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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 12, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 12, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page ,lg ......................... SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--- Published in UOhr{stmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington , , | i ,t i For Sale MOSS IN" YOUt I,AWN? Now Is the time to apply Mosslte from Gray- stone of Shelton, l&apos;ree use of spread- _ e,r--P!, onA?6-66p!. .............. 4/)_, !f_ MEMBERSHIP in Shelton Golf Club. $100 value for $75. Terms. 426-3640. B 4/5 tfn ELECTROLUX SALE, service and supplies. John Rice. Phone 420-6108. Free demonstrations. R I/7 tfn trailers, boats, camlers. $198.50, S.aeger Motor Shop 426-4602. 12/7 tfn O'-PUMP more water and longer with llrbanks Mor#e pumps. H¢ th(n at Shclton Electric Co., 419 Railroad, 3/16 tfn road mad fill gravel, washed sand and gravel, drainage gravel and pea ravel for driveways. Norman An- croon, phone 426-3552, John's Creek Sand and Gravel, Bayshore. 7/25 tfn amazing, improved finish for floors and furniture that lasts and lasts and lasts. 5/25 tfn pulleys and' shafts: All types sal- vage. Sheiton Junk Co., First and Mill. phone 426-8626, 9/8 tfn FO- SAL -- Large selection oI re- €onditioned ranges, refrigerators, washers, dryers. Eells & Valley Ap- pliance Center. 6/5 tfn Your Craft, Hobby and Healtil cor- ners. Bar-Din, 520 Franklin. Open Thursday aud l.iday. B 6/22 tfn peel. PePraancnt finish and eaier0 does not discolor w|th age. See Oraystoae. 5/25 tfn Df B'O--Y"PAINTS -- W   Bfindays, Shelton Marine. Hillcrest I-lardwart*. 426-8163. 3/29 tfn Galbralth (elf Green. Graystone of Shelton. 426-6661. 4/19 ifn Music Box, 205 Cota St, 4/t2 tfn RENTAL EQUIPMENT CHAIN SAWS. Rotary Lawn Mowers. Reel Lawn Mowers, Gardeu Tilhws, ]loor Waxers and Polishes, Wll(,[;l Barrows, IBleetric Saws. FAet!trle Drills, Saber Sitw,. Sanders. Exiell- • ion Ladders. Step Ladders. Pipe 'For Sale TOP SOIL, graw.q, fill dirt. F. E. i'll:den, 426-6156. 2/12 tfn stamps for sale at the Journal, $1.25 each, 227 West Cots. 12/1 tfn transpareat plastic coating, never needs waxing, polishing or scrub- b122g. Ideal for all surfaces, inside or out. See Oraystone. 6/25 fin PIONEER SAWS sales and service. Wc are open Sundays. Shelton Marine ltitlcrest Hardware. 426-8163, 3/29 tfn RABBIT FRYERS for sale, also rab- hit fertilizer. Phone or, ders between 1 l).nl, and 4 p,m. Phone 426-3626. MC 8/20 tfn EMERSON TV and stereo. See them at Johnny's Music Box. 205 Cola St. 4/12 tfn LOWREY " •ORGAN -SA LlS==3oh nay" s Music Box, 205 Cuta St., phone 4- 4'¢02. 2/1. tfn FI,-I--SALE--WOOD -- 16-inch and over, Slab $12.50 a cord: Pole wood $14 cord. Phone 426-4867. S 10/12 tfn qK DE' 9bi77: -Ji d--ii77i/E -iii- i K-a '• iie/ Zeiss 35mn2 automatic at our new discount pricc. Reduee.d fron2 $132.50 to $99.50. Limited tinie only. Zieglcr's Camera Shop. 6/28 tfn FUC.H SIAS[" 65,if" i t ai-g] rg--baskcts- 3 Laktsi(l¢! Prlnlrosc Garden. MUd _ C.kiy, Spenee,: Lakt, t ....... 6/28 ` :7(2  .5t I'}{1LC(J UPRIGFIT 17" TV set maple, .... _-I _shape, $50:_ C!lt! 426:7a4= "r .7/0:! 1955 MODEL Coldspot Refrigerator in good condition $75.00. Phone 426-2284. S 7/12-8/2 ]20 v generator, $800 or will trade fill- 14 ft, iiluniinmll i,r /ibi'l;l ghiss bolit. ('all after 5:3(l, ,t76-3536. ........................................ H __7112"!9 IV(JR SALE .... Kl, nolore t!lectric rllnge and auitinitl|lc wasil¢2l'. Good con- ditkm. Plloae 426-2436. L 7/1 USEI WASIIING" MACI-IINEI" IUlOL ilullj!e, l?.ndix, good condition, I)hone ,126-6170. R 7/12 b'tH:NITLHE for sale, Misc, ellamous artiel.s. Fruit jars. dishes etc. In- quire 522 No. Ecvenlll. 