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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 8, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 8, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Use Journal Classified Ads -- They Pay ~~~MASON COUNTY'S E ~ Mrs. Ray Kra.teha. SOUTHSIDE ...... Friendship club will meet at the home of Vl Dan- iI~L~\'*~']I~,.~IO --EAT OUT OFTEN--~ "N( ~ ~ ~ ~ ielson July 14. Members ave ask- ed to make this a workshop meet- • ing starting at 10 a.m. and bring a sandwich. The July birthdays t T" "HE " O;; ~ ~]~ -I-~'E'~--~EN'T -- will be celebrated at tiffs meeting. Four Leaves 4-H club members 3nlilesWest,-of Beffait:oi~-i~o~)dCa-i~-dl .......... ---- .................. met at Bakke's June 3 and Rob- bin Bakke led the flag salute. Club We Take Pride in Our • I HOMEBAKED BREAD and PASTRIES lnembers called Shelton 2~anor 1- We specialize in a wide variety of homec~oked meals. Nursing Hom~ to nee if they need- ed cookies and they did. Linda | Serving--Bre'akfast--- Lunch -- Dinner Tl~otzer a djom~ned the meeting. Seafoods -- Steaks -- Chicken, etc. Demonstrations were given by Lee 1 H'0.-O-'--D-'SP6~:AR:~7~-~-~ Anna VVhitmarsh on "Simple par- ty punch," Linda Trotzer on "Sum- . Attention Fishermen and Early Risers . mer Salad", Gall Bailey on "Cor- ~] Open 6 a.m. for Breakfast - Luncheon Special Daily ethrect onTable"KeepingManners'"a Child'sJ°an Aus-At. ~'~J .Elec. Elevator Launching - Any~Tide ' tention", Chris Schuffenhauer on V • Bait -- Tackle -- Gas --- Storage Phone 877-5362"How to Freeze a Sandwich" and Bob & June Fredrickson owners Next to AquariumNancy Schuffenhauer on "Why Wrapping is Necessa4y". After ---------"~--'----'---"'----'''~"'°° demonstrations were given re- MILLO'S DINER freshments were setwed. Tile next bi~ HoodCa-nai-neare-~ateh on Hwy. 101 near power house LUNCH -- DINNER -- Our Specialty -- . BREASTED CHICKEN (finger-lickin' good) We feature SEAFOOD, too! Phone 877-9788 -- Take-Out Orders! WALT'S ROBIN HOOD LODGE llA. Mile South of Union on Beautiful Hood Canal Open 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. LUNCHES --- DINNERS -- BANQUETS Featuring: Steaks, Seafoods and .%outhern Fried Chicken Try Our Fabulous Home Baked Pies o oo.D ~4- TIMBER'S RESTAURANT 7th & Railroad Featuring Flavor Crisp Chicken Home Made Pastries and Bread Open 6 - 10 Daily Courteous Service and G~od Coffee For :Orders To Go Call 426-2,441 THE SHELTON HOTEL Specializing in PRIME RIB OF BEEF Open 6-10 weekdays 6-12 Friday & Saturday Dancing to Live MtLsie Fri. & Sat. Nights TAYLOR-TOWNE CAFE • Thursday Special --- 8-oz. New York Cut Steak $1.75 Delicious Home Made Pie -- Manila Clams --- Fresh From Bay • Davey Crocketts for the small fry Every Day 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Phone 426-8501 MAMIE'S GRILL 1934 0i~pic-Higl/way North on Mountain View BREAKFAST --- LUNCH --- DINNER meeting will be July 15. ETMC CHESTER Marler. son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marler, finished his schooling at Lowry Air Force Base, Colo. Chester is home on a 15-day leave. After his leave he will be stationed at 'Long Beach, Calif., and will be working aboard ship. Mrs. R. C. Morcer and family and Mrs. Ruby DaRielson drove to Bay View and spent four days visiting Mrs. Faith Gal]anger and~ family last week. Visittng M,:. and iVh's. Arnold Saeger recently were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Palmeroy, of Watertown, s.D., Mrs. Margie Bare of Missou- J. Archer for dinner last Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Mike Lang'en- bach and daughter of Olympia and Mr. and Mrs. John