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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 12, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 12, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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given t:am,l,es wanling the Whitmarsh. All petitions may be OLYMPIC NATIONAL FOREST RECREATION REPORT Timberland Regional Lib,ary phoned in to the Olympia Library • Bt)oknlt~biles to stop near their at 352-0595 or mailed to Mrs. '~ODSPORTRANGER DISTRICT house this winter should make Wh i tmarsh, Bookmobile .tephone: area code 206 877-5254, office hours: 7:45 - 12, 12:45 - their requests for Zl new stop Department, OlymplaLlbrary, 7th ,tdrll~ccessful~e~s__ ac nt sh aa lv men nal l bak°nepthethe Coho" " Calnpgro und fishSite at the Wynoocheeg. At ~ atlle TheThe ,nst on c('"isis ('l inic\,fll bc hel°f "fh ursioridin ,nI,'enve o e 1o U s,s,.....~ ... ,,.,~. ~,,,..,,,o~ b eloi-e J ely 15, according to Mrshoppinga ce m ra, iocatlOncenternKe~r~WlasaidSmre o,S'"l ~Washlngt°nandly iFg r ai n ill n ,d O 198501. &~~~~r,a nl Pila '! 3~AT::nTd:~sa2:~knance has been completed on the Lena Lake No. I)(5r rie Whitnlarsh, bookmobile k| / O, Dry Creek No 872 1, Mt EUinor No. 812, Mt. Rose No. 814, Mt. ~laff member at the Olympia [Nlew surnrr'ler nours ~lmhington No 800, and Ranger Hole No. 824. Hikers planning lublic Library. ........ .... : to schedule a liar: wORSl provincialism oI "l ~ , ~ended trips into the Olympic National Park should contact Staircase "*~e will |,-v " ' , ........ I U 121. ITI. - 4 D. I1"1. " • wnlcn ~nlerlca Call De guilty is reeular bookmobile stop this ........ inger Station at 877-5569 or the Hoodsport Ranger Station at ~ .... In of three tne provlncahsm o! prejuuice. •. i ~ . / ~7-5254 for trail condition reports. A hazardous snow condition still -., ,.)Hu.~r J~ a n!lnnntt ....... racial pleiudice and meiudice Monoay-aoruraoy lUlDlhcs requesl o le or if there ~a ....... -- !sts on the crossing between First Divide and Home Sweet Home and i " " , , . ,., . ......... against new and challenging ideas -- - "" Mrs. William O. Douglas 205 Gota 426-4;tiO:;l i axes are required " develo ed cam rounds on the H--od•port 111 Ii ~ck is the only charge recreation sate on the district ($2 overnight, ,~ I !b' use). Hamma Hamma,, Lena Creek, Collins, Elkhorn, and Steelhead I ~ ,f !mpgrounds are "no fee campgrounds. ] ' - t / " +.,.+ i ~peeial items: Several campfires have been abandoned at Big Creek ~ ++ ~, , ~1 na Lake recentlv. Don t risk being the cause of a forest hre .... . ,~,~il,~ii ~lte law requires you to extinguish campfires whenever you abandon ~ ~ : !| 1" ~ [ur campsite. You should also carry a shovel, axe, and bucket when ~ + : ~ P'~ '~+~ a~ areasofthe national forest. Please keep your IN THE PRESENC E 70 MEMBERS and guests the new AU to atil } aki ,r" pmg an undeveloped al ark teen and clean• Shelton Rotary Club president, M.M. "Bud" I_yon, !left) :tttl~nal fo:s_t and nation p___g received the aavel of authority from the out-going President l: autj RANGER DISTRIC! Jim Pauley. Lyon has served on the Rotary board and as the , =pnone:30, SaturdaysareaandCOdesundays:206 288-2525,9.1,1:30-5:30.°ffice hours: weekdays 7:45- .cTu;=.,~+~r,,y and as vice-nresident~, in his many years with the WII L Roads: All district roads are open with the exception of roads up ~ athenyCreek whiche~nnter.' are closed due to damagewhichoccurredover Crisis"...... " clinic"" ,$" $,x" po ular S| trails: Most of the trails on the district are open• An exception is - / I/ . • • --I_ .le Colonel Bob Trail up to the lookout where the last mile is still snow ~on~s old 11'1 I15 monln ~e!ed. The trail probably will not be clear of snow for several more ;yen lion service, ltelp c:m bc 'r t-__ - and Muson Counties has reachedobtained by dialing the Crisis • -"mpgrounds: Willaby, Ollalie, Falls Creek, and Campbell Tree its six :nonfla :mniversury. The Clinic numbers (ghurston County ~ove campgrounds are open and maintained. Campground use has cl a c, which upened l)cccmber 357-3687. Masoll County een moderate to heaw However, space, even on the busiest days, can ~0 1972 is moving ottl "Jl" the 426-6277) any time of lhc day or lually be found by stopping at the ranger station for directions, ex',eritnental s ta'e and ,\'ill night. Collect calls are accepted --.~LI~ rt_.~,ra,( .. Special items: Summer run steelhead are appearing in the Quinault continue as a sociul service ueenc3 from rural areas m Thurston and ;aver. Dolly Varden are also being caught both in the Quinault River in the,.. ,.d Mas..~Mus ,r co. ,es: . . I lad in Lake Quinault cotramttnitv lne vo+unteers who operate _Strawberries are ripe in the lower elevations and red and blue Durin- the six hlonth ~ilol the ~hones are trained It, respond Naturally, plumbing installation is extra. Ikkleber • . ..... ! . " l Io physical and emotional crisis as _ . rles are beginning to appear• Wild blackberries are also ,~e-iod the CrNs Clinic received ..,u ,~ t,, h,.l,, no,role who need ©ginning to ripen and with a little sun it looks as if there should be a ~ n~ .... us 'm 'wer', c of "~30 w~ ...... 2" .... v.,'~."r'- , - Ood CrOn th; ........ - ............. , ~, +