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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 12, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 12, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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William Howard Taft was the first U. S. president to reeeiw a s,iary of $75,000 n. year. We've Helped Before, When Shelton Grew! Tile human heart rests about Noah Webster began writing the [ Lighting the way of men to bet- eight-tenths of a second between dictionary in 1807 and finisled in terment is the finest profession each contraction, 1828. known, com,00A,u00o;s lo our new neighbor We've helped again by installing SEATTLE-FIRST NATIONAL BANK ACCOUSTICAL TILE CEILINGS manufactured by Shelton workmen in Simpson's Insulating Board Plant In the new home of Seattle-First National Bank in Shelton. To Our Friends at lhe Bank Congratulations on your splendid new home in Shelton. Tlmnk Yea'for letting us have a part in its realization. ELLIOTT BAY LUMBER GO. 16 South Spokane Street Seattle, Wash, O We're Celebrating With A Big GAS SALE from noon to 9:30, Friday 2c OFF ON EACH GALLON Come in and save money while you respect the new bank budding. ENCO SERVICE Shelton's Most Convenient Service Station 5th & Railroad • Jim Durand - Les Young I I i I I ill , I II I I I SPECIAL PRIDE... Seattle-First National Bank certain- ly deserves it for building such a fine new home for its Shelton Branch... O Our Community certainly should have it for possessing such an out- standing new business building... O We certainly do have it for being a part of its realization through pro- viding the roofing. We're Proud Of SHELTON'S PIlOGIIESS and our part in it. qP When you visit the beautiful new home of the Seattle-First National Bank's Shelton Branch, remember in U..A, 8helon, Washlngon Thr Kamilche Folks Keep Busy Over Holiday Weekend Jllly. Ill attendance ',vet'e Mrs. Mabel Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bloomfield, and fan)fly, Mr. nd Mrs. Jerry Bloomfield. Mrs. Carnl Ooker, Pearl Bhmmfiehl nnd fam- ily and Keith Satterthwaite. The Howard Fullers spend the 4lh of July at tie home of their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hunter of S)olomisi Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sill!lYlon.q ,pent the holiday with lheir son mid family in Olympia, tile Harry Simmons' Jr. Mrs. Dorritt O'Neal of Campbell, California is visiting her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Btackwelder. Howa.rd Fuller drove to College. Place Monday of last week to the home of his daughter and family Tom and Beverly Taylor where Mrs Fuller and daughter Gall had been visiting for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Fuller returned home but Gaff stayed in the eastern Wash- ington town for a longer vtslt. CECIL BLACKWELI)ER went to Portland the first of the week to assist llis brother Lloyd to the plane for his trip home from the hospital at The Dalles where he has been recuperating from his automobile accident. Lloyd Black- welder will possibly be on crutches for two months at Ins home in Limon, Colorado. Visiting at the Herb Nelson ,home on Thursday were Mz'. and 1Vfrs. Leo Beaudoin and daughter Nancy and Salty King, all of Naubenway, Michigan. Mrs. A. J. Baudoin of Tacoma also visited on that day. There will be a Grange pot luck dinner on Friday of this week. Calling at the Herb Nelson home on Friday evening of last week were Dr. and Mrs. Edward Rugge of Arcadia Tracts summer home. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Taylor culled at the Dan Wood home on Satur- day evening. Jess Husky of The Dalles, Ore., visited for a week with his niece and family Mr. and Mrs. Martin Otto. Mrs. Otto and her uncle at- tended the World's Fair one day. Visitors at the Harry Simmons home on Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Bissell of Rignal and Lynne Gudgel of Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sadler of Tumwater and Local Goal Owner Wins Ribbons , Jack SmitlL Shelton, won thrt,e ribbons on the 4z:,-month old lwin Sunday. ' ' He received tbirci ,)lace in a gl'oup show and first ap.(t secoDd plac.e in lhe i)nby division. More tilan 200 g;oa[s were shown by ahout 50 bree(lers a! lhe opon ch:t ss show. ]IlI.L( !!IEST HOMEMAKEiIS Hillerest Homemal(ers will meet al noon, Wednesday for a potluck luncheon al tim hon]e of Mrs. C. H. Clark. 