July 8, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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PAGE 14 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAIS--Published in '¢Chr{stmasfown, U.g.A.", Shelton, Washington
two car garage, possible 3rd. Fenced
yard, corner lot. $13,750. 426-4222.
S 6/17 tfn
schools and shopping center. Phone
.... 5~:6300. ., .O, 6/2A 7/1
FOR SALE -- One 60 x ]20 ft. lot on
llilh'.resi, LoL 12, Block 4 on East
Cascade. Tcrlns available. Phone 426-
3361. H 6/2A tfu
dar Street. Make offer. Phone 426-
3361. H 6/24 tin
For Sale [ For Sale For Rent For Rent
TI~.E ~NTIRE CONTENTS of the FOR SALE -- Several good uscd~WHATI~BETTER TIME than now to[FOR RENT .-- Unfurnished two bed-!]~R I~'NT ~-.Trailer ~pac?. closfi.to
•mm t)x The'tire is for ~ d( This freezers reconditioned and guaran- I tune-up your sewing machine? In re m modern new apartments on ,,,,~..n,,~wn. ua, ~z6.aa~. ~ lOiS un
inehldes dra'l)esl rugs " eui'iains' ~ tee~ll Lem Warrcn" Refrlgerati,)n. ] your home for only" $3 75 Any makeM~. View. Vgall-to-w}~tl carpeting, ~D~I-~-D
~,( ,,ats~ ~, r~ ,us, fl rna(. .e., ' air eimd. " _ 1"7. ,South Second.. . XV 7/1 tfn or model. Singer ~ewing uenter ~ndlaneries_ , laundry ....... facilities appli- ...~ h.~r~om, a~nartments, two blocks
:¢~i/~(.f. do[,s, windows, rooft~}g, AVAILABLE FOR FAMILY or chlb ].__O. 1~_mpia_357~'7_586".____ 4/1 tfn ances, private parking and priv.ate from bank, shopping center. Appli-
,:..~/~,~ng,` H~e ..lVJarquee an¢i rcam~r picnics or parties and dan( ng. 24' x [HOME REPAIR WORK carpentry lockeu storage space. 1-1eaten swim- anoes, heat. hot water, garbage ser-
,/¢:,.~.us, vpe~ trom H a,nL to 9 p.m. [ 40' huilding, with tables, BBQ grill, I ccnmnt and brick work 'roofing ' ruing pool. $99.50 month= .~.~ntact vice furnished. Tiled sinks, bath-
~i.M'~nnlng toflay. Contact R. W. ] joke 1)ox. Reasonabh~ rates. Top-I Osborne General Contracting. , manager. Phone 426-3100. ~flz/'z~tfn tubs, showers. Ample storage. QuieL
__ ,,.~mer:____~___ 7/8 |l,,r's Resort - 426-8323.7/1 tfn J ~h,~,,,~ aga gO~.l ~ a • *u,, ~_~"~w.Tt~A'~-'~Tp.~ __ ~lmd b~'~', clean, attractive surroundings. Also
McCULLOCIt CHAINSAWS -- Ten [ NEED--WAsHER for y~,ur cabin ? 1959 ] :"--':3-'-~-- ....... ~- ...... '~'t:l~)r apL tn downtown area. All ~if- ~a~r°~grki~t%s f°~lle~itngl~eowPrerS°enxs,
percent down balance 12 monthly [ Kenmore L aky pm q). Make offer [WINDOWS STREAKED? Too high to [ties furnished Adults Inquire 118 ~.. _.. _. t.. ,,L =- a .... ,-...Z..-.t"
1 ymenLu, l~w interest O.A C ] Call anytime ,1.6-3o82. S 7/1-8 [reach. Call Cleaning Serv ces Co., , Cedar St. Phone 426-4855 _ 8 . mh.ao Io,,na.,. va~m= au¢~maH, wa
Cookes, 219 do First, 426-2412 " " I =. -- - " - -- " = = ..... 7-- .- ........ I phones 426-4376 or 426-8138. [ G b/13 tfn ". ...... ":"~"'~ t:"'"r ..... :"v"~ ":-"
