July 12, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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"" I AmongYo - " TI<O E
Levln.Fl!esAs Faubert Seeks Laura Wag.ener ur Merchants Harshne Islanders Happy n nte
Commmloner tPubllc Office Obrk Aspirant mmR00mmm®00 [Have Ferry Back In Service)++:,..00
| .y ,,,',,,,,,e ,,,a+.e, Aubur,, Tho Cha.0000i i i
| ....... ...... .., .it St F,,
li' j(.n Nle ]Malld is our fe,','i; has l;l:]'tecl;len:nd'l! i!t0 now If'is "ust J l]y fo
i :;i,i] :::i: H! T ,:o,n:, [, ydock, Bo:,t •Co..and }e. J/%nice, ( , Joyee, F .... i:S.ciy: hel ror, the big, e,thm; '
.... Ut::: .... . .!,, ,e,'we,,. . 'epai',. fo,' te. uam- .:s., ....... s,,t S,.,nday ]p ..... ,on. s Ame'iea 9 S,nt,y,
-;-..--" ...... " ......... %e meured when a sawlmll be-!e.cts tome ,t trip ,lUdlseoncerneu• vneuael
• .. :, ::*.* !ng' broup'ht to Harstiue, broke i !o the lain .Fore,ig one" arrives.---- ez)ct m
::'?:::: ................. i loose and-t)imneR.qi down tile ec- ',m .orL Ang.es, t er..et.•Cllampionsni p Sne]tm.]
ian;:Yanup. Kim
t;t' Shelton
ment ferry slip, up the apron, as- ia drove to The first
ross the deck an.:i in.o (h? whcci-laeortes and then : of three game
,, fore returning to a 8h .....
house. While in drydock c,e fer-i - elto. a.,, Shelton
ry underwent Cease uuard in-i Ehna. ::heduled on the Central
speetion. Severa! pmnl<s w!",:, r6- The Geralds CoW,.}t Western State ment t
placed, the hull was i):tinted and ed and operated tellaeoonl at 1 30 shortst,
the prop wP.s changed. I
I Ted Ness and 'if: • . The
"Ve Ish-mders wish to express g rand opening dy dian
our sincere appreciation to Mat'- lenders and ,;llower
tin Auseth, to County Engineer I in for' coffee, iribute
Casl Bridger, for their prompt Aid. ning t
Rose in
Commissioner Candidate
Oscar Levin. active civic work-
er in Mason County for the past
20 years has filed for the office
of 3rd district commissioner of
Mason County as a Republican
In filing for the office, Levin
announced his desire to put the
valuable experience and education
he has gained from 40 years of
" prh, ate and public fields to work
for better county government
He said that his association with
national, state and county govern-
mental agencies over the years,
along with the forest products in-
dustry, has allowed him to be of
%..aSfistanCe in sound development
of our eomnnmities economic fut-
ure, welfare and growth.
Levis retires in 1963 from 20
years service as forester for Sim-
pson Timber Co.
He added that his practice and
habit of listening to people, being
properly informed and analyzing
merits of constructive suggestions
would be contimmd to shape policy
and advocate a platform that can
result In better county govern-
He has been one. of the guiding
lights in the Mason County Forest
Festival Association, Chamber oi
Commerce. American Legion, 40
& 8, Kiwanis Club. and numerous
other organizations during his 20
years residence in this commun-
County Clerk Candidate
One of Mason County's best-
known and most active civic work-
ers practically all his adult llfe
is seeking further public respon-
sibility an county clerk.
"Few organizations in Sielton
fail to count Ed Faubert on their
membership roles• and membership
to him means active participation
in club affairs.
He filed for the office of coun-
ty clerk, being wtcated by Harry
Deyette as a Republican candi-
date. He has been active in Repub-
lican party affairs for many years,
holding at one time or another vir-
tually every office in its ranks, lie
served as city treasurer-clerk for
many years, has been active in
Cllamber of Commerce. American
Legion, Kiwanis Club, 40 & 8• and
a host of other organizations dur-
ing his lifetime in Slelton.
In business he was manager of
the Shelton Hotel for 40 years un-
til his retirement last year, succee-
ding his father, Henry, who had
been in the hotel business here
sinde 1895.
He served in the U.S. Army in
both World War I and World War
II with much of his service over-
seas in tile former conflict.
ity, and has had close as,;eciations through his Simpson responsilil-
with 4-H and grange activities lties.
