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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 12, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 12, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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L I i I ,HO , wor, or ,!,o ,~ ~, • !o cents for each additional word over 15. ~'~ • FOUR (4) insertions for the price of ~ 4! Jl THREE (3). ,¢~_ Z,4' + . i • classified deadline: 2 p.m. Tuesday . ~' . I J " for ele----- el--e- For Sale Pets, Livestock Pets, Livestock Wanted Help Wanted Personal I I ~ YARD SALE, 416 Bellevue, 1; FOR SALE2 Goodyear tires N~. DOG CLIPPING, call Mrs. Scott -APPALOOSA-GEI'D NG. Great TIMBER WANTED highest prices T;RC-d : n;,;v;r-? 3Dan I h+h;~ .... ' _. , - _..~ a.m Thursday thru Saturday '50 G78-15, $60. 2 U.S. Royal tires426-2868. S5/10tfn with kids. 13 hands. Want $250. paid. We wdl pay our $65 per for small office, work Tuesday Tops No. 341. Meeting at former ~'-',,,,~J. u Q DiKeS radio-phuuu F " " I Y, Saturday only' in ~ m 4 ord p0ckup, $200, runs. S7/12 800-15, $20. Write Box X c/o Small saddle eva abe, CR5-3397. thousand and higher for good t hru Saturday. Must have health dept. building-North 5th e x p e r i e n c e i n A c c o u n t s & Birch every Wednesday night at • m ...... " ...... " ~-----~-~-~- DOG CLIPPING and grooming. $7112 " quauity fir, and hemlock. Sell now Receivable, 10-key and type 60 7 p m K7/12-19 I ~6.~8~.~%,Walker Park Rd. APPLIANCES, TIRES over Journal. 7/5-26 For appointments, call Mrs. " while log market is at itshighest wpm. Call Mr. Brice, 898-2155, " ............. I ~ ~~ FOR SALE 4x8 pool table LaMont. 426-4164. Lg/17tfn between Grapeview and Allyn., ever. Free pstimates, Taylor BayUD. we' "~avn slumpc year Union, for appointment. A7/12 REDUCE EXCESS fluids with complete with all accessories call Logging Co., call Jack Perelli or ~ Fluidex -- lose weight with 426-5251. H7/5-12 FREE TWO loveable dogs, ~--%------"----------" Rex Dempewolf, TR6-5238 or need good homes• Toy Poodleand .... nd TR6-8024 Write P.O. Box 106, .Imes,WANTED' .p..APERH,,,crest bOY,area, b e.attle~.none Ph~rm~evDeX'A'Diet('}5/31-q/13capsules at Nell s sheep dog. 426-5621. B7/12-8/2 LOSt ~ I'OU Port Orchard' We. 98366. 42 8 H ......... ""---" .... -- ............ -_-_-_-_-_-_- T4/12tfn 6-109 . 7112-8/2 Used Cars GENTLE Y~ Arab mare, $250, ~/~ LOST FEMALE Siamese cat ~---~- ~~ LOSE WEIGHT safely & fast with position Expernence desirable. Exce~ Fluids vvith"XPel. registered Arab colt $200,1 ALDERII LOGSreWanted,ri7e and . ,3P'%LE:~L/'~U'" r-u,lt,me X-,to+Diet Plan -~. .REDUCE_ $3. gentle quarter horse gelding, Thursday July 5, reward. ~, _~ ~ ~- . Write resume to Box 333, c/oThe Money back auarantee at '64 PLYMOUTH, $50 or best $200. 426-2603. $7/12-8/2 426-6305 J7/12 around. I-or more inTormation Journal. 7/5tfn Evergreen Drug. P4"/5-8/2 | ~ms. H7/'12 ' " R OR L cast iron built-in offer. Call 426-8625. 