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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 12, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 12, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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-J~., CASH TALKS -- b'2 ac., 3 bdrm., between Shelton and Olympia, $8,500 Shelton Land and Homes, 426-5555. $7/12 FIVE ACRES, 3 bedrm., large rec. room, some outbuildings, fenced pasture, asking $35,000. Shelton Land and Homes, 426-5555. S7/12 WATERFP NT DUPLEX in Allyn on ] J ft. of low bank LOT ON Big Timberlake. Dock, waterfront. Two 2 bedroom firepuace, electricity. By owner. duplex, only 4 yrs. old, all For more information call carpeted, washer & dryer in each•4 26- ] 336 after 6 p.m. ~nd Full bath, electric heat, birch weekends. K6/28tfn cabinets. Carport for each, race yards, both rented. Must see to FIXER UPPER attractive 3 appreciate, asking $32,000 and bdrm., garage and shop, terms. Call Purdy Realty, Julius unfinished interior, close in, only Stock, 857-2121, evenings $8,950. Shetton Land and Homes, 426-6911. 7/12 426-5555• $7/12 2L,2 ACRE wew of Olympics, ,ectuded but on county road, 100' WATERFRONT on Totten w/power and water, Dayton area. Inlet. View. No tidelands. $4,500, easy terms. Shelton Land $6,000.00 cash. Knauf Realty - and Home,, 426-5555. $7/12 Shelton 426-5559. K5/3tfn NEW FOUR bedroom home, THREE BEDROOM, older home, $1,500 for equity assume .with cool basement, just contract, $300. Drapes, lamps, runners included, wnll consider remodeled and ready for trailer as trade. 426-6374 after occupants, it's roomy, has lots of 5:30 p.m. W7/]2-8/2 storage, arid many brand new ........ features L~cated on large lot SUPER DELUXE 3 bdrm., 2~/2 w~th fruit trees near school. baths, extraordinary ]0 ac., ,".2,~-:;5Z_7. K(~./2~3-7/19 sweeping wew, exclusive Delphi a~ea. By appointment only. "OAK PARK, Lot No. 6, Division Shelton Land and Homes, 1, choice corner lot, ample trees, 426-5555. $7/] 2 for sale by owner. P.O. Box 5804, ......... Stanford, Ca. 94305. M6/21-7/12 SP/ACIOUS AND reasonable, older 4 bdrm. home, Angleslde ...... area, $]],500, terms. Shelton SMALL FARM 13 acres 3 Land and Homes, 426-5555. bedroom, rambler, garage, $7/]2 storage, barn, fenced, garden, view, $30,000. 426-3753. L7/5tfn WAIERFRONI- HOME near ....................... Allyn, just completely remodeled with 3 bedrooms, gas heat, 75' of no-hank waterhont. Excellent view, asking only $2],500 terms. Purdy Realty, call Juhus Stock, 857-212], evernngs, 426-691]. 7112 FRY IT, you'll hke 0t 50 beauhful acres, pasture, Xmas trees, tirnber, large old barn, all or part, very easy terms. $46,500. Shetton Land and Homes 426 5555. 57/12 BEAI FtlGH interest and big down paymefd fequurement~. You can own a new 3 bedroom lambler wdh garage on almost a half ac,e lot m "Wonderland." Just a few miles out No dowrt payment. You only pay fire ~nsurance, taxes, credit check and title work. Pay $128 per month at 71/4%. Mason County Realty, 426-448(~ 7/12 f OR SALF 3 bedroom home OH Hill(lest, $80() down, $(}5 nroHth, ~all 42f) 3402. R?/5-12 FOR SALE By Owner Save Realtor's Commission New 7 room home with lots of extras plus double garage in Oak Park. 426-5675 for appointment. V5/3 ]tfn TWO BEDROOM FURNISHED One of the cleanest ]/3rd acre lots at Ttmberlakes- Shelton. 2 bedroom all electric home, furntshed. Garage, storage shed, fenced yard, landscaped. A ,eal n~ce retirement or summer home. $]8,500, terms, by owner. Call 426-5728. 7/12-]9 WE HAVE out-of-state buyers looking for homes, farms, acreage and commercial property. Some with all cash! Yours may fit their needs. Tell us about it. Call John Brush. Brush Realty 426-].141. 