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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 12, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 12, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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6 .... J ...... :: :-TONMASON 0: JOUINAIJ -- Publ|.lied In ¢¢Ohfm,aown, U.N,A.'" Shelfon, Wa.hfrton Thursday WIN AWARDS--Two Shelton High School girls, Sandi Lewis and Wendy Brickert. pictured above, attended tile Eastern Washingon State College High School Creative Arts Summer series and re- turned home with awards and recognition from George W, Lotz- enhiser, head of the division of creative arts. Sandi, dattghter o Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Lewis, received a tuition scholarship for voice for the 1963 High School Creative Arts summer series. Wendy, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brickert, was alternate recipient of the band scholarship. Self-discipline in the mastery and appreciation of fine arts was taught to the 42 delegates from the state of Wash- ington. The girls were sponsored by the Shelton Music Club. Lilliwaup Community Club Plans Card Party For Friday By Mrn. Nell V.'mee LILLIWAUP Lilliwaup Com- rnunity Club will entertain at a card party l,h'iday evening, July 13. Pinochle will be played to start at 8 p.m. Prizes will be given and l'efreshlTlents servfd. Hostesses for tile evening are FranLs Moako and Steila Morken. The public is invited, especially Ihe Trailer Park folks who find very little enter- lainment on the Canal. Mrs. Kenneth Simmons of Eagle Creek is enjoying a. visit from her siIte]' and busl.)and, Mr. and Mrs, have been spending some time on the Canal, retu/,ned to their home in Seattle Suhday, : , Mr, and Mrs..B0b Burman and children of Beltee "spent the f0m;th of Jnly with Mrs. Burman's mother and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Allie Robinson. LEE AND TOM Erhart, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Erhart of Clear Lake are visiting their grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Allle Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Schaufler of E]doa entertained at a family dinner July 4th their daughters Vernon Kingsbury of Springfield, and families, Mr. and Mrs. George Ore. Mrs. Simmons is receiving Berg of Bremerton, Mr. and Mrs. congratulations on lhe birth of her George Kaare of Chico and Mr. first: granddaughter born to Mr. and MrS. Louie Schaufler, Dick's and Mrs. Dennis Kingsbury (if Olympia. Mr and Mrs. Floyd Johnston of San Francisco. Calif. who visited his brother and wily. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Johnston of Lilliwaup left las[ Monday for home via Rend, Nev. They really eujoyed their visit on Hood Cmml. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kllutson and children of Lilliwatlp visited in Se.atl-lc over tim weekend Mrs, ttatt'ie Artimr a,nd her two gl'anddauKllters of Seattle who FAT OVERWEIGHT brother, of Seabeek. They all en- joyed the get-to-gether very much. Rehltives and friends celebrated the 4th of July holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oran Lee on Blue Ox Beach. Unsettled weather changed plans from on outdoor picnic to an indoor potluck and open house. GUESTS OF IIONOR were the Lee's daughter, Donna, and family, T/Sgt. 'tnd Mrs. Kenneth Maas and children, Kenny, Karen and Kevin on vacation from San An- tonic. Tex. From Seattle I,ee's other dough. tel' and family, Mr. mad Mrs. Bud ButtacavBli and children. Mike. 'l'011i au Gina along with Bud's r(.,latives visitiIg' from New York, hSr, and Mrs. Anthony Aquino and Available to you wilhnut a doctor's F, On Richard, BrooklylL and pr{)st;rlplloll dill' dvllg called ODltI- CbaFlel ]:,llttacavoii  New York NEX. You mlmI lo.,e ugly fat il| 7 days or youl. lll,)lll!y bRck, NO strenuous City, M:I'. and Mrs. Rohtnd Cnrtis ;I%!,!5,,,I,W,',E:,,,g':,;iL°L,',Z Of CO1]¢ ion. t)l' (')lOWing /. U [I 1. O]')]:I- NEX is a. liny labhq- and easily swal- low'cal. Whel YoU taka ODICI'NI,X you till erljoy your 111€8]H, tfll eat th food,¢ YoU likp, but you thnDty don't l]g,V( ih(! 111'20 ftir oXlV/it portions be- au.'e QD.I:tINEX de Jreases Your uppe- lI.f Dlltl ([aCI''}tHO  yolll' O@8il'e t'or food. lrUlll ' Wtight lltUtll CO[IIO down, becau.qO as ymlr JWJl do('tur will tll YoU. when you dirt ](,bl.. yoH ,,i)tjl ]f.s,% (let rid of eL*;¢',.'