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Robert Ninnis (Bob)
was born in Kelso. WA,
on October 5. 1.927. He
peacefully passed away
in his home on July 1.
2020. 4 months shy of
his 93rd birthday.
Bob enlisted in the
Marine Corp at the age
of 17, serving in both
World War ll and the
Korean War. While at
Camp l’endleton he met
the love of his life, Jo—
Reta (Pete). After being
honorably discharged
from the Marines, they
made their move to
Washington where he,
attended the University
of Washington, gradu—
ating with a degree in
Biology and going to
work for the Washington
State (lame Department
as a Biologist. Bob ended
his employment with the
state and settled in Shel-
ton as he began work-
ing for Simpson Timber
Company. He and his
wife also owned and op—
erated a family grocery
store and gas station in
He was such a hard-
working man, who loved
to stay busy. You could
drive by his house most.
days and see him work-
ing in his garden or
outside splitting wood.
Later in life after retire-
ment. he volunteered.
paid in coffee and con-
versation down at the
local peat bog. When he
wanted to relax. he loved
fishing, hunting, camp—
ing in their motor—home
and traveling.
Bob and Pete were
married for over 50 years
before she preceded him
in death in December
2000. Bob was blessed
to have a wonderful life
and the love of his fam-
ily which included his
daughter Mari Cody.
and son Melville Ninnis
and his wife Alice Nin-
nis. Bob was very in—
volved in his children's
families. which includes
six grandchildren and 1:;
great grandchildren. He
was known as Pops to all
the great grandkids and
loved to give them cook—
ies from his cookie jar.
Bob was a very sweet
man. with a twinkle in‘
his eye. coffee cup in his
hand and always ready
with a gentle t sasing.
He will be missed by his
loving family and many
A gravesite celebra—
tion at Shelton Memo-
rial Park. July 10th at
1 :00 pm.
William Andrew
William Andrew
O'Neill. loving husband.
father. brother. uncle.
Grandpa and (il‘eal,
Grandpa. went home to
be with Jesus on June
25th. 2020.
Bill was born Febru-
ary 17, ]922, in Min-
neapolis, Minnesota.
H e grad ua ted from
Williams High School
in 1940 and moved to
Olympia in 1943. After
enlisting in the Navy in
1942, Bill served as Fire
Control Second Class
in the Pacific Theatre.
When the war ended Bill
was discharged in 1945.
At that time be proceed—
ed to 121111 his private
piloth license and flew
piper cub float planes in
the Pacific NorthWest.
Bill met Melba Jean
Perry in 1946 while both
were working for the
State in Olympia. They
married in 1.947 and
went on to be blessed
with 73 years of mar—
Bill was employed by
Simpson Timber Compm
ny as a Systems Analyst
for 32 years. After retir—
ing in 1983 he went on to
he a volunteer and later
coordinator for Chore
Service in Mason Coun—
ty. Many people benelit—
ed from Bill‘s generosity
and commitment to his
community. He was still
delivering wood in his
Bill and Melba Were
members of Shelton
First Baptist Church
and actively served in
many roles over the
years. Bill was also an
avid golfer and spent
many hours at Bayshore
Golf course where he
also held the position of
Bookkeeper. l’lorseshoes
was another favorite
and Bill held that title
for many years.
Bill kept busy in
various activities but
be cherished his role of
Grandpa. Over the y>ars
he could be found at var-
ious soccer, track. tennis
and baseball events in
addition to being present
for birthdays. gradua—
tions. marriage celebra—
tions or just to hang out.
Bill was preceded in
death by his parents,
three sisters and his son
He is survived by his
wife Melba ()‘Neill. son
Dan O‘Neill (Cherry),
daughters Jeanne Haer—
tel (Harris) and Katie
Seiber (Scott), brother.
Don Eickhoff as well as
12 grandchildren and 13
While his family
grieves his less. we re-
joice, in the knowledge
that Bill is celebrating a
new life in heaven with
Jesus Christ. He was
deeply loved and will be
dearly missed. A fainily
ceremony will be held at
a later date.
Jean J essup
Jean Jessup Moore.
passed peacefully on
June 18. 2020. She was
born January 1. 1023.
in Seattle. Washing—
ton, and then the fam—
ily moved to Bremerton.
She attended the Uni—
versity of Washington
and moved to San Fran-
cisco after earning her
degree in Journalism.
Jean returned to the
University of Washing-
ton earning her degree
in elementary education.
She then taught at the
Hood Canal School on
the Skokomish reserva—
tion until she retired.
Jean lived on Hood
Canal and was active in
League of Women \'ot-
ers. the l’lflO sisterhood.
Hood Canal Land Trust
and a founding member
of Fill}. (Fiercer ln—
dependent Elders). She
developed a wide range
of friends. Always mak-
ing them feel she was
celebrating them with
her wit and intelligenc—
es. She will be greatly
Jean is survived by
her son Mike. daugh»
ter in law Sharon, niece
MaryAnn Whitcomb.
and nephews BuffJudah
and Tony Judah.
Thursday. July 9, 2020 s Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page A-33
Due to the current
pandemic conditions, a
celebration of life will be
held at a later date.
