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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 8, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 8, 1965
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1965 SHELTON---MASON COUNTY JOURNAE--Publishei] in "Ohrisfmasfown helton, Washtn " PAGE 9 From Matl0ck ¢0upme H0n0redOn " 0. Journal Olassifiod Ads -- They Pay .... rramsc" 'o o, oo o PartsO!-" FinestQlit-ua-y MATLOCK * Matlock Grange Mrs. Edward Valley was hosLess, and family a.nd Alert L~rentson end with the Alvin Owen family held it.s reg~fla,r meeting Fvida.y Mr. and Mrs. David Chamber- of South Bend and Mrs. J. R. Sin- I of Redmond. ' night. "We had three visitors ..... lin and four children of Alderwood gleton and the Herbert Brehmeyer] The Arthur Sharp fml~ily of TAYLOR down and pull him out. What a Deputy and Mrs. Martin Auseth Manor spent the Fomth holiday.~Jr. family picnicked the Fouth Olympia spent sirra'day evening e beautiful city surprise I received when I ended from Ag'zle, .rod Mrs. IVIarie Me-with their folks, :Mr. and :Mrs. at the Ira Ford home. with their folks, :Mr. mzd 2¢h-s. for OARS TRDOKS & the vacation up with about two inches of his l,:ay of Shelton. After the grange Max Cash. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ford went Lud Rossmaier. I and Mrs. neck for all my effort. The men business meeting, many friends Mr. mid Mrs. Em Rossma ier !clam digging at North Cove ~iv. and Mrs. Gone Rossmaier they vi.dG decided to demonstrate the correct and relatives came lo help Mr.and daughter Linda of Tenino were Thursday and children or" Olympia. alld Mr. Over-Night Service on those hard-to-get parts Mr. proccdm'e and needless to say, Iand Mrs. Ira Ford celebrate their and children, ended up covered with mud from 40th wedding anniversary. They Thm'sday supper guests of MI". and Mr. and Mrs. Don Ellis of Ta- md Mrs. Carl Goodburn and faro- with !head to toe. The tide soon returned received many gifts and money. Mrs. Lud Rossmaier. Later m coma spent the weekend at the ily of Shelton enjoyed dinner the Carl- ]and gave the sea creatures as well Their daughter, Mrs. Herbert the evening they called ~Lt theEarl Walker home. On the fourth fourth with the Lud Rossmaiers. as the diggers a well-deserved rest. Brchmeyer Jr., baked them a. love- James Rossmaicr home near Shel-Mr. and Mrs. Gone Milan and MR. AND MR.S. HER BEItT He- Nelson wereReturning to the marina, a. pin ly wedding cake. ton. Mrs. Eli Bradshaw of Tacoma and lin and Mr. and Mrs. Max Nilsson Q Cylinder Head valve grinding - Cylinder Heads resurfaced at: their was sheared on the outboard mo- Mr. Weldon Cliff and son David MR. AND MR.% ELVIN Hearing the Ralph Rothrock family pic- attended the Johnson a~d Shipley Q .Piston Pin Fitting - Pistons Expanded Mr. and tot and we flo,'tted aromld a few of Asotin, spent a few days lastvisited Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ev- nicked at the Earl Walker home. wedding .Saturday evening at: the and three minutes aimlessly; when the Johnweek with Mr. and Mrs. Harold ors and family Sunday night. The Tuesday Mr. and :Mrs. Herbert Baptist Church in Shelton. • Cylinder Block Reboring - Brake Drums Renewed Gary Hal- Pill femily happened along in their Clift. Lee Gunderson family of Win- Brehmeyer St. entertained for din- Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gunderson • Hi-Pressure Lines for Industrial Equipment of Tacoma, boat and gave us a tow ashore. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gribble throp were there visiting ~lso.nor ]~Tr. Charles Honsen and son, and daughters Nancy and Mary of • Crank Shaft Kits and Lynn The necessary repairs were corn-left Friday morning for Oregon to Mrs. Lud Rossmaier nnd Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Mike Baunsgardener Winthrop, and Mr. and Mrs. Tin,- of Ta- pleted and we were under way spend a week with the former's Carl Goodburn and children of and Mrs. Margaret: Hanson, all of man Meyers of Melbourn and Mr. A. J. Beau-once more; quite ~t day for thisfolks. Shclton were hmcheon guests of Minnesota, and Mr. and Mrs. Do'nm]d Mrs. Wayne Evers and child- Mr. and Mrs. New Englander. The boat trip [ff- Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing re- Mr.~. Gone Rossmaier and familyHanson and the Ray Kimmerly ten, Albert.~L Roy and Nancy were Y of Shel- forded us a real spectacuhu" view tm~ed last week Wednesday from of Olympia Friday. family, dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. El- 1 of the Olympics and made me ju~la~ 10-day wtcation which they Mr." and Mrs. Sam Diggle and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Boothe of via He~Lring" Monday evening. nmch a little homesick for the White went by" rail to Salt Lake Ci@, children and Mrs. Georgia Mas- Shelton were l~Ionday dinner Mr. and Mrs. John :McGarvie 229 So. First St. Phone 426-3351 week- Mountains of New ttampshire; forUtah, "and spent se~era.1 days soy and family spent tl:e fom'thguests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert spent. Monday evening with Mr. beaches we also boast of a Mr. Washing- with friends, then to Long Beach, at" the Edward Valley home. Brehmeyer St. md M:rs. R. E. Bradberry. The Hen- ton. The New Hampshire Mount Calif., and visited Mr. and Mrs. ~d Wendell Washington is commonly referred Jackson Morri,~ and saw mmzy Salem Ore. to as "the old man of the reCUR- interesting places. Tacon~a as tain" and is a complete head of :Mr. and Mrs. James.. Chuychill ......... a mmz looking over the hills. In and son Carl were Thursday din- Rice of Shel-. the bo~t I a.lso kept looking at nor gamsts of Mrs. Auglmta Port- guests tho.~e overgrown monstrous clams, man and Cat'] PortmttlL Rob- and I just couldn't visualize any- MR. AND MRS. MAX Nilsson thing that messy looking couldof Seattle spent the weekend at. pasture ever be palatable, the Herbert Helin home. this holt- Bob and Atom Wiles must have Mr. a.nd Mrs. William BatHes of MUd Clear Our Floor - To Make Room For Carload Of Appliances On The Way From G.E. Factory - Trail- assumed this: as that evening" our Mercer Island were guests for a greatgoeducks were delivered to us a.ll dinner on the Fourth of Mr. and tly holidays cleaner] and ready to use. It's un- Mrs. R. E. Bradberry Many Floor Models- One Of A Kind At Grea Reduced Prices- Also Less Excise Tax - Sllnday [ beleivable anything that tastes Mr. and Mrs. Edward Townsend gam'e as good as these; c~n look so ,,nap- of Tacom~ and Mrs. Ed Provo These Won't Last. I si Come, I sl Served Purchase Early For Better Selection rodeo petizing in their natural state, and family oC Seattle called at Ev- .s an THE JEROME Burkes spent the :The Elvin Hearing home Sunday. Folks hereweekend camping in the sand Mrs. Augusta. Portman and Carl should dunes about a half ,nile from Twin Portman accompanied by Mr. and GENERAL-ELECTRIC New General Electric General EleCtTi¢ riders Parks at the ocean with their Mrs. L. D. Portma.n enjoyed din- HIGH the Ira family and had ~L great time rid- net at Milo's at Hoodsport Mo.