13 7/12-26 I:" l'HiZ [CZE l  - RE FRI G ERA TO1 5 ,,,,ears Old. New condlliOll. Will dtl iver. Phone ,t26-82II1. Mr. Rose or 426-2156 1. 7112 tfn Used-Cars Wrenclies. 426-8163. JiIS-GROw'J?H ;0od--" for" -sfe:" -A-ny huigtll. Plione Olivdr Petty, 426- 2352 4/20 tin qEF"Y'ISH, new-turtles, andgoldfish • bowls, 426-4378, 638 Arcadia. V 4/12 tfn tll6p el hundreds of "]ialld-i[ladcs" 520, jlCranklln. O Ioll Thurt4days, and l'bq['tys, El 5/2'l tin I"OR SALE -- 1961 l-hmielile c]laill 14;iw ,lift5. S 6128-7112 lik¢ new. %125. Phone .t26-66i18 tn2v- 7 • till., but S,m,i.d,y. M 7i5-12 ¢'lori;n" Goods I Sheihni Marine. SIll)ply, 6/7 tfn l;IMI WIL, I.YS. real ruled rullber, runs lr..d. ('all 126-868!J beforl 2;l(I ]l.iil. 1-t 7112-=tl 1(,t56 PI,YMOlITli -lel{:}}dei;e.-• 4.d()})r. All ltle goodies! Good eendition. Call 12il-Sil7,1. IJ 4/26 tfn J;141) lcOil) :li-l.oll tli,'kuil. (-bled v(nl- (lltb*e. $17,5.0f). Pliollt 426-30111 aller 6 il.iil. {i ti/2 - 7/IZ 1955 1.INC?I)I.N (,imtertibh. $5(t0, 200 S, nllh ()lynil)il: ]'liwny. Phone ,12(i- "NEVEIt USED anything like It." ,my,<{ lzill.rl4 of I:II11#' Lllslr(' lilt' eltqlnlll cariA¢,l Lilnl bel'llif.n's l (! i'C;I l'li 1 It'. 7/17 Household FurnishingsJ Varnished table top, 34" by-Jr2', with 4 Wrought iron legs, $8.00; BOATS ..- 8 and 10 ft.. prams, $40 and $60:12 ft. fisherman, $80; rnnabouts 12 liml 14 ft., inlmcdiate delivery, Any size on order, M. J. Hooker. 1015 E. l)earborn. 4241-8511. Bar- l)in, 426-637. B 12/14 tt'n 16 FOOT I'AY Ct?UISER -- Good £on- diticm. 20 h,l)., Arnolt inboard. Vee I lie! i.0Ji l.* l'Jx('('Ji(ll t |'l II' yvai" rO/IU(I .,nhiloil Ihllin;;. $750. lit' Ira(h: for 1957 liivkul ,, tihiil2e ES :1-68,15 III'CIII- el'Ion i,r EA 5-9/J5. S'atih-. J) 6/14 tin 15-J-l,1 ) OUTBOAltlJT'"tdight{5, u;ed at2d 16 ft, he:l[. Ideal fishing setup. ,2(i0. ,126-4,128. J 5/10 tin 29" diameter round coffee table, $10.00; wood dinette table, 30" by 52", seats 6 comfortably, $4.00; high-back, upholstered chair, $15. Phone 426-6811. B 7/12 1L {]ASH PAID FOR Good, t)lean, Used Furnilure and Appliances. KELLY'S FURNITURE 426"2411 i . , , FOR DEPENDABLE APPLIANCE SERVICE ALL MAKES & MODELS I)ALL YOUR FRIGIDAIRE DEALER Lumbermen's Mercantile i)o. 3rd and Railroad Phone 426-8211 YOURS AT COST PRICE / while they last HOTPOIHT APPLIANCES Washers Dryers - Ranges .' SpOrting Goods For Rent 16 FOOT BURCHCRA]J? boat con- FOR RENT: Three bedroom Duplex, vertiblc IOl), steering wheel, dual Ideated downtown. Inquire at 121 eontrols, 1!156 15 h,p, and 1957 71 South Third or Phone 426-6544, Chain- h,p. Evinrudes with crulseaday berlin, C 7/12 tfn tanks, 3/4 ton capacity. 1958 Elgin -ff0-R-RE-T__hqiir-ii57il(;d•-Sii: trailer willi spare tire slid wheel. $700. 426-6785, M, A, Dickinson, be, droom house in downtown area. 6/14 tfn Phone 426-3583. T 7/12 G5-K Ki@-=---¥IA¥ -w fdli.E'-dlqle-4Yh eel ilUK-RiN T'T--(YStYa ' c7 PH 5KA'-4ii23 • and axles. $20. Clinton engine, 2/ W 7/12 h,p., $20, Both good as new. Also re- pair 2 cycle engines, Phone 426-6534. K 7/5-12 2t EVINRUDE SALES and service.-i7" are open Sundays, Shelton Marine Hillcrest Hardware. 426-8163. 3/29 tfn EVINRUDE SALES and serv2ce. Scot out-board service, Hood Canal Mar- ins, Union. TW 8-2252. 8/15 tfn BOATS, MOTORS, TRAIIERS, equip- ment at Walt's Marine Supply, on beautiful Hood Canal Phone I-ods- port TR 7-5244. 1/19 tfn eelicnt condition. $90.00, Call 426-6811 B 7/5-19 FOR SALE -- 1959 50 h,l 2. ]iJ;v'qh-U-, Starflite, outboard with controls, 40 hrs on motor, $450. 426-8086. .S 7/12-19 - 2t For Rent FOR RENT --2 hedroom unfurnlshec waterfront ]ionic. 