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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 12, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 12, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 10 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "0trltmatown, U.Z.A., Sbelton, 1962 Club Woman (. ; The Wee/( Mrs Ernest M&apos;adoy w;Is tqected Nd*{ h bl)l'hlmd ('hgl [viii{ill Ill' ltle (Hr/ Sooul (.ollrlc]l \\;v|it,tl |.h llll'c I (It|ill iCS. laowis, '1"| till'.';| Oll. $] llll XqtSOH. D(!YI4"'d lrlto lh(, Ta{t]l ']"JH1- )(')' (TIHI]ICil. lh,forv sl]' was ,pl)oilll,al ]wigh- bol'horul ch;,il'rl]:.ln, ,lrs hlaltoy V,';]4 }'(JSil';I] IOl' 1]1(-, ]aSOll (-OUll- 15" (;lrl NCIH |8. :111 I,'lldt'|'gq i(11.. ] OSUlll 1 ( { V t{. l'{tq \\;\'*HI: 111 uirl scouting" bc.- {'tll 1(I Is'Ceil'S, I1,lo vfhen Hl]e xv;s ;gMslaul h,udor hi tilt. Catholic (;uild. I,',dl,,winK tills, s}le sLa.rted I\\;VO .'(lll SfAIlll II'OilpS of ]1(?1' o\\;vn. A1 line tinw silr was al.'o ]JPotvu- I( {li'ld (.tlllJ S('OIII leli.fJL'l ". ]'l'cSl'lil] 3" tt'i'Vlil<S ;l neighbor- Iqi(Jd (-/lllJlllDisl. ,ll';L .Malloy du- I i,.4 ;Ill. llilril('l'l*,l,g, \\;Villi 1,9 trool:l;t ill I}I;/SI)II (.J(ilJllt y, it is Ilel' l?e,{t)Oil- sibilil 3' ltl str, l.Ilal l:hor( HI'C ell- {,iif;ril h Idol'< li:('ilt llOW i.htqq  lift' ;',2 h-:idtq'h \\;V{tFI{JH{r wilh 206 V'il'ls, f:lllill 11! ;l2t.' 7-l't. II i.'; hoi' .lilt) Ill IIIIKO aFlqlll.ll.- liiOlilS IOl" lho ,llllhH LOW Tea,• helfl in (J('liill,,}. ((lll(lllct l,lle YItOll- I llV toadel s inl?e.tiDg,q, so( I.o it llll I l'liOl)S il 0 Ff'istcl'ed oil LHIO, al)poi=t vhaivmen and ns.<sist wil:h |Ill- FtCOIII p!'ojeol s. (Joe ill tile ,li;till pl'll.jOClS is l'rllkill' flIVOYS IOi' ttw resi IlOlIlOS. 1+; b(. piace¢l MRS. ERNESI" MALLOY I,ll lilt' tIiNIIPI> [/':';ys O1 SI)f, cial I olid.ys. I ca II I KIMBEL MOTORS I Chrysler-Plymouth Cars | i International Truck, / y _ -. - " iS Girl Scout Neighborhood chair- man this year. Her work in scouting began 10 years ago nd has kept her busy and active. She is pictured above with her dauglter, six-year-old Ilene, Another icouting project ii day camp. "I'h(! all scout play day is u new t'anlplnK feature for the girl s(!OllLS tiffs year. It will be held 'it Kv, nnydale on Black Lake. In addition to scouting respon- sibilitios. Mrs MalhLv is youth ac- tivity (,harnlan for itle V.F.V¢. Auxliary Unit No: 1694, past trea- surer for tile Dollnie J. O'Neil Orthopedic Guihl. nlso Mr. View PTA pgL/ treasurer. She has help- ed with the Mt. View PTA carni- Surprise Dinner F etes Almiversary Mr, and Mrs. Alberl E. Windell w(,l'e honored by a Sill'prise %ved- 0Jtig itlilivolsary pavl.y Sun(lay, ;it l.ake SpellCer Park. The \\;Vin0ells %vlq•t! ntttl'l'ied in lll; b'il•st Lutheriln (Jhlll'ch of 'I'IICOIlIII, ,I UIlt' 24, l 9-t 4. '[bey ll,+Tl\\;'( ' Ilia(l() lheir imn]e lit • Vosl-qnd" ,m Lakt, Isal)ella. l•or l})e l)aSl SiXIc'IqI ytNtrs. The Cotlple ( allle I.o Ihe :u'('a fl'OlU Seattle wllcre l hey were ill;4pectol's at Bo(.qng h irci'aft. The \\;Vindelts lUel ill Port Angeles where Mr. ,Vindell was high SC]lt)ol principal of Creseunt School and Mrs. Wfndell was music iilstrl•li'tol'. ]VI'. VVIn(IeII pl'esontly ( nlployect in H.ay(:mier R.esearch Division is a fOl'lller graduate of t Willanmtte IJniversity and dicl pos-graduate work at the Uni- versity of Ore. Mrs. \\;Vindell is a graduate of Pacific Lutheran Uni- versi y and took fiu'ther studies r.l Western %q-tshington College of l!