July 12, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Page_!2 SHELTON--MAS0 N COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Christmastown, U.Z.A.," Shelton, Washington Thursday, li, 1_9_62
V r, m • r m 11 , S m • n i The reformer ,ma mm m. mipm ql u m im.. a
almfornmans Buy Unmon Stmrred By Young Anglers Allyn Residents Entertamnlng Eastern Vmsmtors
q others. :'
You'll enjoy
the full flavor
of choice grains
and hops
whenever you
open a bottle
of light
Olympia Beer.
One priceless
ingredient assures
"It00 the WateF'
Resort At
OLYHBA OR[WING CO., Olpa, Wo. *01! *® 13.62
Red Snapw Catch Near Shore
Lake Nahwatzel Mary Harmon,
a. young visitor xt the Lloyd Cook
honle from Wisconsin to male the
By Mary Dawson exciting catch of the week. While
LAKE NAHWATZEL .... Daw- fishing for rock cod off Alderbrook,
ou's Resort operated by Lee and she had a huge pull on the line,
Mary Dawson since June 1, 1950 lind later brought in a ten pound
ham been purchaed by Mr. and red snapper, which created con-
Mrs. E. C. (All Tupper and their siderable excitement. The red
son and wife Mr. and Mrs. Dick snapper are found off shore in
Tupper all of Long Beach, Calif. deep water.
The A1 Tappers also have a daugh- Also at the Cook's home are her
ter, Sandra and two sons, John sister, Mrs. Frank Harem of Clear
and Allan. The Dick Tuppers have Lake, Wisconsin, Millicent Haines
, three year old daughter Susan. of Albany, New York, a member
They plan Ao change the name to of tim teaching staff of State
"Tupper's Resort" and for the College. Lamt week Miss Jean
present time to eontinue to operate Widger arrived via plane from
in the same maner as the previous Detroit to join the house party.
cwers. The Daw-ons wish them Miss Widger is editor of the lit-
the best of luek and hope their
erary publication Graduate Cam-
years at the Resort will be pleas- ment. She had for a number of
ant, prosperous and enjoyable, years been Dr. Cook's secretary,
Your correspondent wishes on be- during the time he was Vice Presi-
half of the Lake residents to wel- dent of Wayne State college.
come them to our ever growing On July 3 Elaine and Lloyd Cook
"Colony". and her mother Mrs. Mary Jarco
Mr. and Mrs. A×el Carlson drove entertained at dinner. Present were
to Tacoma last Friday where Mrs. their house guests, and also Mr.
Carlson attended the meeting of nd Mrs. Lud Andersen, and Mr.
ler "Five Year Club". She ires and Mrs. Harvey Mawsan. The
been Pdesident of it since it start- occasion was also to celebrate
ed back in 1930 even the she and Lud's birthday of that day.
Mr. Carlson have lived in Beeville
tar the past 11 years. 26 of the JULY 4th was the cause for
ladies atending the meeting were festivities locally. Mrs. O'Letha
(barter members. Two years ago Stark's birthday at that time,
the group decided they would meet with son Gene driving up from
every two years instead of five. A Auhurn to spend some time, and
very enjoyable Lime was had by also attend the dinner prepared
all The Carlson's were overnight by a friend. Present were Mr&
guests of their son and daughter- Hack of Shelton and Miss Jane
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Carl- Williams. To add to Mrs. Stark'a
pleasure was a congratulatory long
son. distance call from her sister, Mrs,
Mr. and Mrs Ralph Sprhzger and Frank Watts of lort Dodge, Iowa.
zamily drove to Aloha. Ore. Sat- More than a few cards :from
urday morning to visit Mr. and friends also were received and
Mrs. Lowell Cook. That afternoon phone calls to fflicltate Mrs. StarS:.
they all enjoyed barbecued stakes Jl ly 4th found a gathering of
cn the beach at Seaside. They the clan at the Water Wheel. On
v,,ere ovevnite guests in Astoria
.1 the home of Mr, and Mrs. Da-
vid Lamon and returned to their
Lake home Sunday evening.
Mr, and Mrs. LeVerne Seal and
buy four gallons...
get the fifth one
children, Nampa, Idaim, visited
recently at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Clifford Ford. Mrs. Seal is
Mrs. Fords grandaughter.
Weekend guests of Mr, and
Mrs. Clifford Ford were Mr. and
Mrs, Dick Boothe and son of Seat-
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hickson and
family drove to Horshoe Lake
ear Port Orcnard on Sunday
where they left Son Mike for a
stay at the "Mirachle Ranch" lo-
cated on the Lake. Later they
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Page and family in Kingston.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kelley and
daughter Betty visited at the Ra-
lph Pauley home in Shelton on
Mr. and Mrs. Arehie Kelly and
daughter Betty visited Sunday
afternoon at the Albert Kuhnle
] anc]l.