• ~t;~o +¢. ~vte.CIJLLOCH 9.6 pound enain saw I 117 tfn w-×.~ ............ ~--,.,---~----,-~, -. • sners, aryer. Anunaance not wamr
~,,~-~*~ • r. • ,H~ fnm~,~ fl~nn mrmt' ' l=tOt)t) tdANAL r'otiaten (lllOlIOUSe lor I~ld heal Good beds of ~-urse
flea A FREE HOU~HI heavier saws. Cooke's 219 So. First. ]WANTED -- Cedar logs. Versapanei, ruentaSL.O-.$155.Paorties, meet n~ioCt~~ .~awtan
.Apts., 7t~l & Pinex.'~own
for a Merle Norman Cosmetic'dem-] 426-2412. 7/1 tfn{ Port of Shelton Industrial Park, __L*_X~hX~¢ff::~._-?UT?.°~" ------ .......... 0¥ appomtmenL ~none ~zo-za~L
onstratlon, Elaines phone 426-4582 ~-L--DWI~T~ano~6"9~-~I John's Prairie. Phone 426-6426.TWO ROOM CABIN -- Two miles from -----__---
E 614 tfn e,, vna Clark ~,)t~ct ~i~no' .~695' J 2118 tfn town Interested party .couldo work HOUSEKEEPING APTS -- One and
.... ~ " "" • '" ." ".. ' ~ c' ~---------------- out part of rent. Phone az, o-o~oo, two rooms Dishes linens utilities
• LECTROLUX SALlOw. ~ervice and Thomas two:k(~y.boa~ d^olg~n,. $4!}5. [AUTO PAINTING .$40 and. up._Also E 6/10 tfn ..... u,,a a';m ~rm~ ' ~t ~/27 tin
supplies. John Rice, Phone 428-8108. ~nerman an~ Cmy, r.va west urn, } house trauere, veals, etc. l~none ......................... v2::.~_... ~.~-~o~, " ~*'_2_L.
Real Estate Real, Estate
'r~ro BEDROOM HOME} on Arcadia
Avenue, Largo living room tacnd kit- RE-iS-ucE-D--$-l-0(}Oi--W~Tt-e;'ft:ollt--i~;;n~-eT,- CHOICE
tract on
chen, Good location. Close o Stores three years old; apl)voxinlateiy 1000 able. II~
and school. See toappreciate this sq. ft, Two be(h'oonm, nmhogany Box 80
buy at $6 950 Call426-2278 den, fireplace, lovely walnut living-
' " M 12/3 tfn room and dining room with w/w Lusin.
F-OR-~LE~p~rt~.One-~-= carpeting. 18 x 30 plastic-covered tiOME F(
bedroom, one 2-bedroom, and onepatio in roar, 9 x 20 covered lmtio c, adia. :
1-bedroom house. Good conditionill front ovl!rlooklng l}*ly with cute bc(ll'tloll|s.
close to school and business district, litth~ it )bolstered I)ar tucked ill eo1"-
2"-~8 Adams SL Phone 426-4238. nm'. B.,,,f,l, w, lIirs,,ne ls ANt
P 7/16 tfnland. Shm't sh)l)ing l)ath in top of
~-'6"~-~g~~~i]Y nPw stairway d.wn 5() steps to v.ie,m,
gravel bench, with marine railway.
fenced, two bedroom house with wa- Un(hq'gt'ound power to beach, Was
ter and lights on highway, Route 3, EXQUI~¢
Box 394 Arcadia Road• No agents. $16,800--owner will sacrifice $1000
' S 2/4 tfn or throw in all our lovely new fur-
niture, l)lus washer, dryer, range Practicall
~:I-'-OI--~--W~'R--FRONT-~°-P-~t~ refrigerat(w, l~ring yonr check book All the ch
Split-level four bedroom nome. Ow~- --hm'ry out ll miles north of Shel-
er can handle eontracL Ph, 426-3575.tea on Allyn highway, Take Thomasdignity of
J 2/11 tfn Road and follow signs. R 7/8 tfn type. Inre
DO--YOTJR FLOORS LOOK DING~ no elusive sir
o'~ Cleamng ~erv or.-- • " -Z77:1-:-7~_ ............
