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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 12, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 12, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thurs .': Percy  Pio 6Ol? S.E. 86th Ave portland, Ore BONELESS BEEF ROAST from the round U.S. Choice Ib C ¢ AMIDOne of the most thrilling events of the Circus which will perform on Loop Field this g is this balancing trio act by high-wire artists walking some 27 feet in the air. The Circus Is appearing in Shel- ton under the auspices of the Rotary Club, which is donating pro- fits to the community summer reoreation program. Fire, Poli©e Eff;r:i TWO Republicans File inty Are re Save Baby. m Court Clerk Race A seven-week-old baby died of suffocation early Tuesday morn- Milli ing despite efforts by Shelton Po- lice ann Firemen to save her• The suffocation was caused by conges- on tion from a cold. Surprisingly few candidates for The child. Wendv Roberta ' colmty offices had thr'owr/ off the ] School Superintendent J. W. Good- - paster, all of whom filed for re- d assessed valua Knauss, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. cloak of obsdurity at yesterday's election to their offices when fin c -  " \\;Vendel Knauss, Rt. 2, Box 1138. Journal press-time. , $1.o million this ings opened July 2. Except for t, Willis Barnett, was pronounced dead on arrival at Main tctivity of the past week Goodpaster, whose office is non- [said this week. Sizelton General Hospital. came it/ the county clerk's office, partisan, all are Democrats. Valuation not in- pOLICE AND firemen answered .where two RcpalJlican aspirants At this writing no candidate a call from the baby's mother mfficially enterecl the political cam- has filed for county prosecutor. ssaed property, is asking for a resusitator and work- 'paign. ,yar. The assess- although incumbent Byron McCla.- ngUring 1963 tax- ed over the baby to no avail. The They are Ed Faubert, one of the nahan has indicated he will seek call came about 8:30 a.m. community's most prominent Re- re-election. Another non-partisan figure for last Knauss expressed deep apprec- publican leaders and civic work- filing' was Justice of the Peace 640, $1,,149 585 iation to the Fire Department and ers for many years, and Mrs. Lau- RoUa Halbert.. Police Department for their ef- ra Wagener, widow of the late The filing period closes at 5 p.m. Shelton businessman, Geo rge this Friday. "Scratch" W0 gencr. Thursday, July 12, 1962 Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.'" Shelton, Washington 20 :()ages --- 3 Sections 76TH YEAR NO. 28 Entered as second class matter at the post ,fffice ,it Shell,re. Washington. and,:,|' ,ct of Mnrch 8, 18711. Published weekly at 227 W,'st Cain. :l, f} Cents per Copy Construction of Grant C. Angle School Addition Started Early This Week Equipment moved in this week is starting work on the heating date for opening bids on fuel /'or City Accepts plant intheoidbuildingwhichhas the heating systems in thc.chool long-delayed start of the addition to be changed, buildings for this winter. to Grant C. Angle school. Electrical contractor is Thack- The board voled h) accept an But the building may face an- cry Electric. Shelton. • agreement with W. Glactys Flan- r,y%v:n- Bid U"--ffi other' delsy if the strike by iron- THE SCHOOL board voted Ap-nery under whicl, she will be at- workers is( not settled soon. ril 3 to accept the Korsnm bid. but, lowed to resign from the hoo[ KORSMO BROTHERS, Tacoma. general contractor for the build- has been delayed three months by system and she will drop a demand court action brought by Cascade l for a hearing before the board on Mt View LID ing'm°vedequipmcntinearlythis Olympic Construction C°mpany' itsdecisi'nn°tt°renewherc°n'l week after contracts for the con- Shclton, to force the board ;' tract fm dm 1962-63 year. struction were signed by Dr. Doug- award it the contract on its Lid ;.q:';m (cad a letter from the • [ lastlas LarsOn,week. sclmol board president, tile way it was