, ton /Ilne;' l~nnllp ~ness, minor m pos- I • v. • .. • - -- Waiters cf I 0 0lAb Gouley rf 4 0 ] I[ ~,.izc of your I StateI11 (}11[ 0 f C 011 d "l|10n " Tue warrcnt ja,$Byrd, "il .................. 2. d~mkenness, 50 sclwice, costs, • Wflh,tm tm~ed . fwe .. " Mooney, over days , to/sesm°.n m " / |'zInc; session ......... ...... 'r~motny and OI "a~Rcl'" C°~'~sP~m" in ~- llq~t'?~'t consuming ulson, minor l iquor, m pos- $' 5 r 0 | [ ,~.-,ts t~,.... A grass Street SUPERIOR New z~re at ,3. "40 was Cases COURT p . m. reportea July 2. on J. Hicks p S :Bennett Penn rf rf 2 2 0 01P. Petrsn 3b 1 ~0 0! 01R. Davis Miller " c p 3]0 3 '" 4 ~0 1 t | snofa Stand °u-', [I wall ~- sharp behind color ~ .. c, r~ .... ~, pouoo t~e~-rtment" Mil /~ou zinc; myrue ~azc, ~pcet ~s,I ............ Shah!lb 2001G. Petrsn2b 21 0 | iines and bea~) [ ~~ll~ =:.,-';.~-'~ ~_ =~2-%.2:=L^_.:" ~ ,,,'~" | $22 forfeit; Harold Moore, driving [ Laurence ~icK agamS~ wn'mm Charh, s c 3 0 11B. Smithlf 3 1 2 i On the oth~~, After Close of Business June 30, 1965 ~on n. ~.oat~, u~-. ...... ,s~, ¢ ...... ~*,,~ -rom,=smw none , • . while intoxicated, $110 fine, 30 ~ ......... v ...... ., • forfeit; Lores Miller, d)unkenness, ] .... ~n ~ .... I Thomas E Snyder and Robert Swed'If 3 0 t Totals 28 8 8 I .. chair wi~ $25 forfeit; Jerry Winningham, [.~aY..ncense st!spensmn ..... a° ] Lenhart, debt. - Kossie cf I 0 01 [[ ~make do" fol dnmkenness, $17.50 fine and $2.50 |m jau, suspenoeu. . ] ~Iousehold Finance Co., against Km'.beck rf I 0 01 | " • '- is " S costs, Rlcha~ d Loving, faulty Ga~ne ll~l)aru~rmnt , ~. • " I |Eugene, James and Iloa. Til, D. Penncf 1 0 tl | wnlcn "I'* '| ! k~/ Hess, attempting snag debt R i :h ~.b ~l),, | s°. c°l.n.~u i ASSET equipment $9 50 fine and $2.50 ] Leslie to I strom !costs; Ellis Blomgren, speeding, ]steelhe~d, .$25 forfe,t; Charles[ Pacific I~4inance Loans a,gam~ Totals 30 3 5] | tam, e :~-.~..-t I SC ~ I don t wan , i $9.50 fine and $2.50 costs; Michael ]Hess, $25 forfeit; Laurence Bate- I Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hedgers, .ORF BY ]NNNGS [ to part wiO 1 [ [''--'-" 1~k ~I' "-'"~ FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS & OTHER Glover, $10 forfeit. ]man Jr., attempting to snag steel- [ debt. ................ 0 1 ~ 5 I is awkward'' I I ~ I FIRST LIEN8 ON R~=AL ~=STATE ....$17,199,760.83 ..... |head, $25 forfeit. I Washington Services Co. against Qu'-'t;,t: ......... 000 !,3 II it, ~,t wh,~ I I I TWILIGHT "B" LEAGUE doht. i ng, I , s;,=;lees co aga,nst I I Officers and I Members savings have been invested W L I SH'ERIIF~ S OFFICE ARlgEST [ • ' ": . • Skokon,ish .................. 031 301 x-..S =look,,.,... | | I in first mortgages on local real es- , Mt. View .............................. 6 0 ] Arrested at the Mason Countyl Reserve Construction Co., debt. Jhits .................. 0 2 2 2 0 0 x --8 II can .m~_~0 1 ~ ' s week was R~ Herbert :Nelson against Jame~ I I Director I late and are being repaid in monthly Brinnon .................................. 5 [ Sheriff s office la, t "-I " SUMMARY: 3b-R. Miller. 2b-Charles. II blena -ff il I I " ~" I installments. Southside .............................. 3 2 ]chard Roberts, minor consuming[ Dishon, debt. SH-Ada,,,.~, C~. lmller T,)hin am-II the baC~-~ . .( Hillcrest ................................ 