......................................................................................................... "---7"-*--
Harstine Island Ferry Has
Busy Day Fourth Of July
By Donette Glaser then headed for the Grand Canyon
HARST1NE ..... The Fourth of I but inforhmately little Melanle
July passed quietly on Har.4tine. came down witI a bad case of
Tile ferry crew however put .in tonsils and a doctor and penieilin
quite a bnsy day, 125 vehicles shot and two says at a motel were
crossed between 8 a.m. and 9 p•m•
A reminder, lhc ferry will run on
Sunday schedule again on Labor
Day. Even though the 4th was a
mucky type day many people had
beach fires, went boating and one
brave sole went wat:er siding.
necessary to pul: her back on her
ieet again, 'rtey spent two days
at. the (h'and Canyon one on each
of the ridges, They then visited
tim Cliff Dwellers caves near Flag-
,'taff and the DIPosaur Caves by
l(ingn'mn. They encountered heat
Mrs. Robert A. (Yvonne Meeks) of more than 110 degrees and did
Stamborsky left early Friday naost of timir driving in the very
lnorning to join her Air Foree learly hem's of the nlorning. They
husband in Glasgow, Mont. Visit- visii.cd Sequoia and Yosemite Na-
tng at the Meeks home this week tional Parks and San Francisco.
As Lois' sister and Mrs• Smalley's The high-light of the trip for the
daughter Mrs. Noble Drouilliard ci]ildrcn was the Sand Dunes at
and sons Wayne and Gary of Long Honeyman Park in Oregon where
Beach. While here the Droutlliards
were the guests of honor at a
Beach Party Friday night on tile
George Howard beach. Tlmse aS-
lending were the Meeks. Wailes,
Gene Sewards, Dick Scwards,
George Howard, Glenn Yates, and
tim honored guests.
Several Islanders have been in
the process Of haying with one eye
on the weather and one eye on
the hay they have pretty well
a huge beach buggy took them
for a "Roller Coaster" ride over
the dunes• They returned home
Friday. Sunday tle Mel Carnes
and former Inland residents, tile
S. M. Corses of Tacoma• came out
tor tim day• On Monday the Creil
Wallis of Chehalis visited the
Mr. and Mrs• Berry (Mr. Berry
is Master of Southside range)
spent Sunday on Harstine visiting
finisled now. the Gunner Johnsons and the H. V•
Glasers, This was the Berry's first
Harsttne Island School Board trip to Harstine and they were
met Monday night at the school very much impressed, especially
hollse. Regular school business with the lovely views. They prom-
came before tile board. A school tsed to come back for the Grange
tegcher nas been hired for the Gavel meeting in September. We
1962-63 sclmol year• intend to hold them to their
The U'nited Amateur Press As-
t,oclation of America were guests
of Mrs. Robert Barnett for a SaN
men anti Clam Bake Sunday at the
Barnett home at tile south end.
Some 22 members from Oregon,
California and Washington at-
Several Islanders have taken
advantage of the "dry but not too
warm" weather to paint their
house patios and fences. One
Islander when asked lmW he liked
" ' e
the. weather, replied It s th
miltest winter we evel" had." Many
County Clerk Candidate
On the ballot next September
the name will be Laura. Wagener
when Mason County voters come
to the office of county clerk.
Though Laura Wagener has liv-
ed in Shelton for 16 years, few
know her by that name. She's
more familiarly known as "Larry"
more formally as Mrs. George
Her husband, often called
"Scratch", operated the Wagener
Feed Store for 16 years prior to
his death early this year. She as-
sisted him and through this as
sociatlon, as well as activities in
the grange, Zonta Club, PTA, and
orthopedic, is well known through-
out Mason County•
She is the mother of 1956 For-
est Festival princess Lynn Wage-
ner, now Mrs. Toby Halbert of
Seattle, and a son, Mlckey, whose
recovery from a sermus brain op-
eration performed in Boston early
this year has amazed the medical
world. Mickey is a junior high
During the three months she
was in Boston with Mickey Mrs.