2 miles northeast of Simlton. Phone 426-3119. F 7/12 ttn house, $40.00 per month. PImne 426- 6595 evenings. La 7/12-19 3••IJEDI.()0M home for rent in sk-(': kentish Valley. Call 426-6077. L 7/5 [I'll bedroom dcluxe, 426-3169. B 7/5-12 Fb i -] E ,-•_L- T6--oSi/i--i<{ii:tli-h i 7{7d - ' heated apartlacut. Adults only. In- (luh'c 311 No..tirst, phone. 426-3025, P 6/28 tfn 2-iI-tRb(sfflibii{J7;a-i.filiy-fi:iffSfih] double garage, close to downtown. __ Cid_,l 426-8166 after 6, B S/28 tin FOR RENT-- .2:-- M6hl;l:t--b{ii;=i.5-d'ffd waterfront honv, te lnilcs fronl Shelton, large area fruit trees, $125 per Inc, phone Tacoma SKylhte 9- 1600. F 6/28 tfn ib R "R'E N T-L-= "0Kt fi-e-ctqo-m-t;ti-i'iitslied ideal for older couple or single per- .on, Phone 426-6785. P 6/21 tfu you haven't room for? Send them to Lawton Apt,-Motel. Apartments now available by day, week or nionlh. Pilone 426-2121 or 426-8177, .... 7/.16 tfn Convenient to mills and downtown stores. City sewer and water. At .... I+lj.g!lW3}Y biJdge. S 4/4 tfn UN]PURNISItED Iwc-bedrooin Ileuse. Available Juno, 2'1. Wired for olectrie washer and dryer. $55 pt month. Inquire, 642 b Dearborn. 6/21 tfn FOR RENT---FTw6 rooni-(':lt!tdn vlilii balb. one nlile out Cole Road. Pholle 426-6760. E 6/21 tfn A VAI LA JiLl'] c01ilph{tely" l:ln;ills]led }l'ue bedroonl apar tnlel2L downtowll, 123 Alder. Adults, Phone 426-3535. G 6/21 tfn apartnlents, south second, $6 mouth. S 5/11 tfn S-iSACI()US one and two ful'nlld bedroom apal'tments, lots of closets, clean and neat. Very p/easant p/ace to {ire. Edgewood Apartments, Air- por. 426-3772. S 3/19 t£n FOR RENT 0l."-sal(.-,-a{ge one bed- room house, close lo school, fenced yard. Pilone d26-2259. S 4/26 ifn let)R R E N T" "==--:{ii']]i;- "iJ Kb-fi,- } {bl-'+ av;2ihtble Juue 14. PhollC 426-4505 IJe(ween 6 and 7 l,ni. 5/21 tfn i FOR RENT Large front, upstairs room --' £or light housekeeping. Ev- erything furnished including elem linen. Phone 426-3643 or 426-4670. 4 room house --- downtown location, partly furnished -- witted lor washer-dryer -- adults -- $60 per month -- heat, garbage included. Phone 426-3643 or 426-4679, R 7/5-19-3t FOR RENT or Lease with option -t) buy, three bedroom unfurnished Hillcrest 12dine with range, near school. Phone Olynlpia FL 7-8159 __!)_( _476-b584. P 7/12 FOR RENT: Clean, one bedroom house, partly furnished. $40. 426-2081. B 7/12 tfn FOR RENT -- Lilliwaup Waterfront, 1, bedrooni furnished honuL $40.00 per month, Phone TR 7.5525 Hoods- port A 7/12 vileges, for renL Inquire 720 North Fourth, phone 426.3487. R 4/19 tfn ieOR RENT  Reed Apt. 2 bedroom, unfurnished, garage,yard. Call La- Bissonierc Agency, 426-4666 or 426- 4386. D 9/29 tfn FOR RENT --oom unfurn- lshed apartment. Hot water heat, city utilities, range and refrigera- tor furnished. Holly Hill Apts. Con- tact Apt. No. 2 or 426-2493. or 426- 2446. B 5/18 tfn F'URNISHED APA.RT-'T available at Goldsborough Apt& S 4/4 tfn FOR--NT •- Acros'from E-ri- scnom, spacious partly furnished apartment. View window, every room overlooking garden, car port, laundry included. $60 month. Adults. Inquire 818,Pine St. Apt. 4. 426-3357. 4/26 tfn FOR RENT w 0-''-be---'oom fttrnish-- house, water and garbage furnished. Phone 426-6150. N 5/25 tfn month alia up. Downtown location, Phone 428-2011evenings. 6/7 tfn L-A W Tb-N----APA-RT-M--EN'S, B'eh e- unlts ideal for single men or wo- men. Also attractively furnished one bedroom apartments. All untillties furnished, except llghts. Reasonable. Phone 426-2121 or 426-8177. 12/4 tfn ..... Service Classified EXPERT AUTO GLASS Installation. Jim Paul%y ° Inc. 501 Railroad Ave. Phone 426-831. 