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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 12, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 12, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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President: William Hunter ................ 426-2222 Vice Pres.: Martin Auseth ................ 426-4932 Secretary: Doris Whitmarsh .............. 426-6569 Treasurer: Alice Haines .................. 426-8777 Rodeo Superintendent: William Brown ...... 426-3043 REPRESENTATIVES Marion Newkirk ..... Shelton Rock & Mineral Society Robert Wotton ....... Shelton Chamber of Commerce Douglas Richards ............. Sheiton Trail Blazers Martin Auseth ............... County Commissioners Mrs. Gyneth Auseth .......... Mason County Grange William Hunter .............. Mason County Grange Ralph Welch ................ Mason County Grange Mrs. Helen Yoshihara .... Mason County Garden Clubs Mrs. Mattie Backlund .... Mason County Garden Clubs Mrs. Jean Eliot ......... Mason County Garden Clubs Mrs. Mabel Goodwin ..... Mason County Garden Clubs Harold Van DeRiet ..... Cooperative Extension Service Mrs. Linda DeMiero .... Cooperative Extension Service Mrs. Alice Haines ........... Extension Homemakers Mrs. Jo Sparks .............. Extension Homemakers Mrs. Tula Kimball ...................... 4-H Clubs Mrs. Edith Bedell ...................... 4-H Clubs Mrs. Dori Whitmarsh .................... 4-H Clubs DEPARTMENTS A. Creative Crafts H. General Agriculture B. Art I. Poultry & Rabbits C. Hobbies J. Livestock D. Ceramics K. Grange E. Lapidary L. Christmas Trees F. Home Economics M. 4-H G. Floral MASON COUNTY FAIR GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. General supervision of the entire fair has been vested in the Officers and Manager by the Fair Board; The management reserves the final and absolute right to alter, interpret or change these rules and regulations as may become necessary; also to determine all matters, questions and differences that, may arise in or out of incident to the fair. 2. No animal or article shall be allowed to compete for more than one premium, nor shall be entered in more than one class, or as otherwise specified under department rules. 3. Entries close in all departments at 9:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 16th, unless earlier time is specified under department rules. No animal or article shall be withdrawn from the fair before 6:00 p.m., Sunday, August 19th. 4. First premiums will be designated by blue tags or ribbons, second premiums by red tags, third premiums by white tags. 5. Cash premiums will not be awarded to articles of inferior merit. When there is no competition, or where there are fewer articles in a class than number of premiums offered, judges in their discretion, may award premium or premiums of such grade as the exhibit deserves. Premium rate will be determined by the amount of money available each year. A maximum of ten cents is possible -- but not guaranteed. Premium points may be reduced by the discretion of the superintendent and judges of each division. Premium money will be paid by check and may be picked up at the fair office on the fairgrounds on Saturday or Sunday. Checks will not be mailed. This check will be honored up to 30 days after issue. 6. Any person interfering with the judges during the adjudication of awards will forfeit the right of premiums. All officers or judges are required and exhibitors are requested to report any violation of this rule to the President or Manager of the Fair. 7. Cash prizes will be paid to winners only in classes designated in this premium list. If entries in unlisted classes are accepted for judging, award will be limited to ribbon or tags. 8. The Board of Directors reserves the right to debar any exhibitor from exhibiting an entry, and upon such action, or in the event of any being disqualified from winning a prize by the decision of any such committee, such decision shall be final and binding upon the exhibitor. 9. The Association will take reasonable precaution to insure the safety of exhibits sent to the exhibition, but the owners, themselves, must take the risk of exhibiting them; and should any article or portion thereof be injured, burned, lost or stolen, the Association will give assistance toward the recovery of the same, but will not be liable or make any payment for the value thereof. Small and valuable articles should be exhibited in show cases which may be securely locked. 