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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 12, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 12, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ge 20 Lumber Head Says Senate Hearings Offer Hope For Jobless Workers R.  e e ]lt } y-conipleted Senate hearings on problenls facing U.S. h.i]llhEl&apos;lnen off el' "ilew grounds for hope and opthtfisn in forest-hascd conllilllnilies suffering heavy un- el-nploymeiiL," says Arthur Tem- ple, Jr., President, of tile National Lllinbev /1 all i1 ft,i c t li i'ers ssocia- Lion. Testimony el. the hearings has "spoLlighted tt]e indusLry's ec- onomic difficulties in a w.'ly that lt,ys i firm groundwork for ef- I let:live remedial ac, tion by Con- ffress or the Executive Branch, nr both," tie declared. J [ndu,qtry witnc,<'es a,l the hear-! ing's-.-iel;i by til'e, "senaLe Conl-I merce Committee in PorLland, Or- egon; Olympia, Washington; Lew- iston, Idaho; and Washington, D,' C..--.callc, d for this double-barreled action to relieve the unemploy- ment of a estimaled 200,000 for- (;st. products workers: (1) Imposition of a temporary qi,()la to curb mounting iml)orts 0:I soft,wood lumber from Canada . shipments which tlavc bitten 0oeply into tile domestic, markets (!({ (',. lllmbcrnlell; tLnd 12/ Revi,flon of the policies gov- erning ForesL Service sales of na- th)ml forest timber, so LhaL U.S. lumbermen will be in a better po- sition Lo compete with the lower operating costs of Canadian pro- ehleel's. ONE OF TilE MOST encour- aging developments in connection with the hearing,s, Temple said, was the promise of Forest Set'- vice Chiet Edward P. Cliff to "re.explore" Federal timber sales policies, with a view to z'elieving unemployment in distressed com- munities. Should lhc Foresl Service of- .tic!ally recot.mize a responsibility Io promote colllnlltnity 3nd indl.lS- try stability in forest areas, iL w(,llld mark a mthstantial change Ill pl'(!sent |inlber Ilia llagelllCnL tind males I)oJicie:L Besides prom!sing to re-exam- ine l'ol'est Service sales policies ill an efforl to ease unemploy- ment problems. Cliff also annolin- ,:ll The ],'ovesl Service will do "everything we ('all I O }nlpl'oye our program to make linlber av- a.ilahle at reasonablc prices, Lo re, eke the allowalle cut [Lilly llv- ailable on an orderly Basis." (2) The Porest Service is pre- pared 1o meet with indtmtry rep- resefllalives to discuss proposed l'eVl;4io|l.H ill limber sales conll'acts and fit hel' issues, 131 The t,'ores! S('rviee ill;ins to ass(lYtllle. "It D/OI']()I}. KFOIII) of the Al/4t conll)ileDt l'(ll(!sl(ws ',&'(' C111 .*@t' fl d(qerlllilie ]low Ill(' /leli('y C&II inll)FOve III ca]elllltl iOIlS 01' ]llowable cut. (4) T]II'; ];'OIIIVST 'Ol'Vle.e IS fJl'Pt)arJilg insl, l'llcIions for a "qllal'- lirly [)ol'fornlanee review by field lulil:s "the, purpose beh+lg to com- pare  ctlut] tJllil)(q' sales with plamwd ;-:ales programs, ;is parL ot }L Dread t,fforl to "holster up lira wear spots." (5) "V(" have instl'llC.t.e.d otlJ" re. j.', I(tl la ] fol'(':4{ O|'S ¢) l]]a ]{(' list! Of I lie t',x pt'l'i,!llCOi{ I iillbel' s:lJe a(l- HIII]isl I'al¢)l'S as l.l',alble shor)tevs to review, on the ;ro/ind. sale ad- mini;all'alien mnlleFs ove.J' which (,,pelalors and sah,s officers disa- gpee," Cliff said. The oil jeer!re hel'e ',','ill be it) s,llh' more dis- F.ulas "el tile g'rntmd ]e.vel." ((i) Timber sale administrators will also nlfl]<(, I-I "colltillllinK re- view of the. application of roe(! |.anda,INls" |o dolern-lin(5 