}dueation. She was a nlen]bor Of the original a eappeiia "Choir of the West", Pacific Lutheran Uni- versity, first to broadcast over the radio and make concert tours of t tie west. Hosting the g"rden party were Mr. and Mrs. Tol\\;,ald Westhy of Imke Spencer Park. Mr. and Mrs. (.)scar Westhy arid Mr and Mrs. Baldwin Gotlenhurg Of Brenlerton At the close of the clinnc.r, the honored colple were presented gifts and a beautiful snow white 'mnivei'sary cake in the form of wedding hells wid miniature pink roses. Upon the bells were m- scribed the given names of the conph#. val every year since the school was built and sewed :s chairman of one of lhe carnivals. This year she was honored with life mem- bership in the Mr. View PTA. Mrs. Mnlloy is the mother of three children, Mike, 13, .Toni, 12, a.nd Ilene, 6. Her husband is em- ployed ,tl Simpson's Insulating ........................................................................................................................................ Board DARIGOLD and SHELTON MAID PACKAGED ICE CREAM IN ALL YOUR FAVORITE FLAVORS Now available for your convenience in self-service refrigerator at McGONKEY'S DRUG CENTER Evergreen Square Plant They have made Shelton their home for the past :15 years. With a needle. Mrs. Malloy's a wizard. She makes most of the clothes for her daughter and her- self and occasional shirts for thel boys. Ahother favorite hobby is bowling, which she enjoys very nmch. The rest of her hobby tinle comes under the heading of "baseball, basketball or football" dependin K on the season. Her boys are enthusiastic patricipants in all the sports. Right now Mike and Tom belong to the Mr. View Tigers,  Little League summer team, ...... II I I I I I I ' RETAIN Jim HcFADDEH STATE REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRAT IVtason County Deserves and Needs a Member of the Rules Committee Socia, Even ts Society Editor • Jenny Knautz • Phone 426-4412 Miss Betsy Bell Becomes Bride Of Steve Stewart In Port Angeles Rite BRIDE AND GROOM--MIss Elizabeth Grace Bell and Steve D. Stewart exchanged marriage vows in Holy Trinity Lutheran Church at Port Angeles June 23. Formerly of Shelton. the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Bell of Port Angeles. The bride- groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stewart of Opa Locka, Fla. Miss Bell graduated from the University of Washington where she was affiliated with Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority. Mr. Stewart at- tended Long Beach City College and is employed by Packard Bell in the electronics division in Compton. Calif. Miss Elizabeth Grace Bell, Port ried a bouquet of pink rosebuds Angeles, and Steve D. Stewart of and daisies• Compton Calif. were married June Bridesmaids were Misses Janet 23 m Holy Trinity Lutheran Hinton of Sheiton, Maureen Sherk Church. Port Angeles. Miss Bell, a of Sequim, Sharon Feeney of Se- former Shelton resident, is the 1 attic, and Joan Driscoll of San daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. IFrancisco. Dressed in full length Bell of Port Angeles. The bride-[ pink gowns identical to the maid groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. of honor, they carried bouquets of Edward/Stewart of Opa Locka, pink daisies. Fla. The Rev. La Verne Nelson per- formed Lhe double ring ceremony before approximately 150 guests. Given in raarrmge by her father, the bride wove a loor-length gol of chantilly lace over silk'organza , with long pointed sleevt. The bodice was trimnled with seed pearls, and the chapel train swept into a bow at the waist. Her silk I IIFII [ III J I Lighting the candles were Miss Sharon Counter, Port Angeles, and Mrs. William Carskadden, Seattle• Lee Bailey of Port Angeles was best man. Ushers were Jame Lawrence and Steven Counter, Port Angeles. James Roper of Seattle and Dennis Hinton of Shelton. Twins Ann and Amy Richbourg of Port Angeles, were flower girls llu'sion veil v,,a:] caught to a in dotted swiss frocks. They car- juliet cap. She carried a cascade ried styrofoam balls of pink bonliuet of ophelia ro,:mbuds and daisiet. Craig Richbourg was ring stephanot is. bearer. Barbara Bell was maid of honor For her d':mghtor's wedding Mrs. lor her sister. She