Mr. and Mrs, Carl Kanzler of
Tacoma have been guests of Mr.
:nd Mrs. Axe] Carlson during the
past past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rothrl'
and children of Rt. 1. Elma visit-
ed last week Tuesday with Mrs.
Clarice Carpenter.
Mr. and Mrs. A E. Paschal of
Keokuk, Iowa, left for their home
Saturday following a week's visit
at. the resort with Mr, and Mrs
Lee E. Dawson. While here the
Iowans enjoyed a trip through
Grisdale to Humptulips, a mormng
of digging razor clams and a day
of fishing at Westport. Two large
,:ilvers and a 28 lb. King saltwort
were taken by Lee and Art. A
trip up Hood Canal was also en-
joyed by them and they promised
to visit again soon to see more of
our beautiful country.
Mr. and Mrs. ]verett Sellers of
Brady and Edgar White of She]-
ton were 4th of July guests of
Mrs. Claricc Carpenter.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gonsalves of
By EUml Dalby location were Mr. and Mrs. Vauglm
Abrams and daughters Gwen and
Valerie, and a gmst, Carol Sterling
of Long Beach, Calif., Mr. and
Mrs. David Dalby, Maril, Marie,
and Susan, and David Jr. of Sand
Point, Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. Fritz
Dalby of Edmonds, and Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Van Woerden of Se-
attle (our niece), and son Ed J,
There were 18 gathered round
the birthday dinner of July 4tb
and a birthday cake with only four
candles (by virtue of extreme
tact of the cake-baker,) and "Hap-
py Birthday" by the group and a
very pleasant evening by the fire-
place, with music by the younger
musicians present rounding out
the evening along with messages
from .relatives and friends and a
happy Union correspondent.
THE SAND POINT Dalbys left
Monday for the return trip to
:Idaho, the Abrams family remain-
ing on for a couple more weeks
at the old home place.
When Dick Allen took his fam-
ily on a camp-oUt last week he
also took along a large tent two-
burner gas stays andan atr tight
heater. Came the down pour of
rain Wednesday,. the Allen family
at Hamma Hamma was snug and
comfdrtable. Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Waiters spent the day with the
Aliens (4th) but returned to Union
that evening.
Mrs. Howard Walters announces
She is retiring from 'the "Buttons
and Bows Shop" at Union after
Labor Day. There will be some
sharp buys for local wmen with
regard to dress goods arid yardage
and other articles.
Mrs. Mary Traeger, who has
been patient a theCollier Clinic
for the past .few days, was suffi-
ciently rcovered to be returned to
her cttage by her oh, Bob Gwin,
last riday. Calling oh her Satur-
day were Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Gwin 'of Pine Lake, and on Satur-
day, Mrs. Arne Williamson and
Mrs. 0iv4n '"Haugeh,'her graad-
dagh'ters of Auburn and Issaquah.
The Hood Canal Garden Club
meets at the home of Mrs. Thomas
Turner Thursday {today) for the
July club month.
smaller, qraft moored at Alder-
, brook the past., week has oc-
casioned' somme excitement locally,
small boat owners being' conslotls
of their preenee, and younger
citizens taking advazltage of the
time to visit the craft, and chat
with the young Coast" Gumxlsmen'.
Alderbrook has leased tile large
attractive' new dock and morn;age
area to Nor'West .Marina of Se.-
attle for an indefinite length of
time. "The" Marina has "cizarter
boats, ski. craft, for. rental, as well
as dock moorage for ,visiting and
local craft. ,
M,:,,.and S:,Ibli Gallop al,
family: of Seattle az'e stmmering
at the 'cottage leased for the year
from Mrs. John Schaffer. A g'ue§t
last week was her mother, Mrs.
Faye Brokow, 0f°'Sefittle, a former
Shelton resident Of' a number of
years. The late :Clyde:Brokow had
for some years been in-charge of
the Compm]y Stor a.t Potlatch
when the- family resided there
some :35 :,','ears Or' mbr6 ago, and
dung the time Ph0ehix Logging
Co. held itsboom in f'ront of "the
town, and the .stol:e was scene :of
nmch activity.
Breakfasting toether at Alder,
brooV Sunday morning after
church were Mr. and Mrs. Douglas
Lentmd senKirk of Bremerton,
Mrs. Dorothy Jessup, Mrs. Jean
.Moore .and son Mike, and Mrs.
Louis Van Arsdale.
are house guests of the Robert
Fletchers over th¢ weekend, The
Artesia, Calif. were Tuesday over- Henry Bacon family, now of So-
night guests of Mr. and Mrs. ames attic, were fomner Shelton rest-
Sleeker. dents.
i ii ii i i i i i
It's S.A.V.E. time again at your Shelton
Plymouth-Valiant Dealer's!
