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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 12, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 12, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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odsport in in DOLORES DRAKE New residents of the Weston of Seattle esct)rted his The inadequate gasoline and children, Michael, age 8, and steamed from the marshy ground, b()ttom land with its large Sitka HOODSPORT- Mr. andMrs. Hoodsport community are Mr. nlother down the aisle. Bob's warnings appeared to have little Julie, age I!, along with Phillip The trail became easier lo spruce and big leaf maples ,. nathan Gain and daughter, and Mrs. Harold Martin and four sons, Tom and Vick Brigham,affect in keepiug tourists away A r k i n, t ook a 2 8-mile follow on the last six-mile jaunt ladened wilh moss. A comfortable "---jlgelina, returned home for a children, formerly of Vancouver. were ushers, from Washington's recreational backpacking trip from the Nortla down Io the Queers. Blncbcrries can:p was set up in this beautiful I ree-week visit before moving on They have purchased Mr. WilliamBob and Lurelle arc settled in areas. The Sorenscns observed Fork of the Quinault River to the were abundant in this area rai n forest selling. Mick ftheir new home in Swaziland, Groke shome, their new home in Hoodsportlicense plates on vehicles from Queers River. providing tasty hikers" snacks all constructed u rope swing as sw, luth Africa. " Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stones ofafter a honeymoon at Rosario throughout the United States and The party set out Tuesday, along the way. Caked mud Donna picked up a tune on her ._,t The Gains resided on the Seattle arc new neighbors of the Resort on Orcas Island. Canada while visiting Mt. Rainier spending the night at Ihe North accumulated along the trail ukelelc. The remainder of the -- .land of Bonaire off the coast of Morris Sorensen family. Guests of the Morris Sorensen National Park. The small town of Fork Quinault campground sowashed away as the group had to evening was enjoyed around the gaai nezuela for the past three Corning from the San Jose family over the Fourth of July Morton was boasting that this has they could get off to an early ford the Queers River which was campfire, reminiscing and singing Op, Jonathan" worke l there area of California to make their holiday were their daughter, Kim, becu the biggest tourist season start Wednesday. Their hike the about three feel deep. under the open skies. 0 i th Trans World Radio and wdl permanent residence on Hood husband Gary and infant son,they have cvcr witnessed, first day was up the Three Lakes Continuin,,z frolu this crossing. Tile lasl day in the wilderness ., tinue this work in Swaziland Canal are Mr. and Mrs. Gary Jason. A week ago Saturday, Trail pasl Ii'ely Lake. Following they reached the lush greenconsisted ofasix-milehikcoutto Ilere a newstationisbcingbuilt. Oberbilling and children, Andy Morris and Beverly Sorensen homesickness got the best of Big Creek, they covered about David Lmning so he flew home tool i The Hoodsport Community Lurch is sponsoring a potluck nner at 1 p.m. Sunday for Mr. Mrs. Jonathan Gain. Guests welcome to attend. Mrs. Andrew Scott hosted a lby shower for Mrs. Gary tman and infant daughter, Jean, July 2. Assisting rs. Scott with games and were Marie Gutherie Connie Atkins. .e. ir Conditioning -- t and Heating Engineering i Sales & Service I SC wo f~ )el ~ , .. Kellogg Mechanical jdy~05 E. Cedar 426-5305 t 24-hr. emeL service ,oa Conditioning & Heating *Oil *Gas dini~ *Electric 0 p.