Wagener gained valuable exper-
mncc serving as a receptionist at
tim hospital. She had two years'
schooling at Central Washington
College plus additional business
college education prior to her mar-
rl age,
She was a charter member and
officer tn the Mason County Orth-
opedic Association. and has leld
offices in PTA groups here•
Mrs. Wagener was the first can-
didate to file for the clerk's office,
which is being vacated after 16
years by Harry Deyette. Like De-
yetis, Mrs• Wagener has filed on
the Republican ticket
Srinnon Couple
Hakes Iowa Trip
By Mrs. T. B. Bleh
(Held From Last Week
BRINNON .... Mr. and Mrs. C•
G. Jespersen returned home last
Tuesday from a three week auto-
mobile trip to Iowa to visit his
relatives• They attended a family
]eunion in Audubon, Iowa, at
which they honored his eldest sis-
ter. Mrs. J. G. V. Magussen.
Mrs. Jesperscn's sister, Mrs. Ha-
zel Nelson, of Walnut Creek, CaN
ilornia returned home with them.
She had gone to South Dakota
to attend the State College Com-
mencement exercises and to visit
relatives of tier late husband, Dr.
Lewis Nelson• of Tacoma. She
traveled to Algona, Iowa, where
Mr• and Mrs. Jespersen met her
for the homeward trip,
Park Rmlger Mel Harburt and
Mrs• Hacburt and son Mike at-
tended the funeral of his cousin,
Sam Pupo in Ta.comm last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Milford Arndt,
accompanied by Earl Murray,
Clallam Bay, were dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Whitney Sun-
coy. Other personal gmsts last
week were his sister, Mrs. J. W.
mord, Mt. Vernon, who re-
mahled several days, and, Mr. and
Mrs. F. A. Peterson, Vancouver.
Peterson and Whztney worked to-
g¢&her for the Pacific Power and
Light Company abOut l0 years
• Mr. and Mrs. Les Britt and
lhree children, David, Billie and
ALSO VISITING the Bsrnetts are complaining that their gardens
tilts week were the Prancers of are ..unusually behind in growth, Janet spent last Tuesday at the
, World Fair in Seattle. They were
LaRc Dolliff and Dorothys sister but it doesn;t seem to stunt the hesse-guests o£ Mrs.. Britt's srs-
Mrs. Mrffarel.e Gross and son growth of the weeds any.
Kenny of Seattle• Mrs. Ann Yates is: spending at let' and brother.in-law, Mr. and
Forty-five members of tim tew days in Salem, Ore visiting]Mrs. R. W. Clu'istiansen and chin
• dren. They all tlzot'oughly enjoyed
,Gla,er elan spent the 4th on bel" sister-in-law and family Dr. ]what tlley saw and especially en-
H'arstine. Tile hi-litc of the day and Mrs Waggle'and son steve. Joyed the sermons from ScienCe,
was a Ptt Barbeque where a young The AI Prldhams hosted a the United States Pavilion and the
lamh and h'tin of pork were cooked Fourth of July party at their beach
home near the ferry landing, from
on a. spit. Coming from Fife were
the Steplen Franichs and tlcir
five children and one guest• Adolph
Sehmltz. (Cclia Glaser's lnc]e)
: Mrs, Julie glee, and George
2 Franich and daughter, Shirley,
from Tacoma wins Mrs. Bill Farrell
a.nd her six children and Mr. ant:I
Mrs. Tom Farrell and their four
children. The Dick Glasers cud
their five children spent the wee;c
camping at the old Bergman place
' att.endecl as did the H.V.'s and
children. From Seattle was Rose
Hnghs a.nd grandma, grandpa ano
llncle Vester completed the roster,
JeMhn and Beulal ttitchcock left
Harstlne June 15 for Dca Moines
,hc:re they transferred to their
dstg'hter and son-in-law'8 ear and
the Hltchcocks, MeI and Patlltne
md children, Marvic Randy and
Melanie headed south east for a
three week vacation. They took
along t ilcir camping equipment and
Ohl solll¢ iJar|lpill" out bill beeanse
of the extremely hot wcalher they
stayed in quite It few motels, com-
plete wiLh swimming peels. Their
first two day stop was Salt Lake
City ¢le.ve tlicy en.}oyed so nmcl
eJKg the Mornlarl Temple and
ther ilttrcsting sig•hts, they tllen
visited "Zion and Bryce National
Parko and took scvcral guided
t's. Ttey pn; two day ere
Olympia were Mr. and Mrs. Dun-
ea.n Sarrcll and Mr .and Mrs. Allen
Kimble and children. From Gig
Harbor the Maynard 3ohnsons.