4/28 tfn ROOFING, blown rock wool lns'u tion guarantecd. Ph. 426-6417, 6/20 tfn REF'RIEt-'A-To-i%a-n-d ee-r, re2 conditioned, reasonable. Shelton Ra- rrlgeratlon Service, 315 Cota. phone 426-8082 day or night. 1/18 tfn FOR EXPERT MASONRY, flre-ffl chimneys, planters, call R, E, Mason, 426-2278. 3/1 tfn ARTIFICIAL BREEDIN'G service pro- ven, and higlfly' classified sires. Dairy, beef and charolais, $7.00. PI- per Brothers Inc. John Caulfiehl, 426-208,1. c 12/15 tfn McCULEb-CHSXTES-an Servi(Je:- We are open Sundays. Shelton Marmo Tllllcrcst Ihlrdware. d26-8163. 129 tfn and interior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. Bennett Painting Co, Phone 426-3248, 5/10 tfn stallattons. 0il conversions. Shelton Furnace Co., 321 So. Third. Dial 426- 6121. 5/1 tfn i::otJslD-,vXrJiLS.-il(viiihk,"- thll-k- heads and geueral nlasoil work, Call }lodgsons first! Phone 426-6844. H 6/21 tfn i]c)USE-TRxILER t WingL-unywln!rl In state. Phone Olyuipia FL'7-5358 Robert Shmuate, Olynlpia. S 6/21 tfh Lost and Found LOST: Lady's Timex watch, gold mesh band. Lost downtown. Reward. Phone ,126-8449 D 7/12 IOST--'--V7 -6i{ - -wi{.7--ki--iii--Liii c Sl¢ooktnrl Bay. Glass, pink and white stripe. Phone 426-8385. 7/12 trn Wanted WANTED: Carpentry work. painting, roof lag, and shingling. Contract work preferred. Phone 426-3010. F 7/12-19 tors, copper, salvage of all kinds, Shelton Junk Co., First and Mill Streets. Phone 426-8626, S 4/7 tfn erty. Gross income $260 per month and price $17,000. Phone 426-842,8, W 7/12 i H Boat Building RepalP Fiberglassbag Seaswift Marine 2316 Olympic Hwy. No. Phone 426-4652 DICK'S TRANSFER and Delivery Phone 426-6364 Moving Anywhere In Mason County USED FURNITURE & APPLIANCES LUMBERMEN'S MERCANTII Home Furnishings .-- 2nd Floor Eells & Valley Applianoo i)enler Wanted | WANED: B,'ll soltabh; for chureli. __qa.i!. 42§:358. ' ......................... B 7/12-1<,1 WANT TO BUY .... 40 tc 80 uniell)roved acres on road. Write Ward, 801 Dart- BABY-SITTING WANTED -- Loving care for your children In my home, Phone 426-6391, A 1/11 tfn TREES TOPPED. trimmed, removed. Larry's Tree Surgeon Service. 426- 4823. 2/13 tfn CHAIN SAW SHARPENING, speedy, accurate precision grinding. Now at Saeger Motor Shop. Hillcrest. Phone 426-4602. 1/15 tfn HANDY MAN -- Odd Jobs! If you thinlc it can't be fixed call Henry Landis. 426-3098. 2/12 tfn s-XW--F-YL-N GT--ff r in-di n-k- h-d--- {0 6ifi; .ing,. ,All work guaranteed. Ted Ber- ry, 627 Wyandotte, phenc 426-2433. 8/8 tfn .L.-a =-f00-a-b£- t-e-, or lubber Welders, Mt. View. 1/10 tfn by day or hour. Call 426-4878 eve- nings, V 6/7 tfn PART TIME -- $100.00 $100.00 monthly, or n2ore in your spare tin tt. , Call 426-2417 for int,wview appolntumnt. V 7/12 'J%IN+T-IZ) ". Huek and Salal, a'st'6-aci-y brush l)lcker, Phone 426-2025 after- noons. W 7/12-26 q WOMEN WANTED $2 AND MORE per hour avail- able £or ambitious, maturc wo- men. Avon provides complete training. Investigate now. Write Avon, 604 Ellino, Shelton, or call evenings426-6426, L 7/12-26 3t i Hay & Feeds Top Quality Bud Cut ALFALFA DAIRY HAY Pets, Livestock FOR SALE: 23 goud mixed saddle hoi'scs. c%'(H'ili I'lql] 'ood PHIonlino alld four nL('e phltos. Two good c)lildren's p(i/li,s. Lucated six niih's south of Matlock slore. Hoyd Zet,P, Rt. 1 Ehua. Pllone 426-6743. Z 7/lg ffOI%-SX I Jt- 2-F r 5 sli-c 0 W s di:-f-rdddfof beef. Also logging team of horses with harness. Route 1. Box 35.'), Browning St., Rochester. Wash. Phozle BR 3-5779. C 6/28 tfn FOR SALE T-Qtlb.tb, r-lit)rse mare. Good riding horse. Hoodsport TR- 7-5545. A 6/14 tfn TW0-- YEAR --stai [l-on--tl'al f-- Quart er- horse, sired by Yellow Jeep, $250. Phone evenings 426-3748, S 6/21 tfn IXNTIES( - 10t7 'al)i(({0. -i'o] -'- sale.