submitted although State Civil Defense Director in Tie Shelton City Commission , the bid contained an admitted $10,- which he said Evergreen Sclmol Tuesday afternoon voted to accept Thc contractor plans to do as 000 error. the bid of J. F. For)es, Olympia, much of the preliminary work not had been selected as one of the for hard surfacing LID 17 in Mr. involving ironwarkers as possible Judge Raymond Clifford ruled buildings which would provide pro- View. so that when the strike is settled, against the construction firm after tection from fallout and asking The Forbes bid was $8.60 a ton the job can go ahead full speed, a supermr court hearing, that emergency supplies be al- for the approximately 1,910 tons[ Rease Phnnbing, Tacoma. thc In other action Tuesday night, lowed to be stored there. The of blacktopping needed for the job. plumhing and heating contractor, the board set August 14 as the board decided to study tim request. Total will be about $16.426. ii;0ti';:itd, terdsAucwilt$'O':!:'tO Centralia Man C00arged In Auto At theJuiy3mceting, U, c com- Crash Death of Sheiton Woman miston voted to transfer $500 from from the current expense fund to the LID 17 adwmce fund. ThJs money will be returned to the A 25-year-old Centralia roan is current expense fund when bonds (rot of Mason County jail on $15,- on the I.,ID are sold. oDe bail on a cha.rge of negligent At the meeting Tuesday, the homicide steming from an auto board also voted to make a charge accident early Sunday morning of $3. a load for septic tank clean- which took the life of Mrs. Jane crs dumping into the city sewer Updike, 25, a former Forest system. Festival Queen. Kenneth W. Curry, 1307 Kayu Theron Mell Lane, Centralia, a service station operator, was arrested by State Patrolman S. J. Sushak and Dep- uty Sheriff Sam Clark about 2 " a a"on'ay a.m. Sunday at the Shelton Police D,es Station where he had bee,, taken after being treated at Shelton General Hospital for minor injur- ies. The(on (Toots) Moll, 66, retired HE WAS TAKEN before Judge Shelton Police officer, dicd in Shel- Rolla Halbert who set bail at $15,- ton General Hospital Monday, 000. He had lived in this area since Mrs. Updike. the former Jane 1944 and had worked for the police Greaves. was a passenger in a car depal%ment since Oct. 3, 1947 un- driven by Curry. The car was til his retirement, eastbound on Lost Lake Road ear- He had return- ly gunday morning when it failed ' made up or forts and the speed with which ed to duty the to negotiate a sharp left turn, struck seven log abutments, sailed they answered the call even )ast few weeks ,PARKLE ASSORTED prope,.ty, $4,- thotg h it was outside the city li- IN THE 24th DISTRICT legis- [XES -- LARGE 28-OZ. ::PVOlmty and T HE¥ H h V ,, :N O , Dem0cratie,, ,,gttive. picLtlre, two, ne'w• names e- [ luring tle tllnes, thrmgh the air, taking down a s'lx- gati(m. B(ats, its. " " :)£Li .f/tSn'Jber ) *Inchs'tree-'and landing" on its top ::i opposition so far for the office tin'cd the arena last week and the in a 18-fo0t gully. O RETURN BOTTLES asseSseS at 20  '"I'hey were there within five being abdicated by incumbent Har- possibility that an old o'c would r the force. minutes after they got the c'll", ry Deyette, a Repnblican who has drop out featured the activity. SHE WAS partially in and par- ';::';i ' I He was bom tially out of the car when it larid- 'altle, Burnett he .said," and we know they did held public office fro' the past 32 Paul Conner, Democrat from . in Volland. Kan., ed IL CAMPBELL'S s 'year is sub- all they could", years either as the clerk or audi- Port Angeles who has served the Sept. 4, 1895. He .h,,h., ..... ,1 rl,.,  ....... t#t, ge When board WEIDY WAS BORN May 21, tel'. He is retiring at the age n£ r .................................... ' .... past two terms in the House,told e yea m tne Ar- the, .u,,.--'" • ' 10-OUNCE rings are corn- 1962 in Shelton General Hospital. 