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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 12, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 12, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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"amily Leaves To Afognak Island, Iml Kidd /[rs. Robert Goldy • July 3 by ])hmc md Where Robert . Darl Goldy and ll drove llmm to [&apos;uesday but at a AI ChapI)ell and • Mary Chappell. jet to Cordova ta',, with hrolher family, Mr. and pell. Mrs. Henry ;. Bob Mendenhall eh" plane. in order to Mr. 'or(7 and children lncv,'ic]¢ v,'lo are be former [¢,obert • d is news editor bor 4-H nembers y at Panhandlc rimre are approx- . and girls enjoy- 3S. MRS. Ray T. ,{rs. Francis of Seallle. Mt's. ler of the Adam. July d O'llesls of; Dave WalRor were hlshand, M r. Hohnan, Shelhm, lcr, Mrs. ]7ob Ros sl J lineal1, Alaska. Monday, July Delmer Sehur l;ouseguesl of tile Roberl; Gohty mot IO o'er her Alask:t. .Iohnny Buechel 0f Friday overnight Imme of his OTaudl: Mrs. lPril z Sunday callel'S Chappell honie ;vote Albert Legault J1 Eddie and J.J. The Gary Cole .were July 4 guesLS Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. children of 1,'ourth with her 'He@port Navy l!lan Returns ltome From Four Years In Ilavy Lem Roes oil Thursday. Leonard and Donalo returnea on Saturday leaving the rest of the family for n week's visit. The ladies of Hood Canal Com- munity church hgd a "shower by mail" for Mrs. Faith Spencer of BABV BOV BORN Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wentz are the proud parents of a baby boy born July 2 in Seattle. t.obei't Wentz Jr. weighed scven pmmds and one ounce. (]randparents ll'e Mr, and Mrs. Paul Gibble, Shelton and Mr, anti Mrs. DeRose of By ,hlyee Scott HOODSPOT ..... Banners were 'flying" liffhts flashing and the fahl- iiy of Vrayne Scott was oat en inasse to groe| hi!T1 on his retilrn from four years in the Navy on Saturday nighl. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Scott and daughter Sybel from Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Rich- days slarting M'onday, July 30 wilh Mrs. Jerry Hill taking on lhe job of ehapernne and meml)ers of the Beaus and Belles assisting 15S jllUiOl' eoun,qelors. Melnbers planninff to attend must have their [Jpnlieations in lhe County Agent's office on or before July 20. The annual Piremen's Picnic has been tentatively scheduled for Sat- iirday July 28. Mrs. Kay San ford and son Danny were thrilled to be the guests of Mrs. Melvin Ricbey in Seattle recently and were fortu- rate enougta to have good weather for two fabulous days touring the nrd Seolt, Olympia and the Jack Rodmans from Shelton were all home for the evening• Mr. and Mrs. Ted Berry and Miss Jenny ttnaulz also joined the celebration. \\;Vayne's bus was two and a half lmurs la*:e in atTiring in Olympia hut the long walt only added to the exert(meat of the evening. Wayne will be entering the U of W in the fall to continue his educa- ; I ion. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mille had ns their gnests on the Fourth Mr. land Mrs. Diet Schmitl and Myrtle i Allard of Tacoma and the B('Jbert i Oornells and their sons, Bob and Rickey from Millbrae, Calif. Susan Cornell, a National Airlines stew- m'dess, mlrprised her parents by flying in from Daytona Beach, Fla. After the buffet hmchcon, "Happy Birthday" was mmg to Dick and Myrtle, both having made their debut in thc world on Independence Day. A lovely cake was (:ILL -rod scrved by the honored guests. The Millos are expecting Pedro Bay, Alaska on Monday Olympia. Great graudnmlher is (resins. The cllllreh parlors were Mrs. Minnte Judkins. decorated with roses and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Wentz who reside Stork stood in a setting of native at Edmonds, will be moving in greenery pondering a sign post to Huntsville, Alabama in