(Sell All V aliants E,mmediately!)
i i I
$73 less than CHEVY II
$70 less than RAMBLER CLASSIC
$62 less than CORVAIR
$55 less than FALCON
$473 less than OLDS F-85
$374 less than BUICK SPECIAL
$258 less than PONTIAC TEMPEST
$154 less than MERCURY COMET
*Based on comparison of Manufacturers' Suggested Retail Prioes for lowest-priced 6-
passenger models. Whitewall tires and wheel covers extra. All models listed, except
Valiant and Rambler Classic include a heater as standard equipment, but may be
deleted by special order, with appropriate p,'ice adjustment.
ALLN --Many of the summer
of tlze week afLer spending the
Births are starting their cabin
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Griffey spent iiu the Virginia Mason Hospital.
a day last week during a low tide, I We hope she is reported up and on
at the ocean digging c Jams. Chan- ) her feet soon.
ncl 13 was shootntg fihn for their i Mrs. Earl Terrell and Mrs. Susie
Thursday night sport show aud, and Judy Van Oaten and little
Look pictures of the Gviffeys and IKare n ejoyed a most delightful
their party digging clams, i "
l:)reakfast at. My. a(I Mrs. Mel
Did you kuow the Fvst Aictl ttemphLlls, before putting Mrs.
Class meets at 7 ll.m. on Thurs- ;l?errell on the train to Billings.
g IN
Look at these
extra value features
Valiant gives you as
standard equipment/
• Money-saving, battery.saving alternator
• Steady-speed electric windshield wipers
• Roomy, 24.9.cubic-foot rear trunk
• A husky 101.hp Economy Six powerplant
• Rugged, rust,and,rattle.resistant Unibody
• $molh-riding, torsion.bar suspension
Valiant salesmen will Sell All Valiants E_.mmediately/
KIMBEL MOTORS, 707 Soulh First Street
A no-host dinner at Alderbro0k
recently lnchlded Mrs. luiS V, an
'Arsdale, Dr. and Mrs. George
Le Compte of Shelton, and Mr,
and Mrs. Bruce Elmore of Clover-
dale, Calif., former Sheltonites,
and Mrs. Dorothy Jessup. "Later
drop in guests were Mrs. Paul
Schloager and Mrs. Jean Moore
and Mike.
Wednesday a week ago. Mrs.
Van Arsdale made the trip to
Vancouver, B.C. to board a plane
to Lake Williams, B.C. where she
joined Dr• and Mrs. Le Compte
and grandson Tom Jr., who were
on a ten day vacation trip. The
party took in the Annual SLam-
Fede, alzd slde trips to Barkerville
Centennial, and stay at Kam-
loops. She returned last Thursday
to her Canal cottage after a
most enjoyable tlre.
The David James family was at
their Madrona cottage, David
spotted, chain saw in hand, in
skivy shirt hard at a bit of wood
getting Saturday morning, for the
want of exercise, or maybe fire-
place wood.
Housegaests at the home of Mr.
cJd Mrs. D. C, (Pat) Nilson were
Mr. and Mrs. Don Loveless aad
their daughter. Don was on leave
from the Navy and left Sea-Tae
Airport on July 3 for his return to
Iceland. During iris leave his
6aughter, Patricia, was baptised
at the Elim Evangelical Lutheran
Church of Waterman by the Ray.
Kenneth W. Dugan. Sponsors are
Mr. and Mrs. Joe S. Roby of
Omaha, Nebraska. Proxy Godpar-
ents are the grmzdparents, Wanda
and Pat Nllson.
Fishermen's Olub
A Gospel film entitled "In Times
Like These" will be shown at the
l'ishermdn's Club Stnday morning.
The story Is about two Christian
brothers, unlike in their attitude
toward living the Christian life. It
portrays the time in htstoz.-y in
which we are now living• This
sixty minute fihn will be shown at
the PUD auditorium promptly at
9:30 a,m.
people are down rot" the remainder
4th of July holiday here. The Vern
this week, Mrs. Brch hoped to
spend most of the suunner lmre
with the children doing what size
can to get the cabin ready or
Harold and Rachel Brown are
entertaining company from Mass-
aehusetts. Mrs. Avis Lundholm and
Anna Pustorino of the Bay area
around Boston came last week for
a look at the Fair and a visit with
the Browns here. Mrs. Lundholm
is a retired telephone employee
and will leave for California from
here to live near her daughter
and family.
The Browns are also entertain-
ing Harold's two s/sters from the
East, Mrs. Dorothy Mac Gahill
from Malden, Massachusetts and
Mrs. Hfldegard Paige of South
Deerfield, Massachusetts. Thurs-
day they spent going to the Fair
Sunday the Bwn's took them
on a picnic to Pt. Defiance Park in
Tacoma and Monday motored to
Mt: Rainier to show them the
beauty of the mountain. The girls
are here for a ten day stay and are
njoying their time to the utmost.
