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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 12, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 12, 1973
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"Top of the hill" ..... 1 Shelton i i 426 1 t Hazel kwith specializes - 34, . in Scc,ndinavian cooke ~.*k1~r1~k~A~`A~1~i~i~`j~r`k~A~A~`~r1b~k.............~penM~n~Sat~9a~m~t~9p~m~-Sun~9a~m.t~6p•m•~= i pa,n, n,,and erv , p,p*n, no,. ! r'ME rO BUY! ;i:~ " ii my grandchildren," Lefse ~ LA~MOWER ! When the three youngsters are 5 large potatoes guests in the Spencer Lake home ½ cup sweel cream Hazel drops everything to enjoy l tsp. salt the company of the children, flour use ½ C. flour to each cup We swim and fish and picnic of mashed potatoes. in the woods," she explains. Boil potatoes, mash fine and Hazel Beckwith, born and add cream, butter and salt. Beat SG " ] ;?~;~: (!i .: )!.iiii reared in a Scandinavian until light, let cool. Add flour, ' feat Savnngs community in Wisconsin. came to and rail int° small balls °f d°ugh' i i ! AIJ FJ Seattle 30 years ago. After many then roll each piece round as for a i ~ ~!~ a, ~" ;);~ :~:~ ') ~ ~~~ ~ ] ~ ~ " ] " ~" ~ ......................... ~':~~' years °f weekending at Spencer pie crust and as thin as p°ssible"] i i::years ago . ,, oors ModeJs ja¢obsen and Lake, Hazel and her husband Roll over a dowel and transfer to ,-" decided four to make lefse griddle. Bake until brown, ~. r" the beauty spot their permanent turning frequently so as not to II, home scorch. Use moderate heat; do not : ,! was reluctant lo leave the grease pan. When baked, place city, Mrs. Beckwith confesses, between clean cloths or wax " k '~ featul'ed ' but I like Shelton, now that 1 m paper to keep from becoming dry. ~i ii iii here" lespeciallyenj°y theArt Serve c°'d °r warm with ~ I ~ ~ I ~ : ~ X ~ BECKWlTH rolls lefse with a'corru ed rolling pi . Club, and I find that the small butter, sugar and cinnamon. Cut group is more friendly and each lefse in half or fourths and !!~i i :i : ~ ~i: ~ pleasant than the cily s larger roll up before serving. ~i I ~ ~ !ii'il ~ .~ ones.,, . Krumkaka ROLLED upon a dowel, the lefse is transferred to a hot wnen, s,x years ago. Hazel . I e.NEW ,: Day Camp d,rected ,eggs gr Beckw]th found hme on her~,-, by Arlene Goldsby hands, she turnedtopainting ~'Scugdrwater : k~~ ~ "My l wo children were grown., .Z ....... . • ,,. . , . . _ __ . ~z ~,. mote° ann cooly° outter and estalgllSne(t in nonles ot their ..... ........... '/ tsp. van,,,a 4 S: Same to meet I , l own, sne s,a, s, ago, neeoeo , During the last week in Junes,m. pson Recreation Area at duringthe week.The g,rls .... were d,v, ded rata s°me~n~i(')'d°~he continues, B~at"e~rs with sugar until light" g Usv Bees meet The Tramper SamsGood Sam ~. ~-~,'Ar: !on Lake was the scene of the units according to age and each ........ Add cold water, butter vanilla -- Club will meet for an outing at irl Scout Day Camp directed b unit planned its lunch each day 0ecame mcreasmgJy reaper,ant ....... '.-- and hold picnic Pleasant Acres t,n Long Lake near : to me, ann it has now reached the . , - . nene Goldsby of Shelton. Mo~ keeping within a prescribed ....... ann uour. btir until smooth. Heat ..... r,,rumKaka nr,m over low heat ....... Lacey on Saturday and Sunday. ~- ~. un June 9 the Busy Bees 4 H n ofthe re nroportions os an oosesston - ~" an 70 girls, both scouts and budget. The meal was then , " . ,. " , brush lightly with melted butter, Club held a meeting at Shelly" The monthly meeti g o g up ~. SAVE 19" Jacobl n In a studio aDJacent to her ....... , ' " ' willbeheidal7:30p•m, n July24 )n-scouts, and 13 leaders cooked over an open fire.