7/12 ........... -- _-------_ callMason Hardwood, 426-3464 I ~... ~ bathtub. China basin with legs, TWO MALE puppies, V, cocker, % LOST IN Hoodsport area 31" 170day, nighL M6/21tfn LOOKING FOR a career in real I ~IH CONDITIONERS in stock trap and faucets. Buffalo hand 1961 GMC, V-6, 4 speed,good terrier, */~ poodle, $5 per puppy. | ~/I Norm at Sears phone forge (antique) 877-5521 K7/12 condition, ~/~ ton travelall, $495. Call 426-1242. C7/12-8/2 lb., spayed, female Saint Bernard. ----~--- " ~tate? Call Mud Bay Realty, 124 and referral center 428 Birch St., I p't 201.7/12tfn , • _____ -~--'" .......... __ 426-8320. W7/12 Red & white coat, black mask, O.H. KNUDSEN Pole Co. Portof o. ist, Shelton, 426-1654. Shelton Phone 426-4407. I .~ -- CARPETS AND life too can be FREE DOG to country home, 41/~ tatooed RB1 left ear, white splash Shelton, John's Prairie. We buy7/5-12 S2/12tfn " on rump, answers to Rosebud. poles, piling stumpage and land. I .~ARAGE SALE Kamilche beautiful if you use Blue Lustre. '68 JAVELIN, 6 cyl., good years old. % Samoyan, ~/~ blackPhone 877-9206, reward. 7/12-19 426-6350 home phone426-8914. HELP WANTED, Mac's Corner ..................... I ~ction. Misc. items. Rent electric shampooer, $1. condition, 2 new tires, factory shepherd. Call 426-4878. G7/12~ P.O. BoxK, Shelton. K2/24tfn Mustbe21. For interview inquire ...... "-'--'- ......... I " Coast to Coast Store. 7/]2 tape deck, 426-8893. M7/12 LOST BLACK and white poodle, ~ in person 1 ]9 Cote. 6/28-7/19 :~1"~ FREE GERMAN shepherd mixed in Bever y Heights area, answers 1 000 000 FT per month- alder i I 465 RED chimney brick, cleaned, 1970 CADILLAC sedan DeVille, pups. Call 877-5706. Trinket, radius tag says saw Ioqs. 7"" diameter and up. I "lril~lI~ ~.~11 i 10 cents each, delivered. Phone 4 door, loaded, excellent T7/5-12 condition, $3,500. Phone Union Wurtsmith Air Porce ~ase, black H ahest-pr cos n area, delivered to -~'------------------'----------------- BEAT THE high cost of fir and eweled collIar. 426-3548 or [=1~= /inH~ll Enternrises days I~e I)-~e hemlock bark. Use alder bark. $3 m --vr ~vmm. 1426-4311. B7/12 898-3307. H7/12tfn FOR SALE trailer for one horse. ~26-3244. M7/12 26'4~-'2358"-Herb S'chumachei, .v. m,i.mmm yard delivered for 8 yards or I Skokomish Valle, -ood I ~EE-ON~t beer to 426-3648. Can be seen at Ford " Sand Y' ~ I Cary Settle, 1909 Hay Street, '69 OLDS, excel ent condition Garage, Mt. View. H5/10tfn ~--- 426-5444 after 7 p.m. Will buy ~----------------------~ ........ 491more'8851ASkL7/12tfnJim' 943-9845 or LOST MOTHERS rig with four stumpage and have loggers TWO BEDROOM unfurnished, "=J''" ...... -----.---~---- I , Y loam no rocks I from Minor's A&W Drive-In on cal1426-1239. F7/12 ' birthstones, ~'~ovember, July,available. L6/28tfn downtown, $125 on lease. AUTO PAINTING, reasonable JI Have supplied this dirt for I Mt. View. 7/12 February, uecember. Call References. Phone 426-1205. prices. Also trailers, etc. All work dawrls and gardens f°r 25 I N---FEW 1--1--0S ESPEED426-2570. 4/12tfnI, 426-24bb. u//12 I 1 Farm .I, I . 426-4407 ask for Mrs. Morton. -~v~, D7/12tfnw7/12 guaranteed. Phone 426-4322, Call 426-5397. B1/4tfn Years D~; ...... m ,~- - bike with ch d M7/12 -----~--= ........ '~O ' +,,v+, uy uc, I carr,er, $70. Phone 426-4654. + o Wor~ Wanted .... 1202 Cota st. R7/20tfn | .~ad anywhere. Call l $7/12 FURNISHED ONE bedroom apartment, $90. Call 426-4892. BING'S PLUMBING and Repair. n F.E. Ogden. excellent_.. • iPian°caifi S-oft, n- Good- DAY CARE -- ages 0-7, hot I , f" ~1 • meals, snacks near Mt. View C LE A N F U RN ISHED two CHAIN SAW sharpening, speedy, ,~-.