5/10tfn TWO BEDROOM house Valley Road. Keep to right; green house. Elect. range, oil heater, water heater, washing machine, 60'x160' lot, $4,500 cash. See owner 328 So. 3rd St. 6/28-7/]9 WE BUY and sell equities or contracts. We trade or exchange homes, farms, waterfront or acreage -- paid for or not. Call Mr. Mitchell for quotes, bids or fui'ther information. Have buyers for 2 & 3 bdrm. homes. Mason County Realty, 107 Railroad 426-4486. 8/12tfn FARM -- By owner, 13 acres, 3 bedrooms, garage, small barn, fenced, $30,000. 426-3753 after 5 p.m. L5/10tfn For Your Housing Needs JUST LISTED! SKOK VALLEY -- approximately 5 ac~es w~th 3 bdrm. home over ]300 sq. ft. Fneplace. Good soil, apple trees. Property goes both s des of the river in a no-flood a~ea. $19,900.0(). HOODSPORT VIEW PROPERTY. 180 degree v~ew of the canal 109x129 It. lot. Nicel/ landscaped. Cute 2 bdrm. cottage clean as a whistle. Priced right at $15,900.00. LIKE CREEKFRONT SECLUSION? Unique property |150 ft. away from the world with ] 16 ft. on the oeek. 2 large bdvms. Hardwood floors arid carpet, 28x40 garage and wov kshop. Park-like grounds. Circle drive. Many extras. $28,500.00. WANT INVESTMENT? Key lot in a commercial zone with fixe~ upper home. Touched by valuable property on 3 sldes. $4,500.00 and owner will carry the conhact. 2 BEDROOM STUCCO HOME in an area of race homes. Supel large corner lot. Large living room, tecrea{~on ~oom on the lower level. Comfortable living. $]8,500.00. 3 BEDROOM HOME WITH FIREPLACE. Sepmate dining loom. Stove, refrigerator washer, (hyer, carpets and d~apes go. Excellent a,ea on Arcad0a Rd. Lot size ]50 x 2]6 ft $]6,900.00 fo, an ~mmediate sale. NOTE: If you are thinking of selling your home ol property, please call one of our offices for a bee appraisal no obligation. 4 OFFICES TO SERVE YOU OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! O P.O. BOX W, SHELTON, WA. H SHELTON 426-5588 * HOODSPORT 877-5576 BRINNON 796-4603 * BELFAIR 275-2826 HAMMERSLEY INLET... Sweeping view from this 97' waterfrontage lot with over 200' of depth. Excellent building site with power and bedrooms with 4th bedroom water on the property. Also roughed in. Large cheerful has 65' road frontage. $8,695. kitchen with plenty of windows fo~ view. Carpeted MASON LAKE... living room has attractive Good view of the lake from fireplace. Now here's one of this sharp 2 bedroom home. the best parts of the deal -- this Has boat moorage facilities home has 2 acres of good land available and recreation area. with it with garden space and Semi-finished daylight lovely shrubs, etc. $2],500 basement. All set for you to with good terms. move right in for the warm LAKE LIMERICK... summer months ahead. $18,700. Enjoy all of the golfing, swimming, fishing, tennis, and FULL BASEMENT... PICKERING PASSAGE .. Excellent year-round home offering a commanding view of the water and its beauty. Has 3 clubhouse privileges with the purchase of one of the finest With pleasant recreation room, waterfront lots left on the lake. shop area and tons of storage Has 70' of no-bank frontage cabinets Ma n eve has 3 and over 250' of wooded bedrooms, 1~/2 baths, ring room with handsome fireplace, depth. Really a fine buy at large kitchen with dining area, $7,950. as well as separate dining room.MATLOCK . . . This is a plastered home with oil-fired hot water heating. Lovely landscaping and large enclosed patio. Located on Mountain View and well worth seeing. $25,950. Creek on this 60-acre tract with blacktop road hontage. Can develop to farm or pasture land. $750/acre. HOOD CANAL ... LOST LAKE... App=oxlmately 20 acres of Hard to find cabins on this land with low-bank 168' good natural lake but here'san frontage. Has beautiful exceptional buy -- 9]' frontage building location and plenty of on calm cove area with good shell food for those seafood dock and new boathouse, dinners. Really not many of Terraced recreation area on these large tracts left --better lake side and party deck. Cabin check this one soon -- maybe has 2 bedrooms and ample size get together with friends for combination kitchen and living equal