A scholarship has
been set up in Jeans
name for the Hood Canal
School where she taught
for so many years. Re-
membrances can be sent
to: Mike Moore PO Box
2341 Union. WA 98952
Norma Ann Taylor.
passed away peace—
fully on Saturday. June
26. 2020 at St. Peter's
Hospital in Olympia.
She was born on a
snowy January night in
in Rochester. New
Hampshire where she
spent her childhood and
completed high school.
hi the 1960’s. Norma
moved to Washington
State where she married
her late husband. Edwin
Norma was a key
member of the Shelton
community where she
spent most of her life
and is known as one of
the first women to break
the “glass ceiling" in Ma—
son County. Norma was
a critical part of Taylor
Shellfish Farms (for-
merly Taylor United) for
over 20 years where she
worked in several lead-
ership roles. Over the
y ‘ars. she also served on
many boards and hosted
countless fundraisers to
support local organiza—
tions. Norma was one of
the first women Rotar—
ians in the Shelton Ro—
tary. She was a major
supporter of the Mason
General llospital Foun—
dation and a Matron of
the Eastern Star.
Norma had an ad»
venturous and artistic
spirit. She enjoyed trav—
eling the world and even
served as a Washington
business ambassador to
Asia in the early 90's.
She was passionate
about the arts. taking up
many herself, and start—
ed the Kimberly T. Gal—
lery in Shelton. a bronze
foundry and art gallery.
She also loved animals
and was well-known for
her West ies and Scottish
Norma was an incred~
ibly kind and generous
person and spent her life
caring for her extend—
ed family and friends.
Normals devotion to her
family and investment
in Mason County show
her deep love for people
and place. She is greatly
A memorial will be
held at a later time.
Willim Josepli
Tiller, Jr;
William Joseph Til—
ler. Jr. 52. a resident of
Shelton. passed away
June 20, 2020. at Ma—
son General Hospital in
Shelton. Bill was born
October 21. 1967. in
Morton. WA, to William
and Karen Tiller.
Bill was a logger and
as he became sick he
started working in the
mills. Also on the side
he was a great mechan—
ic and had a talent for
wheelin‘ and dialin‘. He
had a thing for drinking
and Loggers was his go
to bar. and that’s where
he met his wife and
mother of their three
children. Trisha Diggle.
They wed in July 2014.
He loved hunting
with his hunting bud-
dies until he had his own
children and he enjoyed
taking them hunting ev-
ery year. He. also rode
dirt bikes and enjoyed
fishing. Bill became ill
and he fought strong to
love his wife and father
his children. He loved
spending every moment
he could with his fainin
and friends. He had an
incredible personality
and a talent for bullshit-
ting anyone be met to
make sure they never
forget the name Bill Til-
He is survived by his
loving wife Trisha Til—
ler. his three children
Tristan Tiller. Trevis
Tiller and Tailynn Tiller.
his mothei Karen Tiller.
his sister Luana Tiller.
his brother Chay Tiller
and sister in-law Kim
Tiller. nephews Timmy
Tiller. Nolan Coker. and
Bradley Tiller. his niece
Marissa Tiller and sev—
eral aunts. uncles and
He is preceded in
death with his father
William Tiller. Sr. and
thumdmother Nanny
His family held a
Celebration of Life on
Saturday June 27th
2020, at Mason Lake
Recreation Area. In lieu
of flowers there is a Bill
Tiller Family Fund set
up at Our Community
Credit Union (OCCU).
Roy ()len York went
to be with the Lord on
July 4. 2020. at the age
of 84. just .10 days short
ofhis 85th birthday.
Boy was born in Chalk
Butte. South Dakota on
July 14. 1935. to Victor
and Kleo York. He grew
up in Elma. Washing—
ton. He had 12 brothers
and sisters. He married
Jo Ann Galloway when
she was 15 and he was
17. They would have cel-
ebrated their 67th wed-
ding anniversary April
2. 2020. but she passed
away January 20. 2020.
They raised their six
daughters in the beau-
tiful Skokomish Valley.
In 2000 they moved into
their dream home in
Olympia, Washington.
Boy was a timber fall-
er, sold real estate. drove
truck long haul. and op—
erated a
loader at a gravel
mine. He was very close
to his grandchildren.
especially his grand-
sons. He taught them
about guns and hunt—
ing and enjoyed tak—
ing them hunting and
telling huntin' stories.
Roy‘s strong spirit and
unbending sense of right
and wrong will be missed
by his daughters. Sher-
rie Flansburgh (ltuss).
Sharleen Bennett {Ter-
ry), Shelley Johnson
tShawn). Sharlyn John—
son lt‘arl). and Sherelle
Willingham iliddy). lle
was predeceased by his
daughter Shayla Kealy
(Chris). his parents. Vic—
tor and Klee York and
granddaughter Brandi
Trail. He is survived by
13 grandchildren and 24
A celebration of Boys
life will be held outdoors
July 12. 2020. at the
“Field” at Sherelle and
Eddy Willingham’s home
at 2:00 pm. 2020 Stone-
crest Lanc- NW. ()lym—
pia. Washington 08502.
Covid protocols will llt
in place.