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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 8, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 8, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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8, 1965 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--- Published in "Christmastown U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington PAGE 11 BAKERY m I m m Garlic Apple or 29 . doz. 49 GERMAN CHOCOLATE CAKES 426-3179 iCE CREAM Arden's 2 Gal. Tub --- $2.49 Delicia Vz Gal. Duchess Home Style ii,, / SWIFT'S PREMIUM SLICED - LB. RUMP (Bone In) or BONELESS Heel ,of Round POUND BEEF CUBE VNF U.S. Cho ce POUND SW IF'I"S 24 oz. Bot .................... SWIFT'S PREMIUM -- 3-UNIT PACK EXTRA LEAN, LOW IN CALORIES FAGF- FUNN ,.. I~cg. 10¢ ........ SWI FT'S PREMIUM .... POUND ............ POUND CKERS .............................. 16 oz. Box 39 I~T ............................ 3' 79T,. *'. s]) Reg. .................................... ~cans 29' FLAKES 79 ................................ GIANT BOX SNOW 79 ................................ G,A.T .ox Ro,. $1 ............................. 12 Pillsbury's Best I0 Pomtd Bag Shop-Rite Top Quality, Product 24 oz. Bottle SWIFT'S Shortenillg 3-Pound Tin KRAFT'S FAMOUS CHEESE SPREAD ................................ 2-LB. LOAF DUCHESS 303 ~, TINS 36 OZ. ........................................................ Pkg. $, TINS ?% FISHER'S ALL ,PURPOSE MIX .................................................................. 40 OZ, BOX SWIFT CANNEl) MEATS #i- 07 ....................... 24- 0Z ....................... 15- TINS Tins RANCH FRESH -- AA MED. Full Cut VNF U. S. Choice P Beef -- Solid, Lc m Meat Pound FINE FACIAL QUALITY --- SAVE AT SHOP-RITE 200 Ct, 2-Ply TREE TOP . • . THE SPARKLING DRINK FROM OUR ,~TATE 1-Qt. Bottles POLAR FROZEN -- ASSORTED STOCK UP AT SHOP-RITE Reg. Boxes SWl FT'S WHOLE ........................ 54 OZ. TIN LARGE .................... BOX Fancy No. 1 Golden Ripe Pound LARGE LEAFY BUNCHES EACH CALIFORNIA FANCY SANTA ROSA POUND FANCY -- NEW CROP LOCAL ...................................................... HEAD We Guarantee Everything -- Even Our Smile. , TE PRICES FEC I JULY 8-9-10. LIMIT RIGIITS New Hours 9 - 9 Mon. thru Sat. -- Sun. 10 - 7 By Marg'ie B',trielmmn ; LOST LAKE ...... One of our young men on the Lost Lake road, Keith A. Hildebrandt who is in the 17.S. Navy just: completed a, 15-day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hildebrandt and sister Linda. He is stationed a.t Norfolk, Va., on the USS Entre-- prise, where lm is a parachute rig- get'. Another of our h)cal ycmng men is James Dale Swindall, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Swindall was called into the service. He's taking his basic training at Fort Ord, Calif. James is engaged to Miss Carole Ann Castle, who is em- ployed by Simpson Timber Co. They are both graduates of Irene S. Reed High School. Callers over ~Lhe weekend to John and Alice l~ariekman's home were his uncle and wife, :Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wood, of Tacoma, former old-time pioneers of Ma- son County. Also visiting were Mr. ~rood's nephews, stepson and daughter and family of Seattle. Mrs. Ruth Cl~tchfield's cousin, Mrs. Nell Lillie from Toppenish and Mrs. Effie Brownfield of Shel- tou visited her in her home June 28. Mrs. Lillie has spent the last 2 or 3 days with Mrs. Brownfield. :Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Lane's daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Myers m~d children, Toni and Terry of Spokane, re- cently paid a visit with them and to bring home Miss Pat Lane, who has spent: the school yeaP with then~ m~til her graduation early in June. Staey and Selena Myers, also visited with his moth- er, Mrs. Margaret Myers and oth- er relatives. Stacy Myers is in the Air Fm'ce stationed in Spo- kane for an