July 12, 1973 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 12, 1973 |
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Guaranteed WeT I~
Free Pick-up &
Ills Claims Handl~'~
Applicalitm has been received
by lhe Seatllc Corps of Army
lingineers office frt)m J.W.
Adams, 3202 Smith Tower,
L vjmMiiMiImllllm
A HOIST TRUCKwas being used to get materia to the construction crew
working on the addition to city hall which is under construction. Forms are
being put in place in preparation for the installation of the walls.
Seattle, on behalf of Dr. B.N.
Collier, for a department of Ihc
Army pernlil t'oJ work i1:
Hammersley Inlet approximately
seven miles east of Shellon.
The work is t() construct a
icily cnnsi~liqg (fl :tl)ptuximalely
30 cubic y;.ds el ;ock" drive
piling and insl:lll :L ~hcar b*)tml
THE STREET in front of the Shelton Fire Department (on the right9,
closed during the construction of an addution to the facility betwee :ct
• 0ees
present building and the creek. The new facility will house space f
add0tional fire truck and quarters for more volunteer firemen sleepers. [I
• 4Ti
Ill._" public inleresl. Factors
al'i'ccling :he public interest
include, bill arc n()l ]imiled Io,
navigalion, fish and wildlife,
Navy man takes
part in drive
Navy Fire Control Technician
Third Class K. Alan Carlson, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R.
Carlson, S-helton, participated
with his shipmates in a sickle cell
anemia fund drive abord the
guided missile cruiser, USS Allany,
walcr clualily, ec.on(xmies,.., hoLnepgrted at Mayport, Florida.
. . ..
,~ I:xislin'_,f~cililics wc~c c~nscrvalion, aeslh~elieS'¢- His ship was the iop AtLantic
~££7 q con~,ruc,e~l hcl,, con 1~,50 ;,,,d ~eocation. waler supply, flood Fleei~* contributor to the drive
I You Should d,,,,~gc prevcmion, ecosystems, which aids those black people
l~urposc of lhew~tk is I~and. in ~cncral, the needs and affected by the hereditarydisease.
(:;tINT WlLLOUR I p,cvenl sho:~li,i,., ,,f ',~ c:,,,z,I wclfarcofthcpeople. TltE WAV to have power is to
W W TH I gnlr;lllCC. ('Omlllents on these factors take it.
I hy not plan to live I your | Inlc~csled pa~lics arc will be accepled and rnade part of WiUiam Marcy Tweed
child en, not OFF- them. rcqticslcd Io sublnil, in wrili~l~, Ihc record and will be considered
I!, '~ any conlmcnls u~ obiccli(ms I]lal in dclermining whether it would
1717 Olympic Highway North I riley may have Io ~hc prop()scd be in the besl public interest to
work. The decision as to whethergram a pcrmil. (',mm]ents should
ll~ NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL J a permil will be issued will be reach Ilie Seatllc Corps office
• -. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY V based on an evalualitm of the 13 It) insure
TV personality
to give program
Earl Finn who has a weekly
WHERE CIVIL Liberty is
entire, it includes Liberty of
Conscience. Where Liberty of
Conscience is entire, it includes
Civil Liberty.
James Harrington
TV program on two stations in
Arizona will have powwows at
the Skokomish Indian Assembly
of God Church July 15 through
July 20 at 7 p.m.
Finn is a ventriloquist and will
offer magic demonstrations, gifts
and prizes. All kids and teens are
welcome to attend. For
transportation call 877-5886 or
POWER BURIES those who
wield it.
The Talmud: Yoma
205 Cota 426-4302
later lhan Augusl
I.o9~,~ ~,~,~ og~,~,o ~~o~Ph" 426-8139 ................................ ,~I impacl of Ihc prop()scd work on considcrali(ln
Holds 665 Ibs.
chest or upright
i Holds 665 Ibs.
• Set~ s~,et li~k0
! I
IrisElectricity powers business machines...
cooks meals in restaurants.., pumps
gas.., and freezes ice cream.Ilt's a
prime factor in business operations.
Electric heating, air conditioning, refrig-
eration, good lighting, cooking and a
host of other electrical applications help
build customer satisfaction. Whether the
product is automobiles, dry goods, or
food, electricity helps sell and service it.
Electricity aids in speed and efficiency
in nearly every business operation,
providing important benefRs to local
,,, i
' t
F, dvJn T•ylor, Pruldent
Harold W. Parker. Vice President
Jerk Cole, Secretary
Jerry Samples. Manalrer
Member of the Electric League
of the Pacific Northwest
Page 16 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 12, 1973