~ " " -eckwi - pour aoout I ubsp. oroatter into . ~q. Trucksess s home ~rked together to learn many There are several items el ' home, Hazel B "serious ~paintingsth executeSin oils. iron. t~ook" " wafer, slowly " until , The meeting " started at 10 ofthe charter as the m " in the PUDbuilding, with revisiOnamtopie. ~. $~ A O0 $129.95, grass catcher included: ~Deluxe Turbo-Vent Mower reg . roping skills, to participate in a clothing and towels in the lost " ca " " golden on one snde• turn and cook nmmm o und and also parts of a • " g pr gram and in general and fo , . Landscapes an0. seas'" pes.,line the ..... ' - ~ o clock when President Shannon v ou in on omer sloe. ~emove each wa~er The CountL C s s Good ~. U push-ty.e, a walls and she specnafizes in ........... "" ," • Sam Club of Rento joined the ~" ~ ~,~" Byrne called the meeting to order n enjoy the great Northwest messkit. For more information ...... wHn a ~OrK ann ro~ over cynnoer. Chert Dry led the flag salute and an outm ut of doors call 426 2168 (Mrs porlraits m a ongn~ corner she ............ " " " " Tramper Sams for " gatthe ~'~ NOW $1AQ95 " - • Many girls please " " • • ,. . makes aoout 4~s waters. ~prxnK]e works in acry~cs to paint ..... )mpletedbadge requirementsRoller) ........ w~n powdery° sugar. Diana White led the 4-H Pledge. OceanShores Marina on June 1,2, ~" ~A~P'~ ~F~' Iq. driltwood novelties ann Then Secretary Kathleen Byrne and 3 whimsical plaques. Sand .BaLky.Is took roll call and later read our • ~" ~J~kvL . ~'2 ~'~ _- Always interested in crafts, (sand tarts) last meeting s minutes. ~" ~' A ~ A 21 Jacobmn , tt. i • _..--, • • ~ Mrs. Beckwith throughout herlife 1 C. butter ~ter we talked about camp. %AI. ,,,i ~ ~ nJ mBj V V ~F ~~/'/- ~v 7OMq,,~'~'~l'~ ~ has worked in ceramics, sculpture 1C. sugar Our group s slogan is lreland. Our winners name,, -- L L Deluxe Turbo-Vent Mower, Reg. I1~ i: ~ ~ and interior decoration. For many 2½ C. flour chaperone is Ann Watson. Janice North-South winners for the ~'~ J J $144.95,push.type.grass catcher included, ~/~" ! Feature Writer, JAN DANFORD years she was a buyer for the Ben 1 egg White gave a treasurer s report. Monday evening meeting of the Marche in Seattle. ½ tsp. vanilla or few drops The Ihree White girls gave their Shelton Bridge Club were Rex ~. NOW ~llldll~l~;b ~ _ _Y in the spring of 1972 Hazel almond extract demonstrations, and Louise Umphenour, Bob and ,,,~il/-- - Jr Beckwith and her sister, Frances Cream butter until soft; beat The leaders handed out camp Rose Quimby, Pearl Archibald ~" , n,~ll,~ll : i would like to quell, onceHowever, ! discovered Elmer of Seattle, made a in sugar: add egg; beat until rules and registration sheets. We and Dorothy Quartier, and Bruce ~. ~ ~" td for all, the ridiculous rumor belatedly that 1 had the happiest Eclat 1 spent my entire tw0-weeks bunch of beer-burping cats in the pilgrimage to visit in Norway the creamy. Gradually stir in flour went over them. The meeting was Kreger and Clyde Ruddell. ~, ~.~-.÷~,- SAVE parents of their mother who came and work dough t;ntil well mixed, adjourned with a picnic we had at Winning for East-West were ~. ~ ~. , !~ ~: ,,_ ~. cation in isolation, withmynose valley, k of it, my to Americaattheageofl4yearsBreak offa small piece of dough Shelly s house. Each memberHenry and Either Stock, Liz ~~'~1~i~ i! ;:~ I i " " a beer mug. It isn t true. Come to thin and died when Hazel was a andspreadasthinaspossiblein'o broughtsomethingforthepicnic- Updykeand EttaRector, Mary+ .... :+::+ ;:." ,. $ 00 ~I" 1 do not deny that I neighbors were also extremely t,- .~'rchasea a case of beer every cheerful; I distinctly remember four-year-old, fluted Sand Bakkel pans. This We had alot of run. Keller andGladysBrill, andNorm :1 1~ ner_t day. Considering thethem telling me to use larger After two weeks in Oslo,makes a cup shaped cookie. Bake by KathleenByrne, reporter HulburtandTueySchumacher. ...... ~ .... BB BB ~- where they met relatives for the in moderate oven about 15 ruder ot witnesses, it would be saucers, first time, the sisters toured minutes. Cool and relnove from ~" adness to do so However, the * * * Copenhagen, London,-. and Pads, pans, being careful not to break ~I" ~I" ;verage was not intended for where Mrs. Beckwith spent tart, as they are very fragile. IF ,ramanc°nsumpti°n lboughtit Howindeed enthralled hours in the Louvre. There is a time after baking when 7~~ ~~r ~" " " my slugs. Could ever I We plan another trip some sand bakkels are most easily & L=rte project, unfortunately, Who cannot even ~ ~t_in:~ud~ed, V Pu=h Mower ltn not be considered an