3 3 J liquor. ~ Divorces CARLTON I SEARS || I| ' [I LOAN8 ON SAVI NG8 ACCOU I~TS .... 13,150.12 ! McCleary 2 3 ] ...... I Default divorce decrees granted a)nsSndth2. Tobin.Charles'I:." E-RiChpeterson.3. HiCkSG. :P( ltJ.~on.2'. Ad-. I[ll blenaing'nenu'_ S~°l°ra ~ lot' REAL ESTATE 8OLD on CONTRACT 87,758.89Pl'esident ~KoKomlsn" ............................. ..... x" ,5 1 ! ~=Jtx'~"~" ~)t:u~,"~" ~INC- ~ PERMITS. I~ Jn Mason, , County. Superior Court [licks 3 R Hicks ") :Millor 7 BB Mil- II It ta~¢eSwith W!%"= [ I V R LAWRENCE [ Pioneer ..... iiii:ii:iii:i:ii::ii ........ 0 6] One building permit was ap-[.Friday were~o: ....... ~ .0 J color , dur Tnomas ~aymr zrom JUUttn Ic,' ,, J. l-heks 3. RR~-MtIIe~ , " II. -. __.hilt 1 | Executive Vice-- President| Properties being purchased by month- Week s Results |proved by the City of Shelton . "[ . Hicks 4, R. ieks 0. II mauon ~-e! I | J.C. MINSHULL | ly payments stipulated in contracts Mt. View 17, McCleary 7 ling the past week to Kenneth E. I Tay!or ._____._ II worth wm,.,~ S bor NaneyRlChatd Busl, from Taruml BuShLce Gzlpp from Edward ~i::i i!i~ii: b!iill ~i!! | | ' xr~. ~...~=la-..~ | ,, we= have originated ,for purchasers. Pioneer forfeit to Hillcre, t [Brown, replace porch, $200. ] . ' ' r~ .... " ": .. , help you W~'~! I • ..... ~,~'~'~" ..... | ..... REAL ESTATE OWNED EUGENE DOLAN / I ' I & tN JUOGMENT .................................. 409,2fi0.01 , .... I ...... I 'riedman ..... "---"'~, ~,JIL IL l K" ILfl~ ~*J JPa |/ |1 EVERE2:T~ecrut/~/'Y'Tl'castl/'Cl'A I CASH, INVESTMENTS DAN~" at tne ~vmn~n= ., .... I _ . ..... I I ador retriever missing. It was later I urtpp . . . ......... . ..... ,I Myro. gather roported a la -I LAKE I & SECURITIES 2,354,47880 I I~..,Jl--,. h=h. IIZ I/fonnd. I Ma!'joric Hartline from Gary I I Assistant Seeretary-Trea,. I ................ : ...................... I rnuuD omit , u I J Rex Malena reported a garden/HartU.1) e ...... / I ~*,,t~ .......... 1 Bank Stock $210,000.00. This stock Wells c-rf 5 1 2[ Johns rf 2 0 0 || I | "" ...... r ........... | makes available to the Association ¥ y D,. Blcktr rf 2 0 01Pulsifer rf 2 0 (i ]| | | ARNOLD V~ KOUTONEN oft d Ion term as | ~ " | such sh an g " crediL~ " Spade rf-c 3 I 11P, Petrsn p 2 0 0]| | | [ j J | ltEH, BERT G. ANGLE | its business requires. Cash on Hand Totals d3 11 141 It Pctrsn p-Jb 2 0 ]. il| I / / M.M. "BUD" LYON I m~d in Banks $488,346.34. ' Totnts 38691] L~ "~ Shclton B~anch Manager OF I UILDIN | | " " I " F CE B GS & EQUIPMENT "*' r c r was : t'pp d o " " "'king a car SCORE BY INNINGS /I ~ that he a , lut from the | | DON L. HEINTZELMAN I L!:85 DEPRECIATION ........................ 419,663,21 I 9:30 "" ~ I/ - another velli 1 .... ]12 6 miles west of Belfair on thc Nisqually I 0 3 0 0 0 7 0 0--11 'd not sto North Shore my 4 Lacey Branch Manager Ever reen Dance liver dl ' P" [ cle Was " ~kokomish .. 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0-- 6 I| ~11~~1t~ : [ g " "=~- ~*one bro,,~,h* ~ ~-~-~,- ~-"... 1 The motorcy westbound I / I Home Office in Olympia. BranchI i, rear bY co w.o o o,., .......... ..,, ,0, ,,,-.ll I / ,, Offices in Shelton and Lacey. I Old OIy.-Tac. Hwy. :l/ . 0~.'~ ~ound to ~e'\'=''s" ~' -,.-s- l on the North 'Shore Road when a hits .......... 