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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 12, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 12, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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neer YATES ER The Pioneer of School Directors will their July meeting next evening at 8 p.m. This is week later than usual. It's school may be out for tile ken; but school business goes as usual throughout the If you attended the tax meeting recently al the Clubhouse your lime ht also be well spent watching another facet of your tax Lr and how it is being spent. Pioneer School Library be open one day each week remainder of Ihe summer )ol vacation. Slatting this :::i the library will be open each • fro. 9am to n,,,,n Pioneer teacher, R,,llin : [~_n, left this area the last week ~J~ une al,d headed ~. for Iris ~lnation of West Virginia !re he planned Io make his ~quarter with a friend Dave ~ertson. The two men met ~e they were both atlending ~:Zl~let State College at :L~ingham Dave is tile slate U ° j sic group to 'esent Carousel "Carousel," is the next rat:ion to be presented by rlequin Productions in Olympia tier the sponsorship or Capitol ~sic Club. It will bc staged at the Abbey eater, on the campus of St. trtin's College, on August 2, 3, rigtll 9, 10, and 11 under the wee0eclion of Vemc M. Eke and :e f~es L. This. Each performance rs. I begin at 8 o'clock. ~Tickets for all performances available in the Shellon-Mason Jnly area al Johnny's Music L Written by Richard Rodgers Oscar Hammerslein II, the m w I1 i c h a I s o g a v e Oklaholna, South The King and I, ;rod +other ~le hils, (~arousdl tells tile story of a no'el--do'well's Tiage with a gentle t'aclory girl lln he fails in every po:isible excepl Ih,,~ he illmninalcs life Complctcqy. safety engineer for coal mining for West Virginia. Rollin left West Virginia on the third of July to travel to Washington, D.C., for two weeks. The main purpose of the entire trip back east is to gain first hand knowledge of U.S. history and to lake color slides Io use in history and geography classes tit F'ionecr School. tie plans to travel very extensively throughout lhe New England states and will especially concentrate on West Virginia which contains more of America's historical places and events than any of the other states. Rollin's plans when he started on the tt;p were to spend about one month preparing information and slides for his classes. The l)istrict Five firefighlers is planning a fund raising dance. It is scheduled for August 4 at the Victor Ilall. Music will be by Herb Erikson and the dance will be from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. l)onations for the dance will be $1.50 per person. Tickets may be purchased tr~,n an} of the District Five wdunteer firefighlers. The ladies auxilialy will serve a lunch during Ihe inlermission for a small chaEgc. Tile Pctc Goldsby family acc,mqxmied by Irene's folks, Steve and Jean Slephcns, spent last week on a limp around the loop on the Olympia Peninsula. llighlighls of tile Irip included a slop al the kobo farm at Gardener. ttere several species of wolves which are currently being threatened by extinction are being bred and raised in an environmentas close to their nat ural one :is possible. Traveling on into nearby Sequim, lhey stopped at tile Olymt~ic (Jalne Preserve where many species of wild anilnals live, alsu in their natural environment. A good share of Ihese animals, raised from infancy, are trained for movies. Tile cougar Ihat was tile star of the l)isney film, "'('harlic, the t, onesomc Cougar'" was raised and trained at tile ()lympic (;amc I'rcscrvc. 'file vacation also included a side trip to lhnricane Ridge neither lhc (;oldsby girls OE their gEandparenls had seen before. M ¢/.a a magi: Watch for my mobile Hearing Unit. I will show you that loudness is not the solu- tion to under- standing. Come in and bring your wife or husband. Fox Sound of Hearing Certified testing unit offering custom fitted hearing aid. tr"li =-z. ¢ RtT"~ TEST This is to introduce you to Compression Circuits. Compression circuits are today what landing on the Moon Was to the Horse and Buggy days. For years, the Hearing Aid Industry believed loudness Was the solution to Understanding. This is not so! Now loudness can be controlled to the individual's need for com- fort and understanding the words. You owe it to yourself, yOur family and friends, to be able to enjoy life - because remember, a person who does not understand conversation, makes every one around him =hare his handicap. So Come in and see and feel the difference! Suppre¢~ the loudness before it reaches your tolerance level. SPECIAL REPAIR ON ALL MAKES - $4.75 Regardless of where you bought It (PLUS PARTS) WE WILL BE AT SAFEWAY AT SHELTON Friday, July ! 3 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. MOLD CLEANING, NEW TUBES WINTERIZING HEARING AIDS Sponsored by FOX SOUND OF HEARING Rt. 2, Box 2167M, Olympic Village i SIMPSON P.O. BOX 639 ,,r p'~. ° .,~ Interest The Simpson Employee's Federal Credit Union board of directors has announced a 6% interest rebate for the first half of 1973 to all borrowers.This is the first mid-year rebate paid by the credit union. The Simpson Employee's Federal Credit Union board of directors has announced 5% dividend plus 1/2% bonus (equal 51/2%) to be paid on all credit union member's share accounts for the first half of 1973 NOW "It's where you belong!" EMPLOYEES' FEDERAL Membership Open to All Active and Retired Simpson Timber Company Employees and Their Families Each member account insured to $20,000 SHELTON, WA. 98584 Ken Fredson, Manager by Administrator, National Credit Union Administration Thursday, July 12, 1973 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Paqe 17