10. if any disrespect is shown to any award or to any judge by the exhibitor or his agent, he shall forfeit all awards made to him. 11. Should a premium be found to have been obtained by false evidence, or misrepresentation or a violation of any of the rules, the money will be held by the Association. 12. The exhibitor must remove his exhibit. Any article or stand left in the buildings or on the fairground after the date set for removal will be at the risk of the owner, and will become the property of the Association after three days. 13. Any animal or article removed from the grounds before 6:00 p.m., Sunday, August 19th, forfeits its rights to a prize. 14. A small, well-printed attractive sign may be placed on the wall in back of the livestock, indicating the owner, breeding or production. 15. No animal will be allowed to leave designated area of fair grounds for any purpose. If such occurs, the management reserves the right to disqualify the exhibitor from any contests or premiums. [6. Animal Health Requirements: The Mason County Fair will comply with the Minimum Health Requirements for Fairs as per State of Washington Department of Agriculture AI Memorandum for entry. b. Individual health certificates are not required for entry. c. Fair Veterinarians will inspect all classes of livestock and poultry (including horses, pet animals, fur bearing animals, pigeons, ducks, geese and turkeys), before they are exhibited, to determine that the livestock and poultry are free from infectious or contagious disease and ectoparasites. Fair Veterinarians must reject any animal with infectious or contagious disease or ectoparasites. Exhibitors should be aware that ringworm, warts, pinkeye, strangles, contagious ecthyma, scabies, lice, mites, ticks and fleas fall into these categories. d. No animal from any quarantined premise will be permitted to enter any fair. e. All out-of-state entries must comply with the State of Washington Import Regulations. 17.1t is understood by the organizations having Concessions that the Fair Board shall have exclusive control of all prices to be charged by the Concession for its products and services, and all of the prices shall be conspicuously posted by the Concession in large, legible print. 18. The Fair Board will not permit either the sale or use of alcoholic beverages within or about the Fair. 19. The Concession or Commercial dealers shall keep neat and orderly booths and shall at the end of the term leave the grounds clean of all refuse and materials. 20. The concession or commercial dealers shall comply with all the laws, rules and regulations of any government ageqcy controlling the business including but not limited to, all health laws and regulations. 21. The concession or commercial dealers agree to hold Mason County and the Fair Board harmless from any claim made against said County or Fair Board on account of any actions of the above rental space, or on account of any injury to any person or damage to any property, including the County's property, which may occur due to the action of the lessees, or his agent or employees, or on account of any fire, explosion, or other calamity caused by any product or accessory thereto, or any material brought onto the premises by the Concession. A. CREATIVE CRAFTS DEPARTMENTS Superintendent: Mrs. Julie Bourne, 516 Grant, Shelton. Official Committee: Mrs. Susan Baker ................... 426-1906 Mrs. Silva Fonzo ................... 426-6629 CRAFT DEPARTMENT RULES 1. All entries must be made Thursday, August 16, between the hours of ]:00 and 9:00 p.m. No entries shall be removed from the fairgrounds before 6:00 p.m. Sunday, August 19. 2. All exhibits must be entirely the work of the mnmnmnmnmn facilitate the judges in awarding premium ribbons. 6. Exhibitors should keep in mind the craft and hobby judges always give extra consideration to items that are set in a display -- or presented in a pleasing manner. Use of a drop cloth or display case is always helpful but not necessary. For large displays contact your department superintendent. Blue Red White Premium points allowed .......... 