July 12, 1973 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 12, 1973 |
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A street sale and fair has been
for August 4 by the
Trade Committee of the
es open
Filings open July 30 and
continue to August 3 for three
elected official positions in Mason
County to which appointments
Library has books
about playing tennis
The summer recreation
program in Shelton is offering
tennis lessons. For those who
would like to know more about
the game the Shelton Public
is tim and provides good exercise
as well. Find out more about it at
the Shelton Public Library. The
library is open from 10 a.m. to
5:30 p,m. and 7-9 p.m. Monday
through Thursday and 1 a.m. to 5
County Chamber have been made since the last Library has material on all facets p.m. Friday. The library is closed
e. general election, oft,he sport. On Saturday and Sunday during
Third Street, between The positions include sheriff, In Better Tennis for Boys the summer.
lroad and Cota street, will be district court judge and the new and Girls, Harry Hopman
~rved for the sale and the superior court position whichwas describes the techniques for
lmittee invites any business or created by the last session of the playing winning tennis. He ~---------"-~--------
;anization to join in the state legislature, discusses grips and strokes, tactics , TOO Lgto t@ aa$1~fy
"rdayevent. rran e the three positions will be on and strategy involving court
Those wishing to a g the general ballot this fall, along positions for singles and doubles, 1 9 TOLLEYCRAFT cabin
:e may contact Ron Pannell, with state issues and fire, port, training and preparation and the cruiser, outboard. One mile east
of Union on Highway 106.
~6-8604, Bob Wotton, hospital and water district use of a wall for practice, and d7/12-19
6-6201, orBarbara Nelson,commissioner and school boardetiquette and foot work. ,,
5-4412. positions. 'Tennis, a Basic Guide, by 22' TRAVEL Trailer, $500. See
Filings for the commissioner Clare Riessen is for beginners and at White Spot Tavern. J7/12-19
and school board positions are seasoned players alike. This guide NICE BIG corner lot on Mt. View
orest ax from September 7-21. These explains the fundamentals and the beautiful view of mountains, with
small house, only $8,500 cash.
BpoH IS positions do not appear on the finer points of tennis from a 426-6420evenings. L7/12
primary election ballot, professional viewpoint. Rules of LOST CHIHUAHUA dog, 3 Ibs..
,resented the singles and doubles game, on Bayview Street, child's pet,
scoring, equipment to buy, how reward, answers to Snoopy.
Mason County cumulative tax ....m.....,,=.,...........,..~ to grip the racket and make the 426-1140. L7/12
tre from forest product excise various strokes are included. FOR SALE Jacobson power lawn
axes from October 1', 1972 "The Official Encyclopedia of mower No. 21. $75. Call
March 31, 1973 was Tennis," edited bv the staff of the 426-6375. M7/12
the Washington State
of Revenue reported
The money is collected on
products harvested under
timberland tax law which
effect last October.
The tax payments represent
9,350,000 board feet of timber
tring the period.
revenue department
the harvest of trees
28.8 percent on private
lands in the first quarter of
COmpared to the lasl quarter
I am no longer associated
with Harvey's of Shelton
as nursery manager or in
any other capacity.
Mary Helen Anderson
Mason General Hospital
A daughter to Mr. and Mrs.
Harlin L. Jerrells, Route 3, Box
427E, July 3.
A daughter to Mr. and Mrs.
William P. Dils, P.O. Box 64,
Potlatch, July 5.
A son to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald
W. Larson, 1514 Summit Drive,
July 6.
County gets
revenue money
Mason County has received
$72,663 in federal revenue
sharing funds for the period of
April I - June 30, county Auditor
Ruth Boysen said this week.
reward of faith. Therefore seek
not to understand that thou
mayest believe, but believe that
thou mayest understand.
St. Augustine
United States Lawn Tennis
Association gives you everything
you want to know about tennis -
its history, equipment, playing
technique, rules and etiquette,
major results of tournaments and
championships, tennis greats and
a glossary of terms.