wore a floor-' Bell chose a nile green silk dress length gown of pink silk organ with matching jacket and pil- with a bow aL the waist, and car- box hat. She wore a corsage of I cymbidium orchids. I White English iris and pink and white stock centered the bride s BETTEB Biffs (summertime is savingtime) Corvair Monza Club Coupe (above). Sports car spice without a sports car's price. With front bucket seats yet! Impala Convertible (]eft). All the richne, roomi- ness and Jet-smooth riding comfort that make Chevrolet America's favorite buy by far. Chevy II Nova Wagon (below). Low-cost luxury in a very parkable package. One of eleven Chevy II models. BETTER CHOICE pick and choose from a bumper-to-bumper crop] BETTEB HURRY (to your Chewolet dealer's, natm'ally) Get a July buy on a new ChcvrDel, Chevy II or Corva{r at your local authorTed Chevrolet dealer's MELL CHEVROLET COHPANY SIIELTON FIRST & GROVE STREETS PHONE 426-44.26 1 table at the reception in the Elks Club following the ceremony. Mrs. Clyde Fagergren and Mrs. Winston Scott, both of Shelton, poured. Mrs. Ira Counter, and Mrs. Eldon Andersen of Seattle, cut the four-tiered wedding cake which was decorated with pink roses and topped with a lfiniature bride and groom :Misses Bonnie McRae and Donna Fox of Seattle poured punch. Misses Linda Nichols and Patricla Brown of Port Ongeles, had charge of gifts. Miss Ann Brislawn of Seattle passed the guest book while Miss Kay Wilson of Port Angeles, passed the groom's cake. Sorority steers of the bride en- circled her and sang her their sorority's "Circle Hymn." For travelinff, the bride changed into a navy blue dress with match- ing checked coat. She wore a corsage of gardenias. After a wedding trip to the World's Fair, the Grand Canyon, and Las Vegas, the couple will make their home in Long Beach, Calif. Those attending from Shelton were Mr. and Mrs. Winston Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Fagerffren, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hinton and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Snelgrove. Convention Delegates Give Dept. Reports At the last meeUng of the VFW Auxiliary, reports of the recent o'epartment convention held in Walla Walla were heard from dele- gates Jessie Cox. Betty Godwin and Arlene Smith. Betty Godwin, community serv- ice chairmm, received a citation for outstanding' community service work in the state. The auxiliary also received a certificate of merit for 100 per cent membership. Thelma Taylor of Elma gave an interesting report of her trip to the convention and showed many beautiful slides of the different events that took place. Others visiting from Elma were Mary Trohimovich, Mary Gozart, GIadys Gravatt and Hazel Clumb. New department president, Marguerite Minty of Sequim, ap- pointed Jessie Cox of Shelton as I Deputy Chief of Staff to depart-] ment of Washington VFW Aux-[ iliary, of I VFW members are reminded the annual picnic whirl1 will be / held Angust 5 at Maple Beach. / When a star precedes the num- ber on some U. S. currency, it in- ] dicates that the bill is a substitute, [ issuedortO replace, one that was I " Miss Linton Feted At Bridal Shower Miss Shirley Linton was honored at a bridal show,r recently given in the home of Miss Kathy Kelly, with Miss Peg Price as co-hostess. A lovely dinnel" was served and many gifts were presented to the guest of honor. Among those present were Mrs, Kelly Linton, ntother of the bride and Mrs. Mel Robertson, mother of the groom. Others attending were Jayne Ruckcr, Judi Manke, Jody Dayley, Mary Hesser, Carol Wolden, Terry Dewell, Marsha Sargent, and 3ulie Larson. Out-of- town guests were Linda Muji of Spokane and Marci Redman of Seattle. MINNESOTA GUESTS Visiting in Shelton from Minne- sota are Mrs. Alice Cortese of Pengilly, Mrs. Arrdt Rostvold and son, Rev. Luther Rostv01d. and friend John Kautto of