what ac- tion may he appropriate Lo relieve l?rivate limber operators of high I'oa f't COStS, Several ways for the Forest Set'- vice to improve its llalldlillI. of p/blic IAnl baF ta, aIes and wllaL PlllOllllled to a ttvo-plit't lll811dat( . to the agency were gwen at the tinal Capital ses:ion by .Senators: (1) To speed ;tp sa,les of Fed- cFa.I |inlber tO forcsl-bascd conl- munities with heavy unemploy- ment; and () To nla]((  SlIC}I tmlber avail. able r!l prieea more compclitive with toftwood inlporls fronl Can- uda  ,% , ,., / C() I Illll i,E Chairnlan Wal - ten (I. Maginlson /D.. 'Vnsil. i ..... lfl,f'r dr&whig froll Cliff all ad- rnlssinn tllat Hie national forests corlta.irl "a large quanl;ily of tim- her Lhat is own'aged and over- nlaIilre'%- .said I)lc tt'ol.esL Service i4 bogillnlng to I'esenlhle "a de- ll#1"|lflenf store thai nevor ha,d II. ['lsal+allcIl sale," "Vhon yotl gel. an indusl.ry, in- elttdJnK rlol Ollly th( nlanal'aria] Da.i*L df Jl lait the. labor parl. of ii. ftndin itself in such disagree- tnl:nl, with the ForesL Service as Ihey find Iht, msolves in on poin ltflol' pohit, I.he lhne has conl( \\;v]lell Cilnl'(,s,% llO ]l)llet can ev- mle its respon:,;ibilily. Wc haw £nL to find out what the facts are," asserted Senator Waynt Morse (D., Oreg,). The Senator begail his rclnai*ks by critieiziilg tim l,xecutive branch for its failure to Lake pos- live action on industry3)roblems. "In rny judgntenL," he a, sserted "there is no furLher jusiification lor any furl.hel" delay in the Ad- ministration's making" up its mind what its action iN g'oing Lo be. We Ileed a. 'yes' of 'lie' ans,vcr on its policy." MA(J N I.LON eonL(mdcd that the Service has seldom al- tered its sales plans or adjusted its timber aPtn.aisals to help ease unmnploymenL in labor surplus a Pc}is, MLgnu3on cnlled for a !'e-ev- aluation of IPol'esL Service appeals pl"o(:edllreb, eitiilg Lhe. ease of a ,,mall Wa,,hington coral)any that spent SOllle $8,700 and had 1.0 wait nearly four years before its was finally aeLed on--un. favorably..--by the Secretary of Agriculture. Senator Clair Engle (D., Calif,) urged the Porest Service to har- vest 1#ederal timber as soon as iL Is ripe for cutting.---"whether you et fonr bll.s for it of $58." Oth- (,rwise, lle pointed out, "evenLual- ;y you lose that timber, either to bugs or to fire. or iL just gets overripe, fal]s (IOVVll tnd messes up tile forests." Englo said 1he Forest Service has "consislently undermarked the forests iL administers". "I simply say lmL the Forest Service has noL iinplenentcd a policy of Lrying to harvest its crop m Lhe way it ouKht Lo be. And you (;;ill Ill'gilt' t]lfl[ yell want to Jstretah iL, but yon cannel stretch an overmpe tree. A bug will noL wail nor will the fire." Senat O)' E. L. Barl;lel;L ( D.. Alaska) pointed OUl lhat Sl.tlntp- ag'e price ai'( h [ oEe (if several (A,Sl  Jltvolve.d ill ' )rrie, rla ' Feder- al Iinlbel' }]e, asked the Forest Servic, e to e¢)l]side.t' ways of re- (tllCll,g 1 bose e.x penses, par ticll- larly lllose irlvolved ill road huild- ing, slash disposal and oLher so- called "polisllinK" eel.iv!ties. JUNE FIR VOLUME OL(SE TO AVERAGE I POtUI'I,AN1) .qpel'l:ll) -Douglas fil" l't,g'if)ll s'l tx'li,il] prodllCti(lll c]rdei' anti ,illiltiil,liI:4 l<tl ,hlno l'e- 1,oi'led by {he \\;V(,;t (Ji,;,.il l,Ulliber- lilcn'4 A ssocial i(m. sllow(,d the weekly average f,f West Coast [lllllbel' prod/Ic.Lioli waq 1.57,353.