From PolIatci the Ray Hashes
;'nd from Shelton Mr. and Mrs.
Carl I<imble and Carla and Mrs.
1Semite Conner and sons. From
Harstinc Mrs. Esther Gortz, the
Irvie vVingerts. R. L.. MeCullochs,
the ftost and Hostess and drop-in
guests were 16 nlenlbers of the
Girl Scouts who ayrived via canoe
for' their amnml camp out at Prid-
]lalll S.
WW I Vets To
Meet T0night
Madrona Bm'racks of the Veter-
tins of World War I and its aux-
iliary will meet at 8 p.m. today
In the Memorial Hall.
Reports on t.he state convcnLion
in Longview will be. giwm.
A musical program and refresh-
menLs will follow tlc business
Louise Lankford was granted a
divorce from Paul Lankford in
Mason County Suilerior Court Fri-
i.oreign exhibits. The children es-
pecially liked the foreign exhibits
and the rides tncy were prvil-
eged to ake. The parents plan to
go again when tim children arc
in school.
Mrs. George Mueller and daugh.
ters spent five dab, s in Seattle re-
centls;, staying with iler sister and
zalnily, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Chris-
tlallsen. They attended th world
fair, and in order to see every-
thing interesting they divided in-
to age groups with theh. cousins
ad all had a splendid time.
MR. AND MRS. William Whit-
ney were dinner guests of Mr.
olld Mrs, Karl Siffernmn in Se-
attle lasL Thursday night. Other
guests were all fl'icnds united in
lhe culture o£ rtlododendrons.
The occasion prompting tile par-
[y was t) honor Ben Nelson, who
has retired from business after
37 years as a court reporter in
King County. He and Mrs. Nelson
live on their ac]'cige nanled Gulsh
Gal'de/l at Samntamish wllere
they Iwbridize and grow rho-
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Munro and
fern" childt'en and one g0cst vis-
ited hcl* parents, Mr. and Mrs.
C. G. Jesperson Friday evening.
After dimmr they proceeded to
Neah Bay to camp and fish. They
Yc{,ul'zled Lo LII0 Jcpcl'ltClll:; l'or all-
Min Okano's Shelton Coin Oper-
ated Cleaner and Laundry makes
its official debut this week-end
in the new building across from
city hall.
The new plant is deluxe in every
'detail and completely equipped
with Vance do-it-yourself dry
cleaning and laundry machines•
There are eight dry cleaning mach-
ines; 8 double load washers, 8sln-
gles,, and 8 dryers in the basic
Ixtra convemence for customers
is provided by a rug washer which
will do rugs to 9x12 in size,and
dry them; a garment presser, also
coin operated; 2 hair dryers for
the ladies; a coin changer, hanger
dispenser and pop machhe.
This new installation "oupled
with Okano's professional dry
eleaning plant and laundry makes
it the most complete in this area.
Interior decor and fm-nishings
make it the most luxurious.
As a special grand opening offer
those using the coin operated dry
cleaning facilities this Saturday
and Sunday will receive a silver
dollar for each cleaner load.
ORano, who's family has been
in the professional dry cleaning
business in Shelton since 1935,
said that a trained attendant will
be on hand at all times, from 8 in
the mmlng 'tll 10 at night, seven
days a week to assist those using
the cleaning and laundry service.
other dinner Sunday evenirk, then
proceeded to their home in Be-
Mrs. Andreas ]'.Ineller spent a
few days recently at the home of
her daughter and son-in-law, Mr,
and Mrs. Don King in Seattle,
MR. AND MRS. IR.A Minnahan,
ecompanied by their son Terry.
were dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Whitney last week• Terry,
who is associated with the Civil
Defense Operations recently called
on his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Wlfltney Jr, and family in An-
chorage, Alaska, while on a bus-
iness mission in tim north court-
Mr. and Mrs. Merritt :Mercy are
visiting this week with .*:c -/ br0-
ther and sister-In-law, Mr. and
Mrs. G. A, Griffin. They arrived
in Seattle last Thursday to attend
the Advent Christian clmrch Na-
tional Convention and will remain
in his area until August, when
they return to New Brunswick,
Canada, to resume their mission-
ary work there. They have fern"
children and will spend their va-
cation between the four honles in
Bcllingham, Lynwood, Angle Lake
and Bellewm.