.' flit llld I]V0 iollgf!r. OD][[- NEX coI.,- $3.00 and is mId on tlis GLAFLANT[!:E: If ll[t ,lltI;l'i('d ]'or ally rta,'h)ll .illS( l''Itlf'll ih! package tO yotlr dri:lg/-;'iM al]d g{,l: your fllll money back, No qlle.¢[ioHs l,'ked, OD:RINEX is nolo wilt tltts gllal.ant.(lt} by: McCONKEY DRUG CENTER Evergrc(,it t4quar - Shalton Mail OrcltCrs Filled and two children, Seattle. From Bremerton, Mr .and Mrs, Louis Sehaufler. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Berg and son Rickie and Mr. and Mrs. Geo Kaare and son Walter. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Schaufler, Lilliwaup, and Mr. and Mrs. Dess Haines, Hoodsport and grand- dauglater, Nancy, of Sacramento. Calif. TIlE "NEW YORKERS" were intrigued with their first clam digging and oyster picking. The Mass famiiy left for their. borne in San Antonio, Tex. Satur- day. Also guests of the Lee's over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Lee of Seattle. THESE ARE PRICED TO GO. • • Come in and see them THIS WEEKEND! 1961 Falcon Wagon 1961 Mercury 2 dr. 6 1.958 Chevrolet 4-door 1958 Rambler 1955 Ford Fairla[e 1955 Nash 1954 Ford Custom 1.953 Dodge 4-door 1953 Pi ymouth Wagon 1953 Buick Roadmaster 1,953 Ford Mainline 1953 Packard 1952 Ford Mainline --REAL FINE SELECTION OF TRUCKS-- Grange Meeting OnFriday By Dora Healing MATLOCK Math)ck Grange held its regular meeting last Fri- day evening. It was voted to just Fold one meeting m the months of July and August which would be the first Friday evening. M's. Augusta Portman, Carl Portman, Mr. and Mvs. Gene Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Elvig Hearing attended the Golden Wed- ding Annivet;sary of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ahern at Kneehmd Park[ in Shelton Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Martin of Ehna were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Helin on the fom'th. GUESTS OF Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Green over the fourth of July week were Mrs. Alto Daugh- erty, Mrs. Gladys Crooks, son Bill ,'tad daughter Mickey all of San FrancisCo, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. 17orman DeChambean and two sons of Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. William Duckwitz of Rochester spent the fom'th with tlmir cousins Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing. Mrs. Augusta Portman and Carl Portman enjoyed dinner with Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Portman on the FOUrth. Mr. md Mrs.-Ru'ssell Richard- son Of :Eugen'e, Ore., were house gsts over the week end of their brother and ster-in-law, Mr, and Mrs, Harold ClifL Mr. and Mrs. Edwaxd Valley and sons LeRoy and David spent the Fourth with the Rodger Spalding family. MR. AND MIS. Ben Coekburn and four children of Sunnysid¢ were week md guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cockburn. Orpha Mac Cockburn rettn'ned with them Sunday for a: few weeks 'ViSit Supt. and Mrs. EUgene Fenn and family re visiting Pelattves at La Center 'and Vaiicouver thts week, Mr, and Mrs. 'IaId lift 'ahd Mr. and Mrs. ha!;les CIift m0toe'd to Ocean Shtns last 'veek Theirs- day. M:R. AND MRS. LeRoy B0othe and family of Hoquiarn spent fria Wednesday to Monday with tteir folks, Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford. Mr, and Mrs, J. D. Simpson of Bremerton spent Sunday with Mrs. J. R, Singleton and Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford. Mr. and Mrs. Max Cash had as their guest for five days last week, their son and family of Juneau, Alaska, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cash and daughter Holly Jean. They left Simday morning to make their new home at San Diego, Calif. Michael Chambli'n, A lde]¢ood ] Manor, is rpehding two weeks [ with his grandparents, Mr. and| Mrs, Max CSh. WEEK END fi}IESTS An the Max Cash home were Mr. and Mrs. William Hamilton. Kenmore. They also had a horse enter at the Elms horse ;show Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Garth Calkins and three daughters Jeanne, Sandra and Coline. ,Santee, Calif., arrived Sunday to spend a week with the Earl Walker family and visit other relatives in Tacoma. Donglas Willis, Gaevioga, Calif., is spending a few days With his uncle and anut Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker. Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd House, of TaComa called at the Edward Valley home Mr'. and Mrs. Edward Valley visited Mrs. Betty LeGarde and family Sunday aftezloon. MRS. BOB DAWSON returned Monday from CMtfomia where she spent a week with her daughter and family. i} Robert Bower and Jim Helenski, Foil; Lewis, were week 'end guests ,  , ,,,I • '" of their cousins theLudRosgmaier family. USED CARS the lames Rossmaier s ad daugh. er Of Shelt0n and Robtrt Bower ahd Jiin Tfeienski were Saturday || evening dinner guests of Mr. and I Mrs. Lffd R0ssmaier. Later in the |]vening M and 1Irs. Chester '||'Iargort Of lm'a came to play |J, cards. .... ill BheH' Goodburn spen't a ,,,r days Is:st. week With her grafldparenfs the Lpd Rossmaiers. MRS. L1UD RDSSMER accom- panied, by M's.?,aH odbtrrn rd family and Mrs. Arthur Sharp hd family spent Friday with Mr. ad Mrs. Lud Rossmaier Sr. of Roelester. Mrs. Lud Rossmaier t 4-HER FIXES MEALKay Loertscher is shown as hostess with Mrs. Roy Edwards and Mrs. Richard Kelley as guests, plus the judge, Mrs. 'IN CONFERiENCE--Coileen and Terry Shrum are h0wn in 'erious conference with their judge, 1960 Ford :Ton 1956 Dodge %-Ton 1.954 FOrd Panel 1.946 Dodge -Ton 1.942 Ford -Ton JIM PAULEY, INC. EVENINGS PHONE Dealership: 5th and r Bob Wolden 426-3261 o Bu Rose 4,6-2156 Railroad Used Cars: 5th and Cots Jim Elliott. Olympia. Kay's entry was a quick and economical meal. 4"H CONTESTSummer time is contest time for 4-H. This month meal preparation took the stage. Etta and Rita Swearingen, who entered a blue ribbon luncheon at the county contest last week, are Shown in the above photo. 4-H Members Have 00ontests called on her aunt Mrs. Harry Lee, Centralta. The Lud R0ssmaier family and Mr. and€Mrs, James Rossmaler and the Carl Goodburn family, Robert Bower and Jim Helenskt and the Chester Larsons enjoyed Sunday at Ocean City to picnic and dig clams at Oyhut. Mrs. Beulah Gowan and grond- daughter Nancy Calkins spent Tuesday afternorm with Mrs. Herbert Brehmeyer St. Tuesday evening supper guests of the Herbert Brehmeyer Sr.'s were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Booth of Shelton. Mr. and Mi's. Paul Jo:anston and baby of Slelt0n spent the Fourth with their folks, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brehmeyer Sr. 1V[ason Connty 4-H members have been having pre-fair con- tests the past few weeks. Meal preparation contests were held recently. Among the contest- ants were Etta and Rita. Swear- ingen, blue ribbon luncleon; Colleen and Terry Shrum, blue ribbon breakfast; Kay Loertscher, blue ribbon quick and economical meal; David Robbins and Pat Macomber, bhle ribbon breakfast; Katie Blair and Susan Schiller, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Riekert of blue ribbon luncheon, and Ellen Hoquiam called at the Kenneth Koingsfled, red ribbon quick and L(.)(.)K [011 IOS In A New Home NEXT HONDAY at First and Cota Streets (former Signal Service Station) MERV :S TIRECAP First and Kneeland for the rest of This Week Only! REGAPPED .. NEW .. USED TIRES for all makes of cars and trucks economical meal. In the home hnprovement judg- ing contest, another activity re- cently, Karen Wolf was the top blue ribbon wirmer. ' Other ribbon winners were Rose- mary Wetter and Sally Wolf, blue Colleen Shrum, Terry Shrum and Linda Longacre, red; and Kevln Wetter, Terry Hartwell and Parry Jo Mell, wlfite. Howard home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Howard and family motored to Blyn Thursday to visit the Bill Howard family. Mr. and Mrs. Geiger and sop. Rickey of Puyallup spent the Fourth with the,,; Andrew McGarvie family. :Mrs. Augusta Portman and Carl Portman were dinner and over- night guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. D Portman of Shelton. Hanging Baskets! Fuchsias Geraniums Begonits H. I. Clay Rte. 2, Box 220 She]ton, Wash. Spencer Lake HA 6-6725 Merv Settle Phone 426-8104 Mrs. Arlean Palmer, Olympia. Their entry was a blue ribbon breakfast. Postmaster Has Tips On Mailing Fragile Things When a postal patron receives a damaked parcel, the comment is sometimes made that "It must l',ave beet] run over with a steam roller." The Post Office Depart- ment operates approximately 85,000 vehicles of various types but no "steam-rollers." according to, Postmaster J. H Gray. In fact, every etfort is nmde to a¢Jld damage to mail while it is in the custody of the post office. The greatest single cause of dam- age that does occur is from cartons collapsing under the weight of other mail. "Plenty of care and good com- mon sense is the ruh. to follow vehen mailing anything of a fragile nature." the postmaster stated. He offered hese important tips to .ssure that parcels arrive at their destination in good condition: 1. Select a container that is the right size and strong enough to retain and protect the contents from wight of other mail. Boxes or cartons of corrugated or solid fiberboard, or kraftboard, are rec- commended. Small ai'ticles may be nmiled in a chipboard carton if it is of sufficient strength to with- stand the pressures of other mail Suit boxes or shoe boxes do no provide adequate protection and are not recommended. 