July 12, 1973 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 12, 1973 |
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Appearing on the docket in
[ason County Justice Court
efore Judge Gerald Whitcomb
uring the past week were:
Washington State Patrol
Terry Winan, Rt 5 Box 300,
helton, speeding, $15 fine;
atrick Reule, Box 367, Tenino,
nproper passing, $25 forfeit;
~ly mMp~ A ? 1 dY~ i v2ilO9g BrhTle
Itoxicated, $250 forfeit; Douglas
0ng, Rt. 3, Box 494, Shelton,
peeding, $20 fine; Troy
[arrington, 904 Naval Ave.,
eemerton, speeding, $20 fine;
.arol Corey, Rt. 3, .Box 185,
helton, speeding, $20 fine; Ellis
ilomgren, 531 Park Shelton,
lilure to stop at stop sign, $15
me Ronald Anderson, ~Olr4
ascade, Shelton expired dn nx
cense, sentence deferred s"
ionths; David Yoest, St. Rt. L
ox 335, Belfair, speeding, $1
ne; Louis Williams, RE. 4, Box
23, Shelton, following too
losely, $25 forfeit; ox
John Thompson, Rt. 4, B
5, Belfair $25 forfeit; Michael
ires, 112 Seattle, Shelton, failure
0 dim headlights, expireo
P'ashington driver's license,
intence deferred 30 davs; John
Lidge, P.O. Box 514,~Belfair,
lilure to stop at stop sign, $25
~8 ~i: Wil~ia,ma,P' tst;e Jd i'n2 255 #5
0rfeit; John Palmer, 7702
]ukilteo Speedway, Everett,
iublic intoxication, $25 forfeit;
!army Moldenhauer, St. Rt. 1,
!o× 335, Belfair following too
]osely, $25 f'orfeit; Edwin
~iddleton, P O. Box 4231,
remerton, speeding, $I5 fine;
Francis Krueger, 1929
~ashington St. Shelton, defective
~haust, no driver's license on
~rson, $25 forfeit ;
i Lester Johnson, 4020 E. Eye
It., Tacoma failure to obey
~strictive sign' and/or device, $25
brfeil. Leona'rd Ha,en 3306 S
;h ' g'' . "
r andler, Tacolna, no trailer
!ghls, no safety chain, $zu
Drleit; Oliver Dixon, P O Box
i72, Belfair, driving while
n person $~10 tlnde~l, 30 Yays'
el, hccnse suspe1349 Railroad,
rederick Aims .. ",
helton failure to yield right of
'ay, $25 forfeil; John Alhnan Jr.,
:t. 2, Box 610A, Belfair,
peeding, $81 forfeit; Peter
Irchard, failure to sta
enter line, $25 forfeit; Michael
agel, Rt. 10, Box 500, Shelton,
o.. valid license on vehicle, no
ahd driver's license, $45 forfeit;
Dan Nowlin, P O Box 372,
i~we.r, defeclive front tires, $25
rtelt; Chester Hooker, RE. 3,
x 437, Shelton, speeding $38
felt. Jessie May Hagg P O~ Box
5, Belfair, public ;n'~,xication,
5 forfeit; Leon French, 5024 E.
6t.h, Tacolna, driving with
h~els to left of center line, $25
:qt; David Farcy, Lilliwaup,
mSession of a controlled
mtance, $100 fine, 30 days in
i SUspended; James Harvey, Rt.
• Bo, x 174, Shelton, no
.re!or s license on person, no
istration displayed, $25 forfeit.
Game Department
Edward Rogers Jr, PO. Box
~-9, Carmel, California, fishing
game fish without a license,
5 fine; Bruce Hedrick, 8145
nd SW, Seattle, aiding and
~ttl~g fishing without a valid
i"se, $25 forfeit; Michael Price,
• Box 255, Kingston, fishing
game fish without a valid
,nse, $25 forfeit; Edith Mosier,
• . 3, Box 491, Enumclaw,
~g for game fish without a
:nse, $25 forfeit.
Sheriff s Office
Roy Haney, RE. 1, Box 380,
~t.on, negligent driving, $65
belt; Edward Winkler, RE. 2,
907, Sheiton, physical
gEt.o! of a motor vehicle while
~acated, $1 O0 fine.
Municipal Department
tory Hagara, RE. 1, Box
Olympia, negligent driving,
forfeit; Dvaid Hodge, 613
Shehon, speeding, $20
:1 Elson, 427 Bellevue,
Mason County
1 694 meets
1st and 3rd
2rid and Franklin.
