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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 12, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 12, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday,+J,l. oo SI-IELTON==:MASON COUNTY ,JOURNAL --Published in #Ohrsfmasfown, U.S.A."&apos; Shelton, Wash!ngton ; , P"F 2, .... LIons Hot Shelton Rebekah - , ,tuarles s "::, • ,. • ........................ Couple .................. United ........ In= I. , " ens And Michael Hoskins WHAT S GOOKING IN WHOSE KITGHEN? ].^_ :._ Parents: GklWs In Lutheran Ceremony And Odd Fellow Christian Church / • ,> . . . . L,e,v,,m At Pi ,cat N t ...... ' PicnicSunday Odd FelRcbekahsa{d Wed dl ng Ceremony p l .:__ /Recipe Favorites of County .esidents ]y Death About ,oo Shelton < " " A domne ring wedding in tb |? J ned Theresa Basker- Lion's Club lows will hold a joint p()tluct pic- ' " " q I. , First Christian Chureh united in| South 13th, on June cats and children nic in Kneeland Park Sunday. Mrs. marriage Deloris Ray and Roy General Hospital. rville was born De- 8 at Pittsburg, Pa., , Masou County 38 vices were held Men- at Batstone Funeral was in Shelton Me- Rex,. Clarence Lody 's Episcopal chnrch include a daughter, Reichman, Sheltbn, ,thers, Jolm Schro¢- and C!]arles Schroe- .a; one step sister, . Ferguson, Taconm, dc]ildren. Patch • Held ty in Kneelnd night. Lions Club hambm'gers and crowd. The club There are ants in the cmmty, county welfare The children 11 days to 17 or roe Late COLDSPOT '2 veus old. ptlt)I i:(}0 FOOT hlh!I, l)hls 16 Al'cadhI l'()ll(I. 619 Cat)it(,• VZaY Iq{EPA t{1 FOR ItliOll, No e.K[ I]('%'('II eVcllill l]le TticOlllli gin Jtlly 2a. P.O. Box vices Were held Mon ...... at Boise, Ida., for 't Patch, widow of Lch. Mrs. Patch died Clinic Hospital. She ira•nard, Minn., Nov. had made her home for the 'past three zived by two broth- )ton, &berd.een, Ida.; €eaton, Boise, Ida. BarKer te Held a'ker, Rounte 2 died dtbn eneral ospi- born eel;. i8, '1886 s held Friday eve- tone Funeral Home. ices were Saturday, Edward's Catholic .VIark Wiechmann of- ial was in Forest wy, Seattle. are four daughters, Buchanan, Seattle; et Miller, Potlatch; McCarthy, Seattle; Lawrence, Seattle, .ldren, four great- , and a sister, Mrs. Maple Valley. I FOR SALE .... mar, ',47.50; Mal ealnera with lens and filterS, Union TW 8-23t7. NO; NOTICI IN THE STATE OF MASON In the Matter STEWART NOTICE IS Roy A. Weston qualified Executor end Testament Mary Stewart )e, rsons having • ceased must verified in dup vouchers or his attorney I-/euston, and with proof of of said Court 12 July 1962, or scnted and filed ROY n's Sister s In Seattle twices were held in Abe became t2-,. FRANKLIN of Mr. Michael Attorney and Angle Bidg.. ceremony church. aaughter of UA woAg i : I ? I€ I is moml wm4 Tc I M.O, I:IERNI l[ I iT sew • 'i = .i;:+ u cV------- 13-14 : Side" +;;+I. • IIus" Acre" • @ ,RRIEDiJoanne Stevens and Michael Hoskins ith Lutheran Church for a wedding trip to Lake is a graduate of Irene S. Reed high school the Peoples National Bank of Washington at a Ballard high school graduate, is employed Mr.. and Mrs. Joian F. Stevens ot Grapeview, and Mr. Hoskins, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hoskins Seattle. The Rev. Carl Carlsen perform- ed the double ring ceremony in the church chapel decorated with large baskets of white stock and white Majestic daisies. Music was provided by Mrs. Wills Mills and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Endicott• Given in marriage by her fath- er, the bride chose a full-length gown of peau-de-soie with bell- shaped skirt. The Sabrina neck- line featured short sleeves with LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE Anna Ell•son and Mrs. Hannah Pe- terson, guests of honor, will be feted as the oldest Rebekah mem- bers Ice crcanr, coffee, pop, sugar and cream will be furnished by the committee Members and Rebekah friends are welcome to attend [liner Tribal Council late Quarterly Meet kt Skokomish Sturday The Skokomish Tribal Council will be host to a quarterly meet- ing of the Inner Tribal Council, Saturday, at the Lower Skol¢omish Commnnity Hall. Oysters baked "Indian" style, will be served start- ing at noon. The public is invited to attend. a lace bolero jacket of scalloped three quarter-length sleeves. Her houlder-length