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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 8, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 8, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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il ; 1985 lq' LTON--MA ON OOU'Nv 50URNAL-- Published fat t'O d, tma, o**n, U.g.A.', heltort, Washtrtgton PAGE 15 nd to in. futu re, with baths, make this a very livable and attractive home at the $15,000 FHA i price. There is also a large 2 car :garage, nice yard and it's in an ideal location. $750 total down and move in in 60 days. Let's go Iookl LOTS OF ROOM This modern ~olonial home has the room you need for that big family. There ars 3 bedrooms all nicely carpeted• one even has its own dressing room and bath. There are eonveni- 2 other baths, 2 fireplaces, family and well recreation room, formal dining The bed.. room, breakfast room and so mu¢~t d from more you have to see it to under- =h]lt ren stand why the $22,500 price is a d li~ing top buyl and out IN THE COUNTRY $11,000 is the price on this one. It has 7 acres~ some fruit trees and an excellent garden spot. The home has 4 bedrooms, family size living room, kitchen, breakfast nook, nice bath and is in very good condition. If yoUr family needs room better see this one. a ram- ~and a Puget ,on the I are in- ~tes from SPENCER L&KE 100 foot beach with nice 3 bed- room cedar home with 2 fireplaces, recreation room, large utility, and balcony for these hot summer evenings and listen to this -- the price is only $12,500 with easy terms available. A hard one to beat. BUSINESS BUILDING Make an offer on this onel It's a rHce building with 1200 sq. feet of floor space. Built in about 19- 51. The owner here wants a sale this week. Attention Investors! BUSINESS IS BOOMING We have clients looking for your home now. List your home with one wide awake firm that has your best interest in mind. I know we can get you quick results. AI I'Bl10 Phone 426-4447 @ 126 Railroad EveI. call: A. Roy Dunn .... 426-4601 Merv Vo~ ....... 426.8074 i:i!:i::iiiii ii:i:: THE WESTMORE On your Iol . , , , . , ,, . One of Universal Builder s family of fine homes, the Westmore includes three spacious bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen and bath. It offers space Ior an additional bedroom, large recreation room, arage, bath and storage to be finished by the owner. De- signed or growing families, the Westmore personifies gracious living at a price you can afford. I0:00- 4:00 On Deer Creek Road, 2 mile off A llyn-Shelton Highway. Approxi- mately 6 miles from Shelton YOU ARE INVITED to see why Universal Homes "in every price range" are the finest you can buy. See the custom designed home OPEN FOR YOUR INSPECTION on Deer Creek Road. Note the ,'added value features" typical in all Universal's wide selection of exclusively designed floor plans 100% FINANCING eanlbe ar- ' ....... -- ..... .............. "I ranged with low onrn y pay. Universal Bullders, Ino. I meuts to fit your budget. 133 S.W. 153rd, Seattle [ Participate in any stage of con- Name................................................................................ I struction and subtract hundreds Addr.s .............................. Ci y ....................................... I of dollars from the completed ]Phone() Own ............ a ::,or ............. /, ) ~iu"iny g a Lot i price. ............................................. J HOMES arerCU:t°~r2a'bu/l't'u -+v,--~,,-au on your property by skilled craftsmen using UNIVERSAL .,,~u+v .~o+..;=l= Ask o ve for your free descriptive plan book com- H=~ ,"i ,,,==" ...... ~lons -- "" ns eleVa~ , ~pectTIcatio plete ~Nith floor pla , ns, prices, etc. You II find THE home for YOU. rooms paneled, new floor cover. ings. Everything in excellent shape, corner lot, separate garage F.H.A. Qnly $7,500. 133 Southwest 158rd, Seattle, Washington qOTHER MUST TO SEE Excellent location, 3 bedrooms living room has fireplace, separate dining area, large attic, utility roqm, well landscaped yard, All this for $11,500. for quick sale. WEDNESDAY -- 7:30 P,M.--Bible Study, Fellowship & Prayer. SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD 130 East Pine Street MASON YOUNGLUND, Pastor Fundamental in Doctrine-- Full Gospel in Message SUNDAY SCHOOL -- For The Family ........9:45 A.M:. 3KORNING WORSHIP ........................................ 11:00 A.M. FanM WITH =. at, o=, CHRIST'S AMBASSADORS .............................. 6:00 P.M. ~nl'~ "2" miles o;"" "" . .. - REVIVJ~L SmRVICE 7 '00 P M u ..... y u t on _MatlOCK. W~NESDAY--FAM.ILY" ............................................ NIGHT 7'00 P M roaa, ;~ be(lroom tarm, fireplace, ............... large kitchen, utility room, new ' '' ' roof, barn in excellent condition, |i "'" ' " I FIRST OHURGH OFCHRIST, SGIENTIST ! All tins for $7,500 8ECLUDED SETTING I = ~0~ Alder S¢., Shelto0, Wash. | 2 bedrooms, living room and sep-II su aay SChool 11:00 a.m. -" Chur '21 11 a.m. I arate dining room with large pic-11 Wednesday evening testimony meetings 8 p.m. I ture windows overlooking City, I I Reading room located in church. Reading room hours 2 toI kitchen has loads of cupboards,II 4 I~.ra. ~a. & I~2"l. Wed. evening 6:45 to 7:45. I paneled utility room, separate gar-I " - J age, extra lot., lots of prLvacy, On- - ,, ....... ly $11,500. Call 426-4666 Evenings Call Sue Daniels 426-3434 e A G E N C Y REAL ESTATE INSURANCE 119 So. 4th -- Shelton, Wash. AAAAA A A A A, I~V W v "~1~" v ~ .tin. W -.= CHRISTIAN SCIENCK RADIO SER I'ES Sunday, July 11 "YOU CAN BE CONFIDENT" 7th and Franklin Family Worship Service: 8:30 a.m. Classes: Sunday $¢hool & Adult 9:30 a.m. 2rid Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Chr'lItlan Worship, Education, Fellowship, Service Carl J. Carlsen, Pastor Phone 426-8611 9:30 a.m. ,-- 1150 KC CH 4-0510 KAYO Radio, Seattle I MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH I I M,SSOUR, SYNOD i I Olympic Hwy. 80. Calmade, The Rev. Gerald Herman, PastorI I Sunday SchooI ........................................................................ 9:45 a.~. I I Adult Bible Cla~ .................................................................. 9:45 a.m. i I ~ornlng Worship .......................................... S:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. I + llltl . I .... I_ i i i ii i,i,, ,,,, FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Axeadia and Lake Boulevard Charle| D. Wlgton I~lble SattoOl ..... 9:45 a.m. Youth Meetinge 5:30 p,m WorsMp .......... 11:00 a.m. Family Service 6:30 p.m Wedneaday -- Bible Stuay and Prayer --. 7:30 p.m Child Caw Service Available at 11:00 Service I I I I IIHI I I I I I ii i ii, i 'i"' '"" ' • ' NORTHSIDE BAPTIST CIIUI CH East E St. Seventh-Day Advantist School ~uilding Small Enough Sunday School ............ g:45 a.m. To Need You, Big I Worship ......................... 11:00..a.m. Enough To Servc h