matter what you d • - $3.,) DOWN inch[des ([owu playmcnt
ices Co phone 426-4376, 426-8138.and all cost. Two bedroom, largefireplace, 1
"' 1/7 tfn living ro,,m, tile kitchen and separate Large level
FOR SALE -- Some acreage. Inguir'e 1 t 1 ty 1Vz car garnge. Paymenis$25,000.00.
Bar-Din Enterprises, 311 ,~o~lm9n. only $57 a montb. F.H.A. Mt. Vicw.
Phone 426-8113. / 5 Ltn Call owner, .t26-8277. 7/8 tfn
WILL SELL-up-t-~-a0~i~e no- IS YOUR R
bank waterfront, PickerJng ~'assage. If it is a:
Phone 426-6034. M 3/11 tfn 10 years y0
-/'URNISHED $3,250--------Sma11. 2-1~ed- or more thl
room, neat Ill,use n,~ar shopping een- chased this
ter, lot 60' x 210'. Half cash, balance
$25 per month. Consider s!~n~et~a.de, home on
late car. camper, or ? 4Zb-~Ho~ or at $4,,
write Mrs.Derrick at. 3 Box 456,
" , n * " ' D 7/1 tfn
_Sh ~lto . ........
Island Lake
Small down payment on fam-
ily home -- 3 bed~ooms -7 85
ft. waterfront -- large docK
many extras.
Priced for quick sale below
F.H.A. appraisal of $18,750.
THREE BEDROOM house, large util-
ity, fh'eplaee,, fenced patio, close to
school and slorem 2128 Jefferson,
$11,000 No dn.pint.Clostng costs
only, 426-6452. ~-I 7/1 tfn
OWNER :=- i 0F-7 fL7 ifir Y.
bedroon| house, plus doublc garage.
Two lois. $11,900 3rd lot and 4Vz%
426-3265 anytime 7/8
Large, beautiful view lots for"BE
sale by owner. Lock the
cost noW v~
Lake Isabella3h°mebedroom°n Y
Two miles south of Shelton. ments, bal
Large private recreation area$13,500•00.
for swimming, skiing, fishing, term F.H.J
Ideal summer or permanent LET
home site. ¼ mile from new Pay for
freeway. School buses. Ideal for
children. 45 rain. from Aberdeen. story
000 doWn,
E-Z TERMS ments. C$
Call 426-8370
426-3131 So ~e dis
take pride
Business Opportunities
~AR-I)IN (:IFT and health corner is
get.tin~ ready 1o ellen 0.t ol(l h)cation
520 Franklin St. B 7/1 tfn
Any Iamgth
Phone 426-8122
Rt. 3, BOX 258, Shelton
6/10 tfn
Slaughtering Unit
Cooling, cutting
i.em ke's 8ervlce 426-6779
Glenn L. Probst
Olympia 352-2265
11/21 tfn
_I~_T~-~--~'~ l '
WANTED --. Alder saw-logs, top pric-
es paid. Any length. Phone days
Chehalls 748-3800, evenings 748-3530.
C 2/11 tfa
WANTED TO RENT or lease four
bed/'o(m~ home iu Sbclton, Wrlie
box L c/u Journal. 6/24 7/1-8
WANTE])-I=-Two bedroom, unfurhfsh-=
ed |10111e. ~"enced yard preferred. $85
nmx. Call collect ES 7-4101 anytin,.
W 6/24 tfn
WANTED --- Acreage with livable
house. Also want good used car.
Write P,O, Box 113, Shetton.