- ln- quire 1525 Raiiread. Phone 426-3185, M 7/12 gIA-iY P0-i NT-S] ;5 i{{i,[-k i { [e 7i'ffs -f (V-s-al 7 Eight weeks uld, house traimd, eric nmle. one fenlale. $10.00 each. Phone 426-6209. R 7/12 Real Estate FOR SALE. Two bedroom house, near Bordeaux school. All phlstered hard- weed floors, electrict heat separate garage, extra large lot. partially fenced yard. view of Olynlpics. Mod- erately priced. Call 426-3501. E 7/1.2 tfn TW0 i3EDROO1H--imrtiy f{u'nished sLtburhan Itl2d thrA btdroolo sllb- Ul'ban houles. For sale or ]t, ase, Phone 126-4147. S 7/5 tfn T-H RE E-ACRE S,--2-r jK{- liousc. --new puml) and well. $2500. Tcrms eou- sidcred. 426-8397. O 6/28 tfn EVEN ROOM --wat}wfi;0ni - holilC, Walker Park addition, 2 bcdroonls, 1 V., bath, recreation rooln, 2 firc- llhtees, dooble garage, dishwasher, carpetulg. Shown by appointulent, Pltone 126-6686 or 426-4364 F 6/28 tfn FOR-SALE 2- F0ur-bedromii house on Angleside, two-car garage, dou- ble corner lot, Call 426-3134, H 5/31 tfn room. $4200, 10% down, $50 per me. Near Dayton. 426-68,7. B 5/25 tfn b-NE-:4CRE-- on -Blyshor('-llighway', well. septic tank and bulkhead. Yomig fruit trees. $3500. $1000 dn. Bardin's. Dhone 426-6837 evenhigs, B 5/24 tfn i{500-iSowN=-$-56-{G--//i&itiC T,o -bed-- l'OOlll h(Hlle OU tWO lots. Good Ioca- -- We Serve, the West Coast -- lion. Call ,t26-6510. Load Lots Only - Call Collect Ev. Quincy Hay & Grain Co. George & Marysville, Wash. Sunset 1-2180 if no ans. eL 9-2003 i Miscellaneous JEROME BUIgK E GARDEN rotovating, field plowing, barnyard fertilizer, well-aged alder sawdust, pit run gravel, conlpost fcrtilizer. Phone 426-3678. 4/5 tfn t SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATIONS PRE-CAST SEPTIC TANK io0-gal., 250-gal., 500-gal., 750-gal. Drain Fields, Ditch Digging SHARER DIGGING SERVICE Pllonc 426-3660 8-18tn Art's Bulldozing! Excavating -- Cement Gravel Fill Dirt Art Indahl Ph. TR 7-5454. Hoodsport, Wash. 5/17 tfn BOOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOU'DATIONS Phone .126-6441 3/27 tfn JIH | SEPTIC TANKS Drain fields, Digging, Sewers Marr Const. Co. Phone 426-3053 Rt. 3. Box 623 If no answer, Phone 426-6183 i. I B 5/17 tfn MT. VIEW, fairly newl three bed- rooln housc, fireplace, $1,000 dowu. ASUIU(! 't[A inorlgagc. Pht)nl 426- 6371. H 5/3 tfn AftC, ADIA P()INT"?----Tt-u:,! - bedroi;in ralnt)ler, electric lleal. 85 feel tide- lands, low bank. Owner ,126-6811. 13 6/14 tfn FOR" SALE '-" Tln'oe- be(lroonihousc, balh and half. fireplace, electric heut. call 426-22t0 weekdays after 5 p.m. B 4/12 tfn NIG%V HOMlq .... Ex('elhmt d(lwnlown ]oclition, lhree btdl'tJOillS. 21i bsllis, llanelh,d living rooni. 1{. It. Keeual2 2nd an(i lirc, h, K 6/21 tfn POR"SALE-- Duplex 84g with :tO lots. Inquire 1726 Stewart street or phone .126-8150. N 7/23 tfn MUST SACRIFICE two-bedroom Hill- HAND SAWS & TABLE SAWS , sHARPENED 200 E. PINE H 2/8 tfn WANTED Ued Furniture Will Buy or Consign KELLY'S FURNITURE Phone 426-2 11 Refrigerators _-; "T , Your Washer.Dryer Headquarlors SCHOOL HOME ECONOMICS CLASSES II ---.I,,.,.-- I)old Storage Lockers THIS PAST YEAR 0 ,  M LIKE NEW -:- FULLY 6UARANTEED T " forrent . E VA L L E Y , ,26-6779 J -- .-_ APPLIANCE CENTER N tii Drilling Phone 426-4245 I or 426-2455 L I Always Ihe beSlatdeal, by Geerge! E ' ells & Valley st. .ho.o 426.4663 The JOURNAL " ..... " • :4/2 t2n crest i2onle, furnished or 21nfurn- ished, large garage, corner lot, close to school and stores, l{ust move. Will sell at real bargahls. I'hone 426- 8t4 afterIlOOll or CV(tIIII214S. M 12/14 fin FOR SALE Two older dwellings on Eaet Pine for a handyman. $5,000 $ $ $ 3-Bedroom home at Union being remodeled (not waterfront). $6,000 BILL PEARSON 125 N. 5th Phone 426-3061 h-- _.Legal Fublication___ 1%'O. 373 Nt)TI('E I,F li !..%ItlNG I"INAL I¢I':I'{iRT AI# I'E'I'IT.'IiN le{IR DI Tlllill.'TiON IN TttE SUPEtIOg COUI{T OlC 'fli, STATE OlC WASHINGI"ON 'O1 MASON COUNTY IN I.'I¢OBATE In tile lnater o[ the estate of DAISY ADAMS DOUGLAS. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that DOtglS MILLEF,. AdnnnisLraLrlx, has liled In the Ofllee 02 the Clerk O1 said COtII'[ It |lnal repol'L and petition for distribution, asking the Court to settle said rcllort, distrioutc tim l)roptn'ty tO the persons ther¢to entitled and [o uls- chargt tlic petitioner US adndnJstratl'lX; lind that said rel)lwt and peLltion will be heard ou the 10th day of August, 1962. tit 10:00 u'e, lock in the forenoon Oil said day. el' its S(IL)n thereafter its tile nalttcr Call |.lit beard aL the court rol)lo tfl tilt' abov(-tntitiod co211'!., in the Cour [iious¢ 3n Shclhlll. Masou County. Washington, at which t3n2e and place any pel'on lnLcreste(1 in said Esl,ale may appear and file ob- Jections thereto and contest the sanle, Dated this 6tb day of July, 1962, HARRY DEYETTE Clerk of said Court. GLENN E, CORREA Atoi"ney for Estate Bell Etdg., 121 Soutll 4th St. Shclton. Washington. .............................. 7/12:19-26-8(274t Real Estate LARGE THREE bedroom honlo, fam- ily room with built-in br(liler, wall- to-wall carllctlng, range. Dishwasher, washer, dryer. Phone 426-8078. S 6/7 tfn W ATE R Fl'01 T .'-'-165 -t'le t'--t h r ec -bcd- roolU IlCliit: built-in al)l)iiancl!s, fir(,- phtcc. :lboul ;J -/..2, o.c3'es on Pickoring Pass31go. $19,000.00 Pilol3e 426-4(,115. Shelton. 1t 7/12-8/Z FOR SALE-or-{raclo-}liod(ril furnished ci)untl.y honle for 35 ft. or, larger ilOUS traiier,-Phcnc ,126-6732 or 426- 4026, Me 6/28 tfn F-OR-SXUE--:-EFglf(-clmic{i-le(,6l wood= ed lots. Eh,elricit and 5valer avail- able.. Located behind Robin Hood Inn on Canal. Call 426-3548 after 5 p.n3. K 5/31 tfn FOR SALE: - Neat.- attrae.tlvc tln'uc btJ(tro(li3i It(Jill(!. Well kellt yard, eoli3- ph'tl'ly fenced, l>al iO. jaragl., (![('e- t3'ic hcal. A(villg ..- 31UlSt sell. (;llili- IIh'tt! DI'ICC $,tt.700.(i0, Call 46-2J09 or 1337 East Ellil3()3". V 7/12-8/',', at 'I?I-II{EE BIDR()GM Anglc:ide ]30331t'. full bastqi3(,131., gai'ug', till' x 300' lot, unollsl i'uet a bh) VI¢'W ,It" Olyli31)ies , ('lly, bay fro3il d]nhig, living and Deu- rill/I'll, lgY (J'Ivl2#!l' lllovln [O "ll('l)llla. Will ('(ll3Sidt,i" h!ast' with opt3(H1. Phont. /26-$5.1, J 7/12 till CHOfCI!: /uil(linff silcs.-one 33c1', with well tllld S('l)llC ttlllk ; illi|(" f3'Olll I'i()ll't'r Scho,)h Call .126-672'7 evo- nlui4s. (} 7/13 lfn I"OR SALVE: l0 Af'/'¢*S lo4gett (if[ 131nu ahoul I I: 33el'oS ch,ll't(t HOlllt. borrlcs 2 t)t'dl'tlolii ]ll)u.(.. blii'li and olli(,r i,tu blii)dings lll'(] (,I] lools, lUl'31i | ul'e will sell iis 1.';. [ol3,.1 lu'ico .,l)0(J SOlliO I('rlus, dac] SIniih. Pt. r.I llx 394. Arcattiu road. S]telton. iQlsh. 7/12-9/27 HOOD CANAL Three bedroom home and wori- simp, llanoramic view of canal, 168' tidelands. J7 acres creelc and slnnc timber, $17.000. Terms. Beantiful river property, $35 per foot. No bank, pebble beaeh, $200 down, low payntents. Hood Canal Real Estate & Insurance Co. Hoodsport Union TR 7-5211 TW 8-2263 ARCADIA POINT WATERFRONT "ARKADA PARK" View lots, all utilities, private dock. :By Owner. P'hone 426-4252 days -- 426-6530 evenings Write P. O. Box 37, Shelton A 4/5 tfn SPECIAL SELL-OUT EQUIPMENT John Deere AR Tractor. ......................................................... $ 900.00 John Deere 216 Plwo .............................................................. 150.00 Ford Truck with hydraulic dump ...................................... ,t00.00 Brady Chopper with motor ...................................................... 200.00 8 ft.'Tandem Disc ......................... ............................................. 100.00 Case Sileage Chopper and pipe .......................................... 125,[10 Massey-Harris 55 Tractor. ........................................... 1000.00 -point Lift Harrow .................................................................. 40.00 Ford Side Mount Mower .......................................................... 75.00 FARM MACHINERY Allis Chalmers Model G with plow .......................................... 450.00 Case Model SI ........................................................ , ................. 495.00 9N Ford ...................................................................................... 850.00 International MOdel A with blade and plow ...................... 595.00 John Deere AR with Roper Pack Loader .......................... 950.00 John Dccre H .............................................................................. 600.00 John Dcere D = = ................................................................................. o4o.00 9N Ford Tractor with Dearborn Loader . ............................. 1350,00 Dcarborn Loader . ................................ 350,00 Side Mount Mower f(;'iJVJkC Case ........................................... 100.00 Case Blower - - ] ....... ' 00 00 Iox Blower . ................................................................................. 250.00 Joim Dcere No 64 Chopper . ............................ 150 00 Case Chopper Model 620 ................................ :150110 Olie,' 2-Z,1 ta alon" plow .................................... :Z:::/:;;; i'r,0:00 erguson Plow .......................................................................... 260.00 lsed John Dcel'e No. :15 Chopper . ...................................... 695.00 John Dt (t r - , ,  'e 50-fL. Elevator - ................................................. .150.00 8-N Iord ..........................................................................  ........ 750.00 Used rI'ractor Mowers .......................................... $1u0.00 and ull 9N...,Tr;u;t°r, and Side OVJCI'.. ...................................... 1075.() ] cl,Lisorl Tractor with 2-Ll Plows ................. 112500 International H with Loader ............... ; ................. iiiiiiiii'iii I]75100 ,,(  CRAWLERS '' 1CD With bbide di'tnu and CallllllY ............................. '185ti.01) tl)   " " ' '1.0-C WtLh l:h)it tilt blade alld drtnu ................. '3250 00 J.D. 4,10 ICl_) wilh bhide, drunl ttn(l canl)lhV ....................... 5951),1)0 ,Jl.) .I,10 l(J with I)httlo,. ill;lira luld canopy ............................. ,15(10.0(I !l'i8 ]ll[Ol'llatilala] 6-W]leeler Log Tl'tlcl( .............................. ]'100.00 pay City S]mvel Mo(lel 30, 5/8 yard ..................................... . 3250,00 og Arch ................................................................................... 750,00 !.l,) 9, I)h.dth druni, excellent condition .............................. 8900.00 John Dccll . , '' '7 '10 Ct'fi, 1cr, Lilade, drtull, canoi)Y ..................... 2650.00 MONTESANO EQUIPMENT CO. Phooe: Montesano 151 P.O. Box 710 MONTESANO, WASH. it is has been victor who spoils. Havelo( k Ellis A real contribu the rcfol LISTED FOR SALE Nen King-sized yr Utility and hull bal generously planne, bath with doable s tile. Enormous living re heated. The on dn, Below li'.H.A. SHED GOING BUSINE downtown location, sale. Only $,1,000 (1 cAUS} ] UROOM This immacul NO'I?ICI': oF SB L-shaped lcitchen an( ()F l{EAI* r0olll w/firoplace. Large ( 1N Under Gcae THE SUPERI0i Ideal for lazy summer-tim STATE O- h' -W2 ill fenced lot and one-hal MASON coUNTI below appraisal at I-tAI.t.)LD E, - 10 percent dn, easy AbbA14, his wif0, : WHE00 YOU CAN AIIITM" J*WH1TCtiUE LIKE RENT" virtr°oms in all, garage, oil f 1CllUttnL. Ulmcr and hy .['ti0n € =nn ccution issues ouLla . , w,,-, $60 pet' mont seal Of the upC rl°$m5u' ot Wasiungton,_litJl{iiltilff room rooms 011 5 _ , 6 in all, atY' juctgnlnt°'2 uio .uti21.caaa,-i 00, $60 per month until $ l rOOms in all, nice locatioi 0n tile '-'..ILO d.Y - 'll!llltid5 vor ol; klAl.Ubl) down. M ,. w.II,00,o00{SSONIERE ET WHI'I'Cti UI4.G'B;' I nient deDtors for /- plus interest at fi of which there ' mg the suiu of , ESTATE---IN1 attorney's fees, ill!: 119 So. 4th -- Phone 42 crcase(l costS, anu ' dcI2vcred, I did ul. Evenings Call /M)ril, lV62, leVY. tll_ie and intcr¢$ Ue)tot' In and tO 426-3132 A1 LaBi Cl'3Octl property tO :::h. 426-8806 Harry ( U3ellL, tO-WIL : l.;as t one-t2a if !l, Section l%ange 1, W I roatl rigat NOW E XCELLE? It Eltll=IY t3th day Of J SY WAY TO MAKE MI in the sell the aOoVc make it nece st, niuen Which one person, c to stttlsly said ji Ssible in building. Wit it LLt)rney s creast:u costs, ing over $300/month, u,31 or" here's the payoff-- tosts anu cost With balance at $60/mor ttld sale W EaSL door el' tO/I, taLe, tlIld )ING TO GET A MIGH'I iur cash in uest uiader, comfortable 2 bedroom a)atea at Sh beatltiful Olympic m( duy ot June, 11 glass-doored fireplac( W. A, ,eritf the private patio. B, y 'riiora $9500 ! 2()TICI EQUITY IN OLYI Scaled D3(Is your small dwelling StlVpiUS bt311dUl four bedroom Olympi ,,3tl3 ol SUlit easy way to get rid l.,u Co33u,anY) Olympia. Worth cb 111 IYlaSOII IoUll S:U0 p,ln, by BEDROOM DOWNTO JtU33VS ily home is bound t, nuc SlWitoli, heating, loads of : Of tilt said l01 aids wilt De, remodelled. Two-ca nmet,ng of tl2e a. It Won't last long at /lttSOIl County flati! and till3e. SEA ONE-BEDROOM The build ",',n3<)ved available three of the t,u days oi 'leside location, i lhc Port t'u| bitldur, one has four lot Each bid and it's only $22 :, bid patio, nice garden at', 13 cabhier s vurety bid bo Better look! ;lon fOl" a le3'eent of th 2-BATH RAI no biu shall and with so many p" t onlpanied by ll3nil, range and oven, Further infer bath, two large i ,'y lots of storage. In are Ihe fort u£ Apal.i, il3nt,, yard gives privacy to .J alli(S Paule)' Motors. 51h NT--TH E I oh('llon. Wash The Port homc is compl r:gli, t(, reje is, guest quarters, an, Dated at three spacious bed: Junc, 1962 pretty panellinf By G Port el both have so n be glad y MASOS A. ROY DU REALTOR One of tl • 1', on Olympic We own one 0r nlOl'€ 3 Shore Lo Preferred Prep, 6 Shore Also-- by 25 View LoW with boat # rfl w' It and war - beach privllt ^V#, Only 10% uidll For pleasure t:; Ave. ] nlation, THIS ' crature. 7 sltil#" " " sk about this Locatcd i a home. It has 12 14-A thef°l¢  .large kitchen miles nortl Of way lake. "(i ', and a very mg'ns to , ' With fireplace. Paradise SP " ae is in excel i 't ll .H.A. Call 100 NW 36th !1 )at Realty. Phone M i .nt00 tl ' and every- • ! ed at the end ose to school, -dining area, With nook, 3 20 t -. large garage cultiVa, Ve'll be glad school ,lcu;offalle, i LerYas  el € ..2 .... , 1"111 20 ae.rc fa . 8€,}¢10^u .. 111 ,.il,, fr0111 a ltSllh_ "s'n cottage, ,. .    • Why Rent 3 bcd,.oolnS, .'l-,;;leo .. fie  nl "" man $55 00 growing tilub d('J:%t .... fences Ternts ar t'ai$'J;t/a easyway. FHA , THI LI ;." 'l wo-bedroor tlll-- A,.,,:,dl;', nil: :t,w and beau- '- ......... fc t'\\; u on spacious fireplace' " Vi r " ' s ^ ew district fi'uiL 1 rec., .:el W .. ' • - . ith as little alld boat S l € .. : 00'SBRiTE town [yati 426-85 Evenings C= otiLo , I " Vern Droner I hone TR ' 426-4318 HA