80. vi n • the Journal yesterday he is unde- ny dm:ing World M'- ¥1nelil ...... ,e-n ,n a,d! Graveside services will be at ................... , • - la.. rna(le a few 10:30 a.m• today in Shelton Me- Oscar Le 'n, a other of the eided whether to seek re-election. War_ I in.Russia. ", ...... l!a i'n O.._ bC'nfe-l..,,, .... ....'l'°..u r £1ts sessions - to mortal Park. , county s most prominent residents His neighbor and incumbent Dem- 'unerat servlc- ltv 's -- : .... * " ..... im . county rest- Survivors include the parents, and civic leaders, became a. candi- ocrat Dr. James L. McFadden, has :s will be at Bat- m,, ,,= w,,o. ,  ,,,,  two brothers, John and William, date for county commissioner in made h!s fflmg official, along'_ with tone IV u n e r a 1 _._,.h,,!+, ., ,H, ,,,, ,, ,,, ,,,,,.aH, . : FRISKIES e Placed on thei • . .................... l 1  ' one half Sister, Gall, and two half the third district as a Republican Shelton's Roy Ritner another two- FndaH°me atB ul rP•m' a 1 SHE WIN Ft")RFT W'oftnl ; 3 I • 26-OUNCE ia'°pcrty, which brothers, Boyd and Bill, Knauss, opponent for incumbent Democrat term incumbent Democrat, and ..... Y• Oueen in 1954 Her death is the Charles R• Savage, also of Shelton, neron nae. will be in Shelton fi',,t m,,n. :'u o • . ... ' the figure for all of Shelton; maternal grand- John Barickman. So far they are who seeks a return to the legisla- . Memorial Park. begme"ioi'.sCy'eti'val ;ueeaas '"' • rI 'inCludes all util- parents, Mr. and Mrs. William T. the only two aspirants for the of- I tllCl Ac'kerman, California, aad pater- flee, which is for, a four-year term, tare where he served seven terms . Survwors include h!s wife, Mad- Mrs Uz)dike loined the "Air . -railroad prop- nal great-grandmother, Mrs. F. E. as are all county offices• prior .to Ritner's election four edne; two Melt brocners, .uscar Force'in September 1954 and wa 2 MRS. JANE UPDIKE DOG FOOD years ago. and E. J. (Bill), Shelton, and two! dicharo '£ rs,,,, on S r Chor theweekwasbyincumbentc°un'areBartR°bbins°fmniwaupandLewSelvidge'Olympia . - ty auditor Nolan Mason, Republi- ' • , band, La.rr. can. He has no opponent on either Arthur Munson of Beaver, both of Funeral services will be at 1 rs 11 if!Off 8 wh°mhax'efiled°ntheRepubli" I ...... ._ nil__ Jp,m. today in Batstone Funeral House inNew IContractorsTaJk ticket so far, no,' have Sheriff W. can. ticket. If Clayton Fox, Port uumo00ram (tan home. Burial will be in Shelton A. Potter, Treasurer John Cole, LIBBY'S " 12-OUNCE TIN ! Gets 40 & Willis Burnett, and Angeles newspaperman, carries I = .. m .. Memorial Bm'lding Friday IW, thMediators out his declared intention of also ,ram! tm' Survivors include three sons, filing the Republicans. will have a i,,, _ '=== D-nnv David and Skinny, all of 00c/Io/ars/l]p Highway 00mmittee full ticket for the legislative cam-The lempera.tic C!ub...will not Slelt(n; her parents "*-]r. anct nain, meet on Jllly J. flUC WIll flav a #., r_e.. -reavcs Shelfon • four ' SGIS MeiG!!iveg "" RobbinS,a d thesavaOr thirdhee Mason Coun- JointatUennathean]eetingout l;w°mnucteel-louseX'V!th thejutyDemocratlczti, tt p m sser2 }I'rs. Gay jICeh ers°nBmce"MonmothEuShel'ene The Leg" • ." ' erim Joint Ritner n g, has been pro- ! ' Ore.; Mrs. Ads Schaf , ' Shelton Branch of Seattle First Representatives of the Irene Ir "recreation Int ty aspirant f t legislature with "  . . • • ton; Mrs. Rosalie o n' , g , An evening preview of the new )!ger Fact-Finding Committee on High-' minent in school affairs. He is a Final plans for the county picnic Ore., and Mrs. Lucy Thompson, National Bank is slated for to- workers of Union serious and ways, Streets and Bridges will logger. Aug. 5 will be discussed. Shelton. contractors in C][R'S #OWT" dq°nation funds morrow, Friday night. Open house Westez ashington met with a aT: u citizens start holds public nearing at 1:30 p.m. CE PKG. !, July 27 in tle 2zty Hall Council RrlnU-8" letter Carrel "=f$ A$$oc]a"--51on hours are fronl 7:30 until 9:30 three-roan'federal mediation team 'i0Ils to date in p.m. " in Seattle this week in an effort H. Conner, said this week. Manager Laurie Carlson and his to settle a strike, which las