enjoyment. $50,000. room. No neighbors too near. $] 7,500. LOTS AND LOTS... OAKLAND BAY You name the tocahon and Here's a very good building site we'll do the looking fo~ you. wi th 1 75' of low bank Save time with us doing the leg frontage. Nicely wooded for wo~ k. natural setting and not too far from town. $17,500. LOST LAKE . . . FAWN LAKE... Nearly finished and ready for the summer months ahead. N o - b a n k w = t h t h ¢ s Good "A-Frame" construction waterfrontage and a neat trailer all setfor your enjoyment, and has boat launch area. Large Really a vacation special, lot and neighbors not too $9,950. close. $7,500. 110 RAILROAD AVENUE 426-4447 EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS CALL JIM ROUSH 426-852,9.. DON BROWN 426-6388 • Real Estate Specialists for 22 years on Hood Canal • Two offices to serve you Truly Outstanding Contemporary two bedroom home plus a bunk room on the South Shore of Hood Canal. 75 feet'of no bulkhead pebble beach, with clams and oysters. More than 300 feet deep to highway with your own trout pond. $51,000. Call for appointment. Hood Union 898-2145, Hoodsport 877-5211 DIVISION ONE - on - • Every lot a waterfront tract. • Big spreading cedar, fir and dogwood trees. • Pure, clear water piped to each lot. • Electricity available to each lot. • Telephone service. • Community access area. • Blacktopped county road to each lot. FREE BROCHURE 2201 Oly. Hwy. No., Shelton, Wa. ® 000 HIMLIE'SI d Millionaires need not call... Here's a good, practical Angles]de home with three good sized bedrooms, an extra half bath, large living oom and dining room. Only $2],750. See it today, you'll agree!! ATTENTION BARGAIN HUNTERS Mr. V,ew home described as "Mason County Colonial" includnng three bed,ooms and a coiner lot close to shopping. You,s for $]4,000 .... ATTENTION, MR. HOMESEEKER!! Six-year-old four-bedroom home with family room, extra z/2 bath, large dining area, shop and garage. All for under $20,000. Call quick!!! ANGLESIDE SECLUSION Older three bedroom on a big tot overlooking Shelton. A full basement too, needs a loving touch• See =t today .... "IT'S THE WATER ... and a tot more" Arcadia Point Estate including three bedroom rambler, garage, boat house, guest house -- a real find for a water-oriented family. THE VIEW IS TERRIFIC ... See the Olympucs and Oakland Bay from the living room. Three bedrooms, two baths and the lower level can be a neat separate apartment. Lots of hvmg space. Located on South Hill m a nice, nice neighborhood. Price was reduced as owner is anxious. Qu~ck occupancy. Only $25,000. ee or RANCHETTE!!! Everybody wants one and we have one of the nicest in the a rea. Three bedroom ranch home with large living room and family-dining room. Nearly new wall to wall carpet and drapes. Barn with heated tack room and super large garage. All on nearly 5 acres. Close to Shelton. DOWNTOWN... Two bedrooms, garage with rental unit -- easy assumption. $]3,950 .... TWO BEDROOM RAMBLER - Rec. room -- new kitchen -- Angles]de location. $]5.250. • ,. .° Dollar for Dollar An excellent value -- finished on the main floor with three bedrooms, 13/4 bath, unfinished lower level with 2nd fireplace. Ed Stock 426-1138 Morley Preppernau 426-8676 Carl Johnson Phil Cherrtis ..... 426-3024 Dave Thacher Northcliffllll An excellent three bedroom, two bath home. Extra large living room with lovely fireplace. Hardwood floors. Double garage. Lovely landscaping. Low interest. VA mortgage can be assumed. Priced at the FHA appraisal -- only $24,500 .... WATERFRONT SPECIAL FORGET THE ANALYST Two small homes on 63' Get a bigger house!! low-bank frontage on Oakland I mmaculate Angleside home Bay, close in. Ideal summer with hobby room, rec. area and homes. Easy contract terms, extra '/z bath in the basement. $18,500. You'll love it and there's lots of yard for the kids, too. LARGE ANGLESIDE LOT LOT!!! What can we say about this lovely home that hasn't been said??? It has three bedrooms -- a newly remodeled bathroom and kitchen --large living room with a fireplace. Nice view of area from the dining room and sun deck. Full basement. Excellent buy at $18,950 .... MOUNTAIN VIEW Beautiful yard covered patio, t h ree bedrooms, rec. room, fireplace, full basement, and ] ~/~ baths. $25,950 .... GIANT TRI-LEVEL . .. 