- BUBGETPRICEB F l L T E R - F L 0 ® ing Hondas in the ,~uld trails, day to help Dumont celebrate his Uck dinner Monday their giles,s, Mrs. R. C. birthday. AUTOMATIC I~NGE WASttER WITH at 6:30 Stropp, Mrs. Eldora. Oswald andWednesday the Ladies' Club col- daughter, Dianne, left to rettuT~ to cbrated Mrs. Augusta P,)rtm~n MINI-BASKET* )s only one • Automat~i¢ oven t~mer, nmnth at their home in Crosby, Minn. eJock, minute timer Mrs. Florence Taylor and Mr Books On The Way Full-lengihsurfat:el[gh~ ' G-E Automatic Dry Control compensates for eve,7 dry- . ]'~ing-sizc lighted oven For washablcs that you Hindred and Mrs. E1wir~ Taylor and son r"hilippi . Big ~orage drawer i,g condition. • aid Mr. andwere Monday brea.kfast guests at To nes ncvcr dared machine-wauh of Bremerton the home of the Justin Taylors be£orel • NO OVI~RDRYING avon guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harold HunterCon~,resswoman Julia Butler * N0 UNDERDR¥1NG and Mrs. of Skokomish Valley, Mr. and h~rs. Hanson announced today that the Bill Dye], of Montesano. After a third shipment of elementary k, the Robertreal hearty breakfast, those with ~ school books collected under her at the home lots of an~bition water skiied and sponsorship from Southwest Wash- at Centralia.played horseshoes on the beach,ington residents will soon be on ~lorence Tay-Thursday, Mrs. Martn Otto its way to the Philippine Islands. ,ese Picnic at journc.~:d'to Seattle to visit her This shipment, comprising about !Uch'tT MinegishiSthe folk daug'h{Cr,shopping. 1VIarliene and do some seVencipientstOllS,andinvolvesthe booksn° cOS,are J299 RANGE W1750 WASHER DA516 DRYER DA1220 DRYER 19" T Vwith Base ,ions of used books still in good .... ~t =-- I $' Ton Model Brown Front Control zety of delec- : Mr. and Mrs. Pa.t Cr ddick and condition and current in content. Large Oven 2; l)eea - ,,. ,-] I .... v " _ _ _ " I Full Power .! family of Crescent City, Calif., vis- "These book ," 30 Inch - $' Deluxe ............ I.. nea, ............ , w/t White I .... w/t extreme low :ited over the weekend at the home said. "will be distributed among 0rter her first ng goeducks, of Mr. and Mrs. Mere Lambcrt.Philippine schools now facing a ,! !) ...... I w/t Automatic .. ~rm~-, ~ I Y on this ex-the home of Mrs. Mac Under were books For insLmmLion in elementary Skokomi. l's. E, i|h Eivi.s, K thy ............ IDA520 DRYER .......................... ]SMJ00 I)ishw sher COvered with Bledsoe, Mrs. Lois :Mohlcr, Mrs. Congresswoman poi,,t d " /14 lb. Capacity $ CAI2DA FREEZER [ " " assortment of Evelyn Smith and M m'y, all of out that the first shipment ofJ301 RANGE Yellow 2 Speed Deluxe , , ~ 3 Cycle Spht Pails and a Olympia, Mrs. 'Winnifred Carr and books yeas made in mid-1962 a,nd 4 Burner- Storage I Mini [951Fluff Cycle .... , I0 lh Um,|o-ht [ Shelf ! in their eyes. Ji,~] and Sue Bennett of Shelton. was sent lo th,e clement.ary prin- . ....... z'"-~-" . i llecksstic~- Don, Rutl] and Doris Mainwar-cipal in T ~ ' g ] { ~ '~ ['] '' ~ ] ] ' Q " ~ Z 0 n ~e 5 ~ el[ 'IEN .... ....... "" "" 10degrees '''iF* {Deluxe ................ 1 ad to 1]love~ ing, Grmzts Pass, Ore., Bob Weltsh Island. The ,~econd si~ipment went zc: grabbed Rose, Sea[tle, werc holiday week- 1963 and the pres,mt shipmen! is, "'" WAI250 WASHER IDA610 DRYER [ [SP309 Dishwasher igan'e,l soon end guests at the Dan Woods assigned fl)r areas in the southern ........... --- ] 3 Cycle $I[ ;(, COuld reach homc. part or the co, u t,'y. J324 RANGE I Top Model $a t ]4: Heat $, !=] t~~~E1~ , " | ) Deluxe , I l o Deluxe i Full Deluxe $4 O IDeluxe All ........ ~[ ............ w't 1.{~ ...... l-- [ ............... • w/t / JL~ eU. It;. Timer-Set .......... lC I ..... [ --- I --- I upr]gn .............. / gPrn • 1 ............ ..... 1 z --- I WA850 WASHER I DA620 DRYER --- 13 Place $ i( __ I Mini Wash 14 lb-____ 14 Heart $, '0 ]11" TV Service h Self Cleaning .... $751 , uTY "228J ................ , lO] ro,,, Co,,- '0(19, 1 ......... :::/-2 .... w/t .......... " ...... : .... ' W/ t tro1 12 lb. • .... t [ " ---1 .......... [ SC600 Convertible J425 RANGE I t _ I--;; ........ i Dishwasher , I WT3530 WASHER I DA810 DRYER 116 TV 'Built il "' ", , . - 1 or l~ort~Dle lJ 40 Inch 3 Storage ]24" Wide $4 lO[Timed or $, IO/Wfl h Base $4 qJi 5 !Front Lo ai, : .r.' ver ...... -r. I Automatic ...... l { /Automatic ...... , [22 lb ............. . i Co.rmr ADutolllaI~lC :~~ Irl~ |~/tt / w/t I w/t | w/t I J I U tT lllt~ Timer ............ / ..... w/t / -- " / MI~I"W 1 GIAN M735 TV J463" RANGE [ . Wood Console Double Oven - Deluxe l't, Lo-Boy Swing Into The Newest Fash- 40hmh Remov- Autonmtic ............ able Door ........ ions For Summer ]n Shelton's w/t Only 67" high and 7-------------z- ~ * Ro11-Out Freezer Leading FASHION STORE. J796 P7 Americana • No Defrosting Ever in M755 TV The Largest Selection of One Self Cleaning cfrigcrator or freezer Wood Console - Lighted 2 Ovens $ G.E. SPAEgMAKER Window ~ E [,~rt IG F2R~TOR -~r~Z EIg And Two Piece Swimsuits In Vent System .... FL Net Volum Wt lnut Wood ...... Miller's llistory. Famous w/t w/t N mm Brands Such As J,antzen, TC429 Refrigerator TA12SA REFRIGERATOR $' Bobble Brooks, Robbie And 19 cu. ft.. Frost Free DIAL DEFROST --- FULL FREEZER M921 COLOI TV Bottom Freezer $ W/T 21" Color Lee. Priced From $11.95 Keeper .... Consolette .......................... To $22.95 w/t TB12DA REFRIGERATOR w/t 2 DOOR --- AUTOMATIC Sizes 5-15 .. 8-20 TO486 Americana W/T Refrigerator TCF16 REFRIGERATOR $ COLOR TV - '65 Model NO MATTER WHAT G.E. Excluszve - Large 16 CU. FT.-- FROST FREE All Channel- Automatic eOtTOm FREEZER W/T Bottom Freezer DoG.using Tone Control THE SEASON OR Work $ TB484 True Color $ Counter ............ REFRIGERATO Ha,rdwood ............................ THE NEED. MILLER'S 2 DOOR -- F,ROST FREE W/T w/t IN SHELTON IS IN .".. Call Ds TC324 REFRIGErATOI¢ Many More '~' ~ SWING OUT SHELVES "-" COPPER THE SWING WITH For Fasl ,o,,o, - ,, Models To NO COILS ON BACK W/T Fa©lory Trained Ghoose From TA344 REFRIGEI ATOI Appli ~o~ FREEZER OWNERS--- With Each ante Repair , CUU, FT, FREEZER W/T Major Appliance Oiher Than i Service 12 CU. FT, REFRIGERATOR COMPARTMENT -- Purchase Lisled AUTOMATIC Onc To A Customer A Subsidiary of P, N, Hirsch & Co. "ALWAYS SHOP MILLER'S IN ShlELTON FIRST" 3rd & Railroad APPLIANGE DEPARTMENT