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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 12, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 12, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Coady Craddick, 62, pond ~,: foreman at Simpson Timber Company's Shelton Veneer Plant, retired July 1. A retirement dinner was held June 30 honoring Craddick. Many friends and Coady Craddick fellow employees were present to express the high regard they and Simpson have had for his performance. Craddick began work with Simpson in 1946 as a lathe operator at the Olympic Plywood Plant in Shelton. In 1952 he was transferred to Simpson's former Klamath, California veneer plant. At Klamath hc served successfully as an electrician, production foreman, senior foreman, veneer superintendent and general foreman. Craddick returned to Shelton in 1964 and served as peeling foreman in Simpson's brand new Shelton Veneer Plant. In 1969 he became k)g pond foreman for the veneer plant which he held until his retirmncnt this month. Harry Spencer, former veneer plant superintendent, said Craddick's training and knowledge of plywood manufacturing, coupled with his natural trait for responsiblity, made him one of the best pond foremen the company has had, The usual hope by planners of of Wynoochee Dam, near i~ a ceremony such as the dedication Aberdeen, is for perfect weather. Such is the case in the Grays iLabor council :iback boycott i The Mason County Labor !COUncil is in support of the Harbor area near the Army Corps of Engineers recently completed project, ttowever, August 26, ceremony and related activities at the dam are being tied in with a local festival which glorifies and encourages precipitation. ;~boycott of Farah products, It's Aberdeen's third annual Darrell Sparks, president of the Rain Fair celebrat~ion. The ~,council said this week. two-day weekend cvent~fealures a i The Mexican-Americans parade, boat races, street dances, ~employed in the Farah plants are art and talent shows, ~und this ibeing exploited in tile worst year, the dedication -- a ~possible way by the company, significant water resource project }and the company s interference that provides potential economic ~With the 'workers efforts to growth to the Grays Harbor ~est,~bltsh a union are deliberate community. ~t e p s t o p r e v e n I t h e Activities at the dam are being • Mexican-Americans fro,n planned to give the public a full ~,achieving a better wav of life with a fternoon of events, including ) . ., 'dignity and security," Sparks said. tours of Ihe dam and downstream ,, "The NLRB has ordered fish transfer facilities, exhibits, a ~Farah tt~ hall illegal laborband concert, Indian salmon practices, based on charges by the Amalgamated Clothing Workers and substantiated b3~_the findings of the National Labor Relations ~Oard. The NLRB has ordered the Farah Manufacturing Company to ~:ease and desist from 26 illegal ~cts which precipitated and '~rolonged the year-long strike," ~e added. V bake, and the ceremony. The 3 dedication will feature presentations by key federal, state, and local officials. ' Tile dam became operational in mid-March when the lake behind the dam began to fill. Wynoochee Lake wil; be just a few feet below full pool elevation by August 26. I, Sears Moot Item! llt Reduced ]Prie~ \ ft. Chest Freezer Was $294.95 • Stores up to 774 lbs. of frozen food • Two sliding top baskets keep frequently used items within fingertip reach • Total contact freezing includes freight & normal Oellvery Use Sears Ea.y Payment Plan Come See them on Display Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back AND SAVE ears Shelton 24-Hour Shopping Phone 426-8201 SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. eal Mason and Thurston County residents will be served by a new facility for The Community Mental Health Center beginning July 9. New headquarters for the center will be at Parkmont, Twelfth Court Southwest, just off Black Lake Boulevard on Olympia's West Side. Since 1970, the center has been located on East Fourth Avenue. Wayne Payne, executive director of the center, said that the new facility represents more than a twofoldexpansion of" the space in the old structure, in which three professional staff members lack offices. The 3,500 square feet at the new centre includes space for ten counseling offices, group and play roup therapy rooms, a socialization room and a cleric:ll area. Some of the services provided by the center's ten-member professional staff and work/study interns include individual, family and group psychotherapy: marriage counseling: helping people leaving Western State Hospital and their families: psychiatric diagnosis and evaluation; administration of Crisis Clinic and a community drug abuse program; consultation witE such community agencies as the sheriff's department, Olympia ¢Sity Police and the Juvenile Probation Department, and prevention and outreach programs, including providing services in outlying areas of Thurston anti Mason counties, in new working with the Olympia Child Care Center, and holding mental health education seminars for the general public and students. Most of the services provided by the center are not available publicly elsewhere for Thurston and Mason County residents, Payne said. Last year, 941 new individuals and/or families were served by the center. In addition, 750 ongoing people were served, for a total of 6,248 contacts. Payne stressed the usefulness of the Cente.'s services It) tile average citizen. "No one is free of conflicts in daily living," he said. "Therefore. it is helpful to have a disinterested person listen to one's problems." Cost of services to clients ranges from one dollar to twenty uil ing dollars per visit. Fees are based on one's ability to pay and the size of one's family. Average treatment involves six sessions. Smokey Says: Always keep fire under control! Entire Summer S"-rdlti,,, Stock Reduced to clear Values # . . Sale Priced • Shoe Department in our !1 Cannon Thick Cotton Cannon Cotton Velour ::. ::':.:,.,. / I DINNERWARE 45-PIECE GENUINE No-Iron, Muslin White $2.89 ............ $ 2"O8 $3.59 .......... $ 2.41t Ht .-- nee ............ $ Fi " Reg. $7.99 ............. Reg. S1.79 pr ............ $ I.!al No-Iron, Percale White Twin Flat or Fit - Reg. $3.49 ............. $ 2.78 ............ $ 3.s8 ..L.,,,- R,~, ~.~. ...... $ .:i,,:;:: .:- ........ s ..... : ' Fit - Ret $8.99 $ $2;39 pr ............ $1.78 ............... $ No-Iron, Percale Solid Color Twin Flat or Fit - Reg. $4.79 ............. $ 3.88 ........... $ 4.78 :Fbt or Fit -Reg. $7,99 ............ $ 5.98 :King Fiat or Fit - $9.99 ............. $ 7.88 Calif. King Fit- Reg. $9.99 ............... $ 7.88 ........... $ 2.s8 King -- Reg. $3.79 IX ................ $ 2.78 Fresh Daisies, Percale Twin Flat or Fit - Reg. $4.79 ........... .. $ 3.88 .......... $ 4.7s ............ $ 6.811 ............. $ 7.1111 . i =•. • s "., ,~ * * = ........... $=am Cannon Mix 'n Match !!: Mon. - S t. 9:30-5:30 She|ton Fri. 'til 8:30 Whispertone Swipe $3.29 ............. Prelude, Floral Twin, Sinllle Control :- Reg;$ ' .... , " . .... • ::: .... ': ~: ~i3" !ig!~!~