three get his bearings before taking off weeks and to NeuOrleans in Step- for the Northland. The gifts wcrc t:ember. Mr. ¥eniz is a chemical wrapped at the party and fire enginecr at Bering's. being mailed to Mrs. Spencer. .................................................. Faith, a local, girl, served with Arctic Missions, Inc. in Alaska prior to her marriage to Mr. Spencer. a tea(her in Pedro Bay. The Spencers are in Anchorage for e few weeks awaiting the arrival of the little one. Mr. and Mrs. George Yocum, the Andy Sc.otts, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Graves and Kenny joined the Mike Gwinns for a barbecue at their home on the Fourth. The outdoor affair was moved indoors due to tile rain as was the case in many instances. RHONDA ENI)ICOTT celebrat- ed her fifth birthday with a dinner party Sunday. Guests were Pop Gray, Uncle Frank and his friend Bates. Ill the afternoon three of Rhonda's cousin: came to enjoy her birthday .with her. They were Tanya, Mary Aim and Sally Godding. Journal Wahl Ads Pay children oT Wash- 'ed last Thursday lit with hcr uncle and Mrs. Warren Gary Cole and el( joined them to The Smittles left California where plane for Hawaii tfttioned with the liter family was laughter, ]N'ancy, days from San y spent the .week- Tch Dave's sister r. and Mrs. Art up enjoyed the urday. Carl A. Nelson :Mr. and Mrs. of Dayton Look- ekend at Hurri- el Due Springs. guests of Mr. and pson Jr. were Mr, Smith of Sko- Mr. and Mrs. nd children and n'les Simpson Sr. r. and Mrs. Rich- children. Lma, former Day- a Sunday called r. and Mrs. ft. W. teehels went to Fourth and spent and family, Mr. rachel. ill Chappell and ay. Ore, visited tome of :Mr. and ,zuests of Mr. and ee were Mh.. and z Of Shelton and lters, Linda and d, Puyallup, and Mrs. Dell Adams., .... lYDOCKS--When it comes to battleslip overhaul shortly after his boat is Bill. AND Ml¢/;d''rt°nH, has nothing on Shelton, launched. Local seadogs who kibitzed his work were July 4 picnic of Mr. and Mrs. Robe Blght) repairs his commercial were impressed with the back yard facilities. They family of Seattle il=.Madison Avenue back yard recommended the advanced job. Should the Nahwatzel summer t,q .eehler helps put theMcNamarabOat in contraCttours, go through, (ExtensionMCNamara ServicePlans photo)guided Gary Combs spent ;;.Uttlebutt has it with his cousin, le US. Navy to contract a in tile of tlleir ,. -- Country Club 00lsl ,o,< Lewis from Saturday until Mr. and Carol Zele Monday where they visited with • and their nephew, Capt. Joe Catlin of Sundav thews of Ehna. the 8th Cavalry. Mr. and Mrs. a. children of night of the Foiirl day with Mr. They called on Mr. Tibbits on the and baby Lester there. SINCE Don Rutherford ..the proud owner per, a six yeal gelding quarter in Parkland. A Trail Ride on joyed by Kathy Hedrick, Ed Cain, Gary Cakes, "s. and two of Mhie' Pete and Bill Rot ered their horses' P, ome of Mr, an Boeek and rode Mr. Boeck, Mr. Sutherland, MrS. and Mrs. Pete truck with ihe horseriding Cushman where look the canal. Sunday guests of Mr. an( Evers were Mr. Furrer of Indinola, and Mrs. Trunla Mont:esano. Officers At Meet (if the y Chlb ] at their / cottages last 1 to at- at election with who had Roy Lister; • and also on the at ome water • z dreary Celebrations normal this kgs posted nlauy o's at home discouraged Water ski at least one ' .COuple re- Skies thwart ss and Ruth stove, ile yard, l't l'p S l:tnd in the unusual festivities were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wsldon (guests of the Wells) and Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Starr of Treasure Island. Vacationing school teachers trom Hollywood, Calif., have rent- ed the small beach cabin belonging to St. Charles Winery for July and August. Tlley are Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Bell who arrived last Satur- day. MR. AND MRS. Harold