2. Sufficient cushioning material should be used to protect the con- tents from outside impact. If two or more items are mailed in the same carton, each should be wrapped and cusllioned to avoid damaging one anotiler. Fragile items should be cushioned with at le, as tWo inches of shredded paper (,r excelsior on all sides. 3. Parcels containing fragile or delicate articles such as glass, chinaware, radios, etc.. should al- ways be marked "Fragile." 4.Place a complete and legible address on one side of parcel only. If address labels are used, secure them to cleam uncoated wrapper or carton, and as an added pre- caution against loss, enclose a duplicate label inside the parcel. A few extra moments spent in properly preparing a parcel for mailing will greatly enhance the prospects of its delivery in good condition. Patrons desiring to know more about the "art, of proper packing may obtain the Post Office Department's free booklet, €'How to Pack and Wrap Parcels for 1Vfailing," by calling 426-3463. Scientist Text Sub]eot Freedom Freedom from enslavement of every kind is available through spiritual Understanding of the mighty power of God. This is the encouraging theme of the Lesson- Sermon entitled "God" which will be presented at Christian Science churches Sunday. Bible readings will include this verse (Revelation 11): "We give thee thanks, 0 Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned " From "Science and Health with Key to th Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy thi selection will also be read (p. 228): "The en- slavement of man is not legiti- mate. It will cease when man en- ters into his heritags of freedom, his God-given dominion over the material senses. Dayton Family Leaves To Home In Afognak Island, By Mahel Kidd DAYTON-- Mrs. Robert Goldy and children left July 3 by plane for Afognak Island Where Robert is employed. Mrs. Darl Goldy and Mrs. A1 Clmppel] drove them to Sea-Tac. Also leaving Tuesday but at a later time were Al Chappell and his mother, Mrs. Mary Chappell. They went by jet to Cordova where they will stay with brother Mrs. Francis of Seattle. Mrs. ter of the Adam. July 4 guests of Dave Walker were h mband, M r. ]-h)hua n, Sheltoa, ter, Mrs. Bob Ross J Inlcall, Alaska. Monday, .hlly Delmer Schur l:ousegues[ of the and son and his family, Mr. and}Robert Gotdy tool Mrs. Bud Chappell. Mrs. Henry lto get ter Chappell and Mrs. Bob Mendenhall ] Alaska. drove th.em to their plane, l Jolmny Bucchel A welcome is in order to Mr. iFriday overnighl md Mrs. Alan Ford and children tormerly of'Kennewick Wlo are now residing in the former Robert Goldy home: Ford is news editor of the Jom'nal. The Grays Harbor 4-H nembers convened Sunday at Panhandle Lake 4-H Camp. There are approx- imately 200 boys and girls enjoy- ing camp activities. MAJOR AND MRS. Ray T. Smitle and three children or Wash- ington D.C. arrived last 'Thursday to spend the night with her uncle end family, Mr. and Mrs. Warren iVilliams. Mrs. Gary Cole and children of Winlock joined them to spend the night. The Smittles left on Friday for California where tliey will board a plane for Hawaii where he will be stationed with the air force. The Dave Walker family was glad to have daughter, Tancy, home for a few days from San Mated, Calif. They spent the week- end in Seattle wkh Dave's stster and husband, Mr. and-Mrs. Arl Clune. The group enjoyed the World's Fair Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Nelson Of Shelton and :Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Needham of Dayton Look- out spent the weekend at Hurri- cane Ridge and Sol Duc Springs. Fonrth of July guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Simpson Jr. were Mr Pod Mr,. Irwin Smith of Sko- komisi Valley, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Prusia and children and Mr. and Mrs, Charles Simpson Sr. of Shelton and Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard Havens and children. JOE LUItlW, Ehna, former Day- ton resident, was a Sunday called in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rayson. The Fritz Buechels went to Longview on the Fourth and spent lhe day with son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Buechel. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Chappell and boys of Coos Bay, Ore. visited Monday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Darl Goldy. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lemke were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Loitz of Shelton and their granddaughters, Linda and! Lorraine Burkland, Puyallup, and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McLain, Kent who picked up daughter, Karlene who had been stang with her i grandparents ,the Lemkes. ' .... Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Zelenak and Carol, at home, were glad to lmve with them for the Fourth the rest of the children, Pat, Louise and Mike Jr. who are all employed in Seattle. The Richard Leonard family motored to Pacific Beach on July 4 for clarmning and a picnic hmcb. Fred Pauley, Walter Chappell, Alvia Chapman nd Harry Kidd motored to Ruby Beach on Sat- urday for smelting. Mr. and Mrs. Yohn Anderson and children spent the Lilliwaup with her parents, ]V[r. and Mrs. C. G. Chopin. They were happy to have present also a son, Cliff Rumphff of Dallas, Tex. WEEKEND GUESTS of Mr. and and Mrs. Dell Adams were Mr. and }onlc of his Mrs. Frilz Smday callers Chappcll home Albert Legault Jr Eddie aad J.J. of The Gary Cole were July 4 guests Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Gl children of Fourth with her P[ Mrs. Dell AdamS.° i MIL AND 51itS. were ,]'lily 4 pi( of Mr. and Mrs. family of Seattle Nahwatzel SUlnill0r Gary Combs with his cousin, in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Scab Carol Zelenak Sunday and thews of Ehna. Mr. and Mrs, cifildren of night of the Four day with Mr. and They called on Mr. Tibbits on the and baby Lester there. SINCE Don Rutherford ,4he proud owner per, a six year gelding quarter in Parkland. A Trail Ride joyed by Kathy Hedrick, Ed Gary Cakes, Mrs. and two of her Pete and Bill ered their borne of Mr. Boeck and rode Mr. Boeck, Mr. Sutherland, Mrs and Mrs. Pete truck with picnic lhe horseriding Cushman where look the canal. Sunday guests of Mr. at¢ Evers were Mr. Furrer of and Mrs. Montesano. Mr. and Mrs. last week Montana, taking in the beat try and visiting Yellowstone Sunday dinn Mrs. A. O. iMr. and Mrs. Tacoma. They relatives taken a ill Iowa. SUNDAY, FIulbert, and and ]V[ar.len Seattle to hear speak. The Hans Ltl] vacation time la to Hurricane and to Oyhut. Mr. and and sons spenl with his Howard. Publ00ic Save Up To i;? ON SIDING MATERIALS we have purchased , From A BANKRUPT Gore The following prices are for lotion on an average 24' x 32' house. ALUMINUM ' ! SIDING White -- Green -- Yellow ROGK ALUMINUM SIDING . Coral- Gray -- Green GLAPBoARD SIDING , , , Most Colors FREE Aluminum Screen/Door or Chareoal Grill with demonstration and FREE . GOOD THRU JULY 16, LOOAL OONSTRUGTION 426-8029 -- OUT OF TOWN CALL C¢ This offer goodvhile m 2" ii ;I DOCKS--When it comes has nothing on Shelt t) repairs his commerc adison Avenue back y; helps put the boat has it McNam U.S. Navy to contract Country Officers I in the tmusr s of the'and Mrs. C Club the Wells) at their Starr of Tre ages las Vacationi to at- trom Hollyv eeting at ed the small election to St. Cha with and August. who had Curtis Bell ' Roy 6ay. Lister; .and MR. AN1 man exten( on the at some tality to tw water last SaLul'd .inspection home. The dreary Sid Grahm Celebrations Verald Tr'c this been emplo: posted in Seattle mauy ment. at home Near nei Water ski (on weeke at least one Laurence ]  COuple re- joying the 'Skies thwart week vaca and Ruth beach prop, COok stove, Colleetint yard, I elephone, and lent in ou ell couples **ometimes at a wires". Th Complete in last- we( and Dona]y's n( the bounti- dent on Be ly enjoyed up. ' Not b ( re- :'tanding . over- hut, riski Celebrants Donaly's ]. on into lransporte(: to the shore of t color- then picke taken to 1 Whose hol- for first commend carried out who iaee of st t('el that ' son really on l drove to Mr. The Bill elder didn't sou in on they learm buddy their gnes Steck an Michael, Stecks, w Lake July gen and departure enjoyed Calif. horn Puget ioL brol{e driving ever, able to Cal- " B11 TV Ser visit to • Radi( • Phon, • CB 2 LERO' Mt. View for the Sel of the • New . * Reea' • Used' OK RL Mt. View )err Eleetri¢ • Elect • West • Fairt 6H ELT( 419 Railr • Helei met • Pres • Hyp( NEI Govey BI 'round his Used 1 • Appl • Furn • " Beds KELL 1st & Mi Dry Ch • Westin • $2.00 f • Also C