------------------~-----------------------'~ School, weekdays only. Call bedroom, large rooms, yard, accurate. Precision grinding. Now ...... SELL '73 4 ..... 426-6576. K3/15tfn $77.50. Prefer older couple, no at Saeger Motor Shop, Hillcrest. I STALLS AVAILABLE for ., ou --USKazarna ....... pets 4261020. P7/12tfo Phone426-4602. 1/15tfn I , Potlatch orthopedic swap meet.1,63 Dodge 880 | and ' Desert Master. Call 426-3300 • I ~,~IP'II¢~I#~"~"~" .... IITo23. beEveryoneheld on welcome.SeptemberTo22rentand I Auto. p.s., ex. canal .... $400/ /IoldCUst?mh~utt ingas o,.ed curing w~ ~ppmgdo e arid message.(answeringL7/12- 19Service) and leave texture!NTER IOR andEXTER'lORgv0tte r.painting'r-ree SH E LT ON APARTMENTS, DAY & SONS custom rotovating, I I L call 426-1009. H7/12-8/2 _._------------~ estimates. Phone 426-5741. linen. All brick building, plenty clearing and blasting. Licensed. ~ar"est • everything furnished including lawns, gardens farm work, selection, owes, prices I I++9 Dodge Polara I I pepperoni and sausage made.I • On Olympic Peninsula. 10',' DEWALT m Livestock bought, sold and 14 FT. C-LARK sail boat good P3/15tfn warm. We move you free. $45-65 426-8750 or 426-8887. No job condition with 3 sails $900 Also ~~ total. 426-5892. 2nd & Grove. too large, no job too small. I ~Example: 24" long-wide box, raQual arm saw. Good condition. $6/28-7/19 D6/21tfn I I 426-2821.07/5tfn Itilt steering wheel, air canal, bucket I ~tbg. g major brands. I5002Or'FIT'aut°'speedc°ntr°lled'lm Ihauled I boat traier $125' 4~c~.n~4 LILI=INbEU CHILUCa --~gate I~ HI(/GHW.AYTRAILE I Iseats ................. $15951 I/ HomeGlennMeat& B.J. ProbstService ] 7. .... ' .... " .... area hour or day. Experienced __~-- ..... ~'~/~ ..... sitters. Call 426-6152. F6/29tfn ,_vVELY/~ NEW 2 bedroom .C'BAR'J RANCH , horses. i., ~uI~I~LY--SALEsR I LIKE NEW Singer fashion mateI '69 Plymouth Fury III I I L 426-1415 Kamilche j 1969 19' Silverline, glass, tri-hull, --__-~-----~-~., ~ dn~nl~x w th orettv colored boarded, stalls and runs. Many The Kitsap Kanopy King" ziq-zacl portable sewing machine. 4-dr. HT, --r- ....... - ..... walk-thru, 120 Merc. 1/0 plus ODD JOBS wanted, ,~zb-,~/~. ~nnI i~nces dishwasher tranls for rldmg. Also standmgfor I [,a.Coma Highway at Anderson I For information call 426-4209. 1318 eng ............... $14751 trailer. $3,595. Phone OlympiaD7/5-26 re~r."inerator 'and range. AllAppaloosa stallion service "Coffee | '~nlll turnoff, % mile toward I Mc7/5-12 / / 49]-4792. $7/12 ....... cmrn+~'~:d ~nd has nice patio $165 Cups Bar Fly." Double bred Top m .F°rt Orchard from Gorst. IES FOR sale m '71Polara I ...... ;I~L ....... ~__ LICENSED CHILD care, mnn~l~-"A-Rov Dunn Realtor and Bottom, Sundance 500 m ~Why run around topless I R A S P B E R R . 1972 HONDA CB 175 like new excellent references, fenced yard. "'" ....... D7 1"2 ' ' bloodlines Call 426-2720after | 4 dr- sedan, air c°nditi°ning' nut° 1 U----q~lll~ 426 2233 MC7/12 19 '- ' Programed day - ex-teacher. 426-4447.