~l~°on's Plumbing & Heating 916 Olympic Hwy. N. 426-3483 ~g Since ]948" Mason County Jto Glass Expert Installation JIM PAULEY, INC. ~1i nil~t. View ~neeland Center Ph. 426-8231 "- Major Overhauls -- Brakes & Ignition --Welding & Tune-ups ED'S SERVICE ~19 So. 1st 426-1212 Hoe Service Septic Tank Installations Ditching BOnded & Licensed 3073 ter[ele;sh m an 5 426.8896 I 0replete Hair Care I igs. Wiglets - Switches ,, erie Norman Cosmetics "ennyrich Bras LAINE'S BEAUTY SALON & Laurel 426-4582 For Service Call 426-1691 I nstallation CHUCK'S CARPET SERVICE Phone426.2774 Classes Men. Tues., Wed. Adu t & Children Classes Greenware Firing MT. VllW CERAMICS 426-1313 and Julic. The family has purchased a home along the Jorsted Creek Road. Robert Brigham of Brinnon and Lurelle Weston of Tillicurn Beach were married at the Sheltt)n Methodist Church on the evening of July 7. Bob Was attended by best man John Dt)rn. Lurellc's matron of honor was her daughter, Mrs. Leslie Smith, Tacoma. Mark Coins Coins Bought And Sold estate appraisals for appointment: 426-47]9, P.O. Box 866 OLYMPIC GATEWAY George T. Booth Concrete - Ready-mix Concrete -- Concrete Culverts & Blocks -- Sand, Gravel, Brick & Stone -- Fireplace Screens & Tools GRAYSTONE of SHELTON .7th & Park 426-3344 Custom Gun Stocks *New stocks made * Old stocks refinished * Glass bedding, inlays 426-6495 enjoyed a weekend trip to lhe Cascades. They stayed the night at Morton, then journeyed on up to Mr. Rainier. The lodge and surrounding area was barren of snow but fields of dogtooth lilies were in full bloom. A side trip (;ver "to Crystal Mount,'lin to revealed no snow, however the ski lift was operating to give visitors a bird's eye view of the drying mount ain slopes. Plumbing New and Repair ing BOON'S PLUMBING & HEATING RADIATOR REPAIR "ServH1CJ Mason COtHIty SlnC~, 1948" 191G Olympic Flwy, N. 426-3483 Radiator Repair 426-3483 Boon's Plumbing, Heating & Sheet Metal 1916 Olympic Hwy. No. : efrigeration (~ommercial - Industrial Sales - Service KELLOGG MECHANICAL 105 E. Cedar 426-5305 .24-hr. emer. service SAWS_ -- ,n ! Stihl & McCulloch Saws .... Cha m '~enta+s * New Small Otor tune-up 8, repairs. SHELTON SAW SHOP INC. 1. to 6 p.m. Sat. 9-5 I¢ Hwy, N. 426-4639 for a day's visit with his family and friends. After making the rounds around Iowa, he returned to Illinois where he is stalioned at Chanule Air Force Base. The Hood Canal Hi-Riggers 4-H Club met Friday morning at the home of their leader, Mrs. tlarold Drake. The members made out registrations for Panhandle Lake 4-1t Camp and decided to decorate their 4-H camp cabin on the American Indian theme. Mrs. Claude Duggcr's brother, Lynn Sahnon, and his wife, Polly, and granddaughter, Darcy, were up for a visit with relatives this past week. They look in the Fourth of July fireworks display at Lake Cushman before returning home to Eugene, Oregon• Recent overnight guesls of Mrs. Ilene L. Ager were Mrs. Mildred Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Stepanovich. Mrs. Stepantwich was a former resident of Itood Canal, employed us an oyster shucker. Mrs. Ilenc Ager was a dinner guesl Sunday evening of Mr. and Mrs. Rupert C. Lyon who are residing this summer in the trailer park adjacen| to her home. Lyon is a retired Navy comlnander. Hc and his wife. Lcona, make their winter home in Escandido, California. New members recenlly joining the tlood Canal Federated Garden Club