Retz- man extended ther warm hospi- tality to two couples from Seattle last SaLurday for dinner and an .inspcetion of their lovely new tmme. They were Mr. and Mrs. Sid Graham and Mr. and Mrs. Verald Tr'osper. The ladies had been employed in Retman' office in Seattle previous to his retire- ment. Neat" neighbors of the Retzmans on weekends), Mr. and :Mrs. Lam'enee Hunt of Seattle are en- joying the beginning of a three- week wteation ,.t their summer beach property. Collecting our news items via telephone, though very conven- ient in our outlying areas, can Recent visitors to Griggs Acres for two weeks were their two daughters, Marilyn White of Washougal, Miss Cheryl Schindel nd Miss Barbara Edson of Berk- eley, Calif. and three grand- children, Lynda, Cynthia and Mark White. Weekend guests were Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Pcttit of Washou- gal. All guests had thoroughly en- 3eyed the Seattle Fair but were disappointed in the rain for their weekend picnic. A famly reunion of sorts was held recently at the home of Mrs. Florence Palms and the disagree- able .weather failed to dampen spirits or cool the warmth of first get-together in six years. Son Itan and fatally of Salinas, Calif. had not been home then. Accompanying him was his mother-in-law, Mrs. Oma Hobrook and also Mr. and Mrs. Marion Gwinn and daughter Judy from Martini, Calif. Son George and family from Edmonds and Airman 1/c Gary Jones and family of Spokane; Ira, Jr. and family of Olympia, danghter Pat Palms of Tacoma and Marie Vickers and husband of Grapeview completed the group. "Genuine" hula entertainment filled a portion of n meeting and Fair. Kay learned on her rcturn home that son Ronald was on his way home from Army Reserve Camp at Yakima. A hasty packing job enabled Danny to be ready by Saturday when his brother arrived and he left with him for Lewis- town, l¢Iont, wherc he will spend the remainder of the summer. Another brother, Gary and fam- ily, will also play host to the young traveller. another daughter of the Cornells, Mrs. Gall Harvley and her three 1)oys fro" a visit soon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stauffer from Stockton, Calif., are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Art Inda]d and Mr. and Mrs. Don Sutton. The Stauffers are mint and uncle to Mrs. Indahl and Mr. Sutton. REV. &ND NITS. Leonard Par- ott and their clfildren from Wen- atchee aerived at the home of the Brbara Hayes froln Beaverton Ore., Mrs. Lundin from Shelton aml Rhonda's little friend, Becky PORK ROAST 49 BONELESS, TIED, IDEAL TO Ib BARBECUE, FRESH, LEAN Page 17 GOING PLAGES? WHERE TO CALL: ANGLE TRAVEL RES. CENTER 401 R.R. AVE. 426-8272 ,126-,113d TICKETS TO ANV PLACE IN THE WORLD AT NO EXTRA COST TO YOU Independent Travel Airlines Conducted Tours Steamships Cruises Railroad Rent-A-Car Bus Lines Hotels & Ri;sorts Well Drilling WATER WELLS- TEST HOLES Bedell " "n Drllh g Co. SLICED BACON VERIFINE REGULAR SLICED, BAR-S THICK SLICED LAWRENCE BEDELL Route 3, Box 170, Shelton Phone 426-4713 :ilMeLain, I(ent Mr. andMrs. nc°uples "°mctinles result in "crossed mr'hick dinncr f°r t'l°renee's,t a x, nts This lpDnentiy --,ed ' PENNY SA "mhter Karleno ,, ,,,,l  " " '*"'. "" :'-  ' . " Hawaiian 50 C.ub held at her iay°ing 'with hez  on[al''t complete n last,week's eolu.mnowhel  aJeaek home a week ago Snnday: .Eft- Lemkes .... tqkin o' in the rved and Domu5 s near tragic o a , " joying the colorful feshvmes 17 3 Zele-- -, /.-, ,-, -,;oltil;1 the 1)( unti-, dent oa Benson. Lake was written wlich had to be held for the most ................ ) <'"" " ....... ' S d k Ol l t, hO Not only as Ted la c , s he o E CABBAGE PEACH 'ere glad to have Yellowstone Nati Y mj(yed :. .. " ., . ." . .... ._ , part ind(or, bccause of I: . co 1 FO o'l LlLqll It 1 tn(lll] D} in nls llE[le IOW DOaL \\; ere 1 aid Mrs A - urth the rcst ,md,v dinner- ' g" g ,_ r • ., s "  " weather v t M ". 