indefinite time. Mrs, Melvin J. La~u~ and chil- dren, Linda, Kathy, and Doug, have been on a vacation to visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim 1-1ardister in Hot Springs, Ark, On the way down they had a 24 hem" h tyover in Denver, Colo. because of the flood. Mrs. Alice Devaney was guest of honor at }L Sl Ol'k shov¢cr, Jlnlo 28. Hostess's for the occasion wel~, Jmmie Devaney, Niia Fisk, and Elsie Swindall, in whose home the shower was held. Many f, riencls aald neighbors attended and Mrs. De- vaney received some very lovely gifts for the baby-to-be. Later in the evening refreshments of coffee and cake with whipped creanl was served. i MR.,% DON ,~AE(;EI{, drove to Pm'Lland, Ore. Tuesday t(~ visit with her cousin and husband, Mr. and Mrs, ,lack b'OSSlln] and their son Steven and then was going lo Vane(rover and stay over-night Iwilh her folks, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Eves until Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ehlon Todd were l~.onm'ed on their 25th wedding an- niversary with an open house giv- en by their danghter and her hus- band, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell ltardie, their son and his wife, Mr. and 7Mrs. Eldon Todd Jr., Mrs. Todd's brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Strope. Also helping wiU1 the ma~',y plans was Mrs. Hazel Rains. They 1)resented Dorothy with a beautiful re(t orchid corsage and Eldon with a red carnation for his lapel. Their was approximately 50 people attending, and many lovely gifts received by the couple. Helping with tile refz'esbment table were, Mrs. Ernest Todd, who cut the beauLiful three Liered cake which had hearts around the bot- tom. The (mice was made and dec- orated by Mrs. Arlene Strope. Mrs. Sara Todd, sewed the punch and Grandma Todd poured the tea and coffee. Mr. and Mrs. John Gill and daughters, Kathleen, Connie, Step- hanie, Gaff, and Elaine, spent fonr days in Seattle where tlmy at- tended a Bible Seminary at tlm Colliseum. The purpose of the convention, was to baptise new members lille the "Jehovahs Witnesses". Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Loertscher Jr. became the proud parents of a baby boy Tuesday, Jmle 29. The new little gray just happened to be bom~ on Grandpa's, Bony Loert- sehers birthday. He weighed in at 6 lbs. 8 oz. If allyone deserves a medal 'for bra,very, il should be Alice Bariek- 111831, who decide(I to talce her six grandchildren, Merte and Craig, son's of Mr. and .t~I.t's. ,]allles Bar-- iekman, and RIlSIV, Cindy, Debbie, and Mike, the children of tlm Ralph Barieknlttns on an overnight camping lrip ,to \Valker Bark irt ]IPI;'S and Jolin s lle%v ]lf)nse trailer. It: just might be though When she gets home it: will have to be a pur- ple heart instead, kno',ving how very active children can be. Miss Sue Harvey, and Ahm Mc- Irvin exchanged marriage vows, Friday evening in a double ring ceremony. The bride was radiant in a stl~et length gown of white sat- in, designed with a scalloped neck- line and long tapered sleeves. Her finger Lip veil was attached t:o ~t pearl crown. The new bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harvey and the gro,)m is the sall of Mr. and Mrs. C, W. MeIrvin. PAT li'llEEMAN has beell get:- Ling a lot of traveling done tlere lately, but not, on vaeation as yott might imagine. She's got the job every day of taking her st)n, Roll-. hie and her nephew, Butch to swimmir~g" classes, Oh well its only ;, few weeks re, we, Pat, and Illa,ybe ~,'Oll elln have a rest. My. and Mrs. Edwin. Httss's, soll 13udd and his \rife Lind~t arc bacl¢ hnme ill Californi~t ufler spending an ,,njoyable lime in Washmgtort visiling wil.h his folks and many friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Huss and fam- ily of \rancouver anti Mr. mid Mrs. ,loe Hnss of Aberdeen came down to visit with them and meet Linda for the flrsttime. They are bol~ uncles of Bud.