S 6/24 7/8
~iTH'EI~ WILL DO BABY sftti~g---~
my herin*. Fenced yard, 339 East
Harva~'~l. Phone 426-4612. W 6/17 tfn
LADY WANTS WORK of any kind.
Call 426-4378 evenings. V 4/16 tfn
WANTED -- 100{) recappabls tires. OK
Rubber Welders. Mt. View. 1110 tfn
i i ii
Pete Fassio
898-2452 Union, Wash.
6/24 tfn
Construction &
Lane House Moving
Phone 426-8147
4/22 tfn
Prompt - Guaranteed Service
817 8. let 426-4553
'63 International W-ton
'62 Econoline Van
'5g Ford ~/~ Ton
'56 International =/~.ton
'53 Ford =/~-ton
Bill -- Bob -- Bus- Dick
5th & Railroad 426-8231
500-gal., 750-gal., 1000-gal.
Drain Fields, Ditch Digging
Backhoe, Trencher for Hire
Phone 426-3660
CR 5-2157, Delfa/x. 8-1$t/n
USED FURNITURE hmn available. 127 Roosevelt.
426-4652, It 7/1 tfn
All Types C7,,
on ,,ke Isabel,a. C,,n,piele,y fur-
nlshed. New boat-port, leew blocks
Evergreen Second Hand Store fronl Delight Park. If Interested csll
4 Mi. West on Dayton Road Es 3-2412 or write 227 So. Lafay-
Lilllan Wilson 6/24 tfn otte, Brcmerton. La 7/1-22
L--AKE---NAHWA;rZEL two be-~dro~;,t~-
holrm planters, window boxes Moun-
tain stew 85" waterfront deep lot
$11,500, Phone Shelton 426-6798 or
USED APPLiANGES Olympia 352-5801. ]I 6/10 tfn..
TWo LEVEL cleared canyon edge
All Completely Reconditioned building lots. Inside city on Capitol
Hill. $350 each. Your terms. Phone
All Sold With A Written 426-$586. N 6/10 tfn
Guarantee ISLAND LAKE for summer tun or
year round living. 115 fL of water-
front suitable for one or two faro-
FREEZERS me.' enJoymenL Call 426-8589 any-
time. L 7/16 tin
Kelvinator 18 Cu. Ft. Upright ~~
Freezer with Inner Doors bedroom furnished cabin at Stetson's
19 Cu Ft. Upright Amana near Lilliwaup. Front steps right on
the beach. $7,500. ~/3 down. Call
Deluxe, Shelves in door, Poulsbo Prospect 9-4906.
Like New ~ M 5/27 tfn
Repossessed 16 Cu. Ft. Gibson NEW THREE bedroom house for sale
Used less than 3 runs. to be moved. $3200. You finish. Ac-
Assume Pmts. of $11.77 ross from If_MAS. Phone 426-3127
Coldspot Chest Freezer -- ' B 2/11 tfn
About 12 Cu. Ft. Capacity HOME IN COUNTRY -- Five acres.
Two Compartment Ice Cream drilled well, new septic system, two
Freezer. bedrooms sown, dormitory up.
426-3443. N 2/11 tfn
USED REFERS k-o-- MlSrt VALLEY---hon;-e-7--ii;-r;'. '
bedroomS, fireplace, 2-car garage,
~l ed, five acres. Phone 426-3784.
Deluxe Philco Combination-- Gary Dcyctte, Star at, 1, Box 65A.
1 D 6/24 tfn
w/bottom mount freezer•
Older Model Kelvinator---with i oWNE~ MUST SELL 3-year-old home.
freezer across t,op. I~ AvailabJe J]~ty i aL $2,250 below list-
Large Capacity Frigidaire, I ed prme. o~ ~eattle St. L 7/1 tfn
Left Hand Door, Freezer I ~fo-DERi~-5--~'6a-~-fi~ih-d-t~o--i~Jt~
I ""?01 sale ill good location. Hsy and
Across Top, Late Model. I I Roo,~eveli.