arc Mrs. l,illian Bean and Mrs. Agnes Sicklcr, both of Shellt)n and Mrs. Leona Lyon of Escandid(.), California. Mick and Dt)nna Simnlons Drugs -- Helena Rubinstein -- Cosmetics -- Prescriptions -- Hypo-Allergic Cosmetics NELL'S PHARMACY 5th & Franklin Ph. 426-3327 Floor Covering - Linoleum - Carpeting Tile -- Formica REX FLOOR COVERING Mt. View Ph. 426-2292 Remodeling Carpentry- Remodeling Kitchen Cabinets Roofing -- Painting Free Estimates KEN COOTS Phone 426-6602 : ental Service Almost Anything Anywhere "Bulldozers-Loaders-Pu mps Folding Banquet Tables & Chairs, Hospital Beds, Etc. LEW RENTS 2216 W. 4th, Olympia, 357-7731 Today, Thursday, July 12 Rolary Club luncheon, noon, Ming Tree Care. Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m., Timbers Restaurant. Tops W.'tshington Chapter No. 313, 7 pan., courthouse annex. Union Ladies Civic Club, noon, Union Firehall. Madrona Barracks No. 1462 and Auxiliary picnic, Kneeland I)ark. , Glass Sewing Machines Friday, July 13 Broken qlass replaced promptly! Insurance claims r)andled! AL'S SlWING CJlalnbor ot'Colll=llerce board Plate-sheet * Tr)e, mopane * Auto MACHINE RIPAIR meeting, 7:30 a.ln., Hy-Lond I=111. Mirrors.* Showe,Free Estimates & tub enclosures USedsalemachineSand rent.f°r Ruby Rebekah Lodge, 8 p.m., SHELTON GLASS CO, Mt. View IOOF hall. FOr fast service phone 426-1152 2226 Olympic Hwy. N. 2004 Laurel 426-1831 - Sunday, Jdy 15 Shellon churches invite you Heating. k Sheet Metal & Welding to atlcnd the church of your I ] I .°°.. • Heating & Cooling I Plumbing & Nearing G:=nle Show, 11 a.m., Silver I Sales & Service I • Sheet Metal I "Se, vmq Mason County Slurs Riders Arena. I SHELTON FURNACE CO. / Since 1948" [ 321 S. 3rd 426-4792 L1916 Olympic Hwy N 426-3483 Monday, July 16 I)UD comnlission meeting, ! nsurance Tired of slloppmg? Let us do It for you! A ut G-Home-Boat-Life-Healn: Business.Preferred Risk? We locate the lowest cost. Insuraf~ce is our Ot~ly bUSil~ess. ARNOLD & SMITH iNSURANCE AGENCY 111 E. CoLa 426-3317 Masonry -- Fireplaces -- All brick and -- Block work MASON'S MASONRY Phone 426-2278 Nursery Complete Nursery Stock Perennials - Shrubs - Trees MT. VIEW GARDEN SHOP 1610 Olympic Hlway No. 426-1313 Professional Painting I Interior -- Exterior | Counter Top -- Tiling I Carpentry | FRANK'S PAINTING ! 426-3010 [ , Call for,,Estimatels Shoe Repair * Polishes & laces of all kinds * All types of boots and shoes repaired. EXPERT SHOE REPAIR SHOP 311 Grove Street Farm Slaughtering I * Cutting & Wrapping I * Curing, Sausage I Making I , Sharp Freezing I HOME MEAT SERVICE LKa m ilch e 426-1415 Television Service Roy & Jo's TV Repair 426-8763 Typewriters Adding Machines Calculato~ s Local Service * SHELTON OFFICE EQUIPMENT 114 S. Second 426.2880 p.m., PUD conference room. County C()mmission meeting, 10 a.m., courthouse. Shelton Bridge Club, 7:15 p.m., PUD auditorium. (;oodwill truck in town. Phone 4264847 for pickups. Simpson Pinochle Club, 7:30 p.m., Memorial Hall. Kidney Foundation, 6:30 p.m., potluck, 7:30 p.m., meeting, home of Vic Franklin. seven miles making camp in tile Alpine meadows surrt)unding the small three lakes. After a restful night at the Three Lakes shelter they departed the morning of the Fourth of July to get over the Quinuult-Queets Divide. over the divide Ihcy dropped down into Paradise Valley, a series of small meadows forming the headwaters of Tshlclshy Creek. Conlinuing on down the mountain, they followed the creek for several miles before setting up camp in a grassy meadow by the creek. This