July 12, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 12, 1962 |
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Thursday, _.r.- ..................... ................. • • ............
e Islanders Happy Enters District Baseball Play.ruFf Sunday
erry Back In Servi, .
t Puyallup00 Steilacoom Diamond Site
iS Olll' I'eLTV ]IHN ' %fHllCOIIVel', aBd
v:L t'ken io the iBetty RadeleL and
:)(:k Boat Co., and le, Jan!re, Joyce
air for the d:il]l-Ills sp(?nt SHnda
hen a sawmill, be-!c!ets took a trip
:o IIarstine. broke : to the Rain
ruled down the re- fin ,Port Angeles,
), I;p [h(? Hpl'on, ac-I il, (!]'ove to
tlL.t [i:,() ;21' ,(]I(CI-iacortes and then
1 (:h'ydot;k klte fer- ', fore retllrning
k21:lsc k.iual'(i i!l- i Ehna.
to now has just July for ,he fir:( time. Whether
for the big: either will be aL 1)ear form by
Ame!'ican! Sunday is a big question but
concerne(I, i whether they are or not their pres-
?s ence m:)hrially strengthens both
:helton offense and defense.
The first Kimb(,1 garnered one of the four
of three g'ame: Shelhm hits at Longview when
Bhelton and ] Shelion took a 13-1 drubbing from
[/lled on lhe I Centralia in the ,tth of July tourna-
'a! pmnl:s we,, rh- i The Geralds CoVe Western State ment there. His defensive work
11 ",,",is I):,.inLed and ied aud operated at 1:30 shorlstop looked good.
BHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in Ohrist.mastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington
T,;t.i. 3oa,l . h
Murphy 2. SB-Mattu 4. Kimbel 2,
Wagner. Bassett. Murphy. Eveleth..E-
:Murphy. Elevoth. Kadoun. LaBisson-
iere. Andrews. PB-Karr. WP-Rose.
lP2Michalak 4. Seaman 3. SO-Rose 10,
Michalak 1, Seaman 2. Mattau 1. BB-
Rose 3. Michalak 3, Mattau 2. RRF-
Ro,e 1, Miclmlak ,t; Seaman 4. Mattau
In Open Play Bowling
There was one hot spot on the
4th of July, anyway. At the Tim-
ber Bowl a trio consisting of Char-
lie Savage, his son Keith, and L. L.
McInelly, came up with a 1921
scratch total for three games, an
average of 2:13 per man.
, Charlie was top man with a 665
(226-183-256) with 5fae following
at 647 (237-199-211) and Keith
trailing at 609 (211-197-201).
Larry Anderson scored another
go-k',i't victory Saturday at Tac-
oma when he gel a first place
lrophy in the main heat race.
Johnny Miller and Merv Kinnan
placed in an Olympia meet last
Tuesday. Johnny was second and
Merv third in a heat race.
Play is nnder way now in the
team captain's tournament at the
Shelton-Bayshore Golf Club with
16 teams entered.
Four matches have been played
to date with L. L. McInelly and
Bud Knutzen conquering Andy
Tus0n 'and Gary Nicloy, Phil Bay-
ley and ' Jack Kimbel topping
Homer Woodard and Arn Cheney,
Bean Daniels and Sonny Lowe
besting Heinie Hilderman and
Rocky Hembroff, Jack Jeffery and
Ivan Myers ousting Joe Holt and
Ray Rice,
Four otler matches must be
completed by July 15.
They pair Tony Nelson and Jim
Fletcher against Frank Heuston
and Winston Scott, Guy Beckwith
nd Bob Olson with 5ira Pauley
and Larry Larson, Clint Willour
and Oliver Ashford vs. Harry Cole
and Lloyd Van Blaricom, Max
$chmidt and Purl Jamison with
Bud Panley and Jim Donahoe.
BII !RRAGE B !U RI!E S I I!E I IL !M A 14-31
came up. He hacla walk and a title playoff with Puyallup next
toree-out in the times he failed to Sunday.