Nashwauk. They are visiting Mrs. Cortese' son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Foster and Mrs. Rost- vold's son and family, the Nell Rostvolds. They visited the Black Hills, Yellowstone and Teton Na- tional Parks on their way tb Shel- ton. Use Journal Want Ads Alice Jane Byrd On Dean's List At Pepperdine Alice Jane Byrd, dnughter of Broier H. Byrd, Shelton, has been l:anted to the Dean's list at Pep- perdine College, Los Angeles, Cal- ifornia, for the 1,,)62 spring se- nlesLer. Miss Byrd was  junior ele- mentary education major at Pep- perdine this past school year. She is a gradnate of Eatonville High School. To be eligible for the Dean's list, a student must be carrying at least 12 nnits o1: work, ntakc no grade below a C and fall in the upper 10 percent of the class• iii i Ph. 426-8139 The best world Ls the Bible twenty-ive milliOn printed annually. TV FOR Don't Miss Entertainment e TAYLOR 4th & Cola YOU SHOULD CLINT Wl LIFE INSURANCE I$ THE LAST THING ON A MAN WANTSBUT HE CAN'T GET IT. _"i-,u,it liCJ Skinless WIEN Whetl you baak your savngs with Seattle.lRrst Natlotml, ,, you'll enjoy aR the conveniences of a financial department store. With more than 70 Seafirst banking services at yo command, you caa do all your banking hi on placo.., at wte time. Seaflrst savers enjoy other advantages00 too, • 3b$% DaiIy Tnterest is credited and comlouaded fou/)i times a year• • The Automatic PIart assures systematic saving. Ottce a month, at no cost to you, we'll transfer from Seafirst checking account to your savings accotmt amount you want to save. • Statewide Banking means you caa make a SIZE--A any of our 103 offices, for credit to your branch account. R TOI You r savings are always readily available to you, whenever you want them. And Seafirst Savings are protected by the ORANGER F strength and resources o the/argest bank ia the Pacific Northwest. AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS JUNE 30, 196  RESOURCES Cash and Due from Banks . . $240,555,152,74 U. S. Government Securities . 232,362,937.61 State and Municipal Securities 88,917,064.41 Other Bonds and Securities. . 9,235,452.05 Loans and Discounts. ..... Federal Reserve Bank Stocl : [ . . . . Bank Buildings, Vaults, Furniture and Capital Stock e .... Surplus. . . . . . Undivided Profits . . . Reserve for Interest, Taxes, etc. ...... Discount Collected Not Earned ...... Letters of Credit and Acceptances ..... Deposits ............. TOTAL........... Fixtures, etc ....... " .:i;" 16,443,61'1! :'.:i Illl llll 1 Customers' Liabilty under Letters o . i! fl" -- Credit and Acceptances . 11,546,  L, ,,,, : 00,UrATO C! DIRECTORS CHARLES H. INGRAM Director, Weyerlmeuer Company WILLIAM M, JENKINS Executive Vice Preeident FRANK E. JEROME Vie Chairman o# the Board ERIC A. JOHNSTON President, Motion Picturl Producers and Distribatore el America, Inc. RICHARD E. LANG Chairmnn, lmng & Co. ANSON B. MOODY Euerett W. G. REED Chairman. Simpson Timber Company VOLNEY RICHMOND, JR. President, Northern Commercial Company U.S. No. SNOBOY Q Sweet and ; LAWRENCE M. ARNOLD Chairman WELLWOOD E, SEALL Senior Vice President, , The Boeing Company ROBERT S. llEAUPRE President HENRY BRODERICK Preeident, Henry Broderieh, lne. FRANK H. BROWNELL, JR. Seattle NORTON CLAPP President, Weyerhaeuser Company O. D, FISHER Chairman, Fisher Flouring Mille Company L. c. HENRY President, H. C. Henry lnuestment Company CHARLES D. SAUNDER$ ' Chairman, Executiue Committee ADOLPH D. SCHMIDT, JR. President, Olympia Brewing CorlT# WI LSUR W. $CRUSY Seattle ALFRED SHEMANSKI President, Eastern Out[itting Comp any WILLIAM S. STREET Business Management EL6RIDGE H. STUART Chairman, Carnation Company J. A. SWALwELL Seattle GEORGE VAN WATERS Chairman, Van Wateri ' & Rogers, Inc. KATHERYN WILSON Investments TREES  ,:ORANGE J 12-OZ .......... o;l"/I;; This coupon go n e Cent. One tgoupo p