~ ...... / 4 p.m. 6/Ttfn" I + I 426-239o or 426-49 2. H7/5-12 / .......... $23951 m E$3-4805 I ..... ......... ____ 426-1580. No calls 12:30-3 p.m. I 6/21-7/12J CRUSHED ROCK for your I / "72Coronet I I and fenced yard ..... -- near Bordeaux PEACEFUL VALLEY Stables m • -'67 CHEVELLE, good body, new 1967 HONDA trail 90, 300 miles, H6/14tfn THREE BEDROOM with garage .... Im 'r~ drivewaYsolution, Orconcretethe permanentpaving. / 318 OlD, air conditioned $31~5 I brakes-clutch, overdrive, $650 or just like new, $250 or trade for ............ ~ School $155 per month, norses boarDeD and tra.ineo, year truck of equal value. 426-3057. _ ............ rpf#rpnt'~ n nets call "Mitch" around indoor exercise arena, I .~. .... Grays,one, phone 426-3344. / '72 Coronet / S6/21-7/ offer. 426-1081 after 5 p.m. __S7/12 .... ~ards Of ~llanks ............ ~t M~nnn" County" ' Realty stalls runs and pasture. Call Ken 12/7tfn 1 318 ClD, air conditioned I ~>F~ a-4P, F,-M7112 + -' or Lee 426-5749 evenings. I lOP SOIL -~- warranty remaining .... ~3245 1966 16' Shasta trailer sleeps 8, ~-----~----------'~-----------+---'~" "*:+- ........... --~-- P10/19tfn " ~ W~S"'"O+O"'S "~"O~S+ | I '+06 OOO+~ darner. +++. +,+on. +oo0 +oo0+,,on, ++00,,r+ Our .+oceres* *.on"s *o '~e +×+.~ ~.O~ + O+0room ..... I nd Peat Soil singles directory current issue $2, 4-speed, bucket seats, 2-door /1',,YM_____ / hardtop, or by the Pro Shop. Lloyd Roth.Department for their quick IA otors $550 best offer. Lake Limerick Dvis on 2, Lot 33 Hoodsport Volunteer Fire super deluxe new apt. carpets, U O22iES%OteEnldNdGser~ic/clall~ Ii ~ T" . six7331,monthTacoma,SUbscription98407. W6/21-8/955" Box au 426-1209. K6/28-7/19 R7/5-12 response and help when called for d rapes, and all appliances ~L~_"-"'-'3 - ..... I! ?::::&qg:rhteYns" Un dEkD/ erA !rie gee !t:i ii i ~--the resuscitator, andincluding laundry. Separate garageautomatic qas heatk Riqht on 357-blbl. I~.~/z~,rn,. ,~ / '56 4-DOOR hardtop, $150. '53 1968 16' fiber form boat with 50 Mr. and Mrs. LeT Roe ~iolosDorougn ...... ~ree "dead end rO~ YOURh regular or corrective or 426-1761. K7/5-26 hp Mercury motor and trailer, - 7/12 street. These are the'nicest units" horses._ oein~g call Dave Robison, m 491 5235 R9/I4tfn • g ' " " " / DODGE * DODGE TRUCKS / FOR SALE 1962 Mercury Meteor DivisioninCluded' 251'400"Lot 33Lakeby Limerick, he Pro -------------'--'--'~---------------'---" Mason County Realty, 426-4486. Coil Brewer O7/5-12 I 'PLYMOUTH * CHRYSLER / water skis, life jackets, etc., in Shelton, 4-plex building. Call" • $200. Call 426-1076. O7/5-12 , Shop, Lloyd Hath. R7/5-12 Sporting Goods Only $200 a month. M7/12 • l ! dt'~,~-- CORD WOOD for sale. AnyI Bud Knutzen eves" 426"4780 / .... Septic Tank l ~ ~I~LU-4Y.'~h length. Call Exceptional Foresters m - 1960 VAUXHALL, 4 door runs MASON LAKE 2 bedroom 1Vz 1 / =- = bath, wall to P , Installations• m L_ --"5/3tfn 426-1550 E10/ltfn Front & Railroad "' r 5 ~ ~" aonn n excenent $/uu wa car et copper good, new brakes. See at 709 1969 YAMAHA 125cc twin ij ~,~-,-.- u,,---;~7---~---~C~'i Cote St. or call 426-3228. $250 clean 426 2130 atte ' ' appliances with dishwasher 3 car ............. l L TRADE IN your old furniture at K7/5-26 : ..... - - or best offer, 426-8640. M7/Stfn garage $180 month. 426-8773. b.UU.