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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 12, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 12, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SHELTON--MASON COUNTY 50URNAL -- PuSHslid Shelton, 7 Thursq s fo " Spinach ""&apos; • oz. Cans 1 5-oz.Cans ""' Bea ,=. BrQwn 16-oz. S 16-oz. Cans "" Vegetables <"" Cards. LIBBY ,o., Green Peas""' Garden 5 "°z °° 1.75 Cans ppers Specia/_--i /I OUR SNACK BAR potato chips !E 5 € per cup 465'3: °z. 5 9 < 59' 00PES ¢ I2, ]962 ...... < .............. ""::;'  ................................. ' ' ..i.." :: :' i..,; :: ::,+:":.: :::.. : ', , ........ PENNEY'S JULY CLEARANCE TOWNGRAFT Now Going On! Women's '1 QQ AMAC,A s,ORT. SETS ........ ...,. Women's ..2 99 TAPERED SLACK SETS ........ • Women's 300 DRESSES ...................................... Ip ;iris' • ............................. -l.OO SPORT SETS G,r,s' 66' KNIT POLO SHIRTS ................ Girls' 4151 R %YON PANTIES .................... .,ys' '1 00 SHIRTS, SPORT & DRESS ...... m Men's Short Sleeve ..,2 O0 DRESS SHIRTS ...................... • Men's Short Sleeve --1 88 SPORT SHIRTS .......................... • " Men's Summer ..5 O0 DRESS SLACKS ........................ • APRICOTS UNDERWEAR Mc.'s " WALK'N SHORTS ............... ,,=2.88 Here No.! Washingtoil Grown. U.S. No. 1 Tree ripened. Select Quality for canning. ] it on LAY.AWAY ! Mc,,'s ,stied :2 77 DENIM pANTS, 29 to 32 ........... • su,.,,.or 66 PIECE GOODS .......................... yd, Che ni lie DS.READS ............................ '2.50 SHOES REDUCED --- $1.88, $2.88, $3.88 and $4.88 CHARGE IT lay the flexible Penney wayl 'IME PAYMENT if it's a major purchoiel !:: ll.,i;i:i: .,;;, '::;:; BANK BUILDINGS -- Shelton banking history moves into its third chapter Friday with the opening of the new home of the Shelton Branch of the Seattle- First National Bank. Above is the first banking home, built in the 1880s, when banking was done under the title of the Bank of Shelton. The present bank structure (left) was built in 1914 after the big fire and after the bank name had been changed to State Bank of Shelton. This bank joined the Seattle.First National family in 1934 as one of the earliest of the outlying bran- ches of a chain which now num- bers 103 offices 'tfiroughout the state. Organizers of early bank- ing facilities here were Gene Ri- ley and his brother, John. C. A. Pritchard managed the 'bank un- til his death in 1930 and was succeeded by Louis Weinel, who was succeeded following his death by L. A. Carlson in 1941. S0uthside Couple Married Sunday At tilt. Olive Luther Rodgers of Arcadia and Ralph A Saeger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Saeger of Arcadia exchanged marriage vows in a family private werJding on July 11 at 7:30 p.m. at the Me. Olive Lutheran Church. The bride ant bridegroom are b6th graduates of Irene S. Reed School in Shelton. Ralph Saeger is in the Navy and is serving on the U.S.S. Pine Island Aircraft Tender, and has been home on a twenty-day fur- lough. The newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Saeger are leaving Sunday for San Diego, Calif. where Mr. Saeger is stationed with the Navy. Silver Star Riding Club one of the well known riding clubs won $25 for takirg first place for the most uniform group at the Oak- ville Parade on the Fourth of July. TIME WATCHER 4-H Club held a meeting at their leader, Mrs. Edith BedeWs June 28. Club members further discussed their camp-out and equrpment they will need and discussed their camp theme and skit. Club members finished up on their candy sale. The members should have their record books up to date by the next meeting so Mrs. Bedeil can check over- them. The Club's next meeting is on July 12 at Mrs. Bedell's and each girl is to have prepared another 0emonstration. Mill Creek Wha Nots 4-H Club met at Etta and Rita Swearingcr's Monday evening. The Club has chosen Mexico as a country or their theme of Camp which is "Around the World." The club ls meeting at Mrs. Stanley Obrem- ski's on July 16 at 1 p.m. to prac- tice their skit for Camp. Refresh- ments were served by Rita Swear- inger. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Marcy and family of Little Skookum Bay for a picnic Sunday were Mrs. Phillip Hard•e, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Hardie and family of Grapeview and Mr. and Mrs. David Hardie and family. ARCADIA CLUB is having a m.eeting at Kneeland Park July 18, It will be a potluck lunch. The club is having one meeting a month for the summer months and it will be on the third Wednesday of the month. Mr. and ]fr. "Walter Emsley, Gwen. Carol and Eileen and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Emslcy spent the weekend at the ocean camping a ............................................ Twin Harbors by Grayland. Books (in Many Parts Of Nation The United StaLes or America in various aspects is the subject of om new books in tim Library. Its past is portrayed in fine illus- trations in "The American Heri- tage Book of thc Pioneer Spirit", and in an exciting book written for children but just as fascinat- ing to adults, Edwin Tunin's "Frontier Living". One of the great early explorers is portrayed in a new biography by Virginia S. Elf err "Louis Jol- liet, Explorer of Rivers", the ms- coverer of the Mississippi River. An unusual aspect of the Lewis and Clark Expedition is con- sidered in "The Natural His- tory of the Lewis and Clark Expedition". The cultural inheritance of the United States is the subject of two dissimilar books: "Art of the Northwest Coast hldians", and "One Hundred Years of Music in Alnerica". "This Is Alaska" and "The New York IKnow" miggest the great size and diversity to be found here. "The Harvesters" tells the story of a little-known group in the country, the migrant agricul- tural workers. "Introduction to Americal Gov- ernment"; "The American Federal Governmeut", by Max Beloff; and "The Supreme Court, America's Judicial Heritage", by Patrtcia Acheson, will .lt repay study. "Goals for Americans',; the re- BABY BOY Dr. and Mrs. Delmont S. .'mery (Sharon Coos) of Los Angeles, California are the parents of a son, lm Monday, June 1S, at Kaiser Foundation Hospital. The eight pound baby boy is their first son end has been named after his father. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John Kneeland, Shelton; and Mr. and Mrs. Clare•re Emery o€ Centralia. port of the President's Commission l on National Goas; and Gerald Journal Want Ads Pay .,ohnson's "'i,c Man Who Feels Left Behind" consider the question, "Where do we go from here?" Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Philtlp Hardie Saturday evening for din- ner were MrS. Bob Prowls and two children of O!ympm ad Mr. and Mi.S. Claude 'iurvis of Portland. MR, AND MRS. Rex Hendrieks and family motored to Bremerton Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. John Olson and family• Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Madsen for the Fourth of July were Mr. and Mrs. Trey Madsen, Billy and Merla of Tacoma, John Hendricks was among the group whom attended the Walther Leagers picnic a Harsttne Island Sunday. New Insurance Plan Levelizes any number x of policy premiums into one convenient monthly payment AM policies for home, auto, boat, business and lifo are brought together into one in- surance plan with regular monthly pay- ments. SAFEC0 makes it easy for agents, like ourselves, to give you the finest, most complete insurance coverage possi- ble, For example: *Now you can pay all your insurance premi- ums with just one ©one.lent monthly checkl SAFECO offer many other time-saving, money-saving benefits. ]twould be our pleasure to discuss all the advantages of SAFECO, LIFECO or GENERAL Insurance policies at your convenience. YOU CAN RELAX WHEN YOU'RE  COVeReD eV $/FEcO INsU'A N _ Hembrolf Agency 116 No. Second Phone 426-3357 Lumber Relief Bill In Congress try with the introduction of a Joint Resolution m the House of Representatives. Mrs. Hansen joins with Con- gressmen Horan, May, Pelly, Tol- lefson and Westland of the Wash- ington delegation and other Mem- bers of Congress in sponsoring the Joint Resolution. "This measure is intended to offer immediate short-term relief to our domestic lumber industry by authorizing the President to es- tablish a temporary import quota on softwoods of 10 per cent of the average quarterly softwood con- sumption in the United States," stated Mrs. Hansen. Continuing, she noted that "Shipments of Can- adian lumber to the United States have risen 21.4 per cent for the first four months of this year, over the period in 196l " In addition to the advantag:: of lower transportation costs s-d lower stumpage prices which Can. adian producers enjoy, they have been aided even further by the recent reduction in the par value of the Canadian dollar NOT ELIGIBLE This motorist is sot el. igible for tna Casualty'• new Auto-Rite Insurance; only sale drivers are. Why should you pay tha high insurance rates caused by careless driv- ers? Join the thousands who save money on auto- mobile insurance with high quality, low-cost Auto.Rite. Angle Agency Herb Angle Angle Bldg. Dick Angle Ph. 426-8272 TO QUICKEN YOUR CHICKEN 'Come Out and Try • It's the World's Nowest Way to Cook. IF YOU LIKE ,OHIOKEN You'll loregolden brown, tend'st, delicious chicken socked in. ure vegetable oils, with all the natural juices and goodness sealed in EAT IT HERE OR TAKE IT WITH YOU! NO LONG WAITING -- It's cooked from raw through to the bone .IN* JUST 7MINUTES SEA FOODS ALSO FEATURED Millo's Diner On Hood Canal Near Potlatch -- opposite Tacoma Light Powerhouse on t-Ilghway 101 Phone Hoodsport TR 7-9488 i This Will Be A BIG Weekend In Shelton... The new Seattle-First National Bank building has its grand opening.., and from the looks of it money is here to stay, and that's reassuring. Then Min Okano is officially opening his brand new coin-operated dry cleaning and laundry plant. After you get cleaned at Min's drop in and let us finish the job... WE HAVE SOME REAL BARGAINS WAITING FOR YOU. MEN'S SWIM SUITS SPORT SHIRTS (long sleeve, short, sleeve, and knits) SWEAT SHIRTS (reg, crew neck brand name) BLOUSES These Are Better Than Money In The Bank 88 Colored Men's DRESS SHIRTS $2,98 or 2 for $5.50 SHOES sale prices from $5,9§ Save $4-$5 on Oxfords or Lace-up styles BROKEN SIZES "TOGETHERNESS We have . large selection of small size sport shirts that were priced to $7.95. They'll fit the ladies, too! S P E G I AL" 88 & MRS, SHOP nii