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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 8, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 8, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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t!/ II Pq 14 POINT Regular 9.95 VALUE Here's What We Do... * Inspect and clean brake drums * Clean and adjust brake shoes for full contact * Clean, inspect and repack front wheel bearings * Clean and inspect grease seal! * Clean and inspect wheel cylinders * Inspect and refill master cylinder * Inspect shock absorbers * Check front end camber Check front end caster tk Check toe in specifications Adjust toe in to factory * Inspect muffler * Inspect tail pipe Inspect steering linkage CALL FOR APPOINTMENT BELFAIR -- Two North Mason Juniors reccived the rank of Eagle Scout at a Boy Scout C(mrt of Honor last Tnesday evening. Alan Cady m~d George Pahner are the first Scouts in this area ever to achieve this high .rank. They have been in Scouting for the past eight years and Alan has served as den chief, assistant patrol leader, pa- trol leader, assistant senior patrol leader, senior patrol leader, quar- termaster and is now an instructor in Troop 513. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Cady Jr. George has served as den chief, assistant patrol leader, patrol leader, chap- lain, assistant senior patrol leader and is now the senior patrol lead- er. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Palmer. Botl~ boys at- tended the Scout Jamboree last year at Valley Forge. Both boys are active in sports and stude~t activities at North Mason and in addition, Alan is vice president of the BYF group at the Belfair Community church. Presenting the awards Tuesday was Orville Schultz, advisor of Marietta Explorer Scout Post 505, Bremerton. At .a Court of Honor the previous week, members of Troop 513 received awards with Sc0utmasfer Don V. Knight pres- enting the Tenderfoot Scout award to Dave Anderson; First Class rank to F, rank Wood and George Stoltze; Star Rank to Mike Sti- mac; and Life Rank to Dave Fish- or; with Cady and Palmer receiv- ing their final merit badges for Eagle Rank. LAST TUESDAY evening also was the first meeting of the new year for the Nuel Curtis Auxiliary to VFW Post No. 5372, held at the Masonic Temple. Officers presid- ing were Mrs. Grace Hunt, presi- dent; Miss Vallio Willey, Senior vice president; Hattie Brooks, Jun- ior vice president; Mrs. Gordon Squire, treasurer; Mrs. Phil Hani- fy, chaplain; Mrs. Einar Johnson, conductress and Mrs. James Huff- man, guard. Trustees are Mrs. Carl Nichols Mrs. Emil Gaetana, and Mrs. Merle Mongrain. Mrs. Curtis Macomber, Mrs. A. M. el- sen, Mrs. Chet Mathews and Mrs. Carl Nichols were 'appointed color bearers. Patrlotfc instructor is Mrs. Myron Polk; Mrs. Henry Hmmigan, banner-bearer; :Mrs. F. A. Greenler, flag-bearer; Mrs. Gaetana, historian; and Mrs. Charles Beck, secretary. Committee appointments were made as follows: Mrs. Huffman, SHAUB M:rs. Macomber, American and awards; Mrs. Polk, buddy poppy; Mrs. Nichols, can- cer; ~Irs. Lam'ence Castleman, civ- ELLISOPi ~1 defense; Mrs. Steve Ahl, com- mmtity service; Mrs. Jess Brian and Mrs. Joe Tschida, decorations; MIs:~ Wflley, Gold Sta~ MctheIs, 125 E Grove M,:. Hanna Matson and Mrs. Jack [ ~chlan~e, hospital; Mrs. Mongrain, Phone rs. Squ ,'e, Mrs. Er, ~t%~t~'T~Sk, Mrs: A. M. Olsen' and 426-3333 ~Mrs. Emile Fisher, memocrship; | Mrs Hanify, nmtual benefit; Mrs. Gaetana and Mrs. Brooks, national sGet home; Mrs. Squire, publicity, Mrs. Matson and Mrs. Brooks, refresh- ments; Mrs. Huff man, scholarship; Mrs. Kenneth Grandy, Mrs. Ans- tin Hicks and Mrs. Squire, youth activities and Mrs. Tschida, "ways and means. Mrs. Hanify was re- elected secretary-treamwer for the department of Washington Aux- iliary to the VFW at the June Convention in Everett. Reports on that convention were given by Mz,~. Myron Polk, Mrs. Kenneth Grandy and Mrs. Hanify, witlz the hospital