-gaL, ./~u-gal., .X,DUU-?:,. I '~- O sen Furniture, 4th and Cote. p.m. I~//~)tm H6/14tfn Brat rlelos, ultcn u gg g, Backhoe, Trencher for Hire mi BA- '/'+"n /+ YSHORE . I e ° " ° FOR RENT: trailer space c as to (~nnmr ~lnnnNn f~llm#a l' ,~ ..... carpet cleaning our sRecialty, FIBERFORM BOATS downtown. Call 426-4426. mm .... "11=1""=1 ...... m i 3AHI) AND phone 426-8936. S11/30tfn 10/gtfn Phone426-3660 .~l i GRJ ~Vt-L- -- awYnOrd :NrpGa P npGeR .A EVlNRUDE MOTORS --~ carportONEincluded. BEDROOM and Ground laundry floor, apartment, facilities garden Cr 5.2157, Belfair 1/27 tfn ~3/27tfn " Hilaker fishing boats, wood and aluminum prams. Boat & motor setting, close in. Adults, no pets, THE i ~ 426-6523. repairs, fishing & boating supplies. $130 month. Year lease. 818 Pine~,. ,~ ~ * For The Finest In: ~G FANCI Jan St. 426-1479. O6/28tfn ~II~~ ~P PRE--CAST SEPTIC TANKS Danford. An illustratts bbYok of 1130 E. FAIRMONT verse and prose. $1.95 at the Union Marina on FURNISHED ONE bedroom mobile home. Adults only, no Call 426-2879 for pets. Call 426-3242. B6/21tfn estimates. ~ ~/9 t~n 9/3tfn i * CRUSHED ROCK i * PRE"*MIX i * SAND * GRAVEL Lii%O"o~Y ~OO"S I I-LOCATED ACROSS FROM iUAYSHORE GOLF COURSE Phone 426-2669 bAYS .-. EVENINGS DISPATCHED , ,MIX TRUCKS OF SHELTON South ?th & Park Street 2/lltfn Journal and book stores. D2/24tfn FOR SA-------~E --'~Larg~-~election O'-'---~f reconditioned ranges, refricjerators, washers, dryers. Fells & Valley Appliance Center. 6/5tfn " " D'AMOND engagement rinq A Keepsake set. "A bargain at-'$300. "426-4998 evenings. D6/7tfn WALLPAPER -- COMPLETE selection. Lowest prices available. Coast to Coast Store, 123 South Second. 6/7tfn MOST POPULAR sizes of tires and batteries now in stock. Call Sears 426-8201. S2/Stfn AUCTION EVERY Thursday night at the Tropics Ballroom, (Schneider's Prairie). Call Olympia 943-6140. D3/10tfn NEED GUTTERS? Call Norm Bunko at Sears for fast quotes on continuous aluminum gutters. 426-8201. S6/14tfn fCE'~D A R FENCING call xceptional Foresters 426-1550 or free estimate. Running foot ~pproximate prices 3 ft..$1-35,4 t. $1.55, 5 ft $1.85 6 tt. ~Z.£b. Includes labor~ ES/2tfn MERLE NORMAN Cosmetics at Elaine's Beauty Salon, 6th and Laurel, phone 426-4582. 11/9tfn PRE-MOVING CLEAN OUT SALE -- Including tools, electrical instruments and equipment, boating gear, moorage buoys, books, clothing, gold flat ware service, china (-Richmond pattern) for 12, plastic dishes for 10, toys, Lyle import bass guitar and Ampeg amplifier (unused), complete new set Encyclopedia Britannica, stainless flatware, complete commercial Motorola Radio system, with transmitter, base station, two mobile units -- and loads and loads of miscellaneous. Saturday and Sunday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Star Route 1, Box 307, Belfair, on South Shore Road. CR5-6176. 7/12 ii 1972 F350 1 ton ...................... $3,700 1972 LTD 4-dr. hardtop with factory air .... $3,795 1972 Ambassador Brougham 2-dr. with factory air ....................... $3,095 1972 Maverick 4 dr .....................$2,495 1971 LTD 2-dr. hardtop with factory air .... $2,725 1971 Montego 2-dr. hardtop ............. $2,095 1971 Torino 500 2-dr. hardtop with air ..... $2,595 1971 Torino 500 4-dr ................... $2,395 1971 F100 Vz ton .... (3 trucks) . ........ $2,695 1971 F250 % ton ......................$2,695 1970 Maverick 2-dr ..................... $1,695 1970 LTD 2-dr. formal .................. $2,195 1970 Plymouth Valiant .................$1,995 1969 Mercury station wagon ............. $2,450 1969 Chev Carryall ..................... $2,395 1969 Super Bee Dodge .................. $1,795 1969 Galaxie 500 4-dr ................... $1,295 1969 Toyota ......................... $1,195 1968 Monterey ........................ $1,250 1967 Gal. 500 4-dr .................... $1,22b 1967 Comet 4-dr ......................... $795 1967 Cougar ..... • ....................$1,495 1965 Gal. 500 convertible ............... $ 695 1965 F250 ........................... $1,095 Open 'til 7:30 Mon. - Sat. JIM PAULEY, INC. Mt. Viow at Knoolond Contor Phone 426-8231 Bank Terms Union 898-2252 5/zo-z7 Mobilo Halos 8' BY 35' trailer furnished, $1,900. 426-3103. O6/21tfn MOBILE HOME wheels and axels for sale. 877-5527. SS/10tfn 1969 ALOHA trailer, 21' self-contained, excellent condition, shower, gas or electric. Sacrifice $2,750. 426-5120. P6/28tfn 36x8 NASHUA" 2 bedroom, gas, hot water and stove, must sacrifice $2000 investment in trailer, $1700 firm Phone 877-5434. G5/10tfn Mobilo HalOS Quality: Homes made in Olympia and Kent to rigid Washington codes. Service: Owner personally services your home. z/~ of sales are past customer referrals. Price: Lowest overheads anywhere -- savings are passed to you. Call us collect! Man-Kay Distdlmflng MOBILE HOME SALES 18227 Pacific Ave., Tacoma LE1-3116 6/14-7/2E FHA MOBILE HOME FINANCING Example: 12 x 64 2-Bedroom Selling Price $8,795.00 Sales Tax 439.75 Total Price $9,234.75 Down Payment 579.50 Amount Financed $8,655.25 120 Monthly Payments of $ 93.53 7.97% Annual Percentage Rate Now two locations to serve your housing needs. Taylor Towne - 426-5568 Gorst - 373-5001 Open Daily 9-5 Closed Sundays in consideration of our religion - our families - and our health. I I NEW, LARGE, landscaped 2 ~" bedroom carpeted duplex with basement, view, deck. References, no pets. 426-4428. J6/21tfn PROFESSIONAL OR business space for rent or lease, downtown, 900 sq. ft. 426-4481 or 426-4895. W9/28tfn One and Two Bedroom Apartments, with carpet, drapes & appliances, no pets. 2329 Jefferson St. Mgr. Apt. 2 or 426-1916 "7/12tfn MT. VIEW 2 Bedroom -- Unfurnished Available NOW -- No Pets ] CONTACT MANAGER 426"3100 t,n ---- NEW 2 Bedroom Apartments With Appliances, Carpeting, Drapes, $165 TO. Homlock Tourt, Oak Park Phone 898-2555, 898-35S5 ' For Further Information or Appointment 5/24tfn free GUNSMITH • Repairing Modern and Antiques • Precision Scope & Sight Mounting • Shotgun Choke Alterations, all gauges. • Shooting Supplies Warren A. Girard Route 2, Box 79S Phone 42a-2S01 Swimming Pools Soptic Tanks Bulldozing, Backhoe GLEN PARR 426-6539 Shelton 8/6tfn nln BULLDOZING John Makovinoy Quick Service Excavating Back filling & clearing 426-1289 5/3-9/27 Painting - Taping Texturing - Wall papering Woodwork Pre.fini=hed LICENSED & 8oNDED FREE ESTIMATES Heinitz Painting Co. Chuck Heinitz 426-4841 11.6. Bl~ke * Excavating * Land Clearing 426-6107 or 426.4839 6/21-8/9 Thursday, July 12, 1973 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 21