2V~ miles from town --four bedrooms, two baths, double garage, large carport -- large, wooded lot. Priced to sell at $26,950. 426-8407 426-8635 Dick Boiling, Closing Broker .. 426-8162 Vince Himlie, Broker ... 426.6501 1717 OLYMPIC HIGHWAY NORTH "A Trusted in tate" REALTOR' I G. John Brush, Jr. Broker REALTY ..... R EALT "TIII:' A ('TION o1,'!,7C!:" FAWN LAKE Private, controlled area. Several nice lots in tt~ pleasant community conveniently located between Shelton a~ Olympia, priced from $850.00, no bank waterfront $4250. SKOKOMISH VALLEY CAMPSITE! A good place to park Y~ trailer and it even has piped water! $1,800.00. ONE ACRE VIEW SITES! In the upper Skokomish Valley. I~ "king of the hill!" overlooking the valley. Piped water. Accr~ from two roads. $3,500.00. MOBILE HOME LOTS FOR SALE OR LEASE at Shorecrest~ Lake Limerick. Water electric and sewerage faci'lities readv to~ used. Prices start at $3' 500.00. - .~ ' ! LAKE LIMERICK WATERFRONT LOT -- on main lal~ R3,600.00. Small down. i SHORECREST CABINS Several on nice wooded sites with~ club privileges -- swimming pool, park and saltwater boat ran,~ Priced from $4,500.00. HANDYMAN'S DREAM! Lots of potential in exchange for W~ you can do on this large 2 bedroom home Located on a pa¢~ cleared, wooded, ONE ACRE site within a short distance of LjI~ Nahwatzel. Only $6,500.00. FIXER-UPPER! A little cleaning and painting will do wonderS~ this 2 bedroom, plus rec room. Mt. View home. Rec room c0~ double as third bedroom. On solid concrete found, and la~ fenced corner lot. Rents are scarce! This would be a good 0 $6,500.00. NEAR PHILLIPS LAKE. 2 bedroom, 1V; bath home. Attacl~ garage. Shop, etc., private area surrounded by trees. $9 950.00,| 4 ACRES WITH AN EXCELLENT 3 BD. RM. HOME. v~i~ attached garage -- plus new large separate garage. Fruit tr~ garden, etc., year-round creek. Located between McClearY.t] Elm& $22,500.00. Adjacent 22 acres available for an additi~'t $10,500. 1 32 ACRES between Shelton & Olympia. Ideally located f#~ subdividing into 5 acre parcels. Asking $700 per acre. TrY'~ offer! 26 ACRES PRIME PROPERTY just 6 miles west of Highway ~ b. fronting on the McCleary-Shelton cutoff road. Large seclg¢t clearing surrounded by 'trees. Small quonset hut. DrivewaY] from road. Year-round creek. Seller will carry contract but 0P'| to cash offer. Asking $26,000.00. / .i LAKE LIMERICK. 2 bedrooms, ]V~ baths, spacious country ~f/~ living, kitchen, dining area. Screened sleeping porch, par~ basement. Pleasant site close to lake. $]3,500.00. LAKE LIMERICK. 86' lakefront. Sandy/grave~ beach. 2 bedrO da-lite basement home. ] full bath, plus, roughed in bath. Country style living, kitchen and dining area free-standing fireplace. Room fgr expansionu. Nice tree lot with circular drive and separate garden house. All for $26,000.00. LAKE LIMERICK FIVE BEDROOMS -- THREE BATHS! rec. room, shop & boat storage, study or hobby loft, lux~ wall-wail carpets & solid wood paneling. Spacious decks. heavy shake roof. Hot water heat. Nice beach & d~ $37,900.00. DRIVE-IN THEATER, Nearby small community. Excel operation for retired couple or those desiring a secondary Has lots of possibilities plus adjacent income property is available. $17,500.00. MOST OF THESE PROPERTIES MAY BE PURCHASEO VERY EASY TERMS. If none of these fit your requirer~e why not check with us on the rest of our listings? CALL ANYTIME 426-1141 CLOSED SUNDAYS "Equal Housi,g Oppr)rtunit.v" CORNER 1ST & CEDAR SHELTON Page 22 - Shetton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 12, 1973