veil of white ny- lon tule, was designed with satin roses and seed pearls. She wore a pearl necldace and carried a bridal bouquet of stephanotis and roses. Bridal attendants in bell skirted dresses of apricot taffeta were Kay Brassfield, matron of honor; Lynne Stevens, maid of honor, sis- ters of the bride; and Deans Whit- marsh, bridesmaid. They carried bouquets of white daisies. Dressed identically were the candlelighters, Nick• Burnett and Colleen Hoskins, sister of the groom. Best man was Bill Heimkes and ushers were Larry Sehlaitzer, Rick Bakke, and Bill Bayey. Ring-bear- er was Morgan Brassfield III. The bride's mother wore a lace jacket dress of cocoa brown beige mad apricot rose corsage. For her son's wedding, :Mrs. Hoskins wore a beige polka dot jacket dress and apricot rose corsage. Approximately 175 guests at- tended the reception held at the Shelton Armory. Assisting were Mrs. Henry Kruize, Sr., and Mrs. Robert Whitmarsh, cake; Miss :Bonnie McIntyre, aunt of the groom; and Morgan Brassfield Jr., punch; Mrs. Charles Hall aunt of the bride and Miss Carol Beech, coffee and tea. In charge of the guest book was Lexine Donaldson. Before leaving on the wedding trip down the Oregon Coast and to Lake Tahoe, Nev., the bride changed to a navy blue suit with white assessories and corsage of Thursday for Mrs. Campbell, sister of Wells of Little ell, 69 at her death, nerous acquaintances nunity through her Wells home over i' rl. the 13th • stephanotis. 'i,,'&,-'--7. ........ Shelton Lodge No. 1684 Mrs. Hoskins is a graduate of 'uty 15-16-17 • Gerry Hart, Irene S. Reed high senooi and at- J[' -'/.=e.!eY in • Governor tended Arizona State University • i, t, ,[)ream" ' • Phone 426-3047 where she was affiliated with A1- 0,, • Russ Morken, Secretary phi Pi Epsilon. She is empioyed onnor at Peg les Natmnal Bank of Wa B "(0f., ,, • Phone 426-4071 , P " - ::,-ill ,addin • MEETINGS HELD EACH shington in Seattle. Mr. Hoskins, a Color - • ..... I gradnate of Ballard high school,  2nd and 4th Tuesdays Its with Crescent Manufacturin- 1,,'," rE ,,o.. t; lirs, _ every • of the Month ice. of Seattle. ' $1.00 a car. • lr ort --- liring a gang' • 8 p.m. A p ang I A Journal Want Ad Try ULY SPECIALS business til o.dgl FD.11.6Z FRIG ID/IRE • 30" wide with lots of storage spac yet fits in limited areal • No defrosting in Refrigerator Section! • Roomy, across.the,top Freezer holds 71 pounds. • Giant fruit and vegetable Hydrator. • Room galore in storage door. Eggs, butter--even z gallon milk bottle Famed Frigidaire Deplndabilltyl 22995 w,,. $  acoeptable only trade if sales Low, low price ! ""'"'"'"" Ov ..gel : n II'N Clean en Ra $rauer, • ,a gang • LrLL-  • Exclusive Frigidaire Pug N .llan OVefll )Yen dig • A alented • GET YOUR 5-W slides out for stand.uP €lelrlill + lieve it' • • Automatically. Cook, Master stact ie a be- • WEATHER STATII stops oven--¢ool dinner while lea're owner.   away. < , vehicle •  ! • Speed.Heat s.urface unit gets ¢ooin| lational • - . r • • ["llfilE\\;'-., :l hot in seconOs. • hlllll W';:"  • Jumbo storage in glide.oUt removabte • "V drawer! e • , : Frigidaire Dependability, i001 el-drive : : White or 4 Colors ::1'al I" " It shows temperature, 30' Electrlc ModeI,RD-39-62 S44 a,91 With ...... • • windmeasuresSpeedrainfaand'direcl  n( ....... , 4 colors or White I ill&  1 aClerPtab e ' • lated rainfall. It's yo lr= ' ':'" , on Y de Ill • test drive thl= all- e ill I ® / : du,,,,..u:OO,<., o.qI.D.Lo i lll®• i I i i i i • •i • • INC. / / LUMBERMEN'S: MERCANTILE Home Furnishings --" Second Floor li STATE PRESIDING OFFICER--Miss Mary Dobson was elected and installed as Grand Matriarch of Grand Ladies Encampment Auxiliary during the two-day convention held in Yakima June 22 and 23. Approximately 300 guests attended the public installation and reception which followed. Grand Matriarch's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mel Dobson, were present for the installation. Miss Mary Dobson Installed As State Presiding 'Officer Of Auxiliary Miss Mary Dobson was elected I presiding officer for the State of Washington, Grand Ladies En- campment Auxiliary at a recent convention held in Yak•ms. Miss Dobson has been a member of the Olympia Alpha Ladies No. 1 aux- iliary group in Olympia, since 1950". She has held several of Vhe state offices before becoming Practical