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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 12, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 12, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Prices effective Wednesday, July 11th through Saturday, July 14th. No sales to dealers. C Lucerne Buttermilk ...... .a,G.,•60c Lucerne Buttermilk ........o..34" Diet Imperial ...... ...ri.,lb. 51' Soft imperial .-..- talc ....... Twe |-ez. Tubs dF • Blue Bonnet .......... ..e''.,lb, 36c BnP Kraft Parkay ....... ..,.,.,.32c CENTER CUT "711 Doz. Breakfast, 32-oz. ..... Town House, 46-oz. Baden Orchard ... Orange, 64-oz. paragus .. ,.d,.,,, 14.S-0z. •for Salads .... Dinner Hour, 22-0z. C C Craft White 5-1bs.. Ea. Kitchen Craft ......... Yellow, S-lb. Kitchen CraftWhite 51¢ .... Ea. S-Ibs. Van Camp's ..... 21-0z. CREAM O' THE CROP Doz. Crisp Local Garden Fresh Each FRESH FRESH Wash. Grown Ea. Large Ripe Ea. Wash• Apricots .......... lb. 25" Large Avocados ......... ,.35" Icicle Radishes. ....... 2 ,.29" Sunkist Oranges ........ lb.19c Green Beans ............. ,.39" Local Beets ............ 2 ,.39" Banana Squash ......... lb.13' Safeway Medium Cheddar ,Sl° Safeway Monterey Jack .... ,Sl°S Grated Parmesan .... 94' Kraft Cheez Whiz .... 62c Kraft Cheese ...... , .... j.39c Pineapple Cheese ...... s-o.. 39c Pimento Cheese .... x,..,s .... Jw 39c Kraft Roka Cheese ..... s .... ,.43' Kraft Cheese ...... s .... ,.43' SELF BASTING U.S.D.A. Grade A my ~, .OTISSE.,E Turkeys ..... .lbs ,,--,, lb... Lamb Shoulder Steak. u•,.,.,.sl09 . . Cbai(a, lb. l Pork Loin Sliced .....,.End, lb. 99c Beef T-Bone Steaks ..... ..*.0.A.S193 Cbai(e, lb. II Beef Top Sirloin Steak.. Sliced Bacon ............,_,,,.lb. 9 S' Pork Link Sausage ..... ,.l..,,lb.Sl2, Beef Stew Meat ............ lb.s112 Sweet Onions .e,,ow 19' ...... Walla Walla, lb. Lean Ground Beef 99' Lamb Rib Chops ; U.S.O.,.Cbai,e,,k. S169 Beef Chuck Steak u,°. c...slz4 ..... Boneless, lb. B Lamb Breast ........ u•,•.. 63c Pork Liver Sliced ........... ,k 69' Lean & Meaty Cheese & Bacon ..... .... .,43' American Singles .... c i I iU.S.D.A. Choice, lb. .r,.--**- ..c , ,----.__. - " ......... ' .... I. " . I ~i~KRAFT ( --=,.o Mozzarella .... ' 7r~r~l'~": I Lamb I Meat Loa, ........... 'nre Park Sausage, I) J" Grmmd Ilonf & iJF dlqh ( Extra Sharp Safeway Wieners 89( lb. p Safeway Beef Bologna .... ., 65c Turbot Fillets ......... 79" " " . S 85 Pizzeria .............. ,.,,....... 1 Fish & Cheese Portions ..... ,b.Sl°9 • " " ok "" " Fill- J DeliciousBarhecued Lucerne Fine Quality Pizzeria ............... SlS9 t.O ea t.ercn ets ........ I _ GoL8L Pizzeria ............. s179 Breaded Shrimp ........ o_.,,,, s2"I Waffles .... ,.i-eir, luttermilk, 12-ez. 39' Kippered Cod ..... .---.--- helrb( Awake ............ ] l)Charcoal BriquetsT% . * 69c Lucerne Favorite ~ Orange Plus. ,kdseye,,-e,.55¢ BRIQUET • C C So,. Gal. Wh Cre°m 75C a mmys ........... Good H mor, wh Stripes arnrnys ........ 0,s 58 c.o .B Ice Cream75 ECLAIR ar ................ Good Humor, 6's COLONIAL By ANCHOR HOCKING I 10 -Ounce g TUMBLER o** 39 Witk Every $3 Pwdmse ADD TO YOUR GLASS- WARE WITH HANDSOME COMPLETER PIECES AVAILABLE AT YOUR SAFEWAY NOW! "100% FLORIDA" Minute Maid 16-0z. • 4 9-oz. Green Beans.. s1 BABY ,,, Beans ,o-.. Sl Limes ,,..4,0.0= s1 Bel-air Peas... 4,,.o.. s1 Crinkle Fries.. s1 CALIFORNIA Hamburger Buns. .... 3 ",.""a'h.', OI 100%w,,,TW"°" Bread .... 39" Cinnamon Muffins ...... .,h,.,sin, .,,. ,'. 43' It's Coffee Time / Safeway Coffee .....t.=. 86' Safeway Coffee .....SlS 2-lb. Edwards ...... co,.. s1's Edwards Coffee ..... 98c Inst. Folgers .... .... Sl=' Folgers Coffee . ,., '2" l-lb. Folgers .... s1°] Folger's Coffee . . el" i CJeanser. White .. Magic, ,*o, 15 l Cleanser... whir. Mog,c, 22c Su Purb ...... ,t.rg.o, .... Liquid, 32-0Z. 69C- ~Jj~ PINK L,OU,O Par. Detergent, 48"O'. 49c ~" COPYSlGHI' 1960. SAFIWAY STORlS, |NCOIIPOIIAT|O Heavy Duty ~1~ I~ ~.~ ,.~ ~,~4. White Magic II.~=/=/I~J=H/. 5-1b. 4-oz. 99c Downy. Fabric Soft- ..... • o.,, 87* Softener.. whiteMog,c for Fabrics, 33-oz. 57c Ivory Soap. .... ,,.o, 12c "" Popcorn...P.ride.Party,,. 43' From Mrs. Wright's 1O's ,C Cheese Krisps ............ ParlyPrida, i-0z. 39c Puss N Boots Cat Food ...... Vitamin E ,,.',•,, s249 • • . Salaway, 200 IU, lOWs Mouthwash ,a,.,,. 39c ..... $afawey, PI. Bufferin '""" S1°9 ............ 100 ct. I I I I Shampoo...• ,a,..,., 99c : Herbal Essence, l-oz. Creme Rinse ('" ""') ""ba'I .... "''e''" 79c l Lysol '""* 79' • . . .. latin, Tub & Tile CJNner~ 17-ez. -AG Cleaner .... 5 5' WHITE On Any One y Panty Hose One Coupon Per Pair ... B Offer Good Thru July 28, 1973 B Cash value 1/20 of 1 Cent, DIVISION COUPON L •B am BIB BB ~B BB BIB IBI BB BB B• •• BB BB iB •B I I I I Page 12 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 12, 1973 lsts ax~ Stric ~' u,, Sp L ttion UIN ileN 30,: R( athe • Tr /le C( )rare eks ~ove een. :*uan nd ir Ucki egin] god rove bout ~ain ~op ~iles ]Sha( ;rele[ :L S cce '~[esel C ' ~ese lass ~tarte lpen T ~ugu ~dia )re-c, iou J ele !2:4: F [his '~thro| ~ons ;recei S -el: Ndic ~Was I 1