camp became belier known as Kangaroo Camp because of all Ihe small mice sc.'tmpering around. A large black bear rambled around the creek Ihat evening, keeping its distance fl'om camp. Rain stilled in t)n Ihe backpackers the following day as they nlade Iheir way down along Ihe Tshletshy Creek on Ihc worse Irail Ihcy had ever encountered. Sinking inlo mud up h) their knees, Ihe next eighl miles were complclely exhausting. To lop lhis off, while crossing Tshlctshy Creek for Ihc sixlh lime, Phillip slipped while backpacking Julic and her pack across Ihe creek and both tot)k a thorot=gh dunking, soaking everything. A campfire was built to dry clolhing and cook a warnl lut=ch before moviug o,. As darkness fell Ihal day, tile wel and lil'cd group finally rcsorlcd It) selling up canlp ill ;.I I==;.tlSl=V arca Ihal wlts a rcgnlar elk alld bear paradise. "rrack~ were everywhere and fresh wildlil'c drt)pp'ings Tue ay, July 17 Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon, Timbers Rest atlranl. City connnission meeling, 2 p.m., city hall. Tops Washington Chapter No. 640, 7 p.m., county heallh office. American Legion and Auxiliary, 8 p.m., Memorial Hall. Jaycees, 8 p.m., airport clubhouse. Lions Club dinner and board meeting, 7 p.m., Hy-Lond hm. Job's Daughters, 7:30 p.m., Masonic Temple. Mason Ct)unly Organics, 8 p.m., clubhouse. Wednesday, July ! 8 Tops Washington Chaplet No. 341,7 p.m., counly health office. Mason County Robincltcs Parcnls mceling, 7 p.m.. Bordeaux School. Children of Simpson eml loyees, swimming, 6:30 p.m. - t) p.m.. Shclton pool. Thursday, July 19 Rotary Club luncheon, noon, Ming Tree Cafe. Toaslmasters Club, 6:45 a.m.. Timbers Restaurant. Tops Washington Cilapter No. 313, 7 p.m., courthouse annex. Porl Commission nlceling, 8, cou rtllouse. Shelt.'m Nimrod Club, 8 p.m., clubhottsc. Mason County Democrat Club, 7:30 p.m., PUD. Shelton Park Board, 7 p.m., city hall. Septic Tanks Drain Fields Water Lines Pare Tam Bonded and Licensed Dale Fleshman Days 426-3073 After S 426-8896 the Queets Ranger Slation. Once again the dyer had to be forded. The crossing was treacherous in the high, swift milky river, but how comforting it was Io see ..,, Queets Park Ranger and Chuck Winnc waiting on the far side to greet them. Although the weather was wet in the Olympic National Park, the days were warm and there was no snow along the way. To top this off, the group didn't encounter any insects along_lhe way. Jim Donahoe has served the Credit Union as a volunteer on the Credit Committee since July of 1964. Born in Chehalis, Washington, Jim graduated from Chehalis High School, and went right to work for the U.S. Weather Bureau. He began flying in 1941 and was an instructor for the Navy during WWII in Lewiston, Idaho. In 1945 Jim opened his own flying school in Chehalis, which he operated until 1951, when he moved to Shelton to take a position with Rayonier, Inc.'s accounting department. When the plant closed in 1957, Jim became the sales representative for Metropolitan Life in the Mason County area. For the past 4 years Jim has been employed by the City of Shelton's Water Department, where he not only reads the meters, but repairs and installs them whenever necessary. Jim and his wife of 34 years, Louise, raised two sons, Jim and Jerry and live on Shelton's southside. His hobbies include hunting, fishing, golf and flying, and other handyman skills acquired in his diverse experience. Together with the rest of the officials, Jim is one of the... Jun eers servin e union e 4th & Cedar 42