Ted Berry took first place in the
king sahnon division of ShelLon's
Fishermen's Club Salmon Derby
at Westport Saturday with a 33-2
Rev. E. C. KnauLz was second
in the king category with a 29-0.
John Stentz was first placi taker
in the silver salmon class, netting
a 16-0.
The Salmon Charter Service
1urn!shed two boats for the outing.
One of the charters, the Tempest,
produced limits for every man
Although far from being con-
sidered lmL, Hood Canal did get a
little warmer over the weekend
with increased sahnon catches be-
ing reported.
Morris Kaare caught a couple
of chunky kings on two separate
trips. He latched onto a 17-8
Thursday off Hoodsport then
topped that catch Sunday with a
20-14 king.
Ray Heights 18-6 king off BMd
Point last weekend is the current
leader in the July VFW salmon
Fishing off the Harems Hamma
River picked up a bit too. Gordon
Dickinson brought in an 18-0 king
Saturday. Mel Morgan had three
fish to six pounds in two trips
PRIZE FISH--Ted Berry picked
up first and third prizes in the
annual Fishermen's Club salmon
derby at Westport last weekend.
Ted holds the big one while his
grandson, 13-year-old Jimmy
Stewart, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Vern Stewart, holds the other.
Fourth of July takers included
Loy Hicks 3-8, Ole Goodman 4-0,
Jack Callies 4-8 end Roger Callies
Two large octopus were taken
by canal divers Thursday. Mervln
Leathers snared an 89//,, pounder
and Gene Dunn had one that
weighed 61 pounds.
Friday and Saturday.
All other reports came out of
Hoodsport and were all silvers.
Ellen Greenwood had a 4-0 Sunday SheltoB ganger Dlstr|et -- Log-
nd Robert Moore a 7-0 Saturday. ging began'July 10,'after the log-
ger's eel:at!on. Wynooche Falls
campground is receiving capacity
use. The rehabilitation of the
Brown's Creek campground should
be complete by Argust 1.
Fishing is generally good, par-
ticularly in the Wynooche, Satsop
and Skokomish south fork.
The regular • fire closures went
into effect on Sunday, July 8, but
should have little effect 0n tile
recreation areas.
Even though summer is barely
underway, state b!g game hunters
musL start now to prepare for the
fall hunting s¢aans.
Applications for the 1962 moun-
lain goat hunting season are soon
due, the State Game Department
reminds interested sportsmen.
Washington's 1962 g0at season
will run Sept. 18 through Sept. 23
with one g(mt of either sex allowed
each hunter who receives a permit,
A toLal of 880 permits will be
issued by public drawings from
applications. Closing date for ap-
plications is August 3 at 4:30 p.m.
They must be made on post cards
giving name, address, huBting
license number, and the area in
which applicant wishes to hunt.
Twenty-one areas are set up for
goat hunting and the sporLtmun
may apply for any one - but tufty
one -- of them.
Getting a little closer to home
in reference to our front page
salmon plant article of last week,
we have summarized the total
salmon plant in the new George
Adams Hatchery on Purdy Creek,
tributary to the Skokomish River.
Total plants since the hatchery
was opened in 1960 includes
SMALL BOY, BIG FISH--Eight 3,245,120 releases. These include
year old Billy Besch found d" real silvers Chinook and pinks Th
ofianza n Lake NahW',t:el lt young aln0n at the George
@eekend wBen he" botcd the Adams hhtchery are reportedly
3-lb. rainbow trout he as'hold- growing exceptiona.lly well 'nd
that very fine rfiigrants are being
ng when "shot" by photogral-
her Clyde Zieler: ....... produced.
changed. Ted Ness and , " . Th(, game was played on a skid-
• ,a.r .
s wish to expl'oSs gran(l opening ]a e Will be played ] dy diamond due lo heavy morning
precis(ion to Mar- ]ande!'s and b( ",ext We(tnesh(vl :;hewers, a condition which con-
, County Engineer i in for coffee, v°elock, and if a l lributed heavily to Ccntralia's op-
for their prompt Aid. , .ryt0 determine the cning three-run spurt against Tim
n,v,' the fe 'ry back %VE %VERE V;l{! a it Will be played i Rose in the first inning.