paralT g'Oal of $4100 is staff invite everyone to see the yzed construcUon projects since ![i I'y_ out tle ex- Conner, a member of the corn-Has Annual Meetmg Here This Week i[j " mittee, said any organization or new stone building at 5th and The stxike has stopped wolk on rot our cky's individual interested in highways Franklin Streets. the new Washington CmTcction and transportation in the area who which would like to present their views The bank is leaving the build- Center i)cing built here along with IAR an eight ,nay do so. ing at 2nd a:,d Raih-oad it ],as other projects throughout the state t,o be occupied since 1914. The original and in Oregon and Ida.he. Weeks. All Bank of Shelton, built on that tiding corner in 1880. was destroyed by UTTER n, ay to, I0 00,,i,ding Bu po,.mits BPermils y approved '1 by fir°. Bremed0n., _.. ,. Man . 00eeks. App n"" 00dde,i In thc modern new st,00,c- notice,a,d roved Qou ture built by Cascade Olympic Dies On Trail GeL those J Construction Co., is a drive-in ban- T0 Lake how ,,, N,,rse ,00ason Ooun, y O,,n00n,i00sion kin00 windo00 ands ,ighte00 200-l00our r, apjaca nlnst when iL nlet Molld}y \\;verc: depository with envelope drop. A The body of a Brenlertolz luan, |flEE "'° o.o.,. o treas- Voiturc 135 of the 4-0&8 elcLed Edward R. Fischer. farm bt'Jld- larger safe deposit vauil and air conditioning are included for cus- who had apparently died of a heart 2 LB. Tin $1,13---1 Sheiton Mayo!" Frank TrawLs as its next ing, $500; Lemuel Roc, remodel tomer convenience and comfort, attack, was found on the Flapjack Chef de Gare and selected Clmryl residence, $2,000;Albert Gamnen, LAIN OR iODIZED to Date: Butler, 1962 Irene S. Reed llighlwoo d residence, $3,500.; FranR The premiere evening plans in- Lake Trail Sunday. $ 10.00 school senior, as recipient of Its LaMent, wood residence, $8,000; elude entcrtainme.nt emceed by The body of H. A. EnR)e, ,18, • Keith Jackson. Seattle radio and 7127 Highway 21, Bremerton, wa 26-OUNGE; 10.00 .l-yea' nurses training scholarsilip 'Darl R. Goldy, concrete block found about 2:45 p.m. by KenncU1 1,000.00 at lost week's July promenade, residence, $9,000; Albert DicR- TV sportscaster and featuring mu- lid MAKESGOODPAN- 15.00 Miss Butler will receive a $100'gicso, r, woodshed,. $200; Archie' sicby theFranl, SugiaTrio. Gifts B,n.ns. 1132 Whca.ton Way, Brcn,- ' 5.00 .;cholarship for four ycars as long Young, addition to skating rink, for all, refreshments and door pri- crton. sr CAKES BETTER .... 1.00 ns size contiln!es to qualify for ,2,500; I,Jdwin M. Asp, wood !,est. zcs will round out the festivities• Mason Cmmty Sl,eriff's officers, Monday morning will mark the who investigated, said d(mth was nurses training. She phtns to en- dence, $1.500; R. C. Bavne, tool- SCOTT ASSORTED roll in a nurses cottrse at Olympic. shed and1 patio cover, $3'00" R.W. first business day from the new apparently caused ,bYl a heart at- COLORS 4-ROLL C,o]lege. ' office, tack suf£ered by En De while hik- .................... TrawLs was promoted from lhe Cady, office building, $1,500. ing along the t/aLl. One liquor license, Class D to .............................................. Voiture's second higi, est officc, Warfield's teso!,L. Hoodsport, was ,,.,,, VFW to Sponsor Highway Bid fESTERNER .................................... 1-Lt2 in the Chef de, G;tre's eilai," durh'Jg • " installal,ion ee,'enmnies scheduled .................................. AT LETTER CARRIERS' MEET--President Association .re ,h,s week. With t,,om, ,eft to up ,sn'en:n" Is u,l'u'" .