Spencer and two boys. Toln Trotzer is spending the summer with Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard Goodwin and family of Pen- dleton, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Vevn Sclmffen- hauer and family Friday evening e ttended the wedding of "Allen Mc- Irvin and Sue Harx,,ey at Mt. View Alliance church. Mill Creek What Nots 4-H club had a picnic last• Saturday at Cushman State Park. Two car- loads of 4-H'ers went and were chaperoned by Mrs. Cora Drake, Mrs. Cecilia Gunter and Mr. and Mrs. Simpson. The last meeting of the Mill Creek What Nots was held at Kneeland Park, Jeanette Gunter and Jim Stone go to Pan- handle July 6 to attend the coun- celor's meeting. ~/£r. and Mrs. Vern Sehuffen- hauer and family Saturday eve- ning attended the birthday party at Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wilson, it was Mr. Wilson's birthday.',, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Schuffen- hauer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bloomfield and family, Jerry Manley, Mr. and Mrs. Danny Wa- ters and family, Mrs. Mabel Bi- shop and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wood of Califoxmia enjoyed picnicking at Twaxmh State Park on July 4th. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kratcha, Linda and Susan and John Kratcha Friday evening were N~r. and Mrs. Spike Scrogham, Kelly and Suzette, Mr. and Mrs. la, Mont., and Charley Cook of Gordon Jay and family, John Krat- Spokane. cha Jz'., of Bremerton, Mrs. Mar- Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth gie Winnings and Jimmy of Mc- J. Archer recently were Mary Sit- Cleary and Mr. and Mrs. Ray ve~ of Oakland, Calif., Gertrude Kratcha. TPAbot of Broken Bow, Neb., and Visith~g Mr. and Mrs. Ray Krat- Catherine Johnson of Port Orch- cha and Janice last Tuesday eve- ard. • ning were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Guests of M~'. and Mrs. Kenneth Kratcha and John Kratcha. N ew-Tea r -NamedT - Staff At Pione(r School By Nadtne Rhodes Akers, Mary Mitchell and Elza PIONEER ..... William E. Smith Kukors, all of Bremerton, were of Castle Rock, has been added attendants of the bride and wore to the teaching staff of Pioneer pink street-length dres~s. school. He will be teaching seventh Richard Walker, brother of the grade. This replaces Gerald Knut- ))ride, was ring bearer. Wearing son, who resigned to accept a pos- a floor-length white gatin gown, ition with ShelCon School District. Teresa Walker, the bride's sister, Smith has taught math and wa~ flower girl. physics at Castle Rock High Ushers were Bill Taylor and School the past three yeats. He George Taylor, of Vancouver, B.C., Special Dinners Dally --- Fried Clams --- Oysters received his training at IV£cPher- • Buckwheat Hotcakes Anytime . son State College, McPherson, WE MAKE OUR OWN PIES! Kan, LaVerne College, LaVenm, GOOD COFFEE Calif., and Western Washington Open Sund%y~, during the Slimmer State College at Belltngham. He .... .--------.--..--a.~.. ...... ----.~ .... .. .... graduated fl'om the latter in 1962. LAKE CUSHMAN RESORT Smith and his wife, Mardell, - ~ i have three boys, ages four years, . • two years and six weeks. Mrs. Prepared to perfectmn by our own chef ~.,~1r Smith is the former Mardell Shu- Cocktails in the Liars' Den Banquets---Parties~~ mate, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phone 877-5388 for reservations ~~ Jim Shumate of Hoodsport. Employed for the summer at Open 6-10 p.m, Daily--Closed Monday Castle Rock, the Snliths will be Sunday 1-6 p.m. Tex Payton THE PIZZA GARDEN 114 2nd Italian Foods • Home Made Pizzas Open Tuesday through Thursday -- 