Nurses Complete Training Thirteen of the licensed practi- cal nurses who finished the state adopted course of training, "A Fundamental Course in Medica- tions," have suceessfully com- pleted their State Achievement tests and have been awarded cer- tificates. The course consisted of 96 hours of instruction and was held from September through May. Instruc- tion was given on drugs and their effects on the body systems, me- thods of administration and math- amities of dosage dud solutions. Nurses from Shelton are Mrs. Norene Coleman Mrs. Clara He•n- old, Mrs. Dora egg, Mrs. Hazel Rains, Mrs. Lois Schilling, Mrs. Helen Simmons, Mrs. Viola Stor- ing and Mrs. June Weckhorst. Three Olympia nurses are Mrs. Dora Brown, Mrs. Evelyn Morton and Mrs. Dorotha Stone. Belfair nurses are Mrs. Josephine May and Mrs. Blanche Campsen. Instructor Mrs. Phyllis Shefler commented, "They were an inter- ested and conscientious class and deserve congratulations for a goal obtained while employed full time at their various jobs." She was gratified that all the ladies were able to obtain their certificates. BRIDE ELECT ENGAGED -- Mrs. Bette De- Rosier Coffman of Shelton an- nounces the engagement of her daughter, Judith Marie to Ger- a d L. Skillman, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Skillman, Shelton. Miss Coffman is a graduate of Irene S. Reed high school and attended Western Washington State College. Mr. Skillman, a graduate of Irene S. Reed high school, is presently employed by S.P.&S. Railroad at Paseo. A November 10 wedding date has been set. arden Members . Express Appreciation Dirt Dobber Gardeners wish tc thank the county commissioners for allowing them to take rock from the rock pile. Also, Bob Tem- ple, Civil Engineer, and Earl loore for hauling the rocks in his truck. Thanks go to Bud Pauley for storing the rock until the Garden Club was able to put it around the "Santa". The two gentlemen who brought in the tree and shrubs and were kind enough to help the ladies in the planting and arranging, are extended hearty thanks. Grand Matriarch. Following the election, a recep- tion was hosted by the Yak•ms lodge. Installing officers, attired in white formals, wore pink rose corsages, gifts from Miss Dobson, Grand :Matriarch Mary Dobson, will make visitations to tbe 18 auxiliary groups over the state during her term of office. :Mon- daY she was guest of honor at a luncheon of the Pierce County Past Noble Grands Association in Ta- coals, Over the weekend she will be attending a meeting of the Grand Bodies planning board in Yaktma. Marriage Licenses Applying for marriage licenses in the Mason County Auditor's office this past week were: John R. Lane, 22, Shelton, and Betty Boring, 18, Hot Spring:i, Ark. Roy Nason Jr., 36, Shelton, and Theresa Henry, 46, Shelton. John R. Tracy, 33, Jessup, Ga,, and Mary Hopper', 25, Aberdeen. Ralph Saeger, 20, San Diego, Calif., and Elaine Rodgers, 18, Shelton, Edward Willis, 49, Aberdeen, and Emma White, 37, Aberdeen. SALTY SASHA x£ER CANCEL DANCE The regular Salty Sashayer Square Dance, Shelton, slated for Saturday night will be cancelled in favor of the Olympia Lakefair Dance..%lae regular 4th Saturday dance will be held as usual on July 28. I II Baiter. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Darr, Rapid City, South Dakota, and Mr. Baker is the son of Mrs. Fay Baker, Shelton. The Rev. Lewis E. Whitney of- ficiated at the June 29 ceremony. Music was furnish¢ by Mrs. Har- old Johnson and Mrs. Wills Mills. Baskets of pink gladioli provided the floral decor. Given in marriage by Ben Sop- er, the bride wore a light green snit with white assessories and pink rosebud corsage. Maid of Ho- nor, Dorothy Baker, was dressed in a cocoa, suit with beige hat and bouquet of pink rosebuds, stepha- notis and shattered white cgrna- lions. Miss Fayanne Sergeant was bridesmaid in a light greeu sheath. Sle carried a bouquet identical to the maid of honor. Attending the groom were Ben Soper, Jr. and Robert and Michael Sergeant, Following the wedding, a recep- tion was held in the Fellowship Hall of the church. In charge of the guest book was Patrick Serg- eant and Debra Sorenson was in charge of the gifts. Others assist- ing were Mrs. Walter Sorenson, Mrs. Edna O'Connor, Mrs. Velma Baldwin, aunts of the groom; Mrs. Harry Johnson and Mrs. Ben Sop- er. The