Inquire Janles G(~richs,
Small Apt. Size Frigidaire --- I I Route 2, Box 906. Agate Road. _
Late Model, Freezer Aoross I I (; 7/I-S
NTOp'0rge Deluxe--Auto. Defrost.I,| 100I~ ............... sALE -- Three bedroon;o'lder"
I Sheltoll ..uome. Renu)deled, l)anellcd
We have all makes, sizes and I~ walls tneu bath. Two lots, terms.
352-9631. Olympia, S 7/8-22
prices in Used Refrigerators.I b;OR-.SAL-l~'-2_--~Fo-d~be~l~b~-~iod~,~
6All Guaranteed. Perfect for | h.mC. Quite. secluded but close in
Home or Summer Cabin -- I -ear hospital. Reasonable
I ,i~6-4648. M 7/8 tm
$45.00 up..
LAUNDRY EQUIP. e,'ty o,,,,',oo, K,ng .ood Can.l .t
Hoodsport. Sn|all split-level home.
Thre~, [ooln~,vt~,hower and double
Westinghouse Matching Washer gar,,~ , P ~'!. Two rooms, ]sun-
all'y, lower. =00 ft, street froniage,
& Dryer--5 years old, Perfect lO8 ft. d(!cI!. $8,5(}0 t e,'lnS if desired.
eonditi,on, inquh'(} v~ut~y Center F/'utt Stand,
or write J, F. Smith, P.O. Box 54,
Also G.E., HOTPOINT, i{oodsport. Wash. S 7/8
NORGE, KENMORE, T~iRE~ l~.EDROOM-i{o-~,~c-~-h~ge util-
FRIGIDAIRE in both its, ltrepiacc, fenecd 1)~to, close to
washers & dryers . .,$50 s,;lmol and storcs, 2128 Jefferson,
$11,000. No down payment Closing
and up. costs only., 426-4652. H 7/8 tfn
Deluxe 30" Philco Push-Button.
Range--with Large Oven.
24" G.E. Push-Button Range
20" A.B• Range
Older Range with new thermo-
stat. Perfect for summer
We have many more Used
Appliances, both domestic
and Commercial. Terms
available also.
Now Available
I Unfurnished
• Wall-to-wall carpeting
• Draperies
• Laundry facilities
• Appliances
• Private parking
• Private Storage
• Swimming Pool
2nd & Cota
Wise People
Will Not Compromise
On Their
They Will INSIST
on Johns Manville
It will withstand hurricane
winds, and it costs
no more at the
Va Mile South of Shelton
on Hiway 101
II lu I I I ' I I -
Contact Manager, 426-3100
At tho beautiful new
1 bedroom garden court
Sparkling new, carpets, drapes,
Westinghouse appliances, off-
street parking.
Drive by 7th & Cedar Street.
Just a few steps from
complote shopping
Sorry, No Potsi
$89.50 par month,
1-3 Some
"~ ke pl
HOME i~ this older
on ~t corner
• Corner Lot center. If Y'
• 2 Baths 2 bath ham
right into
PHONE 426-6309 better ¢Iri
By Appointment Only today. (',al
S 7/8 It HANI
Move in
place, some
HOOD CANAL Located on a
4 BEDROOMS, NEAR lot about t~
Rose Point BORDEAUX SCHOOL $12,500.
100 ft. of beach, 324 ft. deep, in- Looated on an extra-large corner
cludes tidelands, older 3 bedroom lot, and priced within ,'each of AN6L
home, trees, gorgeous Canal and the average wage earner! Its $9,-
Mountain view. $25,000, terms.500.00 and with an FHA mortgage
you can move in for only about
2 homes, 31/2 acres, trees, creek $350 cash• Better call to seetibt0- HERB ANGLI
and 70 ft. of frontage, also tide- day, it won't last. " Real EstSl
lands. Build your own trailer court. WANTED: LARGE FAMILY 401 RailrOZd /
$36,000, terms. To match this 5 bedroom, full Evenings 42|
Southside basement downtown home. Fire-
place, 1~/a baths, forced-air fur-
2 bedroom, full basement, top nace, and its on a double corner
condition, panoramic view, land-lot, close to schools and shopping. !tel
scaped with creek $12,000- terms. Its an older home, but ,of good
quality construction and in sound j
Two bedroom, 2 baths, new con- condition• It's $14,000 and owner
dition plus guest house. Great will carry contract.