3 0 2 0 0 1 1 2 0-- 9 [I I I/cte ne • ponce station. I car backed out of a driveway onto SUMMARY: 21)-A.dams 2. Tobin. J. [ll~* ' ~ MeCloud, Wells. RBT-Adams 2. To-II~ & OTHER ASSET8 ................................ 133,116.68 ~1~ ...... ~ Ithe car, but st]nmk it, turning thc I I A Me I cycle on its right side. • TOTAL ASSETS .. .................... i.....$20,617,188.54 "~, ml I1 II lB.1111 [ | Dinkley suffered bruiscs and ab- mmmn LvrllulI m nrasions an.d a possible fr:u tUered 100% VIRGIl,[ WOOL " - -- • c]o -- m |elbow ,ss Dinkloy . ere° RU6 = _. . I brnises and abrasions and a sore 'RD:AIB W rtome ownersmp is 0r trtan [] I back. ill" ..... IR$1~I Ii The accident Was investigatedSPE ~IAL------I; ever now with a L0w---own Fay- I Trooper Robert Furseth. LIABILITIES ment FHA Home Lo n. Contact i~ | William H~y, 52, Brem- Im IZ r" , [[8 /erton, suffered chest injuries July /4 when the pick-up he was driv- =9X "-- It .... ~'J - ~ ling struck a gUard rail about 2.5 / mEmBERS ....... ............. $,8,osg,,4,.os KUnv [~ [miles soutl, of Shelton on l-lign- I L I !1 II _ .n t\ I _ • II/ I~ / way 101. | Savings Insured to $10,000.00 by the . I { [ [~~ [ [ ~ ~ ~ I L .__ / Pressley was northbound on the I X | I~e,ieral Savings and Loan Insurance ~ ~ H | \k.,/]Z~|L IL]]d]L¥1 |IJI|[~UI~| MAn ~ I ldghway and failed to see a right- " =" I" ~ ~' i ~M / Corporation .... ~q~dlff "1 I "" ~"l l" -- ".'~~" ~ .... ~"llw II , ..111 I]~ |lland emwe or speed limit sign 4 L ' '' ~ I ~,~ c:~'~'~ ~'~ ~' ! at [~ I when hc entered a constnmtion / .o,.,,, ~o,,. ,o,~ U---V-----I 1--2x = ....... ~ /zone. He crossed the southbound | • LOAN BANK .., ............................. ............. NONE' - ~ - ~I~1 121 RAILROAD • 426-6592 I~ /lane of traffic and struck the / .o.~. ,~ ..o.. ............................ .~.,,,~. I o,v,o.~o o..^..o I I~ MANN REAL ESTATE I /g~l~d r'~Lident was investigated I.o.u,ar ~rlc' ,x,~ .......... $8,.,s I I1 I .......... I The Board of Directors of I ~J ' ~ I by Trooper Emmett Smith. | 'lTle ASSOClaI.IOll has InaQe loans LO 1 I I gM | on which I.hese funds are to be dis- I Savings & Loan Association [ I I btu sed I !. " Ihas ec,a,•ed a r0 u,ar I LET YOUR OREDIT UNION, HELP YOU $33.90 $103.85 ::] OTHER LIABILITIES 94,178.20 I .... | .......................... | terry aivi(lend at 4.35% pcr I PUT YOUR FEET ON THE GROUND' A ioan fnom your credit union c°sts less '_~ / MJsecllaneol.lS itoms to be paid in the I • ............... 1,1,t .....~m I • • ¢,.l[J|ll||.,llij~ ].tCt.yn ~sle o i~( ii ~ ~.ltq.fl~ | o)'dmary conduct of business. [ . ~. I money than any other kind of installment credit. Equally important, your credit union .. [ : I 1965. In accoraance wire | is interested in helping you solve your financial problems rather than selling you addl- Colors: Brown Gold / SPEC)FIC RESERVES ........ 37,160.25 I I t)~: / ........ ........ | customary practices, t his I tional debts. /°""""'~ ....v.. ,. ,o,,,.u, ,..,.~..,o I "'v'°°"° ~"~ ~°°" °*°~"°~ I Choose a "Hall-R'unner" / Reserves set aside for your safety ac- I to members' accounts I 30 X 9 feet O0 111Y | cumulated from earnings after all ex- I " I . " . r""'---'-""--- .o¢ | penses and dividcnds were paid• | ' f ~" :'.'. -- .**'4) ° , "~.. .e TOTAL L)AmLmES .................. $20, m SS. 4 " ' .... - /"[p?/: , ;." k down & t_ I ! ~,