' "Ifast Sunday Mrs. Steve Boyce's
brother Joe McConnell of Gig
Harbor and Mrs. Claire Malden
called on the beach folks here.
, Mr. and Mrs. Mel Hemphill and
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hemphill
spent part of Sunday at Mel and
Lillian's lot here, talking of future
lans for building a lmuse on the
property. They spent some time at
Van Ostens while here.
GREG VYNN is home from
Shelton hospital after spending a
week there after his fall off the
Allyn dock, in which he suffered
a concussion.
.The care here, Tide's Inn, is
doing mc remodeling on the ex-
terior of the building making a
gjrea't inprovement on the place.
.... Mrs. Ruth Doxie has sold her
place in Allyn to the Frank Jolleys
and will move to a smaller place
on' Coulter Creek. The Jolleys have
sold their grocery store and will
nove into their new home in the
ear future
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lindsey and
children are spending their vaca-
tion visiting her sister in Cali-
Mr. Richard Knight's sister
Me, teen from Seattle was out
(lays at. the Allyn Fire Hall 7
Allyn Sunday School has been
discontinued for the summer
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Clements
are entertaining some of their
grandchildren this week. Kathleen
and Mary Baumgartner along witl
Johnny Leaper are having a grand
time. Mrs. Clements took them
shopping into Sterner/on on Mon-
day and Tuesday they all spent the
day at Belfair State Park.
Mrs. Earl Terrell left Thurs-
day for Billings, Montana to care
for her daughter, Betty, who is re-
covering from surgery. We all
hope Betty is up and feeling
better before long.
Mr. and Mrs. James McBride
and son Jim arrived Thursday to
spend time with the Jewel Van
Ostens, after spending several days
at the Fair.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Terrell spent
the 4th in Port Orchard with the
Bob Kneels along with Mr. and
Mrs. Art Kuehn of Paulsbo.
ALLYN residents were sorry
to hears that Ronnie Greffey, 8,
.was in a hospital in Seattle. While
in Seattle with his dad, Harvey
Griffey, he was struck by a car.
The full extent of his injuries are
not known at this time. A quick
and speedy recovery is wished
by all.
Congratulations to the Allyn
House on receiving their perma-
nent license effective July, 1962 to
July 1963. Your painting and re-
modeling look very nice.
Mr. and, Mrs. Paul Gasch of
Tacoma and Mr. and Mrs. Mel
Hemphill spent the 4th with the
Van Osten's.
The Bill Austina St'. had a busy
4th as 35 members of the family
had a picnic in spite of the damp
We are sorry to report Mrs.
Steve Boyce is spending some time
over ,the weekend to visit her
brother, or 426-2455
John Gehring had a couple of
friends in Thursday for cake anti
ice cream to help him celebrate
his 10th Birthday.
KATHY BEESON from Fresno,
Califoz'nia came Dack \\;,'il.l llev
grandnlother, Mrs. Bee Beton to
spend several weehs.
The North Masvn Youth A(tivi-
ties Dance held Tue:;:'ay, July
2nd, was a huge success. It was
heard tha,t they have cleared ap-
proximately $200.00.
Tina and Jeffery Nelson spent
several days visiting their grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nelson
in Aberdeen. Their parents Leon-
ard and Ruth Nelson, joined them
over the 4th.
The Earl Anderson family spent
their holiday in preparation for
moving into their ranch at Mossy
Fire Protection Dist. No. 5 Fire-
men worked clearing the parking
lot next to Victor Hall. The mach-
inery for the clearing was donated
by Griffey Bros., Anderson and
sons and Dick Sharer. It is cleared
now for parking but more work
will be done later.
Journal Wanl Ads Pay
• HarmonY
• Rhythm
that will
for a lesson
The Swiss Alps have nothing on the
setting of Mason County's newest qualit
dining facilities, where you can relax
favorite cocktail in "THE LIARS DEN"
have a roof that needs
Chevron Roofing Pro
at a 10% discount! Th
ears of extra life to an
Aluminum, Asbestos,
protection to
structural steel
ry. Sale ends August 31st
For any Standard Oil pro(
B $o. Third
Complete Dinners from
Hoodsport, Washington phone TA
Reservations if desiredWe cater to group lunch
You'll Have a Ball at the
[or the
This Saturday, July I RichDarig01
Delid0us B
of Peoans am
8 p.m. Loop Field , A TreailoEn
sponsored by Shelton Rotary Club to benefit the
Adults .
Under 1
This space courlesy
Simpson Timber Gompany
larmer Neighbo: