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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 12, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 12, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SI-I"ELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published In t'Oh?iatmasown, U.S.A.," tqielton, Wasbl0n Page i i i t t ...... r I = H tt I t I i t ,ublication E O1" I!.AI{ING [)I{T AN D I'i':TIT.'ON DI S'I'I{llll'TiON ',R]()i COUI:{T (IF Tlii, WASHINGTON FOIL NTY IN PROBATE el the estale of DAISY [LAS, Deceased. HEREBY GIVEN that 'JR, kdministratrix, has :ice of the Clerk O1 said report and petition t'or ;king the Court to settle 8triDute toe l)l'operty to :reto entitled and [o tlis- tionel" its adnlinistl'atl'ix ; r(:ill,rt and petition will he 10th day of August, o'clock ill the fol'cnoon I' as 8(ion ihel'eaftcr llS t I.)t! heard lit the court tbove-cntitlcd coIn't, In ;e ill Shcitoll, M[asou ington, at wllieh time • erson interested in said apl)car and file oh- ) and contest the salne. b day of July. 1962. RRY DEYETTE :erk of said Court. RREA Estate 21 South dtb St. dlington. ............. 7/12719:-Sd>,lt d Estate E bedroolll Seine, faln- il built-In broiler, wall- ring, range, Dishwasher, r. Phone 46-8078. S 6/7 tfn i': 165 feet, lhree bcd- )uilt-in aPl), fire- 35 acres (,n l°it:keving ,000.00 Phone ,t26-4915, 1t 7/12-8/: h:acl6,- ih0d e-i:ii lticnishcd e for 35 ft. or, larger "Phone ,126-6732 or d26- hit: 6/28 tin iKi cEo-icb;-ib;l wood- ,.i) Thursday/ al" it is has been l not the victm who ihe finest spoils. Havel'ock Ellis A man who reforms himself has contributed his full share towards the reformation of his neighbor. - Norman Douglas STED FOR SALE Nearly new 3 BR rambler l,:ing-sizcd yard makes this a "must IJtility and balf bath located off step-say- generously planned with closet space for bath with donble sink, shower and tub all tile. Enormous living room with fire place. All heated. The envy of the neighborhood dn. Below F.H.A. appraisal. Hurry! SHED GOING BUSINESS Tavern and hnlch downtown hie, at{on, doing a fine business. sale. Only $.t,()(10 down. hi- _ cAUSe; !,0ROOM This immaculate home centrlllly lo- 'L: ' , L-r • t) and dining gracions NOTICE OF S B: 1 kitchen room, c, tar e covered atio on shady OF 1LEAk r0Omdeal w/fn la t . . :JlR. p I "P "" g P IN TItEUndcrSuPEgI01tleel'll[ fOr lazy summer-time hvmg, attaclted 2-car STA'rE oF W21 fin fenced lot and one-half completely landscaped 'i Priced • MASON coUNT!Ijt0t..I, below appraisal at $15,000 or completely ii!,400Ic, 00SSONIERE AGENCY ,Xg" t!! :'{,1! o,", : ESTATE--INSURANCE ::::n::A:!i;il;;:r h eP,4.262866. 4926 Z;":;; EXCELLENT BUYS kSy WAY TO MAKE MONEY! : . . make it necessary to dispose of this which one person, or a couple, can operate. Ssible in building. With very little easy work, ing over $300/month. A couple can make a here's the payoff--owner will take dwelling With balance at $60/month. Who'll get it! Better lING TO GET A MIGHTY GOOD DEAL . . • eolnfortable 2 bedroom and den home with a I.t EILEBY 13th day ot J Ul tile sell the adore St) nlUCll to SaLlsly said JI ltttOrllcy S lec: Cl'east¢ CoStS, sum o1" b4.t.87 (SOStS aug COSt ttld salc " East door o1' tile LOll, tate, IIIIU will lor caSll In ricit and water avail- ucst Iolttder. 1 behind Robin Hood Dated at Sh I. Call ,126-35,18 after 5 dt'y ot ,lunc,, I, 5/31 tin Ntiiit,- art rit(:tive tln'ee c, Well ]celll yard, eonl- :1. P&I it}, ;;lFagc, (!h'c- cing . - IllilSt sell. ((,111- 1,700.00. Call 416-2109 oc INoTICI into'. V 7/12-8/2 qt Scaled 17 r(.)()I .&liglli(le h(mn!, :6tll.lHtl s btludlll , g'al'ilg!, 60' X 3(10' lot, llOl'lh el I;Ull VI(:W ()f OlynlpJes, D1'111 t (lillillg, living slid I)e(l- in lvlason Ii(!l' Iil()Vlng to J.aci)llnt, l'(!ct!lve(.l by tile r h!asc with (>litton. $:(Jl) p,nl, JalY j t. ]3 7/12 tfu Jal(h,S t'aUley, :;UC, 111 [o11, rig" Sih'gi-Hh! a(:r; with of tile said l'or Iic hlnk. !: mile fronl Bias will De ,,)1, Call 426-6727 eve- hleehng 0f tile C 7/12 tin dlason County APr(.s logged eli: |1111(1 dat(! and tilne. I*S oh'Ill'eli s(#lne Ilerl'lcs Ttlt tl.;o, bal'n ;tnd (}lh(!r {)ut i'OllloVcd and ll'dcll tools, l'lll'llillll'e I)0 (lays Ol 811 t(,tI'.l ln'ic $9.(10(1 slnne the Port (,l Slllilh, Iih 3 Box 394, ful biddt!l'. Sholton, 'Wash. Each bid 7/12-9/27 ;! bd It Catiliel' S rlu'ety bid be: :Hen fOl' a D CANAL t,el',,ent of the 110 J)i(i sllall be 2"1 boole [t11(] WOl.i- t.mpanicd by IIo:Jl. ic view of canal, 168' Furlh(q' acl'eS, Cl'e(2]c and r)5 c(Httacliag $17,000. Tel'IllS. Ill,: i'ort of * :I: Al)al'l.Illl!nlb. .J allies PaulcY r 1)rol)erty, $35 tier Moh,rs, 5th oh(']l o11. Wash * * Tilt' Port Fig'llI t(, reje ,le beach, $200 down Dated at June. 1962 ., 1019'! ,,BY George i 'c- .ort of Shelton al Real Estate aranee Co. Union TW 8-2263 RONT y Owner. enings A 4/5 tin UT ................ $ 900.00 ................ 150.00 ................. ,t00.00 ................ 200.00 ................ 100.00 ................ 125.00 ................ 1000.00 ................ 40.00 ................ 75.00 ................ 450.00 ................ 495.00 ............... 850.00 ............... 595.00 ................ 950.00 ................ 600.00 ................ 545.00 ................ 1350,00 ............... 350,00 ............... 100.00 ............... 200.00 ................ 250.00 ............... 150.00 ............... 150.1)0 ............... 1'50.00 ............... 260.00 ................. 695.00 ............... .150.00 ............... 750.0() $150.00 anti up ............... 1075.00 .............. 1125.00 .............. 675.00 ............... ,1850.00 ............. 3250.00 ............. 5950.00 .............. 4500.00 .............. J'100.00 ............. . 3250,0(I .............. 750.00 .............. 8900.00 .............. 2650.00 W. A. IICI'II f el lJy Tilura beantiful Olympic mountains. You'll like the glass2doored fireplace, the two baths, sunny the private patio. Best of all, you'll like the $9500! EQUITY IN OLYMPIA HOME... YOur small dwelling here in Shelton for the four bedroom Olympia home. Balance payable easy way to get rid of your home and con-, Olympia. Worth checking! .BEDROOM DOWNTOWN HOME... ily home is bound to please everyone! Full heating, loads of storage, downstairs bath remodelled. Two-car garage, nice yard, and It won't last long at $13,750! E A ONE-BEDROOM HOME . . . Box 710 available three of the best deals you could ask mglcside location, is all electric, and going one has four lots in a fine woodsy area, and it's only $2250. Then, here's a cutie patio, nice garden area, fruit trees, etc., and 0. Better look! 2-BATH RAMBLE'R ... Uld with so many plus features. Attractive range and oven, colored fixtures, master bath, two large stone fireplaces, dining- of storage. In area of fine homes and the yard gives privacy to patio. $18,500. IONT--THE VERY FINEST! . .. home is complete with beautiful furn- s, guest quarters, and very lovely grounds-- spacious bedrooms, two baths, a nlost pretty panelling, mid beautiful picture both have so much more to tell about. .ars--you'll be glad you did'. A. ROY DUNN REALTOR 126 Railroad Ave. MAS0q One of on Olympic We own 0nc or InoI'C shore Preferred Properties 6 Shore w,...o.,, f R ity er ront ea beach priVl ,: , Only 10% For pleasu Ave. ulation, crature. - Lo0000tod about this 12 lniies nol', 0"lllt II home. It has way 14-A tlle :0@ large kitchen • lake, ,n, and a very signs to hm.oi t With fireplace. Paradise Sp''h°le is in exce!.- /ill HA Call lOO N w 300th i00&ty. Phone M 1/' ' REAL wants pri- , and every- this is it. at the end to school, area, nook, 3 garage be glad then call to see Hill- love the the rge patio $7,5OO -ldan cottage, or Rent? $55.OO everything. s, fenced easy FHA Phone 426-8535 WHY NOT LOOK? You will enjoy living in this large 4 bedroom home. Ideal location for school age children, spacious rooms, ample storage, patio, large rumpus room and perfect garden spot are just a few of its many fine features. Call today for an appointment. 3 BET)ROOMS This Angleside home is conven- iently located in a quiet resi- dential area. It is just right for the growing family. It boasts of a large living room and a con- venient kitchen. The bedrooms are of comfortable size. Terms. Priced just right. Ask for Vern at Waterfront Realty. SHOULD SEE ARE YOU IN NEED OF SPACE? Come in and ask about this 4- bedroom home on Hillcrest. It has all the feafures of compact |lying spread into a house with pacious living quarters and 4 roomy bedrooms. This home is in excellent condition and is Priced to Se11--$7950.00 on easy contract terms. WATERFRONT SPECIAL Hurry to see wooded waterfront tract with 13 acres and 400' of low to medium bank waterfront. Out of town owner will sell for Just $15.00 per foot. This will A 20 acres WeSl under cultiVa outbuildings school bus. Lcrnls A nice 2-bed proxinlately City water, cl ter, nice yar $6225 casll. REAL G01)I 20 acrc 10 miles ily home " bcdroolllS; well ; double grl)willg Liln --'rernls 1,1. ---_____- sell fast ?o ca!right away. THE I.Ip, Two-bedl',,on l'il t ANOTHER GOOD BUY :aW and beau- Here is a perfect beach lot for .Arcadia plllScedikttTu, on spacious your summertime fun. 100' o fircl)lacc felt 81t f 'uit tt'ceS g,€¢, 'i'-- vew district, low bank frontage with perec and i)oat g.a1'o* :I]uWith as little andy beach. Just 1 miles ,iii"lli, Cali 426-8535 from town, Only $3950.00. Can towu. _l§'': ': Vince Himlie today. BRITE Evenings Call -- lolltO ,, ': "" Vern Dronen--Marden Stroud Phone T ,€!'- 426-4318 ,426-400 _ 5 ,i ii i Legal Publications No. 2371 NOTICE TO CI{ICI)ITORS IN THE SIIPERIOI:t COIJRT OF THE STATE OF WAStlIN('ITON FOR MASON COITNTY ]11 lhe Matter (.f lhe Estate of Jake C. Borst. Decenscd. FLOYD E. I:]ORST is 1he appointed nnd (lualified Exe('utor of said estate. All persons having c]ailns against said deceased are rc(luirod to sezwe the, anm ill duplicate. (lilly verified, on ai(l ExecLIh)r ()1' his at|orlley, Rohel't L S lvde' l 1 le a(hlr('ss lit'low slated, and t:ile lhe snn,, wilh the Chrk of said Courl. hgelbor with proof el ";uch service, withi!l six lnonths after the (lilt(' (,f firsl publieati(m of this settee, or the same will bc barred. Date of first puhlication: June 28. 1962. FLOYD EORST Exocnlor 2112 Islnnd Lake Dr. Sllelhm, Washington ROBERT L. SNYDER Altorney at Law 1251..I, N. 51h Stlelh)n. Washington. 6/28-7/5-12-19 - 4t NO. 3366 NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO I'RENI':NT AND I"ILE cLAIMS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (IN PROBATE) In the Matim' of the Estateln of [VRANK FENTIMAN. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that .he undersigned. Esnm I. Fentinlan has been aPl)oinled and has qualified is Executrix of tle Last Will and testament and of the estate of Frank [entin}an, deceased; and that all per- runs ilaving ehtims against the said state or the said d,,ceased are hereby cequired to serve the sanle duly veri- ?icd ill duplicah, with the necessary /ouchers attached, upon the under- dgned Executrix or her attorney of "ecord at the law office of ]3. Frank- 'in Heuston, Angle Building, Shelton, Washington, and file such clainls to- gether with proc, f (if service with the Clerk of the above entitled Court Wit{l- in six (6) nlonths after the date of tile first publication of this notice, to- wit: 21 June 1962. or all claims not go i)resenied and filed will be forever barred. ESMA I. FENTIMAN, Executrix. Estate of Frank Fcntilnan, Deceased. Address : Walker Park Addition, Shelton, Washington. B. FANKLIN HEUSTON. Altorney for said Estate, Angle Bldg., Shelton, Washington 6/21-28 7/5-12 4t Real Estate • 6 ROOMS, 2 FIREPLACES in suburban-like setting, yet in town. Big corner lot, nicely lanscaped with cyclone fenced rear lawn. Spacious carpeted living-dining area, party room, bar, auto-furn- ace, basement, garage and work- shop. Hardwood floors. Only $11,- 800 and drapes included. $1200 dn. • 3 BEDROOM HOME, MT. VIEW. Clean lines, new appear- ance. Big family room, warm pan- elling, full wall-width windows, on two sides. Large Hving-dining room. Hardwoods predominate throughout. F-A wall furnace. Storage and work shop. Priced to sell at $7,500. FHA terms, $4.50 down. • 3 LOVELY BEDROOMS in Mr. View. Rambler design. Polished oak floors. Unique stone fireplace. two baths, 2-car attached garage. Large lot, nice at only $16,500. FHA $1000 down. Five matched appliances included. • $600 YEARLY INCOME, plus a nice home in fine neighborhood. Furnished 3-room apartment, now rented for $50. Five spacious rooms on main level. Automatic l furnace. Garden showspot, fruit- shade trees, patio fireplace. Priced at $10,500. $2,500 down. $25 mon- thly plus the apartment income. WATERFRONT PROPERTIES: • SAVE ON TAXES... 3 room beach home on 52' of fine bathing waterfront. Built below high tide line on reinforced concrete pilings, i plus a concrete bulkhead. Separate! beachside storage rooms. All util-i ities in. Extra large living room. i This property is an excellent buy at $6,950. Terms. • 220' WATERFRONT, fine 3- room home, Log-size fireplace, 7 miles on black top. Utilities in. Ac- cessible beach with all bathing and boating privileges. Steps down 10' bank in front. Grand view. You will enjoy this property. Full price $13,000. Terms can oe arranged. • 120' finest Hood Canal prime waterfront including tidelands. 105 ft. concrete bulkhead. 15 ft. boat and bathing beach. $10,000 on terms. fO u 62' beach, Lake Phillips, good rnished cabin, 270' deep, tree studded, float. $3,500 on terms. $500 down, $35 monthly. i65' on good trout creek, 4 iles Northeast, 4/2 acres. Rich ottom land. Excel ent trailer site. Well, power and septic tank in. $ii50. Terms. Call John Devereux. cOUNTRY ACREAGE • 10 acres, largely in grass. Good Cased well, septic tank, garage and small barn. Move your house trailer on and you are in posses. sion after $350 down. Balance $25 monthly. Call John Devereux. • 4 room home. 31/2 acres. 7 miles Northeast Well, trees, lawn. $4,950. Terms arranged. • 2 BEDROOM, DOWNTOWN, easy shopping, sidewalks. Large extra room. Solid plaster walls, nicely decorated. Fenced garden, raspberries, two-car" garage• Ex- cellent home for couple planning retirement. $6,500 with $650 down• Balance like rent. CALL 426-6592 ANYTI M E MANN REAL ESTATE 321 South First Street EVENINGS CALL JOHN DEV'ErR EU X d HOME FINDE - " R AT 426-3500 i Legal Publications ('AI,I, FOil BIllS Selded Bids will he receivod until 1:3(I P.M. in their .t'fice at 311 Cota Sll'eel. Shoiton. Washhlgt(,n Oil t[Oll- doy. Atlgnst 6. 1962 by the Conl- InissiOllel'S of M asf, II CoUUl y Public Utility Dis|rift No. 3 for four (4) elec- trically coalrolled pow(,r Class III Oil Ch'cuii Reclosers. at which time fltey will he opt,ned and 1)ublicly l'ead. Slice{f {cations for the Oil Circuit l{cclo,ers nlay I)C c#htailled fvonl tlle, District's elf it'd ill SllclLon, Washing- ton. A certified elmek or bid bond of 55 of the pl'i('; hid Illnst aeconlpany the Eid Also, the guaranteed delivery date il: Shelton Washing[tin illnSl be stated it. the Bid. The (?olllnlJssJ(,n reserves llle rig]It Io l'(ject Jill}" [}] all bids and/el to lweel,1 that bid which in their opinion will best sel've tile needs of the i)istrict. T. W. WEBB Secretary 7/5 - 12 - 2t CALL FOR BIDS Under tbo provisions of RCW ,%.82.130, sealed bids will he received at tile Office of tile Mason County C(,nlmissiouers until 2:00 P.M. July 16. 1962, for furnishing Mason County witll lhe following: One (11 used 160 HP-at-Flywhcel Crnwler Type Tractor with Bulldozer blade and winch. Specifications and bid form may be obtained at the Officc of Lhe Mason County Engineer, Shelton. Washington. Tile County reserves the right to reject nny oz' all bids or to accept tile bid deenled lllOSt adv_'tntageous tO the Connty. MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS :By: C. NOLAN MASON Clerk of the Board 7/5 - 12 - 2t No'ricI,; OF IIEAIIIN(: ON APPI.ICATION FOR FI{ANCIIISI'; NOTICIC IS I-IEREBY (lIVEN tha! thp CaH(:adc Natural (]as (ol'])oration. o cor]*oralioll, has lnade al)i)]iPalhln to Itlt" 1]oal'd of Collnly ConlllliSSicalers. el IaSOll Counly, WIishlng[on. tas i'e- ('uil'cd hy RCW 36.55.0401 for a Nine- It.ell {19) year Pl'allchisiL 10 use. Cl'OS and o('eul)y the I'(la(ls and bigh- W lys in tile Coun|Y el iVlason. Slate of Wash{nut(all. for tile pur])osP el Io- efttinK anfl l'tlet till4 natul'ai gas d! str]i)lltion pipelines along, undel' alld across I'oa(ls alld ilighways ill said county (known and id(,ntified as ('ounty Road N.. 181 and No. 310 aug Math)ek Road Bridge No. 310-1.421 as SIIoV*'I1 on II ltMII) attached tO tile{l" It|)plicathn, and located on and aeros,q I)(,rtions )f Se('tiolls 25 and 24, Town- ship 20 North Range  West W.M., nnd Section 19. Township 20 North. RanKc 3 West W.M.. in Mason County V/ashing[on, NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that since the ahove described area IS no1 within the lindts el an incorporated City or Town. thtt the said Board is tlle proper authority to set the time and piaec of Hearing and arts" and all other restrictions that might be deelned nee(sary Ill connection there- with. according to Chapter 36.55. Re- vised Code of Washington, NOTICE IS FURTItER GIVEN that said Hearing will be held at 2:00 PAM,. on Monday, July 30. 1962. at the office of said Board, in the Court TTouse. at Shelton. Washington. DATED THIS 6th day of July. 1962. BOARD O P COUNTY COM- MISSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON. Ry C. NOLAN MASON Clerk of said Board, 7/12-19-2I HERB ROTTER and ASSOCIATES Herb Rotter, Broker Walter George, Associate Broker Office -- Phone 426-6642 Evenings -- Phone 426-3530 BEAUTIFUL 4 BEDROOM HOME. Electric heat, located on 2 lots -- one corner, 1 inside, 60 x 100 ft. each lot. Terms. EXCELLENT 2 BEOROOM HOME, fireplace, oil furnace, out- side barbecue. Full price $8500. Terms. NEARLY NEW 3 BEDROOM HOME with fireplace, located on 60 ft. of saltwater frontage. Full price $12,000. Easy terms. 488 FT. ON SALT WATER with 10 acres of uplands, This is low bank. Many excellent building sites. CHOICE CARLON BEACH LOT $2,000 cash. 3 CHOICE ISLAND LAKE LOTS 50 ft. frontage. Excellent building sites. WE HAVE SEVERAL GOOD LOTS on Spencer Lake. Can be,, purchased on terms. TWO BEDROOM HOUSE close to shopping center. No down payment. Buy like rent. Herb Rotter & Associates REAL ESTATE 124 North let Street Union TW 8-2429 EXOEPTIONAL VALUES 3 BEDROOM WATERFRONT HOME CLOSE TO TOWN This home has all the desirable features such as built-in kitchen with beautiful view of the bay and mountain, fireplace, spacious rec room in lower floor, lots of built-ins in the 3 bed- rooms, room for expansion and many other features. This "like new" home is situated on 110' of low bank waterfront. Priced for easy financing at $16,900. 100 FEET ON HAMMERSLEY INLET 640 feet deep, 5 minutes from town. Owner will sell for $7,000 and will carry contract with 30% down. Ideal location for permanent home on the water. MT, VIEW BEAUTY 2 bedrooms, sunny kitchen, living room, large utility porch, garage with fruit room, fenced yard, outdoor fireplace. Extra lot goes with this for $9250. LAKE RESORT Tavern and restaurant, 6 motel units with electric heat, 270 feet of waterfront, good dock, wonderful beach. Owner wants to retire. Come in for details. DUPLEX--2 UNITS Located downtown, 1 bedroom, living room with fireplace, tiled bath, basement, dining room, excellent condition, to sell for $13,200. ANGLE AGENGY Real Estate -- Insuranee HERB -- Phone 426-8272 -- DICK t, i i i i i (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) Report of the Financial Condition OF MASON COUNTY SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION Located at Shelton, State Of Washington, at the close of business on the 30th Day of June, 1962 ASSETS First mortgage loahs .................................................................. $1,177,736.50 Real estate contracts .................................................................. 25 871.20 Real estate owned or subject to redemption ...................... , 4,2tl.34 Federal Home Loan Bank stock .............................................. 22,000.00 United States Government obligation ....... ., ...................... 270,000,00 Cash on hand and in banks ...................................................... 337,307.01 Furniture and fixtures .............................................................. 1.00 Other assets .................................................................................. 96.64 Total .................................................................................. $1,837,224.19 LIABILITIES Savings of members .................................................................. $1,32,355.08 Loans and contracts in process .............................................. 13,000,00 Deferred profits ...................................................................... 5,097.48 Contingent fund, Federal insurance reserve, undivided profits ............................................................ 186,771.68 Total .................................................................................. $1,837,224.19 State of Washington, ss. County 0f MaSon 1, ALDEN C. BAYI.EY, Secretary, of the above named association, do solemnly swear th'at the foregoing statement is true to the best of my knov¢ledge and belief. ALDEN C. BAYLEY, Secretary Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of July, 1962. NotaT Public, in and for the %gr 5€ State Of Washington, residing :itt :Shelton, Correct ttest: • F. H. DIEHL 4" $1 C. C. COLE R. W. NORVOLD, Directors Legal Publications NATIONAL FOI{I,ST TIMIDER I'OR .A l, 1'; ,VYNOt)CllEIg 1962 No. l Public notice in llPt'ci)y gtv('n that l)Ul'suaal ill the [)l'ovisions =,t Section 5 of Puhlic Law 273, rTgth Congress (5 Slat. 132-16. U.S.C.A. 583-583i), and the Cool)el'lllive  I'ee nlcnt fOl' tin lanagelllenl el" [he Parlicipat 1rig Forest Pl'ol)erties ill Ihe Shcltou Coop- el'alive Stlslaincd Yi,'ld Untt ,ntel'ed illtO by and ]otwet,ll lliP United States O[ Anlurlca and ttlp Sillll,SOll Tilober C(,nlpaay, dated Dv('Ptni)?l 12, 1946. all tllt,r(,han{ ai)Je til)lh,.I ill}l i'l{cd tit" (lesignat,d for cutting i,ll [ln al'(ql enl- |if'acing 621 acre;q, IIIk)l'(" (ll • less, wil]lhl Sections 9, 10, 17. 19. 20. 27. 28. 31. T. 23N., R. 7W,. W.M. unsurvcycd, Sections 3, 7, 9, 10. 18. T. 22N.. B,, 7W., W.M.. surveyed. Sections ]. 2, 11, 14 15. 