1 ;',. • Pat Louise and Mrs'"A:" O. Sche e.'Was over- but. risking being capsi:eduabY Wassmnth and Kathy: Mr. and all emoloved in iM.' .... # rz's  Cele :)l"ttlts Donaly's l.'un-avay craI:L L Y Mrs Ron Krisc and to children, Tacoma They enJ ° _fun on into / lranspoited Donaly to the ue.t Mr. and Mrs. Fornmm and six Leonard family rclativcs taken at' rmng to the shere of the lake wnere ne was children, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Saga- c Beach on Jnl" in Iowa" 2at  Some color-1 then picked up by Bill Stoudt an,n, draea and four 'children Mrs. d a picnic hmch SUNDAY, Mr. lla),,. [   . P " ,  Rachel Pestana and four ehfldren, 7v-alter ChannelI' I-I-lh- nnd DOril,[lllLWhoo ,., l for first aid. We must heartily Mrs Carol Ore' and four children 9rid Harry Kidd ,nd M'-rl-n Halbe,' re Carrie a ,. commend the spa'it shown m the Mrs Darrel Haugen and two ehil- € • • -  <  lP, "q t wttu . . " . .. " Beach on Sat- Seattle to hear '.rkonek,s wl,, I tare of such an emmgency and dren, Mrs. Josephine Pnlane Mr. .. LB g. speak, a f4;; °ulg;'' s<;;; I'<et'that the. B;,on Lakors ro and MrS. dward. eBltmc, _s. . .......... ???! ....... _......._..........._...... Jonn Anderson The Hans Llln .tl  te drove to really on Lncli Lees. Peggy isnop ancI aaugnter, Mr. -- i ] 2/19 < .... 7: :: S c ' _ gi llad enjoyed [Calif. home when the family char- .with his 21st birthday, July 5Lh, lrtjT; ][f;t.1: V4{ies:w:ea d :...$. I.dP .... LB. I1 BB.L iimB • ')/' the Pu,' I lot broke down. They were, how- returned to duty on "ruescay. ' ...... IliilL IIUii , , lt%vas an es tl. c was the l , -- . " WHITE FLOUR p as ,. ' ;! 'et forcible/Tire Service , Badi,tor llr ,._ ,o** -" FRUIT DRINKS P-!;0., 4/=1 m A BANKRUPT Oomn#Y i'i, e 'thel] : & [ ] • _olde=; ui"r" " /lll' uiy "1-- -'' .... n n • llew coree e9 1 t  v u a * Used • , , ned,tiC, VIi;  z, islands/I I I Boo $ PL/JB|NG ,.| .fllnillA n average 24' x 32'lngv.,,.. prices are, . tor. ,,,., w.,,o-i .<. v,.. .,ectrl r ze.g .h. 426-32.._ I"*"' '": "'" NEW POTAT0 S llz Tz.S WHOLE 5/49 c I White -- Green -- Yellow • Westinghouse for all oeeastenll • Fatrbanl-Mse Pumlm . E'lowers 8HELTON ELECTRIC CO. ] EVERGREEN FLORISTS fMINUM SIDING , 41, R,,o=d P,. 4.2s3 14t, • B,,ch S,o, 426-.4,, PURE SANE SUGAR c  . 25 lb. bag ......... '  BREAKFAST SPECIALSI Coral -- Gray -- Green Auto Glass D SlD NG .Helena Rubinstein Cos- !5" Exp err STRAWBE , SHUR-FRESH b'¢ I ' I L , , , e.cs ,.st.,,.t, oo RRY PilES. 69 RANCH EGGS • Prescriptions Most Colors • Hypo-Allergic cosmetic LOCAL NELL'S PHARMACY Prioes Effective JULY 12.13-14 Govey Bldg. Ph. 426-3327 Medium AA ........................ DOZ. I., RIGHT TO LIMIT Aluniinunl SereeniDoo' his 49 ¢ lllli i II OUll € or Charcoal Grill Used Furniture -[ Bike Shop - " BETTY 'G'ROOKER PAHGAKE MIX 4-L.. BAG ........................ mstration and FREE ' .Appliances | I . Sales and Repair, Looksmith,KeysMade ,6-oz. ............ ...= --Hillcrest , .u,t.,e , FRONTIER IMITATION MAPLE SYRUP' IOD THRU JULY 16, I .Bed , t,:resse I . Hobbl, . " ....... I KELLY'S FURNITURE I SLEYsTER'S BIKE SHOP Ol IAL 00NSTRUOTION 11st" M'" Ph. 42.11J I,_ ,= TASTEwELL APPLESAUCE' Serve TinsWith Pork /'1 Where Satisfaction Is a "BUY" Word 426-8029 , Dry Cleaning -i Draperies ] Westinghouse Coin Operated • custom made Shur-Fresh Frozen Meal Pies Chicken- Turkey 5/'1 SURE-JELL 13/ oz 2/29 ¢ • or Beef 8.oz ................. Packages IUT OF TOWN CALL COLLE G1'I • free estimates 6-oz. ade-: $2.00 for 8 lb. IOadAiso Coil.Operated Laundry [ • work ,uara.teo, ........................ 29* OERTO PEOTIN .oft,. 3/'1 ffer good while ml ECON-O-WASH i J.C. PENN CO. .. E JELLY DONUTS  TO PKG... after a 134 :No. First St, .I 305 RR Ae. Ph. 426-8283 "- el. Joining -- ..... , ' LEAN BLADE CUT PORK STEAK TROUT ., 49 c __ lib STEAK 89 c BALL PARK FRANKS 59 c u.s. CHO,CE, LEAN Ib HGrr  Sluss Ib