5 3 0 DIVISION I SENIORS (Over age 18) DIVISION II JUNIORS (Age 18 and under) CLASS 1 -- DECORATIVE PAINTING (Tale, atc:) Lot a. Wall decorations b. Accessory c. Furniture d. Others CLASS 2 -- LEATHERCRAFT CLASS 3 -- SHELLCRAFT CLASS 4 -- METALCRAFT CLASS 5 -" WOODWORKING CLASS 6 "- DECORATED TINWARE CLASS 7 -- FLYTYING CLASS 8 -- COPPERWORK CLASS 9 -- COPPER-ENAMELING Lot a. Bone b. Wood c. Soap CLASS 10 -- CARVING CLASS 11 -- JEWELRY MAKING CLASS 12 -- BEADING Lot a. Indian b. Hand Painted c. Other CLASS 13 -- WEAVING (Open class as to materials) CLASS 14 -- PLASTICRAFT CLASS 15 --GLASS CRAFT Lot a. Glass paint b. Cathedral glass c. Clear cast glass d. Glass lamps e. Mosaic f. Cut glass g. Others .'ge S-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 12, 1973 Lot a. Trays b. Wall plaques c. Chests or boxes d. Other CLASS 17 -- CONE ART Lot a. Wall plaques b. Center pieces c. Others CLASS 18 -- CANDLE MAKING Lot a. Standing b. Handing c. Christmas • d. Sand-casted e. Mold-casted f. Other CLASS 19 -- FLOWERS Lot a. Wood fibre b. Tissue paper c. Crepe paper d. Feathers e. Film f. Velvet g. Decorative using plastic flowers h. Miscellaneous material CLASS 20 -- ITEMS FROM RIBBON CLASS 21-- MOSAIC Lot a. Wall plaques b. Table tops c. Trays d. Miscellaneous CLASS 22 -- BASKETRY CLASS 23 -- ITEMS FROM STYROFOAM CLASS 24 -- CREATIVE STITCHERY (Exhibitors will be asked to limit themselves to 9 entries. Keeping in mind their display of pieces should show as much variety as possible.) (Work done with prepared kits must be entered in Hobby Department.) B. ART DEPARTMENT Superintendent: Mrs. Julia Bourne, 516 Grant, 426-2804, Shelton. Official Committee: Mrs. Sue Rutherford ................. 426-2341 ART DEPARTMENT RULES 1. Entries will be accepted this year l:00~p.m, to 9:00 p.m. Wednesday, August ! 5. No entries will be accepted after 9:00 p.m. Wednesday or on any other day. No entries will be withdrawn before 6:00 p.m. Sunday, August 19. 2. All entries which are not already framed must be suitably matted and wired ready for hanging. 3. Each artist is limited to three entries in each lot. 4. All entries must be the work of the exhibitor. 5. Articles not eligible after two y~ars of competition. 6. Junior exhibitors are asked to label the entry tag with their exact age. This will facilitate the judges in awarding premium ribbons. 7. Entries as a professional or non-professional will be the artist's own decision. 8. Entries as a professional or non-professional will be the artist's own decision. Blue Red White Premium Points Allowed .........5 3 0 DIVISION I -- PROFESSIONAL DIVISION II -- NON-PROFESSIONAL DIVISION III -- JUNIORS CLASS ! -- OIL Lot a. Animal and wildlife studies b. Landscapes c. Portraits d. Seascapes e. Still life f. Abstract h. Others (These lots and lot letters apply to all other art dept. classes.) CLASS 2 -- ACRYLIC CLASS 3 -- WATERCOLORS CLASS 4 -- CHARCOAL CLASS S -- PENCIL CLASS 6 -- PEN AND INK CLASS 7 -- CHALK AND PASTELS CLASS 8 -- CRAYON CLASS 9 -- GRAPHIC ART OR PRINTS CLASS l0 -- TEMPERA CLASS I ! -- MIXED MEDIA CLASS 1 2 -- COLLAGES CLASS 13 -- SCULPTURING (Open lot as to materials and subject.) CLASS 14 -- MISCELLANEOUS 1306 Olympic Highway South Shelton, Washington 98584 Phone 426-4602 Wheel Horse Tractors --- Homelite Chain Saws COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE MT. VIEW SHELTON, WASHINGTON Phone 426-3959 HIMLIE REALTY -- Invest In The Future Buy Real Estate Today VINCE HIMLIE, REALTOR 1717 Olympic Highway North --- Shelton, Washington Office Phone 426-2¢ i6 413 W. Railroad Ave. Phone 426-3272 Turn left off Hwy. 101, 2 miles south of Shelton, drive 1 mile on Cole Road. Our highway sign is gone but our location remains the same and we're ready to serve you. We Heve Everything To Build Anythinl * WALLPAPER * LUMBER * SHEET ROCK * HARDWARE * BI-FOLD DOOR ' * PREHUNG DOORS * ELECTRICAL PLUMBING * ROOFING * PLYWOOD * PLASTERING CONTRACTOR * CARPETING * INSULATION * PANELING * FRANKLIN STOVES * FRANKLIN FI REPLACES * VIKING WINDOWS * FLOOR TILE * PATIO DOORS * GARAGE DOORS * PLYWOOD * MOLDINGS * SWIMMING POOL SUPPLIES * DELIVERY SERVICE ONE MILE OUT COLE ROAD Where You're Still A Not A Number SURANCEm, REAL ESTATE--TRAVEL 401 RAILROAD -- SHELTON "HAVE FUN AT THE FAIR" It's where MASON COUNTY Credit Union you belong ! 4th & Cedar 426- 1601 Shehon, Wosh~On 98584 Earn 5 3/4% Compounded Quarterly WHERE YOU'LL FIND... * Low Rates On Loans * High Dividends On Savings * Loan Protection Insurance at No Direct Cost * Life Savings lnsuranee (optional accident & health insurance} * Federal Share Deposit Insurance To $20,000 * Blue Book Prices To Members * Free Notam3t Service * Traveler's Cheques At Cost And MANY MORE SERVICES Your HOME-OWNED Financial Organization Salutes Our 1973 Fair's ~ i¸ .i ~, Thursday, July 12, 1973 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page S-15