Wayne Robin~n,
Service officer:
Hyatt, 426-8662.
i ,i ann ivii
Simpson Timber Company new business will manage various and additional sales activities in brokers.
this week announced the phases of the company s real Mason, Lewis and Grays Harbor . A. Duane Pearson, of Seatfle,
est ablishment of a new properties, excluding timberlands, counties, Oswald said. will be general manager. He will
riot Seattle-based subsidiary, Simpson "Initial efforts will include Simpson Properties, be assistedby Ron F,.Godwin,
Properties, Incorporated. disposal of unimprovcd properties Incorporated, plans to sell both who will be land coordinator
Shelton, speeding, $25 forfeit; walle s . attempted break-in. President G.L. Oswald said the in Snohomish and Skagit counties directly and through local in Shelton.
Wayne Burnett, 1420 Holman, Chester Glanden reported a Edna Metcalf reported a ~ ~ _~t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s ,, ~ ~ ~ ~ \
Shelton, taking property of German shepherd dog lost. house entered and shakes taken // •
another, $100 forfeit. Ken Williams reported from a pile behind the house. ~ 1
COUNTYvicki wall,LaneBUILDINGreported$1,000;reportedPERMITSaRlChardpoodlea vandalism, o Gara e Dennis~~[ ~,~SUPERIoRMUrphy COURTrep°rted a fir 11,~| 1 ' " ":~ , " {" ? ~1 /~1~! l~',~ ~t /t,,l:ikL
Th e H o d sport g tree taken from his property.
Building permits approved by " ~ asoline taken
the Mason County Planner's reP°l~ltekeg Auseth reported a Mrs. Robert Reil reported a '1 ?':7~;.~
dingy lost. ~. ~,~
office during the past week were -ore cle helmet and -'oves A Mrs. LeClair reported she .-:... :.x~.,:. ,, .... ~.:
mot y g~
to Jack Conrad, summer cabin .... a ick ! e/i [: i,]
"S 0 taken lrom p up. found a boat.
$-, 00, Charles Coyne, garage,
....... Hugh Tlurareported a boat Mrs. Winnie LeDrew reported ".':'.- ~:'..:-';.~,~ -,~ ~(-.~':- i . :q
,ouu; Jack r~antzer, garage, . .~
1 aarm. she found a golden retriever dog. .. ".:." ,L ,,', ,..~ ..... / - :. •
$ ,400" Arthur Keil Jr, summer "" ie Cook re orted a ~,~::L' ,,',,i,,,~,.,. ,. : ::..:.'~
• " marc p • Brenda Winslow reported a : . . ,. ,. . :,:,
cab)n, $10,000; James .Kors, German shepherd dog missing, purse lost.
retaining Mrs Donald Yoder reported a Kelly Brown Jr. reported a i
Lovgren, vacation home, $5,000; mailbox taken television taken, i" i
Rosa Perkins, extension to living Ken Aronson reported !:!i! I,l
room, $800; C.R. Sandbe rg, .gasoline taken CITY BUILDING PERMITS ~~i i.):
storage and studio, $500. Don Pieraccini reported Building permits approved by
SHELTON POLICE gasoline taken, the City of Shelton during the i
Sigrid Crabtree reported a Foster Myers reported fence, $200: City of Shelton•
rock thrown through a window of gasoline taken trom a car. addition to fire hall, $90,000.
avehicle. Mike Huckstadt reported ,, ,, ~ ~ _/"-- ~ ~ ~ /~" ~ _~ ~\
Mrs. Ella Carten reported gasoline and a tennis racket taken FIRE DEPARTMENT t
planters taken, from a car. . July 6, 12:40 p.m., Nellie
Bill Jenson reported items Grigill residence, 1737 Pioneer /
lost. taken from a boat. Way, pan on stove.
Glenn Robinson reported an Robert lngman reported July 9, 4:20 p.m., truck fire,
Afghan dog lost ' water skis missing from a boat. Fifth and Park. ; 1.99 4.99
Edith Williams Sandi Johnson reported a gray /
house broken into poodle came to her place. Divorces
Vehicles driven by John Dorn Ray Anderson reported A divorce decree was granted
and Richard Miller collided at F vandalism to a mobile home..7~ /
and Washington George Schramm reported to John Henderson from Nellie
Bob Benner'turned in a wallet five fishing rods taken. Henderson / ,~ , :x. t,,
.. ' " ", i I r •
he had found to the police Jerry Maury reported a house New Cases ~Bigandcuddly27"doll, I ~~ 14 ' drink and wet |l]
department, entered and a rug, end table and Olympic Investors Inc., ~ 1 cotton stuffed, printed I ~