22, 26 and 27 T. 22N., IL 8W., W.M,, sucveyed and Sections 35 and 36. T. 23N., R. 8W.. W.M, I.lar t tally surveyed. WyllOOCile River Block, Grays Htt'bor County, S]lclton Cooperalivc Sustained Yield Unit, Olylupic National Forest, State of Wastlingtou, will be sold to the Simp- on Timber Conlpany. Seattle. Wasll- ington, on July 30, 1962. The cstln'lat(:d volunles al'(.: 9,900 M h(mrd h!(,l O[ Douglas-fir, 20,400 M board feet of w0.ste i'll hellllock and other sl)eCleS, 5,900 M board fceL of westel'n red ccdar. The llllnilnuol acceptable l)cice llCr M boald feet is as follows: Doug- las-fir $8.70, western henlhmk and other Slmcies $3,85. westeru red cedar $4.20. This iueludes the following stumpage rates, l)er M board fccL (including deposit for sale urea i)etterlnenl): $3.00 base rate plus an additional $5.00 for Douglas fir, $2.00 base rate phls an additional 51.15 for westet'n hendock and othec species, $3.50 for western veal cedar and $0.70 l'(,r slash disposal for all species. The IWlCeS bid for stumpage s]lal[ be considered as tenta- tive ra[es subject LO (ltlartecly calendar adjllstlnent upward or (h,wnward by 0.5 of the difference between the av- erage of the nlollthly Douglas-Ill' reg- ion indices, as calculated by the Forest • Service for the three previous Inonth., dud the following base indices: Doug- las-fir I18.10(E), we3tern henllock and oilier species 89.54(A). western red cedar None. Sucil adjustmt'nts in the price for Stulnpage shall be applicable to tinlber scaled during the three- nlonths t)eriod following tile quarter foc whiell the adjustnlcnt is conHmted. In no event, however, shall tht, pay- nl('nL raLcs for each quarter be less tllan the base raIes as stated ahovo. When the adjusted rates by sl)ecles are lower than tile base rates, tile difference between the total dollar vahlc of the thnbec cut at adjusted rates aud at base rates will bc re- corded for caeh species. Tlle stulnp- age, rate for a species will not lat increased above the base rate uutil the subsequellt ad.iusted rates above the hase :'ate will dev(qop all aeculnu- latcd total dollar vahle Ior the species Jn excess (If the recorded aceunlulated difference. If reques|ed by the State of Washington or by Grays Harbor County or by any person deemed to have a reasonatlle interest in the l)roposcd sale., or in its LeI'OIS, a public hearing will be held in the office of the Eorest SupeJ'visor. Post Office Building. Olynlllia, Washington on the 20th day of July 1562 at 2:00 P.M.. PDT. Requests for public hear- ing will not be considel'ed Llllless re- ce, ivcd in the office (If the Forest Supervisor, Post Office Building, Olynlpia, Washington, on or l)erore July 12, 1962. Dated June 25. 1963. Lh)yd G Gilhnor. Forest Supervisor, Olympic National Forest. 6/28-7/5-12-19 - 4t NO. 3376 NOT](!E TO (;I(I';I)I'I'I)ILS TO ]*Ri,]SENT AND IrlLE CLAIMS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TltE STATE OF WASItINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (IN PROBATE) IN TtiE MATTER OIO THE ESTATE OF THERESA BASKEItVILLE. De- e(,ased. NOTICE IS HEREF, Y GIVEN t]lat the undersigned. Anlla llLl'll Reich- llian has I)CA'I1 a])l)oJntl!d and ]ltls quali- fiod as Executrix ,f the Last Witl and Tcstanwnt and of the estate of Theresa l:laskervilh:, deceased, dud that all persons haviug clatnls against tile said eslatc or the sat(t det:Pased. arc ht'reby reqttirrd t(, S(l'I'e lhe salll( dilly verified tn dutllicat( , with the ]itcesslll'y voucllel'N attach,d, ul)on th(/ uudersigned Exccutt'ix ol ht.r attt)l'nv V of record at the ltLW oJ'/icc (,[ B. Franklin Heuston Augle Building, Sllelton. WashhlgD)n, and flh; suc(l claims together wJtll 1)roof Of servIe.o wilh the Clerk of the above entitled Court within six (6) nlonths after tllu date of Lhe first puhlication or this notice, hi-wit: 12 July 1962. or all elailns not so presented and fih!d will be forev(,l' t)arred, ANNA MARIE REICltMAN, Executrix. Estate, o[ Theresa Baskerville. decease4 Address : Walker Park Addn.. Shelton, Washington B. !RANKLIN HEUSTOR'. Atorney for said Estate, Angle Bldg.. Shelton, Washington 7/12-19-26-8/2-4t No. 3370 N()TICI' TO CREDITOItS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON. IN AN[) EOR MASON COUNTY. IN PRO- BATE In tim Matter of the Estate of Aaron Heury Fagergcen. Deceased. Notice is hereby given ttmt the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as Executrix of the Estate of Aaron Henry Fagergren, de- ceased; that all perseus having claiuls against said deceased are hereby re- quired 'to serve the sanle, duly verified, on the undersigned e.xccutrix or hdr attorney of record lit the address be- low stated and file the same with tile clerk of said court, together with proof of suc'h service within six months after the date of the first publication of this notice or the santo will be barred. Date of first publication, June 28, 1962. EVELYN VICTORIA FAGERGREN Executrix of said Estate RALPH R. GILBY Attorney for Estate, Office and Postoffice Address: 202 Thurston County Savings and Loan Building 5th and Capitol Way Olylnpla, Washington. 