6llg Bellevue. There were 12 memhers add [v,'o visitors :at the last meeting. dra, Sharon, Margaret, Dianne, and MieRey. Donnie Whitener, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Whitener left last Thurs- day for Annette Island in south- western Alaska where he will stay during the fishing season. Mr. and Mrs. Paul LeRoy of Randle visited on Saturday with Mrs. Annie Whitener. Mr. and Mrs. Md(e Krlse made a trip to Alderton last Sunday. Don and Mary Newman of Se- attle spent the holiday with her parents, the Ed Petty's. Miss Donna Clark visited her sister and family, the Floyd Jones' of Skokomish Valley last week. Mrs. Frances Simzons and daughter Grace spent the first of last week in Portland at the Roland Simnmns home. Frances Simmons and Mrs. Grace Bartlett of Shelton visited on Friday evening at the Frank Potts home on Hood Canal. OUR BEST WISH in its New Shelton Home and our CONGRATULAT |;0 'S DICK YEAGER EVERGREEN SQUARE Cascade Olympic Conslrudi¢ for its part in adding another t tiful building to the Shelton s i ......... -TA I CONGRATULATIONS to an OLD FRIEHI) Seattle-First National Bank on your NEW SHELTON BRANCH the... Miss Gene Uhel of Tacoma. • v,cTo, otto left on June 23,d 4ll e-- [] • II Ik• -,t - e,ara"er=es "'hM for LiLtle Creek, Virginia, after !..-.4,--I • .I.-- N eznoe#Mrli spending three weeks of his leave i|l||E i| llba ll [] [] [lt|| " BAYSIDE ROOFING fOOl1 with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. tliflqlVl mmMltV i I qMlllt¢--  R. J,.F!kus AsNT? EAR N S 0' N S T O.OIO Martin Otto. . | Mr. and Mrs. Percy .Adams and | .......... " ....... 426-4541 Ea OR0N: a d AY fiOTT atCharlesLittleHint°nBostonSpentcampthe last. wOeR 513 West 4th Avenue, Olvm.ia I CAPITOL HILL meeting. ,, €, z | Joining them on the 4th and-to {[ , ., : stay the balance of the week were ' • * A' BEAUTY WITH GLA' SS' , OU PRBVB; EE the Cecil MeHe u,y ehi_ldz:en,_?an---: _.SHELTON We're Glad To MARCHE Be In StePsAS --:--= ON ..................... AN- OTHER__.STEP: '[ FOV00 12, 1962 is vividly illustrated in the new home of the Shelton Branch of... SEATTLE-FIRST NATIONAL BANK Our firm has been privileged to par- ticipate in many of Shelton's major building projects over the years and it is with much pride and apprecia- tion that we add this latest splendid new structure to the long list in which we had a part. Congratulations to Seattle-First Na- tional Bank for giving the community such a fine new addition to its busi- ness district. OLYMPIA GLASS 00, * Glass For Every Purpose * 717 Legion Way, Olympia • FL 2-0555 To participate in a community im- provement such as the splendid, new home of the... SEATTLE-FIRST NATIONAL BANK'S SHELTON BRANCH is a privilege we appreciate very sin- cerely and one for which we are grate- fully thankful. We hope we can take part in fu- ture Shelton progress such as this. DAVID F. OGDY PAINTING CONTRACTOR €17 South Pear St,, Olympia FL 2-4311 During a long residence in Mason County we have seen many splendid improvements take place and are proud that we've had the opportunity to participate in a large number of them. We're especially proud that we had the opportunity to help bring in- to completion such an outstanding new addition to our community as the new home of the Seattle-First Nation- al Bank in Shelton. We share the pride the entire community must feel over completion of such a beautiful new building. DON NYE PLASTERING CONTRACTOR 426-8224 HOODSPORT TR 7-5417 for Shelton 0 Seattle.First National strongly up-graded Shelton'S district with the distinctive tiful new home for its Branch. 0rt We appreciate deeply the oPsf ity to have participated in  gressive project. SMITH ELECTRIO 00, W. H. "BILL" SMITH SHELTON STEPS AHEAD AGAIN ON SELDEN'S FLOORING Like many other major improvements in Shelton, SEATTLE-FIRST NATIONAL BANK has provided us with the opportunity and privilege of installing the flooring in its wonderful new home for its SHELTON BRANCH. We thank sea-First sincerely for this privilege and we congratulate the Shelton community upon its good fortune in having such a splendid addition to its business district. SELDEN'S OF OLYM,,A Floor Covering 304 East 4th Avenue, Olympia Phone FL 7-5531 mill We All Benefit From It has been our privilege to have par ticipated in most of the many new improvements and projects which have been carried out in our community years we have been a part of the business family of Shelton. The new home of the Shelton Branch of the Seattle.First National most recent of these undertakings and cer tainly is one of which our commU be extremely proudjust as we are proud and appreciative of the op having been a part of its realization and c ompletlion. We congratulate and thank Seattle-First National Bank for its part i ing the community of Shelton a finer place in which to live and work. BOON'S PLUilBING, HEATING & SHEET METAL 623 South 1st Street • Mr. and Mrs. Les Hansen • Anyone aLLen zn front of the Win: Winning July 16.