July 12, 1973 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 12, 1973 |
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• In Marines
Clayton L. Nelson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Delbert Nelson, and husband I 607 $. 1st !
- of the former Miss Tamra L. Bent, ' |
all of Shelton, has reported for
Louise I. Brewer Dakota. He attended gradeschool officiated at a service held at l duty at the Marine Corps Air Monday thru Saturday
Home Building 8,a.m. to 6 p.m. I
[,,~i,e 1 B~e~er 75 a former there and was,,graduated fromp.m. Monday in Batstone Funeral Station at Beaufort, South
'.c,,d,:n't ,,fSheiton died'Juh 3 in Lisbun lli~zh School. tie attended ttome. Burial was in Shelton Carolina. Supplms, Inc. Sunday 10 to 4 I
'i1" Burieu l|t,spital follt, wing ~',allev City State College in Memorial Park.
,cx~'rai ~eeks ~t illness \alley City." North Dakota and
m,,,mg' ~,c t~,"USBurtb°rncount,.,DecemberNebraska25' .Xorthlater Dakota•attended Wahpet:m State Jenive I. Halbert O|O gives h, nd t ]
,.~' In Stanton, Nebraska. School ol Science, W'ahpeton. Mrs. Jenive 1. Halbert 726 ll
No. l Street, died July 3 ;, the grant here I .... "- Buoyancy r Z'x4"xO\ I
at t[,e age ot three '.ears. There ?tr. S t,llwell married Gaff age of 86 yearS.was y u, . I{I, r dear Cedar I
qLc ,_'re~ to womanhood. Shewas Enequist August 8, 1965 in She born Ma" 3n The Office of Economic /1'
~r~lted in marriage to James Stlrum, North Dakota. tie was1887 n Marion County, Kansas. Opportunity has approved a
ll Pullouts 1
Wes!e~ Brewer on March 15, emp!o\ed b~ Johnson and Prior to moving tu Shelton two $40,025 grant to the -~ • . -
lql0. at Pender. Nebraska. Llghtower Architects in Fargo.years ago, she had lived since Mason-Thurston Community .... g'xl0"x20" ,.!( PerfeCtporchesfOrorPatiOS,picnic tablesdeCks' II
lr~ t922 the ~amily moved to North Dakota tar one 3'ear bch)re 1912 in Tacoma Action Council at Olympia. The ~-~ ::::~- I
--... |25 a 99¢
~,'1~. B~ev, er worked as a matron In Kalispcll he worked formember of Lincoln Park Christian run for three months, permitting -~< ' ~; ~:
2t the Indian Boarding School. Brinkman and Lenon Architects("hurch of Tacoma and of' the continuation of the programs for
| ~'/tt " ine th's she lived at a'id Ene neers and n December uf Benston "--- "- , • G,a,,gc. .... that period. : i l~~l J---~ ~ ~ "---~"--- I
Pa;n, elec'. South Dakuta: 1967 moved loShehon, wherehe
N~,~brara. Neblaska: Columbus was enlpl(~yecl oy UalKe ~. (1 W Itull-,o~t ,,f~.h,lt .... • ,. ,! ...... htc.,, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii11111111111111111111111111111111111111t
('c'"~zia: ('°u"ci] Bluffs" l°wa"Andring Architects |te and his M~f'"Ke)'m;-O"s'~'mu']"f"S~nSC't""~,,d ,,, Sh~lt,,n She had made her v~lfe returned t )~" c-Kahspell m 19, 1 ' •" . ' "' "g C1 Seleet-' I,
: "' ! "" .... ' ' .... .'' ' Arizorla'ei~htgrandchildrervand CERTAiNTEED r' !' Cedar
!! ,,,,c ,,ith( he, daughter, Phyllis. , and he w,,rked R)r Arrowhead, 13 ~0~,.o.. / 3 Tab Shingles [Ii
si~ce 1~47 and lived in Sheh~,n Inc. us a carpenter, fle was Graveside servces were held
t~ ~m I9~'~ ,,, I957 foreman on the ,,cw v completed .... ....... "~JL~J[L,dL~,~=,~L,,=,~P
She was a member of the FirstG~bson bmldme m Kahspe l . . p. _,. ,. ,'r _ { I1
.... ~ . V~ew Memorla~ ,a~ (n Jacoma Applying for marriage licenses
l'lil;,it',t (ht, lch ll~ Shclttm. She ~lr. 5filly, ell ',',as o the / • 1
l~.,~es lt,ur daughters. Mrs. Valura t'resb}, 'ter~an" faith," aml) '~ member' Funeral Home Tacoma." The officein thethisMaSOnweek CountYwere: Auditor s
, ,~I the (dr enter s [ n~ r
O'tllenl~cs:' °t tlamilt°n'Ge°rgia' ,."' P~. ,,.". Reverend Adrian Fraley Thomas Ross, legal, Union, i : !~
Xl~ l)~,roth5 Ialhm and Mrs. burvlvlng lit ;..tLI(IlII(HI to his (1 "C ated and Emmogene Anderson, legal, "x
I'h~llis Rutherlord t)iScattle, and ~idox~ and parc:tts in Kalispel] arc
'ql~ ,Xd'~ ~llu'aardl Palterson oi tx~o s(ms. k~ren Brad/e', and Joel Seattle.