/,tso to Mr.' Hurst by the Marine GaS =anday, July 22,' t FIVE OIJT OF the first six bat-
he tug boat "Bar- we (nderstand is theJ p " lers got aboard on wall¢s or by
allowing islanders its kind in lower UYallup have the being hit in the seconcl and were
cars on the main-lit has (lials wluCllegi0n teams in the followed by a two-run double as
on P0 .:, to
t Here ' action while Totals 24141
Professor and MrS. ,')l With hepatitis
0ale and their tW°.iigle of the a singled for W'agner ill 5th
a(hllinisfra (ors
. ]V[adison, ris. F
mpsonthe stateRecreationWill ga- dale teaches jour,t°n on the 4th ot c fanllod for Nr,al ill 3rd
University of WlSC. Seor,' ILv ]llllillgS
Lake Satm'day for "Ba-- K'U" llmgg
Waite llaS €111111 Sh(,Iton 0 0 0 1'0 0 0 -- 1
eeting, Irvin Me- Cindy
week staY':|ll hils I 0 1 2 1 0 0 -- 4
elfarc adminisLra- ' two .-,T''I
where she xva Centralia 3 4 0 0 6 0 x -- 13
hits 3 1 0 I 4 0 x --- 9
lot the Frank roper handling .SUMMARY: ttR-Ihdlgrimson. 2b-
le 31Ulllll lu(etiag ;ed yo at tile
n \\;viii be a sahnon vm 're back home, l'ide8 Barihqt, Siedham. RBI-(')lsqn 4, art-
" Many Islanders Oy h'tt 2. Dunielsml '2. Halgrimson 2. Meal.
of proposed tax ;t the inside r;i..,,,,i,,,.,,. R,,(,. Sl,,,,,, T,,w(,. m.,u.o.
and attended th
board meeting a. 1 1/3. Snyde' J. Andrews
week. 1 2/3, Towle 2. SO.An(h'ows 2, Towle
€',:+' Tbe George 4. Stedham 3. Bl:l-l?.os(, 2 Snyder 4,
/ (ling" tWO weeks AII(II'OV/S 2. Stodhalll 2. III:-lttldson by
' ' "! home at Point R,,s(,. Dean I)5' Shy( m'. WP-Stedl{am 1.
i [ %,; ( C. W. l..,,ser-Rt,s,, l'B-K,,d(,un. DP-Dean to
has a "house Hut,'hins. },t'lttls! tl) ]hlh'hills to Bart-
V iting hiln fronl h'tl.
De Pere, Wis.
zie Trask
eral Hospital are thoroughI:
Pred. tY,lnlelL Rt. ,':tine and the
• 1, ,/uly 3. Happy days
David M. WoOds, Lois Meeks and
girl, July 8. ihouroughly nderson
Franklin Davis, when Loises
boy, July 9. ley's daughter, Go.Karl t)ontest
lenry Cultee, Star liard, and sons
girl, July 10. ot Long Bcacl,
day early
'spend two
Date The Larry J
guesls Friday
t er-in-law Julie
May, July 12 Irma Kraus
ub, noon potluclq They took pict
hog" (foot
,veeldy luncheon " boat ride
tel. They reLm'ned
'arks 1.462 and Saturday.
War I Veterans, THE
Hall. a cook-out at
J,ly 13 Maples"
Lodge, 6:30 p.m. attending were
children of Sea!
ows Hall.
new bank build- Tafts and faro
p.m. :Mayor and Mrs.
1emily of Shell
,'loses for public Mrs. Larry
auditor's office, The Si,d
July 14 . tMs week, M
ivers license ex- Seattle, Mrs.
land and Mr.