Swat afly day," Hazel states, but we want removed from forms. Allow to Reg. $69.95 ~ I~ r~qualified success Dozens of Nor step upon to learn to speak Norwegian first, stand for a short time until ~ ~ ~ ~ll~t~ ~1~ 3 b hp Briggs engine ~, ~lsful of beer, placed at Alowlybug .and other languages too. We partially crisp but not cool. ff ~!1I,,~1d1~1~' encountered quite a language Gently lift cookies from forms.The Hy-Lond Inn and its manager, Dar ell Klein, SPECIAL _Id!1 ~. IPt~y-i-'='~=ni~htf~nwere'egic points upOnunvariablymy premiseSfound TheExterminate barrier--even in England!" - would like 'to extend their appreciation to the local Hazel Beckwith is a member contractors and businesses for their services in the ~" ~" slimy slug9. . IF ~s_.-memornmg. By my kind hand of the Daughters of Norway in __ __ : Come ~n-Cheek our 2°tany empty. No beer and No snail has died Seattle. She is currently painting Co,umbers re-construction of the building. =~,.,s** .k.. mowers 1: • ~t ,,,~_Z By means of painful the heads of Vikings to be cannot be'" I said to p=o,;,,;a,~ heldeXhibitedin the fall show to be , .v~..n~d....... wnf .r Our thanks go out to: o,.=r .or savings ,ns.ugs!COnsternation., "I am For those u*'on Throughout her stay in Oslo, to succee'cl NYE BLDG. SUPPLY AND PLASTERING : Thomas A. Edison abou! to support a bunch of My premise~" This, then, is Mrs. Beckwith sought the typical ~ Imperial My nemesis: Norwegian. She returned home to Hints for successful cucu,nber BAYSHORE SAND & GRAVEL Air Conditioner All whothrough model her work upon the plantings include application of HAROLD DALKE named New officers of the Christmas CBers are Ralph Depoe, esident; Start Jones, ~nt; Maizie Depoe, Fred Rupe, treasurer; Gene Howard, sergeant at BOard members are Ann ~e, Caroline Pollock, Bubs Lois Jones and RoUand group meets on the ;lay of each month in Depoe residence. A potluck picnic is for July 22 at Mason The night-time feed In gross and un- Abated greed Upon each perfect Leaf and petal Are summoned forth To prove their mettle In revels of Nocturnal cheer Around a saucer Full of beer, And with petunias On their breath They gaily drink Themselves to death Expiring in A mellow glow. Oh, what a lovely Way to got The office of STANLEY B. will be dosed July 12 thru July 26 countenance of her son. generous amounts of organic Each year a Scandinavian mailer to the soil and deep Open House is held in the Seattle watering. Failure of fruits to form home of Mrs. Beckwith's sister on the first bloolns is due to the with HaZel as co-hostess. Many plant's first forming male flowers. hours of preparation result in a The female flowers that bear the smorgasbord display of rosettes, fruit form about a week later and Krulnkaka, sand bakkels, have a small cucumber at thebase fattigmand, Gore cookies, spritz, of the petals. If the new all-female and assorted sugar cookies gynoecious hybrids are planted, including• Santa Claus heads, be sure to plant some normal works of art hand-painted with varieties to assure pollination• II A real smart kind -- his first words were "go to H & H SHOES in Olympia for FAMOUS NAME BRAND Women's and Men's Shoes at Discount Prices! il i i ii MASON'S MASON RY LEW RENTS CO. PACIFIC HDWE. GRAYSTONE SENTRY SPRINKLER GEO. SCOFIELD HYAK MILLWORK RELIABLE WELDING PACIFIC N.W. BELL HARRY JOHNSON MACHINE SHELTON G LASS SHELTON HDWE. BOON'S PLUMBING AND SMITH ELECTRIC CAPITAL SAVINGS SHELTON FIRE DEPT. FIRE MARSHAL MASON CO. TITLE CITY ENG. DEPT. THANKS are also extended departments for their cooperation. SHOP HEATING to our city fathers and 1ST & RAILROAD Reg. $379.95 For Living Rooms and IF Other Large Rooms 11,500 to 26,000 BTU Capacities *Automatic Thermostat *Flush Mount IF" *3 Speed Fan I~, *Fresh Air Intake 1~. *Stale Air Exhaust *Slide-out Chassis *4-way Adjustable Grilles SPECIAL =q. =I" Reg. $1.49 ONLY 2 lamps per set, complete with poles, chains, wicker 19 protectors and snuffer caps. GAL. Reg. $9.95 SET Our store is now IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF Thursday, for your shopping convenience IF July 12, 1973 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 7