TWO FORMER classmates
trom Aurra College, Ill., are visit-
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs
George Mucller. Tley are Mr. and
Mrs. Michaels and two children
from Ohio and Mr. and Mrs. Stur-
devent and two children from
Westfield, Mass. On Smday night
the ewe families from the East,
the George Muellers and the Les
Britts enjoyed a beach party at
the Griffin place. Afterwards they
all gatltered in the house for a
Mrs. Douglas Bhtir and fou r
children returned to Bellingham
Monday after a week visiting at
the home of her mother, Mrs. T.
B. Baleh. Tile eldest boy, 15 year
old David remained for another
All of us make decisions all day
long, On the highway these deci-
sion,n can become a matter ei' life
or.death. The trouble is that the
faster you drive the less time you
have in which to make the decision
that might save your life. Give
yourself the time--stay within le-
gal peed limits,
as a salesman. Dronen, a native
I Sheltonian was graduated from
Irene S. Reed high sehool in 1958.
ttis continuous residence in Shel-
ton was interrupted hy 2 years
service where he received the high-
est non-combat award given by
the army• He and his wife•"'tlm
forrrter Florette t3arnes and their
5-months-old dauetzter Tracy Lynn
live at I727 Hoiman Street. Vern
gave np his job at Tradewell store
to devote full time to real esLate,
Twenty fiw years m the groc-
ery business in Shelton is being
marked this wek-end by Jim al]ci
"Andy" Needhain at Needham's
Food Center on Mt. View. For
many years the Needlmm's store
was on Cots Street, but as tle
trend toward "super market oper-
ation" began edging the smaller
stores, Jim moved to Mt. View.
and built his super market which
is affiliated with the Shop-Rite
grocery service.
The Needham's did not stremn-
line to the point of sacrificing the
friendly personal service that teir
friends and customers have en-
joyed lor 25 years and third gen-
eration customers are taking their
r places in the check stand lines.
Orchids, coffee, cake and prizes
will be part of the week-end cele-
bration this IVriday and Saturaay
at the store.
Harold Gamber became owner
of his third Mason County groc-
ery store with the purchase re-
cently of Jolley's Grocery at Allyn
Previously Gamber had owned
the Bayshore Grocery and Service
station, which he sold to Bill and
Helen Barger, and the Mt. VieW
store which he purchased from
Ray Crabill and named Harold's
Grocery, then sold it to Forres
1Rothrock of Olympia, who subse-
I quently named it the Apex
Frank Jolly, after the sale was
consumated to Gamber at Allyn,
said he has no plans for future
activity at the momen and plans
to take at least a month before
giving it much thought
Symbollzinff his representation
of the company since 1927,
Herbert G.. Angle last week was
awarded a distinguished service
I placque by the Travelers Insurance
Companies of Hartford, Conn., one
of the largest insurance companies
in the world.
The presentation was made in
the Angle Agency orifice in the
Angle building' by Gene M/ayer,
manager of Travelers Tacolna
Joe S. Hoskhls, Shelton,, repre-
sefitative of the H. K. CoffeY
Agency in Portland for Mutml
of Omaha and United of Omatln,
has leen awarded a Cerl.ificate
of PrQficiency for snccessflll com-
pletion of an intensive com'sc in
adwnced life insurance raider-
The school, held recently at the
ChaLlenger Inn in Sun ValleY,
Idaho. gave special attention to
"need" selling, and pointed up the
a'dvantages of 1./nited's variable
'package programming for this
modern insurance concept of in-
J aivldually tallorhg coverages,
action in getting the ferry back
in service. . and also to Mr. Hurst
for bringing the tug boat "Bar-
ky" over and allowing islanders
to "get. their ears on the main-
land" before the ferry left for
repairs. Mr. Hurst skippered his
tug boat and pushed a Fog rai't
back and forth cross Picketing
Passage Tuesday through Friday
so as to enable foot traffic to
Saturday ntornmg each ferry
run consisted of two or n mre
crossings. Yes, we're all mighly
proud our ferry is once again
"on course", across Picketing
by the Marine
we understand
its kind in lower
It has dials wlflelt
to the exact
mixture required
Marine EngineS.
The store is
tures all kinds
and light
dairy supplies,
bullS, soups,
hRve no set
close by 9 p.m.
The Martin
their guests for
Hugh, Wands,
ty Laur. E1 PagO,
The Jim
have a "whole houseful of Hap- houseguests this
piness" this weekend as their Mrs. Walt Lohref
daughter and family, Dr. and Mrs. and the George
Don Marble (Pat Chaffee') and Seattle. Sunday
Dawn, Bill, Jere. of Sparks. Nev., and Mrs. Ed
are here on vacation. They will sad Mrs. Gery
divide their time between Pat's Lee of Seattle.
folks, here. and Den's folks at Ray Hans of
\\;ilmus of
cation oil
Pee home on
Professor and MrS,
Oale and their
Madison. Wis.
0ale teaches J
University of
a two week sl
where she
tor the Frank
,ted you at the
ym 're back home.
• Many Islander'
of proposed tax
and attended
board meeting an.
The George W
dins two weeks
home at Point I
C. W. (Sire
has a "house fl
iting him from
De Pere, Wis.
zie Trask m
a re thorougl
stine and the
Welfare Group
Plans Meel Here
District welfare administrators
from throughout the state will ga-
ther at the Simpson Recreation
Area at Mason Lake Saturday for r
their anrmal meeting, Irvin Me-
Arthur. local welfare administra-
tor, said.
Included in the annual meeting
of the association will be a sahnon
',.,.,'r" 7 " ] .....................
|)IONIN JOIN S TA[PF ........................................................................................................................... i H0me 0wnership
j Vernon tBuck) Dronen has join-
ed the staff of Waterfront Realty ,,oo,00High.L°cally
Some 1390 local families ap.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred t,,d/3nlell, Rt.
proximately 7,'-1.4 pereant of the 2 Box 699. a girl, .. Iuly 3.
I otltl, now own the houses in Mr. and Mrs. David M. WoOds.
which they liwL setting an all- P.O. Box 444, a girl, July 8.
time record in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Davis,
Also, according to Government 1;',47 Raih'oad a boy, July 9.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cultee, Star
findings, the houses are in better Rt 1. Box 180. a girl, July 10.
condition today and contain more
of the comforts of modern living
' than they have in the past. It'sA Date
Facts and fzgures detailing
these and other aspects of local
housing are brought out by the Today, 'I'hnrsday, July 12
Ccnstts Bureau in a series of re- • •
ports, just issued, based on its Golden Age Club. noon potluck,
1960 Census of Housing. Memorial Hall.
Rotary Club weekly hmcheon,
The 73.4 percent home owner- l:oon, Shelton Hotel.
ship record chalked up in Shel- Madrona Barracks 1462 and
ton compares favorably witll the auxiliary, World War I Veterans,
ratio shown for the United States, 8 P.m., /Vremorial Hall.
61.9 percent In the Pacific States Friday, July 1.3
it is 60.2 percent. Ruby Rcbekah Lodge, 6:30 p.m.
Out of a total of 1,893 housing potluck, Odd Fellows Hall.
units locally that are occupied, Open house in new bank build-
1,390 are owned by their occu- ins, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m.
Filing period closes for public
I In most parts of the nation, the offices, 5 p.m.. auditor's office,
Census Bureau states, there has county courthouse.
been a surge of home buying in Saturday, July 14
the last ten years More than 9,- State Patrol drivers license ex-
200,000 families bought homes in aminer, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m,, police
that period, station.
According to the Federal Hous- Eagles card party, 8 p.m., air-
ing Administration, it reflects the p°rt hall.
reduced cost of money fro' mort- Skokomish Tribal Council host-
gage loans as well as the fact that ing Inner Council, non, Lower Sko-
9 growing number of people have komish Community Hall.
oeen acquiring the wherewithal Wenatchee Youth Circus, 8 p.m.,
to become home owners. . Loop Fieid, sponsored by Rotary
Club for benefit of suznmer ree-
Those who have been in their reation progranl.
own homes for some tnne have Mt Moriah Lodge stated corn-
r been spending lm'ge stuns on ad- munication. 8 p.m., Shelton
ditions, repairs and improvements Masonic Temple.
to their properties. The average Snnday, ,Tnly 15
ewner-oecupant of a one-family Shelton churches invite you to
house in the U'nited States spent altend (he church of your choice.
283 in 1960 for such purposes, Ruby Rebekah and Odd Fellows
Ihe l'ig''res show. potluck picnic, Kneeland Park.
