July 12, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Thursday,'y 12, 1962 SHELTON--MASON COUNT¥ JOURNAL --.Published in eeC!wistmastown , U.S.A.'" Shelton, Washington Page 13
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L GLASS]FlED ADS GET RESULTS Two B I!air Women Return Home !,7 Skokom!s! Valley }lave v ,Ge!ooTogethe! i
The reformer •
s i tl a Sl lth ho
s re,m'ted uo and o; ..... T .... T-- h-.,ll- A. I i ....... G.E. LaI onsie, Bremerton but Y 'Y : '3' -" " ... ' i ' ' . " '' ". te.
" ' :""": rrflm /rift /fl rarlx ul r_llrflfie spen Island Lake, MR,. AND MRS. Engene Brown
m/vmH mlm mY m/*. vl mm=vrv Mrs, IF Y'OU HAVE NEVER played made tile trip to Seattle this week
errell and Mrs. Susie
m Osten and little
d a most delightful
My. mid Mrs. Mel
efm'e putting Mrs.
train to Billings.
lg had a couple of
arsday for cake and
help him celebrate
',ESON fl'om Fresno,
IllC DaCI( \\;vi|.ll lie
Mrs. t3ee Bettm to
Vlas'm Youth Activi-
acid Tuc:;: 'ay, Jtly
uge success. It was
ey have cleared ap-
effery Nelson spent
¢isiting their grand-
nd Mrs. Carl Nelson
Their parents Leon-
Nelson, joined them
lderson family spent
in preparation for
aeir ranch at Mossy
ion Dist. :No. 5 Fire-
:leafing the parking
:tot Hall. The mach-
learing was donated
ros., Anderson and
Sharer. It is cleared
ing but more work
lanl Ads Pay
Organ .... :="
• Harmony
• Rhythm
that will . :::
playing so
he Swiss Alps have nothing on the b¢i
g of Mason County's newest qualitY.qf:
;I facilities, where you can relax Wli
ite cocktail in "THE LIARS DEN", a
Dinlmrs from
)rt, Washington phone 1"ti
if desiredWe cater to group lunch
have a roof that needs repair, you can save
Roofing Products. They are on sale
at a 10% discount! These easy-to-apply coat-
add years of extra life to any type of roof.
Aluminum, Asbestos, and Asphalt Coatings
;g-lasting protection to asphalt-roll, felt, and
structural steel, brick, and concrete
ry. Sale ends August 31sL
or any S,andord Oil produc,, call I1 1 [?:iii
c. coLE sons 00Nc. llii!iii
a lO. Th rd 426-4411 iiii
;; ;::;;L;: ;; :71: ;: ,<> < :<;i ;<7;; :i ;;i ii;; 7 $ ::L77 Z 2 ??:::'" !
By Carolyn Freelin
Sunny weather has swelled
Belfair's population, filled the
be:4ches, l'l)a(Is and State Parks,
and brought many familiar faces
back to the Canal.
]k{rs. J. R. Small of the South
Shore and Mrs. George Pope of
Belfair have returned from a
Spring trip to Europe. The first
part of their stay aboard was
spent at the Lakenheath base near
London with Mrs. Small's daughter
and son-in-law, Major and Mrs.
E. D. Nichols. Then a 29-day
LeRoy bus Lore' took them through
scenic areas in France, Switzer-
land, Italy, Monte Carlo, Austria,
Amsterdam, and Brussels. Later
the pair flew by jet to Denmark
and visited Sweden. Scotland and
Ireland too were on the ladies'
itinerary. Mrs. Pope visited rela-
tives in Denmark and found this
country nmst interesting, while
Mrs. Snmll counted the British
Isles" the high point of the trip.
Eoth admitted, however, that their
homecoming was the best part of
the journey.
While in England Mrs. Pope
Hammond Organ
visited Mr. and Mrs. Arnold
Snorer and son near Newbury.
The return trip included a stop
at New York and Mrs. Small took
a four-day side-trip to visit her
son, M. Small, in Denver, Colo.
Mrs. Mark McDonald and Mrs
Joseph Wilbur led six members of
Girl Scout Troop 115 on a hiking
trip in the Olympic Mountains
June 21-23. The young adventurers
were Nanette Cotant, Carol
Stimac, Kathy Davis, Sally Mc-
Donald, and Katy and Mary Wil-
bur. The group hiked eight miles
up the Dosewallips River to camp
at beautiful Diamond Meadows.