6/28-7/5-12 - 3t COUNTY ROAD I'ROJICT NO. 391 In the matter of C.R.P. No. 391 to be constructed on Mason County Road No. 400 known locally as tho Kamilclle Point road. and n'a)re specifically lo- cated Sections 10 and 11 Township 19 North. Range 2 West W.M, IT IS HEREBY RESOLED by the :Board of County Connnissioners that it is their inentiou to Replace old wood culverts, reshape, wtdeu, and stabilize, aud apply light biuolinous surfacillg. Principal quantities invnlved are as follows : LBST (2 coat) 1.2 nlltcs Roadway excavatian 3.000 Cu, Yds. Concrete Pipe (12" to 30") 418 Lin. Ft. Selected Roadway Borcow 800 Cu. Yds. and that sad work ls to be perfornled by day labor ill accordance with the Washington State Standard Spccifi- chti0s for Rhad and Bridge Construc- tion as adopLod by Mason County. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the above described county road pro- ject IS necessary and pl'oper, and the eslbnatcd cosls of said 1)reject are herewith set oui in detail as follows: Engineerhtff $ 300.00 Rnad Conslructi,m 8.7[)0.(}0 TOTAL $9.000.09 The county road 1)r(j('et hm'ein de- scribed is HEREBY DECLARED 1.o be a publtc necessity and the Couuty Road Euincer is ttEREBY ORDERED AND AUTHORIZED to report aad pro- cced therenn an by law provided. ADOPTED this 9th day of July, 1962, BOARD O1  COUNTY COM- MISSIONERS OF MASON COUNT, WASI-IIN(VrON IIARRY ELMLUND Chaf:maI1 JOHN B A:RIIKMAN MARTIN AUSETH Attest: C. NOLAN MASON Clerk of Board BYuNE RODGERS, 7/) 2-1t ] Legal Publieatmns , Legal Publications NO. 3325 NO, 3308 NOTI('E OF IIEARING NOTICI,: OF IlEAl{IN(; ON FINAl, I{ICI'OIUI" ANI) Iq,;'iTrlON EINAL AC('OUNT AND F()]{ I)lSTRInI'rION. IIEI'ITION I.'Ol I)INTRiIUTION IN Till,: SUPEItlOR (?(.)URT OF TilE 1N TItE SUPEI,IOR COUICI? Olr '.rtil,] STATE OF' WASIllNGT()N leOll STATE ()b" WAStI1NGTON IN ANI) MAS()N COUNTY F()R MASON COIrNTY IN PRO- hi tlw Matlez .l tlw C.inbined Estah's HATE of AIA31.3BT I:IABTZ aim MATILDA Ill the Math'r of tile Estates of r;ARTZ. 1),.ceased. EI)(AR 1,. BYRNE slid NELLIE N. NOTI(?E IS IIEREBY (lIVEN that t;YRNE, huslmnd nnd wife. Deceased. f'h.ll,na t,', I{ae. Excculrix ul lib' Last NOTICE IS ItEREt{Y (lIVEN lhat Will and T(,stalllt-lll of Alhot't Bartz. Michael J. lyrno. Iis a(lnlinislralor of thq'otlsed, alld Adlllinistla{rlx el til* lh,. Estales ,f Ednr I. Byl'n(, and (-stale of Matilda Bartz, (locPas'd. has Nollh' S. l{yl'lle, has filed ill [h(' ,,fl'ic' fih'd with the (!lerk o[ I, he shove en- of the ch,rk d" sltl(I e()url Ills final ac- t tiled CtKII'[ ]1'1' ['inal rl,porl and [)e- COUlll and th'lilion f(,l' distribution, litin ft)l' (li.tribulh,n asl{ia 1lie a.khll li/P (,lurl [1 sctlh, sahl l'epoI'l. t?(,llI't h) solile and tq)pr,)vt" sahl final (lJstr[bute tile ])t'l)perty to tilt' |)('l'sons J't'l)Ol'I and ll-tition fol' dJstl'ibuth)n. I|lel'(¢t entitled and h) discharge S:lid t( distritllltr 111(" l)r(ll)Cl'ly to tilt! l't'l'- IIfllllinistcator. anti thai said aceounl: s[ l|S tJh.l',qtl cntitl'd and It) disc]lal'14e lind l)etltion wtll hi, hoard till tlle :b'd tilt said Ex,('tltl'lX dud Adudnistratrix, day of AUgUSt. 1962, al ]l):0(I A.M; iW NOTICE IS I"URTItI:t. (lIVEN that the above entith!d court, al which said final i'(,pol'I anti petition for dis- lisle and |lhlce ;Ill}' pers(in interested ill II'ii)lltit)ll will I)c ]l*':tl'd ell Friday, the said oslatP nlay aPI),!al" alld file oB: 17 (lay of AugtlSl, 1962, tit the hour je(!tions thereto add eonlest lhe salllC. €)1' ]0 (flcb,ck in t]l(, J'(ll'enooll ai the Dah'd this 6th (lay of July, ]962, Courl room ill th(' C,)tn'th,,ust in IIAR1tY DEYETTE Fh,'l t,,n, Wasbinghn. Dcl)uty Clerk 1)ATED TItIS 10ttl day -f 3uly. 19t12. I:EBBLES. SWANSON & LINDSKO(] Altorneys for Adnlinistrator HARRY I)EYETTE  202-206 Secnrily Building Mason C.unty Ch'l'k. Olyml)ia. Washinglon I.OBERT f,. SNYDER 7/12-19-26,:1t 125U N. 5th ............................................ Shelton. Washinghm Alllrn;y 1o1" said Estates. NO. 3363 7/12-19-26-8/2-4t NOTICE TO ('REDITOI|r IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TIlE NO. 33(;9 S'I'A.'l'l OF WASIIINGTON FOR NOTICE TO CREDITORS MASON COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE In the Matter of lho Estalr of LO(?K STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR LoROY WREN Din'eased. MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE Mabel Elizabeth Wrrn is the ap- In the Matter (,f the Estate of I)oint('d and qualified Adlnilllstra.trlx: FRANK A ()RL Deceased. of maid +,state. All persons 1laving NOTICE 1S I-IERE:BY GIVEN that claims against said deceased are re,. the undersigned ha been appohlted qtllred to serve the stlnle in du )lillte and has qua[ifid II:: the Adnliaistrat- dilly verifh,d on natl Adnlhlista.atrix fix of the Estate (if Frank A. Orl. ol her atlornry and Agont, Robert L. decPased; ttlat all pe, csons having Snyder al the address beh)w slated. claims against said deceased arc here- lind file t}le samo with the Clerk of by reqaired lo serve the saule, duly said Court. l.gether wittl proof Of verified, on tile undersigned Adrninls- sllell servier within six months afler trall'ix or her attornoy of record at tile dato of first publication of this the address below stated and file tim Itotlec. or the same will ho bm'red. same with tile Clel'l of the said court, DATE o4 firsl publieath)n: July 12, togetller with proof of such sPrvlcfl 1962, within six nmnths after tile date of MABEL E. WREN" first l)uhlicalhm of tiffs notice or the Adnduistratrix salne will he barced. 3N17 Trinity Street, Apt. 1 Date of first llublication: June 21. North Barnaby 1962. RrLtish CohtmJlia. Canada MAXINE PEARL ORI Y, OBERT L. SNYDER A(hninistratrix Altorney at Law GLENN E. CORREA 1251,/_, N. 5th Attorney for Estate Shelton. Wasllington. 13(,11 .Building 7/12-19-26-8/24t Shclfon, Washingtou 6/21-28 7/5-12 4t CHAPER, ON vau. m MT. V,EW //i), oo'v ALLIANCE CHURCH Jf .4. LEI" Washington and J Sts. '" 00uo0,,sc00oo, ............ .:,o,o GO Morning Worship .... 11:00 a.m, A. Y. F ......................... 6.00 p.m. OU'I" Evening Service ........ 7:00 p.rn, Eugene Breid, Pastor KEEP WASHrNGTON GREEN ' FISHERHEN'S CLUB " i t -Jk • . • ' ota FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 5th and Cota Rev. E. C. Knautz, pastor Rev. Alfred Sandoval, Christian Education Director SUNDAY, JULY 15, 1962 --, 9:30 a.m. Sunday School. 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. "The What and How of the Christian Life" 7:30 p.m. Evening Service .... "The Tragedy of a Tolerant Church" VISIT THE FRIENDLY | SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD I 130 E. Plne St. MASON YOUNGLUND, Pastor i SUND- s-e-ffoo-E-..,............,.........--,45--A;. I MORNING WORSHIP ........................................................... 11:00 A.M. i CHRIST'S AMBASSADORS .............................................. 6:00 P.M. | EVANGELISTIC SERVICE .............................................. 7:00 P.M, i J i t i ] t "i ......... - ' u i i t ST. DAVID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Fourth and Cedar, Shelton, Washington The Rev. Ctarence A. Lody, Priest 7:30 A.M. -- Holy Communion 9:00 A.M. -- Divine Worship, St. Andrew's House, Hood Canal. 11:00 A.M. -- Divine Worship The Church is always open for meditation and prayer i i I FOURSQUARE CHURCH 910 E. Dearborn REV. LEWIS WYSONG, Pastor Sunday School --- 9:45 a.m. Young People's 1Vtg. 6 p.m, Morning Worshipll a.m. Evangelistic Service 7 p.m. ,' Wednesday Night-'Bible Study and Prayer Meeting7 p.m. . "The Church Where Everyone Is Someone" ; , ,, ,, , - , , ;{!l • , • tr , i FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH 7th znd Franklin Street .... 8:15 Early Morning Worship Service 9:30 Sunday School and Adult Bible Cla 11:00 Morning Worship Service CARL J, CARLSEN, Pastor Affiliated: Lutheran Free Church -- National Lutheran Councll SKOKOMISH COMMUNITY CHURCH Middle Skokomish Valley Wallace Bell  Pastor Lord's Supper ........ 8:130 a.m. Youth Fellowship ...... 6:00 p,m, Sunday School ...... 9:45 a,m. Evening Worship ...... 7:15 p.m. ! Worship Service .... 11:00 a.m. Wed. - Bible School .... 7:45 p.m.  Nursery Care at All Services , , i, , i ,, ",' dal " I'i FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Arcadia and Lake Boulevard Bible School ........ 9:45 a.m, Youth Meetings 5:30 p.m. Worship ............ 11:00 a,m, Family Service 6:30 p.l. Wednesday  Bible Study and Prayer -- 7:30 p.m. -. Child Care Service Available at 11:00 Service : " THE METHODIST GHUROH North 4th and Pine Streets ROBERT R. RrNGS. Minister Churoh School, 9:30 am, Morning Worshlp, 8:30 and 11:00 a,m.