"Tennis," by Helen Hull
Jacobs tells about the
development of tennis and she
discusses playing techniques as
well as the opportunities for
young tennis players. The author
gives 14 tips for better tennis and
a digest of the official rules in
addition to suggesting other
books you can read to improve
your game.
"The Concise Encyclopedia of
Sports," edited by Keith W.
Jennison contains a history of
tennis with its rules and
regulations, the exact dimensions
of the playing area, the official
scoring and how to play. Also. the
major competitions are described
and there is a listing of the
outstanding players.
Tennis is a popular sport that
German shepherd puppies, $15
each. Call 426-1557. 137/12-19
EXTRA INCOME -- housewives
with Polaroid camera. Must have
car. Local area only. Send resume
to Box 12800, Seattle, Wa.
9811 !. H7/12-8/2
FOR RENT one bedroom
apartment single occupancy, some
utilities paid, $65 per month, $25
deposit. Phone 426-6158.
1954 FORD 1 ton with chassis
mounted camper, self-contained,
new engine, $1,395. 426-1066.
MUST SEE quarter blood bay
gelding, excellent conformation,
$400 or best offer, 898-2790
before 4. U7/12-19
ADORABLE MINI toy poodle
pups, 877-5459 weekends or
736-2963 weekdays, $25 apiece.
FOR SALE, chrome dinette set
$25, maple desk $25, bedroom
set $50, all excellent condition.
Phone 426-6158. S7/12tfn
THOSE WHO have economic
power have civil power also.
George W. Russell
OO .,~b OO O
Excellent Colors
W'ith heavy foam back
Would be great for
the family room also.
Olympic Highway No & "J" Street
-- .,q~b .,IU~,. ~l _ ~ "OP "~~"
Reg. $28.00 'Supreme'
is a spun rayon in solid
colors. Fitted style
Reg. $17. 'Flower
Garden' patterned
bedspread is quilted,
throw style. Poly-
Machine wash.
(Sale Prices Effective Through Sat.)
sides and back 32-36A,B,C
O cup: reg. $6, Sale 4.80
Reg. $4. Seamfree molded
contour bra is polyester with
polyester fiberfill 32-36A,B,C
Reg. $4. Garterless brief of
run resistant Lycra®spandex/
nylon. Lace underlay front
panel, shaped seat. S,M,L,XL.
le 32°
Reg. $4. Doubleknit
contour bra. Nylon
tricot cups, nylon/
spandex sides and
back. 32-36 A, B, C.
Reg. ~,. Stretch tricot
brief is nylon/spandex
with tummy panel,
stretch lace cuffs.
Fashion Boots
(Broken Sizes)
Fashion Rainwear
(Orig. $19 - $29)
Uniform Special
I/2 Price
NOW I/2 Price
Dresses .........................
Pant Suits .......................
Swim wear 7"'9"
Orig. $13 - $20 ......... NOW
Full Rack Sportswear I/2 Price
Pants, Top, and Shorts
3 Piece Sets (special) |re
3-6x ....... . • • • • • • • • * • ........
7- 14 ..........................~IBqjl~
Tank Top Special
3 -6x ........................
7-14 .......................... 14~
Boys' Windbreaker Spec.
Boys' Tank Top Reduced
Summer Sport Shirts
(Broken Sizes)
Nylon Windbreakers Reduced 3tt
Knit Tank Top Specials
(Broken Sizes)
Denim Cut Offs
Orig. $3.98
NOW 299
Sport Coats
Po,y ter Kn.. Orig. $39.95 ...... NOW 24"
Polyester Knit Jeans 5tt
Orig. $9.98 .................... NOW
Ties Reduced
Scatter Rug Special
Piece Goods Remnants-Reduced
Fancy Jacquard Double Knits
60" Wide, Orig. $3.99 ............ NOW 2~w
We know what you're looking for.
Thursday, July 12, 1973 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3