David Youderian, 16,
I "c'ct': t"" s°"~' (lL"m"r't °f ')av'd St'llwell ')t the h"mc: his Dan,e' C. Bro~/n Bremerton, and Deniece Butler, ~ I
.",,atilt and (h~Iies ~,t ('oh)rado blather, Orrm (T¢,cd) Slillwel. ,-, • ......
• " ,!! iilii~c;!a !i! . uan,e, ,... ~rown, /u, o, 16, Bremerton. e I~l
ia i i, 'did/: i')} ii:,r ~ ! (:te, t ~: :l ' \:!:1'1': d"l-:: :~ :'{" Redi? idv~a! 1!;!~!mllche" died Ronald Foss, 23, Poulsbo, and
Hermelinda Raines, 22, Poulsbo.
:'It l~f~l!ll~leal-etandauglltc~:~ a Funeral services welt held tln(unced bv Batst;~'eeS ;2~ebl~ Perry V. Shelton, 46, [ < er9 a$$s..ranel$3- 1 , .Fence Posts
'~, ,her R, 'i,'. 'li ,htrcc of ltidav'. ~. . t ~e Weathc', f,,,d :,,,,,me. " , Gresham, Oregon, and F.theIMathis, 45, Olympia. ~l ~ ~ , ~ 10' . .... llP'" "
'k,.,tu, Negraska: and a sister. "u,,cral th,,nc with the Rc,c,e,,d Kenneth Smith, 20, Shelton, r ~ ' ~ "94 ~ 4 x4"xlO' 4~---.-...-.
{,J,,d3s M,~llimure of Watcrville, Har,)Id V. lluber, p;,sto~ of and Lama Suzanne Lick,17. ~ ~ ~ "*"-~*
Aashin~,ton: a host of other ] rillilV l. uthela~ ('hutch it-e • • • 12'. .....
,dati,CSF ti ,,c,andal man),erv'icesfriendsv, er'c held olliciatmg.. ,,,. a,dens"Burial' ,,as in Glacier ,,mISSI°narles_ | James Sheffield, 18, Shelton, ~
' 2e'n'''ial ...... Z'O,onSpeaKandJenetta and Kim Hodge, 15, Shelton. :~ll1
: :l'- ': ' Acacia Gain will George Miller, 18, Shelton, - ~ i
i:[:'2;":i'~ :':,' k, O'i~,,:e::~l}~,aJ:~ W'll'a m L. S,m pson Pr(:rSent their w°rk for Trans and Teresa H°ward" 19'killiwaup. ~~ ~ i|
'd Radio at both the mornln [ ;;l~l~L ! ~li] C.bine, ft~ Ill I
.... : " " .... " William 1.. Sinlps()n, a lifelime " " ' " g ...........
. I'~t'~,'ll II resident ()i lifts area. died July 4 and evening services at Hood
Drawer Pulls
Loren K. rlliweii ,,, Mason Gcm_'ral Ho~;pit,,l Ite ('anal Community Church July A Catches Drawer
l.,~rcn R. (L~,nrlic~ Stilly.ell. was81 yea,sold. 15.
28, ~,t Kahspcll, M~,nlana died Mr. Simpson, born January 8, The morning service starts at
.1,,1~, 4 i,, Kalispel, Ge,,eral 1892 i,, Shcllon, was a retired ,la.m. and will be followed by a / CLEARANCE J I1 7o Jill lJJ 151t
,I,c-w'hiclc accidc,,t,n.,h,, th:' r),evi()us veteranUnited ,)t'Meth°distw()rld warChUrch' and al. He was a p.m.The evening service starts at 7 / Kem-tone i I IT T
!! ilJ .i,,,/:'i'~ iiT"ii" Williston, North member ol Madrona Bar, doLs.: ! Jan Gain'So :Ssfather'::lsi:(~t rnReVerende ~fotthh: |1/ W.iiKem.toneKem.p.int }loEn,,.,elKe'''g` ill ~~~"= ea " ~"'~iCash Vame 1 2Oth 2: a Cent. '~
: l I ,1 Roller & [i1 R ,ller
Handle Oven
11]1 !i;i'u 19! !11 Limit i lea~.t
Tone " - Cash Value of Cent
g~ a n d ,_ h ild rcn;
C,J,,,.!\ S M,~llJm,Jre of Watcrvillc,
~,~ JxhlngloIl2 a hosl
rL.iati,.cs arid lnalty triends.
I ~*da)
( h:, pcl.
Mcmol ~al
V,c,clend Noel Olson ofticialed.
Convenient shutter release
with lock
1/500th second pl us' ' B' '
Hanimar Auto
F 2.8 135MM Td~koto Lens
Reg. $120
3 Rolls
Page 8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 12, 1973
4 for 99~
Super TL w/f1.8
Single Lens Reflex
• Auto film loading
=Micro screen focusing
' Bright view finder
= Instant return mirror
• Film speed 6 to 1600ASA
• Flash"F" ano"X" synch
Reg. $195.
124 N. 2nd- Shelton
Deluxe Ca binet
* Deluxe Marble Top
* Sink Bowl
* Pop up Faucet
Other sizes & colors available.
Deluxe 36" with drawers
Pre Finished
60 lb.
Value of a Cent,
2¾"x 15 Was $6.32 Now $5.89
80 Sq. Ft. Roll
4"'X 15 NOW $4.59
Was $4.95,50 sq. ft. roll
JLITE $1.99
Pour type
White with
i metal grid
sq. ft.
Limited to quanities on hand ....... Shop early