-Rs. 00oin,ly ,,,it,, ,i,c00 Salon on Fire Deparlment .aro, seine, left, Mount Vernon, and Secre- .ight, are Mrs. Evelyn McMillan, state Auxil- Teen Dances 24 Allg'tlSl, 2, R]Ollg with t]zese fellow tory-Treasurer William Weeks, Shelton, right, iary president; Max H. Jordan, national vice- ZEN .................................................... officers: . were among officers re-elected at the annual president, and Mrs. Rail Rainwater, national The Sttc FIigl.way Departmen.t • Extinguishes Blaz Chef de Train ..... Roy Clinton; e meeting of Washington Rural Letter Carriers oommitteewoman. .... ,. , , , , • A new teen-age activity will be will open bids July 24 (m repan'ing FRESH Correspondent ..... Ed Fauhcrt (a The Shelton Fire Department The Washington Rural teller egate to the national convention, were Mayor Frank Travis Jr.; inaugurated in Shclton July 20 slide damage .16 mile of Higlt- under auspices of t]l{g Mason wsy 1,01, betwcen Lilliwaup and re-election); Conductcm" -- Glen c:xtin.4'uished t fire in the ]lonl( of Cs,Tier,'4 Association re-elected all Thc annual meeting next year Postnmster Jack Gray; Phil Mur- County V.F.W. post. F.ldon. .N ................................................ 1 S,tewart: Commissar Intendant -- Bernard Huisingh, 1606 Mason St of the officers from the past year will bc, in Ephrata. phy, chamber of commerce man- Russ Stuck; Guar'le de la Porte  shortly before i,onn :Mozz(hy. " in the concluding day of their four- NATIONAL OFFICERS who ager, and Clyde Danielson. PUD 3 Regular da|,ces in the second C(,t of !.he project is estimated Bert Hoard; Lmpistc .... Bruce Fire of un(ieternined origan day annual meeting here, Wednes- spoke at the meeting were Max manager, floor of the I.W.A. hall at Second at between $20.000 and $30,000 McLean; 'Commissar Voyageur.- 'sta!'Led m the kitchen, scorched day. H, Jordan, Washington, D.C., na- OTHER SPEAKERS included and Grove streets will be held on and includes clearing, draining', Pete Kosnmnek; Almoneer  Dr, the wall hehind an electric stove Re.elcctcd prcs.idcnt was Harold tional vicc..president, and Mrs. Rail , Sgt. Noel Hair. of the State Pa- an every-oLimr-week basis during grading and sut'l'aci]lg Lo repair 'II. "vV: Norvold; ledicine -- Dr. L. Seine, Mount Vernon; James Rainwater, Ol¢lahoma. national trol Academy here, and Earl Her- the summer months, possibly onc.e slide damage. B. B. t,'orman; Advocat ..... Glen and did minor damage to the rest lcMi]lan. Addy, vice president; conmfittecwoman, man, delivery service officer for ['- nmnth after school st.arts, de- The wrmk i, exl)ectcd I,( start Cm'rea; Guard de Prisonic! ''-:- Len of the kitchen. William F• Weeks. Shelton, secre- About 80 persons tttended the the Seattle Regional Office of the pending on how they are sup- within I hrm; w,.eks of t.lm hid Osterber2; Drepeau-----Jay Umphe- answcredOne t]'mkthe call.and four fi]'mnen tary-trcasurer, and Arthur L. sessions held in the PUD 3 andi- Post Office Department. ported, opening trod hc ('on!plted Wit.hill - v a near: (,heminot (3 years) -- Jay V¢o(!ds. Omak. editor, torture. I'he meeting started off with The highly popular teen-age 30 days. Umpi, enou. " ....................... - ....... RE-ELEcTED committeemen Speaker at the annual banquet registration Sunday evening with ¢,rchestra kl,own ts "The Romin's" Was in- John Luhm. retiring Chef de HE, ARING SET were Leo Greenwood, Mount Ver- in the Masonic Temple Tuesday business sessions Monday, Tues- has been secm'cd to play fez" the IN FAR EAST and Gene - • OHve Ga!'e Ernie Campbell., The Mason County Commission non; Wesley H. Yakish. Silverdale; niglt was Marvin Powe]l, manag- day and VCednesday morning, dances. The project has the back- Saman Howa!'d 'W. Dum,, , I and NIartin were elected as the has set 2 p.m. July 30 at the date Bracie V. Dodge, Ephrata; Ned ing • director of the Washington The group took a drive up the ing of many civic organizations of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Cell.Jar, last Voiture's official delegates to. the of a hearing, on an application for S. Barrett, Walls Walla, and Jul- State Safety Council. Hood Canal Monday evening and and local law enforcement bodies. Shelton, is serving aboard the al Shelton Grand Promenade at Bellingiam franclise for Cascade Natural ius E. Haasch, Arlington. Welcoming the WRLCA mere- touz'ed the Simpson Tin,her Corn- Iurthcr details will be g'ive, n in craft carrier 'Midway iil lhe .[i'l Ga. Grccnwood as de1- pmzy mills Tuesday aftcnmon, next week's Journal. East,