5:30 p.m., police
Miss Crissie
rty, 8 p.m., air- spent the
,al Council host- lmr grandpa, to buy! Nothing to write!
non, Lower Sko- rs. She
y Hall. :nuch but got do: Just drop by, wdte your name on e
and after a
h Circus, 8 p.m., visit" Will retU: of the new Homelite chain saw,J.
:ored by Rotary more visiting most dependable chain saw ever
of summer rec-
Birthday gre flly be In the blg"Power-Up
gc stated corn- to Mrs. Aina Which 12 Homellte chain saws will be
p.m., Shelton brated her day free. Don't miss out, on' M
day Pe o''r
• ' be in by July 20,1967.
/uly 15 and son
s invite of your 'Y°u ehoiee, to fee, ers,¢ Helen,/200 .,olmson, P00'00bOS00 ' I" " 57aeger 's Molor Sh --op
md Odd Fellows to Morn AnderS
eeland Park. Also on July
meriean Legion ebraLed his 81' Phone 426-4602
reship playoff, Birthday
llup, /:30 p.m., frmn all you:
)spiral diamond Mr. and ------'---
luly 16 Goetsch) White ....
sioners weekly iting her folkS,
cbes. Grandm ,'
COLUlty Court- Laby sitting
l)ow reports
July 11' empty.
..on TUN
lull, served by ]3endry aBd
b. ening callers oil
weeldy n'ee£" ,,Ol,S. /
l. " The Olynpi:
July 18 ed a ela;n
,.'ers'license ex- Hanlingo Co . U A" y q
;:30 p.m., police Bam.sg'ard
Many came
Hkers noon pol- (/ecided Lo
, C. H. Clark, ,he wind \\;\,as
.'[l'S, ()liVe HERE
:lel'ic/ll LP' OD [wise ,vhe, n
nship plavolf, and gra]dda
P, (i p.m., West- land arrived
l (iia lU()l]d at to Harstine
VorI(l's Fair... ,:';
'"' '° .... '"': )00-00MOTOR
'ekty hmcheon, joyed a family '
I. park Sunday. RIG
Club, 8 p.nl., drove to OlyB1
'daughterteAain " TUNE UPS
............. Mr. Lee's soB' S I
er 5';ca(tic, and bl I
Low I're(dl). ;, week's vaca :!
,10 M eanwl il e
*n i,y p,ep00,od =, SAEGER S MOTOR SHOP
51 .09 in. Rogers, Earl : '
.5:1 Cha))pells
48 ther. BT Phone 426-4602
51 Mrs. A1
53 ;) Home
52 inn'. The
t' Incouporated, Jane Windsor.
Merchanls Win Pair ........
In Softball League /I Comp.,.d ,or .ood Ca.a,
Ae N.tt "its F-rm / Oatdand Bay tides are 1 hr. and
.lu!s uu v. , [ 50 rain. later and plus 3.0 ft.
Beginning to play the ball \\;hich t .....
characterized la't year's potent, Friday, July 13
performers, the Shelton Merchants i High .............. 1:32 a.m. 10.6 ft.
won two of their l'.(st three games Low .............. 9:02 a.m. 0.7 ft.
in Olympia Class A softball league High .............. 4:21 p.m. 9.(.) ft.
Bill Mutt pitched both triumphs,
one a nifty 4-hit shutout of
Olympia Brewery, 3-0, the other
e. 4-2 three-hit success against
top-rung McCle'ry.
Between the two the Sheltonians
were three-hit victims of another
front-runner, Binger's 4-0.
NutL helped his own cause with
timely hits in both the victories,
two against the Brewers along
with Garth Getty. Charlie Dale
tnd Jess Phillips delivered a pair
apiece against McCleary. R H E
Brewery 000 000 0 ....... 0 4 1
Shelton 021 000 x ..... 4 7 3
Batteries -- McLaughlin, Mat-
iachovak and Bratton; Nutt and
Binger's 000 202 0 ....... 4 7 4
Shelton 000 000 0 ..... 0 3 2
Batterms---Tu!'ner - and Michael;
NutL and Swearingen.