Friday was spent hiking to the
glacier on Mount Anderson, five
miles above the girls' camp.
Miss Nanette Cotant was win-
er of the door prize, a salad bowl
and servers, at the Silver Tea put
on by the Women's Auxiliary to
the Veterans of Foreign Wars,
Nuel Curtis Post 5372, honoring
Miss Sally McDonald, who leaves
July 14 for Button Bay. Vt. and
the National Girl Scout Roundup
there. Sally has been a Girl Scout
for ten years and has received her
Curved Bar and Five:Point awards.
During her three years as a senior
Scout in Emwice Troop 115, she
has achieved the rank of Program
Aide, Child Care Aide, Hospital
Aide, and Occupational Therapy
6 Lessons &
30 Day Home $4=00
Use -- All for
• Mrs. Loui Larson
spent Monday night with Mr. and
William Cummings. Vieki
also spent July 4th with a friend
Penny Stanley, at the Stanleys'
:;ummer home here. All automobile
accident near Walls Walls on the
way from Iowa to Bremerton with
the LaPonsies delayed them in
southeastent Washington and cut
shm't their visit in the Northwest.
Lee and Claire Lopriore's ranch
population shifted considerably the
week of July 4th. Usually badly
cutntlmbercd by the bovine family,
lhe human ranks took over on the
holiday at a first-t.ime get-together
of part of Lee's family. From
Seattle came his brother Gun with
wife Mary and two daughters,
Carol and Lallrp, who is home
from college; from Shedd, Ore., his
sister and brother-in-law, Floyd
and Bernice Simon and their
.oungest son, ten-year=old Mark
and from Naps, Calif., his
Ann Bentley, with husband Tom
and youngest son Jim, 17, "little"
426-3376 -- Rt. 3 Box 325
or call
Sherman Clay Music Co.,
Aide, receiving the last two in
connection with the Scouts' Junior
Grey Lady program. During the
weeks she is at home this summer
she works as a second-year coun-
lselor-in-training at Camp Lyle
McLeod on Lake Bennettson.
Early last week Mrs. Jerry
tThompson and daughter Vicki,
Spencer, Iowa, visited old friends
along the Canal. Mrs. Thompson
taught school at Belfair until 1946.
In 1949 the family moved to Iowa
SKOKOMISH---Fifty-two mem-
hers of the Johuson and Riehert
families met Jnly 1, at the Sko-
komish Commmfity Hall. Besides
those front the Valley and Shelton
were Rev. and Mrs. Carl King and
daughters formerly fl'oul Belling-
ham, Mr. and Mrs. Don Miller and
family from Edmons, Mr. and
Mrs. VVesley Johnson and family
from Edmons, Miss Esther John-
son of Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. Arlen
Johnson and danghter of Seattle
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Riehert from
Bellevue, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell
tflbright and family from E1
Monte, Calif., Mrs. Florence Han-
son and daughter of Portland, and
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hetin of
A family get together on the
4th of July at the home of Mrs.
George Rebman brought many
relatives from fai" and near.
Among them were the five sisters
of Mrs. Rebman, Mrs. Edith
Sandusld, of Gresham, Ore., Mrs.
Crickct you shotild make it a point
to see it played on Thursday eve-
ning starting at 6:30 near the
Skokomisl Comnmnity Chm'ch.
Mr. and Mrs. Arehie Vaughn
l:ad as their gxmss over the holi-
(lays Mr. Vanghn's daugilter and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Harmon, Lynette, and Julie of
Santa Clara, Calif. On the 4th of
July Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Evans
and family joined them for a day
of visiting.
Mrs. Kay Bell, and Mrs. Jerry
to slay wittt their grandson St:even
v>hilc his parents vimted a few
0ays in Victoria.
Mr. and Mrs. George Lindsey
and family were weekend g'uests
of the Lester Crossans. Other din-
lier gue:ts on Sunday were Mr.
and Ml's. Ron li'reeman and family,
Mix and Mrs. Jerry Twidwell and
Debby, and Doris Neff.
Mr. and Mrs. Able, Bremerton,
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don
Dock on Sunday.
Kitsap Dairy's Line of fine ice cream
Bentleys stayed two days, catching
up on five years of family news
since they were here on their
honeymoon. On Friday Jim de-
lighted the family with a breakfast
of> frog legs from Lopriore pond,
a treat that hitherto had escaped
them: Later they all went oyster-
ing, Jim's first such experience.