3 to 10 p.m. Friday & Saturday --- 3 p.m. to 12 midnight Food Orders to Go -- Call 426-8011 OLD MILL TAVERN & CAFE I~eated in Hoodsport on Hwy. I01 We Feature Steaks & Seafoods " Dancing on The Water After 9 p.m. moving to Shelton about August 15. They have purchased a new home in Woodland Manor in the Mt. View area. Miss Gloria Dianne ~ralker and Paul W. Kenworthy were mort'led at an 11 a.m. nuptial mass June 26 in Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Chtlrch in Bremerton. P&z~nts. of the newlyweds are uncles o2 the bride, and Happy Green of Bremerton. Pete Ken- worthy, brother of the groom, was best man. A reception at Norway Hail in Bremert~h, ~rith abou(100 g'uests attending. Assisting were Mrs. Grace Taylor, Mrs. iV£ary Walker, both of V~ncouver, B.C., grandparents of the blide,,, Janice Williams, and Mrs. Robert N[Ikkel- sen of Olympia. After a week's honeymoon trip to Lake Quinault, the newlyweds are at home in Bremerton. Both are attending Olympia College and !are employed for'the Summer at Horton Nursing Home. The groom !is majoring in physics and the bride in education. MR. AND MRS. JACK Shero visited Mr. and Mrs. Julius Ha- asko in Aberdeen over the 4th Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W.alker Of= of 5uly holiday. Baymhore, and the lata Ken Ken- Mrs. 5ira Tayh)r, along with worthy of Bellevue. Molly and Carl, left last Thursday ~ivon in mart.~age by her father, by car for Michigan State Univer- Lke Dr~d¢ was atti~.ed ht~ a tradi-laity. After a three-day orientation tiomal white gown with a trait,, land registration period for Mol- Her veil was ahoulder-length.~ ly, they expect to arrive home Paula FetTy of Seattle, Candy ~ about July i5. ~MERICAN-the Economy King; comes as sporty as you want to make It-* buckets, console, floor stloks-, end still saves you plenty. DL~SSIC- new ~rme~ia~e-Size Rambler; In sedans, convertibles, Wagons, optional vinyl-roof hardtops; performance options up to 327 cu. in. V-8. Big summer deals plus excise tax cut equals big savings Do yourself proud and save a bundle, on top of the extra savings you make with the auto excise tax cut in effect now. ~rive a big-performance '65 Rambler. Tak0 in the luxury, room, sporty extras. Then check the free-swinging summer deals during Rambler's Swap 'N Go Sale. Terrific deals at the lowest prices yet- and you go Rambler-solid, Rambler-sum, and with all the Rambler extra values, like Double-Safety Brakes, and more. Come on in, The going's great and the buys are~ ' the greatest at your Rambler dealer newt Swing a sw¢#t summer deal whdn I I IIII J . II I RAMBLER'65 by American Motors T 233 South First St,, Shelton, Wash, M I ElrM NOW, PAY LATER!" Because we have our largest sele this time of year, it's your best time to buy/ Big, soft baby in a blanket. Two styles to choose from. == iii: ::~i j .', . $799 ,.,u. Out of the movie ant your heart[ Wi' arms and rooted ham Mary PoPPin~ aoll with set IJIIIIl[ I III IIIIII I I m ynie What O' do~lll~:e~dr[nk,, wets and is fully jointed. with bottle I IIIII boxed Sweet girl ponytail. D, to play, has outfit plus g ing accessorieS' Drinks, wets, cries real tears... AND WALKS'! Big 27" baby. Wears real Size 1 clothes. Also available in larger THIRSTEE TEARS. Gift set, Cute as a bug, Cri# real tears~ d#k~ and wets. with Moves like a real baby while her music box plays "Brahms Lullaby." Also drinks and cries real tears, She'll sit or foam rubber, she'S soft. only I ii!iii~:!!iii i! She drinks and wets, cries ~'ma-ma" • • • fun to care for, to own. an EEGEE doll So tall and up in her party shoes and sockS. only Evergreen Square S. Hastings, Man ger, 2?