Mountain and Canal view, springMT. VIEW (:;~11
water, also tidelands with lots of You'll enjoy the nearby shopping
oysters $20,500.
center and convenience to schools
4 bednoom, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, of this ll/~ story, 3 bedroom home.
dock and beach privileges. Close to Large attractive kitchen-dining ar-
Alderbrook. $19,900 terms, ca, family size living room; gar-
age and fenced yard. Lots of star-
125 feet on the beach. Four bed- age and priced at just $8950.
room, garage, shop and marine
railway. Beautiful setting, trees. NORTHCLIFF
$35,000 in terms. A quality home in a quality area,
with all the features you would
Above Union. New condition 4. expect in a $25,000 home. It's been
bedroom, garage, carport, shop,appraised and possession nan be
landscaped and mountain view.arranged within 30 days. Make an
$20,000 in terms, appointment to see it today.
Westside A most charming 2 bedroom down-
Good as new solid cedar 2 bed-town home you can purchase for
room home, l~/a baths, 2 car gar- approximately $350 cash on FHA
age with storage. Beach, dock and terms. The spacious rooms of an
float privileges $16,500 terms, older home and all renewed for
todays easy-care living. Large 80
Ill Hoodsport x 100 lot; $10,750 is the full price.
A real buy, real roomy 4 room VIEW --- WATERFRONT
home and Int. Within walking dis- Nestled on a large waterfront
tance of Post Office and stores, tract, this home is designed for
$5,000 terms, comfortable family living. It's con-
vcnicntly located a short drive
90 ft. panoramic view lots, $2500 from town for year-round subur-
low d,own py't. ban pleasure. Thc many quality
features offered include a fireplace,
2 bedroom home, large utility, 3 bedrooms, and l~/a baths, so
garage and concrete patio - top why not makc an appointment to
condition. $7,750---$350 down, low see it NOW! Good terms can be
FHA payments, arrangcd. $23,500.
North of Hoodsport PLANNING TO RETIRE?
Then you should see this attrac-
Two cabins at Hidden Cove, 74 tive 2 bedroom home! So conven-
ft. on the beaoh, includes tidelands, iently located on a quiet street,
$9,250, and its real handy to the downtown
shol0ping area. Wc'II be pleased to
-'olidav Beach, 2 bedroom cot- show you this one at $7,500, with
taae, 2 "car garage, landsoaped,
u good terms available.
community clubhouse, dock, beach,
$14,000 terms. Call 426-6592 anytime
A,so, °,eared .o.,day Beaoh ,,ors MANN REAL ESTATE
$3,000 and up.
bank, fine gravel
3 building sites, $14,-
beach lot,
250 terms.
2 beautiful view lots, dock, float
trailer ramp, community beaoh,
each $5000.
Low priced view lots with beach
access $1,400 and up.
121 Railroad Ave.
KURT M ANN---426-3228
DICK BOLLI NG---426-8162
Real nicc, two bedroom rcntal
$75, rcfcrcnces requirod.
Two.bcdroom furnished cottage.
Swimming, boating, 700 feet of
fine gravel oommunity bcach and
tennis court. $5150 and terms.
Hoodsport 898-2155
16 Miles North of Shelton
Very cozy nmdern, 5 rnl. home on 60
to water edge. Yard is landscaped Wl
room with wail-to-wall carpet.
circulator built in. l_xlvely kitchcn
large utility room. Attached carport.
Phone Shelter 426-6771 weekends, or
day thru Friday.