couple will make their home at Roslyn, Wash., where Mr. •Ba- ker is manager of Ly-Col Veneer Corp. Gold Star Delegate Returns To Shelton Mrs. W. S. Rempel has return- ed to her home after spending three weeks on the east coast. Mrs. Rempel went to Boston as a delegate to the American Gold Star Mothers National Convention held at the Bradford Hotel. The convention was presided over by Mrs. Dorothy Baxter, National President, of Worcester, Mass. While at the convention Mrs. Rempel served on the nominating committee along with four other mothers from other states. Mrs. Mary Kelly of Washington, D.C. was elected president for the com- ing year. Five mothers attended the con- vent•on from Washington state and while in Boston they took tours around the historical part of Bos- ton. At the clo of the convention three, busses taok the mothers to i New Hampshire and to Maine as! far as Ogunquit, a summer resort with beautiful bathing beaches. From Boston Mrs. Rempel went to New York City where she vis- ited friends and attended the Broadway musical "Milk and Ho- ney". On the way home she attended the Seattle fair and visited her son and family; Mr. and Mrs. Ray E. Rempel of Federal Way, DANCE SHELTON VALLEY GRANGE HALL Sat., July 14 MUSIC BY THE TUNE TOPPERS I This week we dip our measuring spoons into a lemon cake dessert. The recipe is quick dud easy to fix and makes an U:leal serving for summer fair guests. It comes from the recipe file of Mrs. Ernastine Berry, who is "tray girl" at the $1elton General Hospital. The Bcrrys have lived in Shelton twenty years and have three daughters, Naomi Stewart, Red Brown, Jean Howard and eight "cake-loving" grandchildren. Collecting shoes of every size and shape is the interesting hobby of our cook. The display in 'the ac- companying picture shows a col- lection of 141 shoes, all of whicl have been given to her. The first hoe was given as a gift in ex- Change for a babysitting favor twenty years ago and since that time has grown to the large col- lection. NAVY MOMS TO MEET Navy Mothers will serve the Ki- wanis noon luncheon Tuesday, July 17 at the Memorial Hall. The club's regular meeting will be held next Thursday at 8 p.m. in the Memorial Hall. Any fool can carry on, but only the wise man kuows how to short- en sail. --Joseph Conrad This only is charity, to do all, all that we can. --John Donne I III I I I U Mrs. Berry is a lover of flower and rookery and is at present, in the process of making a rock fireplace on her back yard patio. With lemon cake on tap for dinner desert, tlmrc's pleuty of time for hobbies ..... and for good eating. LEMON CAKE 1 pkg. lemon jelto  cup hot water z cup wesson oil 1 tsp. lemon extracl; 3 unbeaten eggs 1 cake mix, lemon flake Dissolve jello in hot water. When cool add with wesson oil, extract and egg to cake mix. Blend at low speed. Beat. 4 minutes at medinm speed. Ponr into 9" x 13" pan which has been greased and floured. Bake in 350 deg. oven 30-35 minutes. Spread the follow- ing frosting mix on top of cake im- mediately after taking it fronI oven. Set aside to cool in pan. FROSTING MIXTURI Juice and grated rind of one ]elTlOll 1 cup powdered sugar ATI! LETli'S F()OT IL()%V TO TREAT 1T-- Apply instant drying' T-,I-L. You feel it Lake hll|d tO rhel'l l(ehing, liilrlilng, In lllhiules. Then hi ,1 lo ,5 ihi,vl% wLIl;ch infe/ti*d ltkhi lilough off, %%'iltrh hollllliy kln rephlee it, If illlt illtqltqd IN ONE llOUli, ,%'o111, 48¢ I)llel. ai till3' dl'ilg' illlre. NOW AT PRI']I)I)'S RFXAI,L I)RUGS I I I IIIII TWO BIG BANDS CapitOlstarsRecording BUGK OWENS& IriS BUGKARO:OS plus DON ULRICH -- also -- TEX MITOHELL & HiS BAND Dancing--9 til' ? ? SATURDAY at the TROPiGS BALLROOM Schneiders Prairie Shelton-Olympic Highway [ .......................................................... LHm ..... I I II OLSEN FURNITURE PRESENTS BASSETT FINE QUALITY FURNITURE ................... Chqose from 3 finishes! Complete2d:UgibcIQormr@MlatlttrlesshaSndI,B??d book¢=se bed t t;r e: hi g u i  xap eB:gf rb:d r oBOSs g?u&  i:e h a#al I t)::f; i :qialitA h f e;: any or Golden Bisque finish. Genuine Pittsburgh plate glass tilt- ing mirror, DuPont "Dulux" protective finish, dustproof draw- ers with snag-free Perma-sheen inter•era. EASY TERMS Olsen Furniture, Co. 328 Cots St. 426-4702 I _ I I ADVERTISED IN AND i I ......... II LJJ, L . I/ ....