- 000 b.f. or 99.2?4 (l' the 1957-61 averale, OrdoPs averaged 176,- 516.000 r.f.; shipments 179.090,000 b,f,; weoRly avoraKos for May were t n'oduction ]58.004.000 b.f.. 99,6r/I of lhe 1957-61 tverage; m;|er, 164.651,000 b.f.: shipmenl:  tl,q,55d,000 b.f. Six irionlhs of Ih(! 1962 ellnlil]a- two prod!.'tiol b.f.; six nlonlh.; of 1961. 4,047,792,000 I).f.: six niont.hs of 1960. 4.348,- 879.000 b,f. Ol'¢h,i': fop six nlnnlhs oY 1962 I)l'('tl]( dowi1 as folhtws: 1';11 :tnd l!'llck 3,185,9(J4,009 b.f,; donw;:lit} ('HFgO 691,3116,000 b.f.; exlmr| 1i1,- 534.000 h.f.; local 189,519,000 b.f, The tn(hlslry's llnfiiled ol'der file stood at 500,378.000 b.f. el. the end of Juno, hlmber illventory at 958,260,000 b.f. The JOURNAL SHELTONiMASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Christmastow,n, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington FOR INDOOR OR OUTDOOR HEALS - - SERVE A II II wI H V Thl M SHANK HALF HORMEL HEAT 'N' EAT from 14-16 lb. average BUTT HALF HORMEL HEAT 'N' EAT L (00UTLET00 HALEY'S for a Meal or for Sandwiches for TOMATO EVAPORATED MILK POt, 14y=.o,. 2/27* Tins Now .............. COFFEE OL,'s..e,, or 59' .,b. Drip, l-lb. Tin ............ t'" Tin $1,1 7 SKIPPY DOG FOOD "°1 12/00t TIN .................... IHSTANT COFFEE Shur-reoh 1e-o,. '1° .o...,.. ..... 69 .¢ .r POTATO GHIPS ,LLr:,,s 59* Triple Pack ........................... HEALTH & BEAUTY AID .oo oi.o,.,zo.u00e_,,oo, up, ......, GOLGATE TOOTHPASTE .............. REVLON "SATIN SET" .a,r s0ra, $1,00 5½-oz ........... INSTANT MILK KRAFT, SANDWlGH FAVORITE! 24-0Z. JAR MAYONNAISE TIDE, WASHDAY MIRAOLE! GIANT SIZE DETERSEN T... ,i, LARGE CHEX EGGS DRY, 14-qt. Size CAT FOOD RITZ CRACKERS No. 1 Tin NABISCO, 12-OZ. PKGS. 3iq °° MARGARINE ICE CREAM 2/27 c FRUIT COCKTAIL 3/001 PEACHES VANILLA WAFERS 3/'1 PEARS Aiax00<o.CleansersizE 8/001 °° 29 < Jelly Donuts SHrUBFBESH 6's For A Big Deal On A O0OGE Apple Whirls 39 c SEE BUD PAULEY SIIURFRESH 110Z; ... $295.00 1954PONTIAO__ 4.dr. Tr.s,.,.s,o.$245.00 Sparkle Pop 6/$1 6 Cylinder  Standard O0 1954 PONTIAC , . . , . . Door,-- AutonlatiG 2 OZ. BOTTLES £, 'q V/ i VlO })  ": .... ,*  r':i:: Home of RED OARPET Service 1953 FORD 4.dr...... $195.00 1952 GHEVROLET 4.dr... $150.00 54 Motor 1950 STUDEBAKER Ghampion, $75.00 Runs Fine, 1940 Internalional pick-up }.Ion $95,00 PAULEY MOTORS 1st & RR. Phone 426-8183 PRICES EFFEGTIVE JULY 12.13.14 RIGHT TO LIMIT RESERVED PARKAY, ENRICHED 1-IB. PKGS. SPARKLE, Popular Flavors, Half Gallon SHURFINE, hi lteavy Syrup, 16-oz. TASTEWELL, Freestone, 29-oz. ROSEDALE, Halves, 29-OZ. Tins TOMATOES C',difornia Red Ripe Slieers LB. RADISHES Fresh Local Stocks OR GREEN ONIONS BU. 3/1 CELERY Calit'oniia Long Green EACIt ,, CRYSTAL SALAD BOWL ONLY 10¢ with POTATOES 10 Calif. No. 1 White Rose S Yes for only 10¢ you can get a crystal glass 9 inch when you purchase 10 lbs. of potatoes. athy Bac, 6, daughte ae, has been selecteC ub as the poster girl ' akc breakfast July Will be at Kneelan BILL DICKIE, Jou: ear for a co recreation progra worthwhile pry an early death unles of cash are quickl and clubs. Mallinger said ye the peewee baseba to be suspended than that, the swi next week, This five for the let y had set t weeks of sw: activity und involvi striking a hiri: Associa- could d Com] mends this yel chair- tires s ,zl.d ce; a threl to the wage i by Gov. benefit,, failed to 18 and Week. and 15 of Wash- other Secretary inter- started tied oE Mutual unioR i widely ey have work- cents an :. Workers cent in- Offered a Increases horn. for :el Wol'kel, s for rein- request is cent for eontribu- rnamental for a5 :S ilchld travel over pro- Parking no free Job site Pay ] 0 )ortatlon