At last report, however, the cattle
far outnumber the people at the
Luana Chapter of Theta Rho
Riehert drove to Seattle Sunday ..............................................................
to attend the services of Rev.
Billy Graham and report a very NEW BLUE OX
interesting time.
Do you want to take piano
lessons? Call Rcv. Wallace Bell
for particulars.
Rev. and Mrs. Carl King who
lJave been visiting Mrs. King's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arvid John-
son the past week, left for Chicago
where he will take up new duties
brother of Dick Lovie who lived Florence Winter.d of Wyoming, in ChrisLian Education work.
with Lee and Claire in 1959-60 Mrs. Lyda Meyrs and Mrs. Dorothy MR. AND MRS. Bill Hunter ca-
and attended high school here. Dickinson of Seattle, Mrs. Venessa tertained with a dinner in honor
Dick was unable to come at this Kennedy of Olympia, and Mrs. of their son Billy's 9th birthday.
time. Rebman's daugh'ter and husband; Those invited were his cousins
As the planned picnic was rained Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wamslcy of Curt'Hunter. Kathy and Rian Pat-
out, the picnic table came indoors Peoria, Ill. terson of Seattle, ann Rickey Rue-
and the men enjoyed a "stag" MILS. LEIVANNE Stevens and ehel of Union. Also present were ,
session on the large front porch family and Mrs. Ethel Richert vis- Billy's grandparents Mr.::: Mrs.
while barbecuing a turkey. Claire's ited Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Hudspeth Paul Htlnter and Mr. Mrs. >
l;arents, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick in Laeey last Saturday. George JJarkley. .a
Fardo, joined the group later in
the day. After the holiday the Elizabeth Stevens is visiting her Mrs. Elmer McCoy has returned
home after spending two weeks
with her sister Mrs. Julie McHarg
of New Westminster, B.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Valley and
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Valley and
Tammy of Seattle spent the week-
end at Westport where the men
joined the Fistermans Club for
a day of fishing and are happy to
report they had good luck. Others
from the Valley to enjoy the fish-
ing were Ted Botlinger and Ted
Richert who each got their limit.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Brown ac- "
great Aunt, Mrs. Jim Tauscher
in Tacoma, Her visit is longer than
expected as she came down with
chicken pox but is reported doing
With a new year starting for the
Comnmnity Club the new officers
to take over are Don Ragan, pres-
ident; Ted Bollinger, vice-presi-
dent; June Gee, sedretary; and
Ethel Richert, treasurer. Bert:
Deyette and Ted Richert were
elected trustees for three year:
companied by Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Brown and Marion Ferguson of
terms and alan Lyman one year.
Hold over tIamtees are Glen Gee
and Roger Williams. The building Los Angeles, Calif., and Mrs. A.
Firecracker Exploding c°mmittee has made a g°°d start i L" O'Neill °f Shelt°n made a trip
A towards purchase of the building.
of several days to Canada and
It is hoped to be able to get the
support of the Valley so that a points east. Among the interesting
, fire district can be formcd before places visited were Penticton, Lake
Louise, Jasper, Banff, Canadian
long. The meetings are the last and Montana Rockies, and Grand
Thursday of each naonth with dues Coullee Dam.
of one dollar a year, Everyone is QUITE A GROUP from the Val-
urged to attend.
ley attended the 50th wedding an-
. Mr. and-Mrs. William Gilbert of nlversary of Mr. and Mrs. Henan
Hoodspoc entertained with a Ahern which was held at Kneeland
birthday dinner recently in honor Park in Shelton. Mr. and Mrs.
of Mrs. Gilbert's sister, Mrs. Ahren are former residents of the
William Dyers of Montcsano.
Those joining them for the occas-
ion beside the honor guest and
her husband were Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Girls' Club held installation of
officers last Sat'Arday night in
Port Orchard. New president of
the organization is Pare Souther-
hind. Elected to the post of secre-
tary is Clye Fain, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Fain of the
Old Belfair Highway, and the
group's new financial secretary is
Carol Lyman, daughter of Mr.
;and Mrs. W. R. L:;man, Bremerton,
formerly of the North Shore. BeN
]fair .girls installed in appointive
offiees are: Suzan Clappe, right
i supporLer to the president; Mildred
Kisler, left supporter to the vice
president; Cheryl Williams, inside
Valley and members of Skokomish
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Sjoholm were
recent visitors of their daughter
Mrs. Joan Shivers in Portland.