McCleary 000 002 0 ...... 2 3 1
Shelton 100 300 x ...... 4 6 2
Batteries--- Kent and Hamilton;
Mutt and Sweaxingen.
)!= i: :1:
• Meanwhile, Shelton's second
entry in the league, Rayonier, was
still seeking its first "success of
the season after dropping a 6-1
decision to Flying A Monday night
in Olympia.
Flying A 000 132 0 ......... 6 5 3
Rayonier 001 000 0 ..... 1 2 5
Batteries --- Cummins, Becket
and EllioLt; Morgan and Ahlf.
'Y ou-Na-me iis;oapi ure
Mixed 4,Some Pennani
(final) W L
You Name It .................. 31 9
8 Balls ............................. 23 17
Downbeats ...................... 22 18
Bee Joys ......................... 21 19
Hep Kats ........................ 20V_, 19r
:Straight Shooters .......... 17 23
Twisters .......................... 161,,',',, 23V
i Splatter Pins .................. 9 31
High games----terns Churchill
181, Rawlin McInclly 211.
High series--Lorna Churchill
502, Rawlin McInelly 571,
play ended in the Tuesday night
mixed foursome bowling league
last week with the You Name It
squad a runaway winner, eight
games ahead of the 8 Balls.
Season highs were Lorna Chur-
chill's 197 and 502 for the women,
L. L. McInelly's 233 and 640 for
the men.
I final } W L
Prairie Roosters ........ 25 15
Offbeats .......................... 24 151,./.,
Untouchables .................. 22 17
Lowballs .......................... 20 20
Highballs ........................ 19 21
Woodhogs ........................ 18 , 21,,
Icemen .............................. 16V, 23=
Ballwipers ...................... 14 26
High game ...... L. L. McInelly 213
High series -- Rawlin MeIneliy
"A" Standings
Southside 5 1
Hillcrest 4 2
Mt. View 4 2
Kamilche 1 5
Latest Results
Southside 17. Kamilcim 3
Mt. View 4, Hillcrest 3
"B" Standings
V 1,
Mt. View 6 0
Skokomish 5 2
Southside 2 5
Hillcrest 0 6
Team managers are again asked
t contact Mrs. Gordon Bennett
(426-3248) following each com-
pleted game to give her resnlts
for publication.
Ferry reeeipts from the HarsLine
Island ferry were $370.90 for the
week ending July 9, Cash Bridger,
county engineer, reported to the.
county commission.
rrack.fems Gapture
Trophies, Turn In
Oulslanding. Marks ,
To Spdton girls I'(.turned hem(
with trophies after their perforno
ances in an all-comers track:meet
at E(hnonds l;ist Sunday in sI)ite
of the fact: they had to ('.ompte
against older girls.
Darlene Gray won the 50-yard
Low .............. 9:06 p.m. 7.3 ft.
Saturday, July 14 dash in the outstanding time of 7.0
High .............. 2:09 a.m. 10.0 ft. seconds flat and took second in the
Low ............. 9:41 a.m. -1.2 ft, 100 in another excellent clocking
High ............... 5:08 p.m. 10.7 fL,at 12.9 seconds. Sbe is 11 years
ft. old and attends Hoc)d Canal school.
Low .............. ].0:01 p.m. 7.6 ft.
Sunday, July 15 He, r schoohnaLe, Jeanne Peter-
.............. ft.
High 2:49 a.m. 10.7 son, als() 11, won third in the high
• ' ft. jump using the scissors technique.
Low _ ............. 10.20 a.m. -2.6
High ............... 5:4[} l).m. 11.,t ft. Coach Bill Brickert is converting
Low .............. 10:51. p.m. 7.7 ft. her Lo tbe western roll under.the
Monday, July 16 sumnzer recreat ioffs track prog-
High .............. 3:32 a.m. 10.8 raol to improve her perfornmnce.