report being given by Mrs. Matson. July picnic plans were disclosed by Mrs. Maeomber, and plans for the annual VFW- sponsored community Halloween Cam~ival to be held in October were discussed as well as plans for serving meals during the August Retriever Field Trials. ANNOUNCED recently was the election of Mrs. Lawrence (Nel- lie) Castleman as First District president of the VWW I Auxiliary. Mr. and Mrs. Castleman have been members of the veterans groups in Belfair for a long time, but "Miss Nellie" is known and loved by hundreds of North Mason stu- dents as she taught elementary an(t handicapped rooms for many years until her retirement several years ago. Tuesday last was a busy day as Girl Scout leaders, mothers and Senior Aiders met at the Gorst Watez~,vorks for a training session in prepat~ti0n for the Girl Scout Day Camps to be held July 12-16, with Day Camp Director, Mrs. Joe Wilbur, of Belfah', presiding. Girls from Pt. Orchard and Hal- fair will hold camp at the Gorst Waterworks park and those from Bremerton will camp at Illahee Park. Mrs. Earl Otto and lV[rs. Frank Fedenk are registrars for the two camps. Junior and senior high girls may register for the Homestead Unit, which includes one week of primitive camp train- ing during the week and a week at Sundown Lodge. Gizqs, ages 7 through 18 are invited to attend these. Day Camp Sessions from 9:30 to 3. Registration may be made in advance or on opening day. THE MASON COUNTY Com- mittee on School District Organ- ization met at the North Mason Cafeteria June 30 for a hearing on the resolution asking participation funds from Tahuya and Grapeview as per request from North Mason in a second step towards construc- tion of a: high school classroom building to house four-year high school students. June 15 the Coun- ty Committee met to consider this resolution and at that time ap- proved the request for funds in the amount of $102,280 from Tahu- =ya and $~9,080 from Grapeview. After the hearing on June 30, the Committee voted 4 to 1 to approve their original decision and this request will go on the agenda at the July meeting of the State Board of Education. If approved, the voters in Tahuya and Grape- view will go to the polls within ............................................................................................................. 60 days to voice their approval or disappz~val, If these are approved at the Why Go Out Of Town? polls, the North Mason Board will Try Us For $50 And Up! then request State matching funds for the project. If disapproved, Travel first class on your vacation-go in a big, new '65 Ford! Choice of models-sedans, hardtops, convertibles, wagons. At today's clearance prices, plus the excise tax cut, what you save nmeaumn can help pay for your trip. You couldn't pick a better time to buy! • . | Test...and the best. See your Cl/311L ...... SAIl .; FORD DEALER BARGAIN BUYS HOW AT YOUR FORD DEA[ER. USED CAR CLEARANCE! JiM PAULE, 501 Railroad Avenue By Liz Allison , Hoy of Seattle, who now own the Jesse Wolfe and family of Shelton HARSTINE -- Fourth of July !Jolu:mon place at Jarrells cove. and the Carl Kimhels. Alan Kim.. without fire crackers is like Their ghost was l~rs. Charles bel and family of Olympia were Thanksgiving without turkey. Moore also from Seattle. However, one can still find a lot bill AND MRS. Bachelor and of noisenJakers and cal3 go oltt children fronl Bt'emerton arc new and shoot the simtg|||l at dawnproperty o~mers near Island on the Fourth, valse the flag ami Shores.' Thev came to the Ishmd salnte! This at least was a good in their la~'ge camper prepared beginning for us at The Maples,to camp out over the 4th. and pointed out the meaning of July 4th to the young in ore' midst. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gosser from California are visiting the Law- Sparklers by the beach fire if- rence Gossers on Bayslmre and tar dark and the marshallow roast are spending some of their time ended a day of clam bake and_wit- on the Gusset Oyster Farm ad- nor roast. The big Community j()ining The Maples; celebration was at tile Collil~lurl- The Gunner Johnsons and James ity Hall, night before the Fourth. Lohrers celebrated their 34th The Grange sponsored dance wedding anniversaries together, an was a great auccess. Live musicP.nnual affair. July 3 was the day was provided by The Tune Top- when in the evening they drank pars from Slmlton wire played mu- ,a toast of champaigam at the sic we oldsters conld dance to. Every other dance ~ike Mocks Everyone on Harstine is very "Rogues" raised tile roof and its )ular and busy during summer r d" ' a uonder the Hall =dn t fall nonths and at Holiday times. It is apart, wben the teenagers danced hard to contact anyone on the "The Jerk". An ear drum split- phone for all are out-of-doors. ting affair! also at The Pridhams, bringing with them relatives who were oat from Philadelt)hia. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Peugh have had, ..... many ghosts lately.." During' the low tides the end of June, gee- ducking on the Peughs beach is most popular. To dig from Tacoma (:ante, the Pengelsdorf family and from Shelton, the Ken Rose faro- fly and Mrs. Botts. July 4th, Mrs. Peugh's sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Nel- son and sons Tim and Jerry were with the Peughs along with a sis- ter Jean and nmrried daughter, Mrs. George Somers and her three children. Murry Morgan our favorite Northwest author, radio commen- tator and book reviewer was here over the holidays in his Point Wilson home, accompanied by wife and daughter. Mrs. Mary Adams, Secretary, University of Washing- ton Medical School, was also at However, we did manage to get a Point Wilson in her home and the Ferry News is that a new crew little news about some of the Otto Goldschmids near by were. clew has been organized. Bud guests on Harstine. The AI Prid- continuing their vacation on Ha.r- Glaser will be the new deck handhams had as their gazests July 4. stine. and will work with Martyn Goe- ~ ~~ tsch as Captain. Jack Meeks will be deckhand with Glenn Yates as it~:[::~ 'K* ~'~t CaptainRumor has it that a fab- ulous fee will be charged for spec- ~~ J~.u~i~l~ JF~.( ial trips. We will have something Ofvozmie tOnews report inand the on Susie Jack thiS,Mocks came next 5~1~.i ::iilii i~ :~2~ ~;~ :~ home for the holiday. Bobble ~ q[~ ~ ~" ~. Stromboskie, Vonnie's husband is due home from the U.S. Air Set'- vice in Panama in Augusta. Mike Meeks expects to be in the U.S. Navy by July 12, just a matter of the usual routine examinations before, he is definitely in the uni- form. Dr. and Mrs. Otto Goldschmidt of Shelton spent a week of their vacation in their Harstine home at Point Wilson. While there they dug several goeducks and enjoyed the low tides. Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Williams of Sunset Hill went to Mercer Is- land last weekend for the wedding of their grandson, Thomas Greime and Gloria Young. The ceremony was held in the Mercer Island Hold Trinity Lutheran church. The couple left following the ceremony for a Honeymoon in Canada at Banff. The Williams then spent the weekend with theh" daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jos- eph Ramm. MAYOR .AND MRS. Frank Tra- vis of Shelton spent the long July Fourth weekend in their summer home near The Maples. Guests of The Travises were, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McLean and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wqlliam Conklin and family. Randi Kimbel and Run McLean joined the group for the clam bake July 4. At long last and after many years of sitting on boards placed on horses ir~ our Community Hall, ~ have real plush seats! Our alert Social Community Club President A1 Pridham, noticed The Blue Ox Tlleatre in Shelton was to be demolished. He went to the Theatre and purchased 70 seats for $1 apiece. For this price scats were detached and removed from WA CH FOB T Tire Recapping -:- Fronl End Aligning 1st & Cots I[I]ltil!!ll]lllllJll]!JJlJJ~JJJl IlJlJJiJIJllJJllllJlIJtglJJlJ]]| the Theatre by purchaser. AI, Tom Tierney, Glenn Yates and Gone ____- Model FPD-12TJ 12.1 cu. It. (NEMA) 3 colors or whilel Seward took their trucks, went to Shelton and brought the seats to the hall. It is hoped everyone who COME SEE,.,COME TOUCH,,,COMPARE uses the hall regularly will donate r the price of a seat as the club ~ * Instant Ice Service l Flip-Quick Ice Ejector zips out cubes treasurYtion to clubiS depleted.treasurer,SendMrs.dona-sid at a touch into 80-cube server. Complete with two 20-cube Baunsgard. ~ trays. ~i~ J Mrs. Helny Steele of Anacortes. who is spending the summer with ~ • 100% FROST-PROOF! No frost ever--no defrosting ever-- her daughter, Mrs. Ted Ness at in the freezer or refrigerator sectionl T The Marina, celebrated her 80th * Big 106-1b. zero zone freezer freezes Ice cubes extra-fast! birthday July 4'. Another daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. ~ * Full-width Porcelain Enamel vegetable Hydrator. William Anderson came for the • Roomy storage door,, deep door shelf, egg shelves and more, INCLUDES ICE EJ celebration, as did Mr. and Mrs. O. Walh'id Bjork of Anacortes. The Bjorks brought their honse- ~-- ~ ~~--"~ guest, Mrs. Ina Sundqnist of Fizz- --.___....._~ -:, , ....... ~.~ .... land. Mrs. Bjork and Mrs. Sund- __ . - ----~ :----------~ ............... ..-:r==.._ ...... =::.:--~-::: ...... :::.-u__::_--- :-- :__ _-- quist are sisters. M.R. AND MRS. LYLE Hitch- ~,,~ o~,,~ro~o,O~ym~,~ ~,me "'"'""" ~ ~s~~ to the Island last Friday night • _ to visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John HitChcoek. They camp- • An Honest Statement • iiF IL • ,,,,f ed out on Fudge Point. Mr. and ' Mrs. Alvin Anderson • ABOUT TRADE-INS! * F~~~~,~ oven--j~ ~" and son Mark camped out over the three-day Holiday on their --Ifyouveeverseenappll- -- • Cook-Master starts and land in Island Shores. It was • aneeadsthatsaid."No tp for you while you're a Mark's first camping trip. --- ; " raoe-in reqmre¢l ---yott 'q[[Int .., Mr. and Mrs. Marshal Olsen of ~ might have thought your [~~] [[[[ • H01iday-size oven gtv~ Cosmopolis are spending their two • present appliance has no • i~[l[[[ a big turkey or whole weeks vacation in their home at 1-" value ~THIS IS NOT • i l[ll ll , wl , full width" pots-at the South End of Harstine. Their ' TRU~-. We want your [~~~ [~ - g " guests for the .recent holidays • trade-In because it can be • |~~\ were Mr. and Mrs. gig Hanson fou-- children~_ of Longview, Mr. ~ reconditioned and resold-- ~ I andand Mr,,. Eugene Lundquist and w at aprofit. =" !~~~ ~ ~,~'~ ' three daughters of Aberdeen and • We sellFrigidaireappli- • ~tr~NN~ ~ RD:3e~ctrtc Teddie Olsen of Pasco. • anco~ or • ~til ~,~~ ~zte¢ Copper or white Sattn'day 37 cars were lined up trade. It's up to you. If you ~.'~':t1! ~ ..... for" the 12:30 p.m. Ferry trip. •keep your present appli- ~ i Ferry ran continuously from noon a nee, you pay the ::amc low through the 2 p.m. trip. In fact nearly every trip during the Hol- ildadYs Ja:~ m°~ies ~aan the 8-car . • Me s deck hand ~or this extra work and enjoyed i a well earned rest on his two dayS off last Tuesday and WednesdaY. The eatire Meeks family went to Schafer State Park to camp out. While lined up with the 37 cars for that 12:30 trip, we noted that with the exception of four carloads all were strangers. Made friends with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. price we establish for • every customer. • If you want to trade, we'll • • give you a fall value el- O lowance based on age, • make and operating condi- • • tion. AND THIS FAIR • ALLOWANCE WILL BE • DEDUCTED FROM THE • • LOW PRICE WE ADVER- TISE! l 4 COlors or white at a • Automatic Soak cycle ideal f -soaks better in 12 n Patented Deep Action agit to help remove heaviest • Jet-Away rinsing "jets" away lint and scum. • Spins clothes extra dry. • New mechanism designed for top dependability! Smokey Says: oooo•ooooo 4264393 Of Shelt0n = P,,,