This Friday evening at 8 p.m.
i the regular meeting of the
Grange. As this will be the only
meeting this monlh the mentbers
are m'ged to attend ann especially
the offiecrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Patterson,
Seattle, spent the wet;endWlh
her parents Mr. and ,t'."L G eopee
Barldcy. ' ', ....
Mr. and Mrs. A1 Malcom, Port-
land, ()i'e. and Mr. and Mrs. Mike
Wane, Tacoma, were visitors this
205' Cots St.
i i
guardian; Linda Archer, outside
guardian; and Marlene Hannigan, Safflower Oil Capsules
warden. Advisor or the club is
Mrs. R. Playter, assisl;ed bv Mrs.
John Clapp nf the Nort.h Shore.
Guests last weekend at the
½ Vanilla
Ice (ream
are here now!
F R E E 8 oz. bottle
Safflower Oil
2 -_ _ _ _ _ - _ _- . _
George Oaklund home were Mrs.
A. R. Henrie of Seattle and her
son Wayne, and her brother
Thomas James from California A
part of the weekend was spent on
a trailer trip to the coast, where
they visited Mrs. Oaldund's sister's
iamily, the George Shriners of
Ocean City.
Nephews of Mrs. Hubert Church
and Mrs. Ere Juhola made a cross-
country hitch-hiking trip to visit
the Churches and the Juholas.
First Jack and then Henry Adam-
son came to Belfair from their
home in Nashwauk, Minn., where
Jack recently graduated from high
school. Henry attends college in
Sacaryl pi.ts$2 23
Vz Orange
....... , She bet
/ ii
at the i i
• 7;f
YOUTit -.
1 i / ! -- ' Rich Darigold Vanilla Ice Gream Ghock Full
__ _. of Peoans and You Have Our Spedal for July, Ice Cream
• A Treai to Enjoy All Monlh Long,
)p Field
la©e courles 4473
rimber Gompany ,
Minnesota, but plans.to spend the
rest of the summer here, while his -- --- - - - - - -- -
younger brother has ah'eady left
home.t° see more country on the; way. Tote Sh- O0
The 93rd birthday of Mrs. 3onn VV v"
S. Laney ("Miss Lulu") was cele- l
brated July 1 at the home of her . and
daughter, 1Vh, s, Calvin It. Mann, llall:S '
on the South Shore. There for the
birthday dinner were Mrs. Rosa
Mann and the Calvin Manns of
Olympia and their six children, A smart and p a ;1 l-rc"ca"
It's a nanson fm M
g' " ' r. and Mrs,
Joe Tschida of the South Shore.
The new arrival joins two sisters, for travel.
the children of Mrs. Tschida's son
and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
W. C. Hanson of Seattle. ,.,.- -
The Carl R. Mattus family en-
tertained two college friends of
their daughter Carol, June 30 and
July 1. Linda Baysinger of Tacoma Revlon
oo00,=o<00ooko, Satin Set 1
" $ O0
Saturday and Sunday enjoying the , .
Canal. Both girls are nursing stu- e . $1. 5
dents at the University of Wash-
ington and are now attending sum- reg. $1.85 size on,,, +.,u.
met qtlartor classes there.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stees left
today after a two-week stay at
1heir North Shore property. ;they 1 O0
plan to trailer to Portland and Silken Net reg,$1,35 1
ihen to Fort Stevens, and hope to
return to the Canal for a while
in August.
Lt. Cdr. and Mrs. Graden Mont-
gomery and son Bill have moved - _ - -_ '.- -=-- - - -_
from their North Shore home,
where they lived for two and one-
ball years, to a new home on
Rocky Bay near Bremerton, STILL SOME LEFT.. ,
New residents t the Canal .,,0KS al:on,y 88
home ar I' e Chief Fire Control Tech- llA, II.
nician and Mrs. Fred Hackett and
iheh, three sons. Chief Hackett,
who comes from San Diego, is sta-
tioned at the Puget Sound Naval Neil's Pharmacy
Shipyard with the USS Cnlumbus.
F.O.E. Auxiliary has scheduled
a rummage sale to be held August 4th and Railroad
10 and 11 at the PUD Auditorium.
Those having rummage and wish-
ing it to be picked up are asked
to call 426-8730. or 426-2149,