Low .............. 11:00 a.m. -2.6 ft. BrickerL is t.aking another group
High .............. 6:26 p.m. 11.9 ft. of track asph'ants to West Scat-
Low .............. 11:36 p.m. 7.5 ft. Lie this Saturday for an all-corn-
Tuesday, July 17 ers meet and ne[.ds transportation
High .............. 4:16 a.m. 1.1.0 ft. help. Any volunteers?
'Low .............. 11:40 a.m. -3.1 ft. " " - ............
i High .............. 7:02 p.m. 12.3 ft. • --:
Wednesday, July 18 I lib / 1 I ' I
Low .............. 0:21. a.m. 7.1 ft. I Mgtlttl I'¢IIIIIMII I
High .......... 5:05 a.m. 11.0 ft, I IIUUU qaflH(ll !
Low .............. 12:21 p.m. '3,1 ft. • ' •
High .............. 7:38 p.m. 12.6 ft. I IIII • I
Thursday, Ju,y 19 I IBgrln00l I
Low .... 1:08 a.m. 6.6 ft. | IlllillllU I
High'ii.::;.:ii:... 5:55 a,m. 10.9 ft. • •
Low .............. 1:04 p.m. -2.0 ft. I * I
High .............. 8:14 p.m. 12.8 ft. I • • I
................................................. I z:v.nru.e aa,es I
PARENT-CHILD LEAGUE | . glu|.. :' |
(final) • Pins I { l$1111 I
L. L.-Rawlin McInelly .......... 9,535 | g% ..... ZZT.t .... I
Chas.-Keith Savage .............. 9,469 | t'°V u*ztl t) ztollllt|
Ralph-Keith Simpson .......... 9,276 | r |
Bob Wuench-Al Bezley ...... 9,198 | " |
Clara-Tins Bezley .................. S,811 | _ . |
Roy-Florence Petty .............. 8,810 ! /llFIlil I I lli I
Va.lt-Les Tyyntssmaa (did,f( .fin- | Open Every Day 9 -6 I
Jean Ream-Glen Rau (didn't fin- I Union, Wash. I
TW 8-2252
Hitch Game--Bob Wuench 220. |
ish) "
Hi,h series L L McInelly 589 • ...............
g ..... . .
,, .......... ., .................... ----, ............ .................... i .............................. i Yi
...................... A-..I.(;A--O,? '
.,,,',/"' £. ,, .!?!7 ::i;.
:ii!!!3:) :?'
If you're adding one or more rooms to.
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Among the types of electric heat avail-
able are radiant ceiling heat, baseboard units,
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Electric heat is easyand economicalto
install.., does not require extensive duct con-
nections or alterations. Too, you can enjoy sep-
arate temperature control in your new room
or rooms for the best in convenience and eco-
Get the facts about electric heat, and en-
joy warmth by virethe newest and best way
Lo heat your home.
P,U.D. NO. 3
JACK COLE, president; TOM WEBB, secretary;
ED TAYLOR, commissioner; CLAUDE DANIEL¢ON, manager
Thurston County Fed. Savings & Loan Association
Home Office 5th & ,apitoi Way, Olympia • FL 7-7551
Shelton Branch 313 Railroad Ave., Shelton • 426-4431
Your Board of Directors is again pleased to announce that
the six months period ending June 30, 1962, has been very suc-
cessful. Our second quarterly dividend of 4V4. percent per an-
num has been declared payable June 30, 1962. In accordance
with our customary practice this dividend has been credited to
your account.
The Officers and Staff of Thurston County Federal Sav-
ing & Loan Association thank our many friends in both Thurs-
ton and Mason Counties who are responsible for a Savings
volume increase of over $1,000,000.00 making possible another
six months period of continued growth. We pledge ourselves
to merit your continued support and friendship.
M. M. "Bud" Lyon
Shelton Branch Manager