The tt,tal ouLtay in Lhe one year, 4th l)istrict Anlerican Legion
for the nation as a whole, am- baseball championship playoff,
ounted to more than $13 billion. It Shelton vs. Puyalblp, 1:30 p.m.,
was ortly $5 billion below the am- ¥estern State Hospital diamond
otmt spent for new llousing con- vt Steilacoom.
struction, $18 billion, Monday, Jnly 16
Expenditures o£ this kind. made County commissmners weekly
by property owners in Slelton neeting, 10 a.m.. county court-
dtlrizlg recent years, have raised house.
Tuesday, Jaly 1.7
tile general quality of local llolls- I I<iwanis Club weekly luncheon.
An a result of betler nlainten- ,oon. Menlorial Hall, served by
ante and of new construction, the Navy Mothers Club.
proportion of dweIling:a fotmd to City commission weekly meet-
be "seined" and equipped with all ins, 2 p.m., city hall.
plunHMng facilities \\;va high. Some I dnesday, July 18
1,690 hotlsing units out of a iota; Stale Palrol drivers'license ex.
(;f 2,097---80 5 percent--were so amincr. 9 a.m. be 5:30 p.m., police
ra ted. " ' sta.tion.
II COlnpt/i,es with 73.0 percent Hillcrest Homemakers noon pot-
in the l.Jnit.ed Slates and 77.5 per- hick. home of Mrs C. It. Clark,
cent in Lhe Statp of Washington. 608 Iellevue.
4th District American Legion
Fi b:seb;tll chaml)ionshi p playoff,
Shellorl vs. PuyalhH), G p.m.. West-
Poli©e 'Courl stoi,acoon,
Thursday, July 19 ....
roe Cases Were before Judge Rotary Club XVoekly luncheon.
kolbt Halbert in Shelton [oiice ) roon. Shellon Hotel.
Court Monday night Navy Mothers Chtb, 8 p.m.,
,Toe Grunlund was sentenced Lo Memorial Hall.
five days in Jail :).rid assessed $2.50 ............. - ................
com't costs fin. being drllnk in plH)- Vealh(.r
li[:),nMclvin O, lney Jr;, $10 forfeit, High Low Precip.
" ' " n Puoiie and Vhrgd Crapser, .htiy :l 77 ,10
$10 focfeit, drunk in public. July 4 60 52 .22 in.
Two arrests were reported by July 5 63 51 .09 in.
he Mason County Sheriff's office. July 6 71 53
Donald E. Moore was arrested for JulV 7 81 48
conceahnent of personal property July 8 69 51
under conditional sales contract July 9
and li'rank T. C July 10
licel:c oil person, arpenter for no
Happy days
Lois Meeks a'nd
when Loises
ley's daughter,
Hard, and
ot Long
day early
'spend two
The Larry J
guests Friday
ter-in-law Julte
h'ma Kraus, all
They took pie
hog (foot
, boat ride a
They returned
a cook-out at
attending w
e]lildren of
Tafts and f am
Mayor and Mrs.
/emily of Shell
Mrs. Larry
The Sid
this week,
Seattle, Mrs.
land and Mr.
Miss Criss|
spent the
much but
and after a
visit" will retu
more visiting
to Mrs. Aina
brated her daY
day Peggy
and son
Helen Johnson,
ers, dropped
fee, and
tO MOlll
Also on JulY
cbrated his
from all
Mr. and
Goetsch ) white
iting her folks,
baby sitting
)low reports
M] •,
I4 endry and
The el
e.d n Clan1
Flamingo Co
Baur.sgard P
Many came
decided to
the wind was
Mrs. Olive
prise when ]1(
land arrived
to Harstine
World's Fair•
joyed a family.
park Sunday."
drove to
d:tughter Nlail
Mr. Lee's
Seattle, and br
, v¢ceIc'N vaC
Chappells co
1 her.
Mrs. A1
65 53 a Home
71 52 inc. The
-- ayomer hlcorporated Jane Windsor,
Will be played
and if a
) determine the
Will be played
3uly 22, at
have the
teams in the
Year, hence the
been cam-
in the
league and
first six
last year
had an
d on
a 4-1 count
this year,
er, Shelton
of pitch-
Sloan and
who also
a uniform
was de-
tion, while
on the 4th of
a horse s
to buy! Nothi00
by, wr
of the new I
the most depend
ly be
lZ Homell|
free. Don't
Inut be in by July 2f
Molor I